BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Fr.doy, December 5, 1947 CEDAR MILL THANKSGIVING GUEST ALOHA THEATRE GRAND OPENING Thur. Dec. 4, 7:pm Mrs. Joe Travis ass a 1 hunks- giving guest o f her mother in Roseburg. ho m e T or t u r k e y Included in guests of the James Walters for Thanksgiving were: | Mr. and Mrs. Mead and dau* [ ghter Ilona from Nehalem. An­ other daughter. Lois, joined them i here from Eugene where she ; has been attending school. [MOTOR TO SEATTLE Mrs. Alton Schmidt and child­ ren motored to Seattle for Thanksgiving where they were guests of Mrs. Schmidt.’s mother. CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. Frank Young, chairman of the Christmas party committee, announces that Friday evening, Dec. 12 has been set for the Community Club party. The Grange Hall has been engaged for the occasion. - r u t SH EBA O F THE SAHARA! UNIViRSAI - INTERNATIONAL presenti MOTO-SWAY IN SU R ES YOUR C AR A C O M PLE TE L U B R IC A T IO N JOB ALOHA Signal Service PH. ALO H A «101 LKO. ST. GERMAIN, NOW! — is the time to have your clothing water repellent — it works on everything including Men's Suits, Top­ coats, Ladies' Coats, Suits, Dresses, $tc Pick Up and Delivery Aloha Cleaners int *OO ucihq THI fit ST TIMI AN y S chuh , ALOHA, OREGON Phone Aloha 6145 FULTZ LUM PY" Ouecled b« CHARLES l AMONT OiigirwI Scitenplay Multen end Pioduced by SHOE REPAIR SHOP ALOHA, OREGON ALL WORK GUARANTEED MICHAIL FESSIER end ERNESI PACANO PROMPT A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE SERVICE Special A ttention Given Every Job Petition Seeks Red Flasher At Wheeler Ave. w o r l d u n d e r s t a n d in g The Washington County Par* ent-Teacher Association Council I w ill meet Tuesday, December 9. | from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at the Cedar M ill School. A program on ! "W o rld Understanding" is b e in g , planned A bag luncheon is an-! A flashing red light for the nounced w ith dessert to be fur- j highway intersection at Wheeler Ave. in Aloha. >s sought thru nished by the Cedar Mill PTA. a petition l**ing circulated by Mrs. Viola Kpplett and addressed ILL A T HOME to R. H. Baldock. state highway Mr. S. T. Walters Is ill at his engineer At present, the inter­ home. section is guarded only by a flashing yellow light and signers BACK FROM CALIF ORNIA o f the petition feel this offers Recently returned from Los no protection against traffic and Angeles, Calif., Vernon Kihbie pedestrian accidents. was a visitor o f relatives in the In addition to a red flasher, comm unity on Tuesday o f last yellow safety zone lines are ask­ week. ed to facilitate pedestrian cross­ sings. Mrs. Epplett finds people are TO ST. VINCENT'S so anxious to sign the petition Mr. Lloyd Woodell was hos­ she can hardly get around fast pitalized at St. Vincents hospital enough to satisfy would-be sign­ last week after suffering hemor­ A ll are much In favor of rhages from his nose. A t this ers. the idea and readily remark how tim e he is reported greatly im badly such safety improvement proved. is needed A t present, motorists seem to A T FATH ER'S BEDSIDE • disregard the yellow light warn­ Mr. Hal Platt spent Thanks­ ing to slow up and proceed with With a flashing red givin g at the bedside of his father caution. light, however, a complete stop who is gravely ill at Medford. w ill be mandatory and there would be no green light to allow M AJOR OPERATION any through |*assage B illy Ryder, aged 12. son of Not only Aloha residents, but Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ryder, anyone using the stretch o f high­ underwent a major operation way indicated are asked to join last Monday at a Portland hos­ in backing the request. Signa­ pital. B illy has been unable to at­ tures are growing rapidly, so far tend school this year due to a nervous condition which it is THE BUSV STORK hoped w ill be cleared up follow ­ The proverbial stork has had