Say It With Flowers' "Say It With OURS ' Geo. C. Ludwig Huildin/t • C em ent Churches M ATTHEW L I T H I U M CHI BC'H Canyon Road Near Sylvan W erner j FR IT Z. Pastor Sunday School • 45 Divine Service. 11 a. m Every on. welcome R e p a irin g W T IB S ! M ETHODIST C H I ECH 4th and Watson Streets REV EVERETT L BOWERS Pastor Rea 1003 Watson St.. Telephone 3405 E45 a m Church School In session »* s m Mornins worsnio Free Estimates Phone Beaverton 2377 Beaverton 6 8 0 2 S. W C a n y o n R o a d A T w a t e r 1089 Garage DALES Son in.: I,ar- ry Fischer, Senior, 5 ft . fi in B A PT IS T SERVICES Rev Rusell B Thomaa announce« ag his subject for the service o f the Bap­ tist church In the Odd Fellows Hall of Beaverton at 11 a m . Sunday, the theme: "Elijah Man a f Faith and Act- Io n ” The 8unday school lesson at 9 45 i a r i, p nv I , , n i n e ", f t in a m will be on: T h e Creative Power aa C K 1 OX- J u n ,o r 5 ” 10 m .; of F a ith - The«# service* are open to Denny O'Donnell, Senior, 5 ft., everybody 11 in.: Bryan Walker. Junior ALOHA CO M M U NITY B A P T IS T CHURCH 5 ft., 1! in. ORAYDEN D LORRE. Pastor Church School 9 48 a. m Miss Mary Antrim. Bupt The H savers game schedule Morning Worship. 11 o'clock Teen* Club and Junior B Y F., 8:30 p m complete, will run to February Evening service, 7:30 p m 24, with the • • • • H IG H W A Y CHAPEL Canyon Highway and M ill Street ORVTLLE J POULIN. Mtnlater Sundav School 10:06 a m M orning W orship at 11 a m Evening Service. 745 p m Thursdav N igh t Service. 7 45 n m W EST SI.OPE - BEAVERTON - CEDAR H ILLS B A P T IS T CHURCH Rev Rusell B T h o m *« pastor. 3616 NE 30th Ave.. Portland 13. Oregon. WE 5526 M eeting tem porarily In the Odd Fellows Hall. 53 N Broadway St.. BEAVERTON, (Opposite Beaverton T h e ­ atre) 11 a m Sunday, worship and preach­ ing. - COURTEOUS S A N IT A R Y • BONNY SLOPE C H l’ R C II CALENDAR Sunday School at 10 a m Church service. 11 a, m. The Church and Sunday School serv- e* are held In the Bonny Slope School ich and every Sunday. 30 years practice in Portland 1 block 5o. of Canyon Road on Howett Road-W est Slope Portland phone BEacon 9 6 3 7 Open eves, by appointment fo r D E L IV E R Y S e r v ic e a • • 0 • DR. H. A. PUTNAM TRESH CUT FLOWERS a FAST ATTACK Utitizing the speed ()f this year’s quintet, will be a new style of offense termed the fast- break weave It is a hani attack to master since it depends upon an accurate background pass, and fast, hut controlled dribbling Once mastered, however, it is a hard offense to stop. Another | style the squad has been work­ ing on is the pivot play following appear­ ances: BETHEL C O NG R E G ATIO NAL CHURCH REV F T S TU RTE V ANT. Pastor Dec. 2— Gresham, there: Dei Sixth and Watson Street* Phon 3385 5— Vernonia. there: Dec 9— 9:45 Church School. 10:15 Teen Tim e fo r High School Young j V e r n o n i a , h e r e ' D o r 12— Milwau­ ! People. . . ....... .. kee, there; Dec. 16—Sherwood, 11:00 Morning Worship CHURCH OP C H g lS T here; Dec 19—Jamboree at Mc­ Becond and Main Streets Minnville; Dec. 23—Sherwood OEOROE W SPRING ER. Pastor Morning worship and preaching service there. 9:45 a m • Jan. 2— Milwaukee, here. Jan. Evening Worship. 8 p m Bible School class session 11 a m 6— Gresham, here: Jan 9— Mc­ Christian Endeavor. 7 d m Minnville, there: Jan 13- Til la Midweek Bible Study, Thursday. 