BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 26, 1947 *D ave” and "(will jß WEST SLOPE PHARMACY AT CHRISTMAS TIME 8805 S. W . C A N Y O N ROAD To Our Faithful more than at any other season, Old Friends May ¡and our valued New Ones people feel friendly. It's in the C H R I S T M A S we send these greetings of very air. In this spirit, then, we Bring You this Christmas Season offer you our best wishes for & e very Merry Christmas. JO Y A N D GLADNESS ALOHA Meat Market and Grocery ALOHA Barber Shop 1 Alterations Hemstitching To All Our Friends W E W IS H A V ER Y Merry Xmas P A L O H A , A R E L O l f e O M * John n y ” and “ Smitty WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD ] 9049 S W . C A N YO N ROAD W e Also Thank You For Your Past Patronage And Look Forward To Serving You To Your Complete ysggPHpi s r * q pggpqrcgHysfta cp q z * x * * s & w * * g * s a *y * * > < * *a Satisfaction In The New Year MILLER'S GROCERY & M A R K ET Beaverton, Or. Phone 3661 T I M E TO H A N G UP YOUR STOCKING! W hether it's Santa Claus, Kris Kringle or Father • Now, when Santa Claus is so busy making children happy and dispensing cheer Christmas, let us hail the patron saint of children on this day of days. all over the world, we want to extend a warm Christmas is the season that, above all others, and friendly greeting to our friends. Accept our very best wishes for a Christmas season of unal­ loyed joy and happiness. turns the thoughts of mankind back to the all- enveloping innocence of childhood— away from the pure selfishness and commercialism of the every-day world towards the joys of giving and OUR C H R IST M A S W IS H TO YOU Good Health sharing. ECONOMY MARKET It is in that true spirit of Christmas that we Good Friends FRO ZEN FOOD LOCKERS wish for you all the blessings of this joyous season. A LO H A, OREGON HARO LD GREGORY Charles and Genivieve Stubbs Florence Garrison SIGNAL SERVICE STATION Beaverton, Oregon HARTS HATCHERY FLO REN CE'S JTW A S THE NIGHT D E F O R E Sewing Center R. F. D. 3, BOX 1122 In The Dorothy Shop Beaverton Phone 3763 BEAVERTO N , OREGON M R & MRS. ROSS HART * O I M ^C l *'fr*» » A HAP PY Y U riDE rlto V X M U MI Ul» M W W W II A Merry Christmo* oOo May this Christmas be the WE WISH YOU M ay the H >iness AT CHRISTMAS of a Joyous MANY HAPPY HOURS Christmas Be Your AND TRUST Good Fortune H APPIEST for you and O nce again as the Christmas Story is Gladden your hearts this being retold around the world, w e extend C H R IST M A S our heartiest wishes for your happiness fttSt oOo WE MAY SERVE YOU IN THE FUTURE. * i I BUCK'S - ALOHA I 3 ’wenrenrmrwwwweniw* »»« x ^ n COLUMBIA FOOD STORE Beaverton Phone 3681 Coffee Cup j BEAVERTO N , OREGON "M ac- and Dorothy i Clement THURLOW WEED ATTOKNTY BEAVERTON AT LA W OREGON Phone 3734 2