ing surgery. a busy time, recently, tending to deliveries for homes o f the RETURNS IMPROVED community, through Wilcox A fte r undergoing a tonsilect- Memorial hospital in Portland. om y last week in Portland, Mrs. In addition to others previous­ Kenneth Kidder is greatly Im­ ly mentioned, the long-beaked proved. bird awarded Mr and Mrs. Earl L a Farge. Box 385. Beaverton, CON ROD DISTRESS with a daughter, on November The second report lately has 26, and brought a son to Mr. been made o f a connecting rod and Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, of being thrown through motors. Bonny Slope, on Novem ber 28. Mr. H. E. Anderson had the dis­ A t last reports, all were grow ­ agreeable experience on Monday ing rapidly. while in Portland. A few weeks ago the new fire truck had a A A A A A A A sim ilar mishap. n #; GRANGE OFFICERS « N ew officers of Leedy Grange elected to serve during 1948 at the regular grange meeting W ed­ : < nesday night are as follows: Mas­ : « ter, Mr. W . H. Turner; Overseer. : « Mr. W . J. Polette: Lecturer, Mr. Frank Snyder; Chaplain, Mrs R N. Torbet: Treasurer, Mr. R N. i Torhet; Stewart, Mr. Paul Smith: < Secretary, Mrs Madeline Slight : um: Assistant Stewart, Mr. Geo. I Olson: Lady assistant. Stewart ! : < Mrs. Eleanor Krosch: Gatekeeper.! < Mr. Don Slightum: Ceres, Mrs. < N ellie Smith; Flora, Mrs. Hannah Snider; Pomona, Mrs. Gladys Turner; and Musician, Mrs. R. | < 7. Duke. The executive l>oard in­ cludes Mr. R. 7. Duke, Mr. B B. « Reeves, and Mr. James Medill m :« MOVES NEAR SCHOOL m m < The Bert Fleskes fam ily is m oving from Salsman Road to a home near the Barnes school on < W alker road. ★ ROY'S ★ RADIO SER V ICE Phone ALOHA 6213 — ALOHA. OBE. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to The Aloha Pharmacy ALO H A, ORE. Phone Aloha 6334 P e n o u l Bw d o « C o m « To ORVILLE’S BARBER SHOP WHERE THERE IS NO INCREASE IN PRICE A T RUB KB Ow H ighw ay and Waahlagtoa A n . Hoars: 8 a. ui. to 6 p. in. Phone Aloha <449 n Aloha Sheet Metal Works $1 Corner Alex, and Stacey ALOHA, OREGON General Sheet Metal Work Also.... HEIL OIL FURNACES (P A C K A G E C. J. DASHNEY U N IT S ) Phone Aloha 6397 h _________________ 9 GRAND IPENING Wednesday Dec. 10,1947 AT BARNES HOSPITAL Roger Johnson, son of Mr. and < Mrs. N. P Johnson is very ser­ iously 111 at Barnes hospital He < came to Portland for medical « treatment from his home near Yakima. 9:AM to 9:PM m m R I C H A R D S BARBER SHOP UN’VmrAl MTlDIMtlMM DECEMBER TOM BROWN • JOAN EUtTON PINOLETON • DONALO MecBRIDC _____ me BEVERLY SIMMONS DECEMBER 9 10 1 1-12-13 UNIVERSAL-INTERNATWNAl W "«»» mm For truth and duty it is ever the fitting time; who waits until < circumstances com pletely favor « : his undertaking, w ill never ac­ complish anything.— Luther We Try To Moke EVERY CUSTOMER A Sotisfied Customer . . . . CHILDREN Given Special Attention Union Shop HOURS, 9 a m to 6 p m », ★ ★ . . . A PEB M A N E N T Radio W ave Remote Control Creme Oil Machineless PAT’S Brautv Shoppe — uU o— Combination MARJORIE MAIN _ liom in« t a t Sfi'*"g Boo» »» B«ut lltM lin g DROP IN and see display of GIFTS to be GIVEN AWAY < IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON Wood and Electric Ranges YOU ARE INVITED to inspect Washington County's newest LADIES' SHOP « < « A L O H A , O R EG O N 9 a m. to 6 p. m. Tuesday Through Saturday, Closed Monday, Phone 8125 « < m < m « » « » « :< < Welding and Machine Shop « Machinery Built to Order « for Cars, Truck* ond T roc tor* P irre St.imlaril O il IVotliirl* A L O H A , « :< | Carlson G arage G F .N K R A I. K E l W I K I N t ; M I L A D Y ’ S « « I Alterations Hemstitching * < < .« :« A P P A R E L Ü 9 E G O N ★ ★ DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FOR -HER­ < AT THE FASHION BAR o i » k \ k \ i : m m ; s i m i l I c iik is im v s Phone 6)01 ALOHA, OREGON V V V V V V V V V V V V V / V V V V W V V V V V V V V V V V V V M W V V Î