8 p m monk, here: Jan 16— Hillsboro, • • • • CHURCH OF THE VAZARF.NE there Jan. 20— Tigard, there; LEONARD C JOHNSON. Pastor Jan. 23—‘West Linn, here: Jan Phone 3691 27— Newborg, there: Jan 30- Sundav School. 9:45 a. m Morning Worship. 11*00 a. m Forest Grove, here. Mid-week prayer meeting. 7:45 p tn • • • • Feb. .1— McMinnville, here ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Feb. fi— Tillamook, there: Feb Sunday School 16 a m. 10— Hillsboro, here: Feb. 13—T i­ 7:45 d m E vangelistic service Tuesday 7:45 D m Bible study gard, here; Feb. 17—West Linn, Prlday, 7:45 p m Young peoples serv­ there: Feb. 20— Newberg. here ice _________ ♦ EV, R IL L A MAE STEPHENS Pastor Feb. 24— Forest Grove, there Former Clemens Station HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON 8 .W . C a n y o n K d . a • MOTO-SWAY Lubrication • MOTOR TUNE-FJP With a new Permanent W ave From a VALLEY CO M M U N ITY t SITED PRESS Y T E E I AN CHTRCH 8 W Otbel Lane at Fairway Drive Portland 1, Oregon RSV H A A R M ITA O E Paator Sunday School » 4» a m Morning Worahlp, 11 a. m ST CECEILA CHCRCH Maases 7 a m —0:30 a m — 10 a m DELUXE CHAMPION We Give Liberal Tradein Allowance on Your Old Tire West End of " Y " in Beaverton PHONE 3961 • LATTER -D AY SAINTS M oos. Ball Main Street. Hlllaboro. Oregon DON C. M ARLEY. Branch PrealdMtt Sunday School at 10 a. OL Sacrament meeting at 6 30 p m Classified Ads Bring Results TIRES The Safest, longer wearing tire ever built . . . • They are Stronger • More Non-Skid Angles • Longer Mileage Buy Them at Your BEAVERTON Melvin and Selby Hansen, Lott ell and Jimmie Berger were skiing on Mt. Hood. Sunday. ------------- SERVICE Beaverton's Quality Market i# VO l’ TH |*.\vs OFF Youth and vitality, plus a little more skill and know-how, seamed up to hand the "Bungling Teachers” a stunning 48-26 defeat in the GAA ‘“ moppets” v e r s u s Women Faculty “ Bunglers” vol­ leyball thriller Vov. 21 at the BHS gym. The women faculty members, with hair flying and minus all scholarly dignitv. simply didn’t have the strength to put up a stiff fight and they bowed to overwhelming forces. Instead of plotting for more) success at the quarter time-outs the teachers were combing their locks and |>owdering their faces with equipment brought to them by water-boy George Bauder Keeping order in the grand mel­ ee were referees Gene Freese and Ed Bader, while Mitz Alex­ ander did the announcing and tiipekeeper Glen Hollar saw that the slaughter didn’t last too long. ACK JOGS .11 M O R N I Jack Godwin, ItHS Bed Cross 1 representative, giv e an interest­ ing talk in Assembly, Friday, on I his stay at Lake Benbow, Wash I while attending the Red Cross Conference there According to ENTERPRISE Friday, November 28, 1947 BEAVER THEATER 4-H AWARDS h o u s e w a r m in g riLC .R IM LU THERAN CHLRCH 'srm lpeton * » Manlo Baavarton. O r. ■ » W IN A O ERKEN P u to r _ T »le p b *n * 3441 Sunday S ch ool 9 30 a na. Divine service, 10 38 8 m Luther»!! Hour. KALE. 8 30 a. m A cordial welcome to all. BEAVERTON SKI ON MT. HOOD A 4-H Club achievement meet ing will lv held at McKinlev CEDAR M i l l COM M l N IT T ( H I K i l l school Tuesday evening, De­ N W Cornell at Barnes Road cember 2. Pins will be awarded SIMON E. FOR8BERO. M inuter TW O I.ONG ON Ks 8318 S W Canyon Road BE 8088 and moving pictures shown bv Sunday Bible School, t 44 a. m To lead the attack are eight A H. Abts. Mornins Worship, 1100 a. m returning lettermen two of them Youns People s Hour. 7 p. m Evening Hour. 7 45 p. m last year's starters Kxpeoted to POTLUCK LUNCH Wednesday. Bonny Slope. 8 p m holster this year's quint are Thursday. Bible Btudy, 8 p m McKinley Community Club w ill Rasmussen and Hemmer, inith REED VILLE C O M M I \ IT T have a pot luck luncheon at the over 6 Jt. 2 in. Since previous PRESST TER1AN C H I ECH local squads have suffered from REV WM GEARHART Pastor Sunday School 1« 00 a m M r» John lack of “ b i g boys" this year o’clock on Tuesday, Dee. 9. This W h e.ii r. Supt date of their next regu should see the backboards con- *s Worship Beryle*. 11 a. m Young People* c E 7 p m 1 trolled a lot by these two. • • e • Logan & Page McKinley Notes 'By •!*>** Riit«*rt> With a rugged 22 came >ohed ule facing them. Coach Gene Duncan’s Bevo Cagers are work- ing in earnest to iron 'lit the rough spots In their hoop maoh- me in preparation for their open er against Gresham, December 2 • • • • ork Rte 3, Box 38 8 BEAVERTON HIGH LIGHTS ST. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hubt*r were Riven a housewarming by a group of Portland relatives one evening last week. ‘*ack a swe" time was hail by all with many humorous inci dents occurring. After his informative “ speech” a movie was shown depicting the work of the Red Cross. Con- trihutions were then given by | the classes with the service flag at stake. The drive will continue ,,llS wee^ again, with the serv- ,cc flag now hel<1 by ,he Se,liors ,0 ,be *un'ors «predicts Jack. C o m D o r* Phones TR 8039 Beovertv-n Phone 2482 3 DAYS— Thursday to Saturday, Nov. 27 to 29 Continuous Show Thanksgiving Day— from 2 p. m. DEAR RUTH,'' W illiam Holden, Joan Caulfield Cartoon— News and 'So You Want To Be In Pictures." Sunday, Monday and Tuesday— Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 THE MACOMBER AFFAIR," Gregory Peck, J Also— Sportsman Playground" "Forever Amber"— Dec. 15 - 16 t o r R e s u lts T r y O u r C la ssifie d A d s ^ • 08 9MRW M M M M i Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Oregon M utual Poligieg are N O N -A SSESSA BLE You N EV ER pay morg than the premium an the face of the p" S is a l W A LKER New Location 109 S. 2nd Ave. Appliances tre a d M c M i n n v i l l e w O rgoniied in 1894 Year* of Reliable Service D O U G H T Y 'S m l», News and Cartoon Honeymoon" — "They Won't Believe Me" 52 A must item in every home. A mat from F A L K will elim­ inate any tracking of mud and grit on your rug and floors. Heavy duty and long wearing. Bennett • COMING SOON of Canyon Rd. at Ellis 3799 I8 " \2 7 ” B e a v e r to n , O r e g o n d o or mat* $2.18 F A L K H A It n W A H E H a s k e ll S h o p p in g C e n te r IlF A Y E K T O N F U R N IT U R E "Your One Stop Headquarters — Ample Parking” Good Buys on New and Used Hot Water HEATERS CANYON KOAI) TRADING POST One mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road Gas and Electric For EA T , . . Immediate Delivery WHERE YOU GET HOME COOKED MEALS YOU'LL LIKE HOME MADE PIE AND REAL CHILI Plumbing TRY OUR SUPERBERGER Supplie* & Servie* J PAULSON'S CAFE Foirbanks-Morse Formerly Jimdon's Cafe Shallow ond Deep W ell Pum ps A N Y TIME PHONE Clearwater Plumbing Co. leoverton — 3031 Canyon Road ANY WHERE BEAVERTON Phone 29 2 3 n M I- < 03 2 00 H M foods 33 5 OUR R EPU TA TIO N IS FOUNDED ON SUPPLYING ONLY THE Canyon l(