Powell spent last week-end at the home of of Mr. Powell's sister, Mrs. H Mrs. Florence Drorbrough *av- R. Nelson, later going to see the Portland visited friends in Be - — — - * *— Brookhardts of Aloha erton. Sunday. Several from Beaverton Rebek- ah Lodge 248 attended the Re- bekah meeting of Progress lodge at Vancouver. Wash., on Satur- day evening. November 8. ta L.« 1 5 T H R IF T Y Market i h s is a good place to buy j 2 for all who enjoy getting a full return in VALUE AND 3 for the money they spend Beaverton A car load from chapter OES went to Camas to visit their chapter on Tuesday evening and to attend a pot luck dinner and also to see Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Myers who belongs to Beaver Chapter and at one time had their home in Beaver ton. 15-oz. tin . . . . 10< FLOTILL PEACHES No. 2,/z tin . . . . I C R A C K ER S NEW CROP LIGHT SNOWFLAKE ! « I 5-lb. t in ........$1.19 2-lb. box........ 39c By By G & & Danish Pastries I yi HONORS BABY Mrs. Mabel Goyt assisted by J Mrs Harry Brow nrifg gava G G REALLY DELICIOUS Hubert Hingley spent Sunday at home. .. 4 0 c .. Tomato Juice 46-oz. t in ........ 2lc HILLS BROS. LEGION HALL PROGRESSES In spite of having to move foundation footings back to com- l>enSate for an error In an initial survey. The American Legion Post 124. Beaverton, has poured concrete for walls In the new all concrete building, In the pro cess of construction at the corner of Washington and First. To-be the largest all-concrete building in Beaverton, the meet ing hall unit now being readied will measure 28 by 100 feet. W ith) in a week's time, the Legion boys expect to have the roof on and the concrete floors poured. From then on, It will be one short jump to occupancy. 10c Pkg Tomato Sauce C O FFEE I 1-lb. tin s..........48c HUNTS HAMS NEEDLE SOCIAL FUNCTION WHOLE OR HALF Hormcl and Del Monte L b . . . . 59c I PORK STEA K S Pound..........53c Prime Rib Roast GRADE A Pound......... 59c Price* Price* Nov. 13, 14, 15 Portland Blasser The men of Beaverton First Methodist church entertained the men of Hillsboro Methodist church at a 6:30 pot luck supper on Monday evening. Dr. U. G Dubach was the guest s|>eaker K R A F T DINNERS | TR EN D J Large pkg. . . . 27c THRIFTY MARKET ________ P H O N E: 5261 - r-REE D E L IV E R Y ____ Effective Nov. 13, 14, 15 Menlo Drive and Hazel 1 11 Mile* S. W. Beaverton Center Hours— Daily 8:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday and Holidays 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. FEATURING— Quality, Standard Brand Grocery 1 Items and Assorted Meats COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED r FORMAL GRAND OPENING LATER The Re bekah Needle and Soc ial Club was well attended there were 36 present. All articles for bazaar were brought in and all plans were finished for the tur key dinner on Nov. l.r> at the Grange Hall. Next meeting will I h 1 at Mrs C. J Bielman’s on Rt .r>. Hillsboro, (lie. BOOK REVIEW DEC. 2 The Beaverton Book Club cor dially invites the public to a book review to be given by Mrs. Leslie Pershin In Flethel Congre gational church at 8:00 p m. Tuesday, December 2 This Is the first of a series of three reviews to lie offered by the Beaverton Book Club There will he a silver terf with the program Many have ex- ^ i .I. -ire -e i f 3 I I Mn ! 0| speaket her 2nd 8 Vi tin- For Wet II father .. .. PRE-I’AINTEI) SIDING AND SHAKES HEATILATC>R FIREPLACE FI RE PL 4CE SCREEN Kingsley-Beaverton Lumber Co. Telephone— Beaverton 3201 BEAVERTON - OREGON in DEPT. STORE ADVERTISED I LI F a from NOV. 17 to DEC. 25 Look Your Loveliest for the Holidays with Shoe Repairing i N EO LITE Soles & Heels "DUAL CONTROL' ! j . (Juick, Deftendable Service at CHAMBERLIN'S ..in .. WONDER OF THIS ELECTRONIC ERA 106 k t BLACK 3-in-1 ASPHALT SHINGLES Open Every Night Till 9 P. M. Ulemblej Ties I (Je n M st& n Walker's ¡ SHIRTS AND BLANKETS UNION MADE CvVi* MANLY POTLUCK | 12-oz. glasses . 19c Effective of the The regular business meeting Of the WSCS Of the First Meth odist church will meet Nov. 19th at 2:00 o’clock. ASSORTED FLAVORS Sunny Jim Brand FREEMAN'S G R O C ER Y j BEAVERTON'S 1 ST 0 P PORTLAND VISITOR WSCS MEETING JE L L IE S > . • luncheon on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Goyt, hon oring Mrs. Harry Eliander, Jr. and the new baby. Pumpkin Pies 6 fo r.............25c At its regular meeting, held on November 3, the Beaverton Re- bekah Ix>dge 248 enacted a beau tiful ceremony in the dedication of new regalia for its officers. Candidate for initiation was Le na Schanner. Out-of-town guests represented lodges in Port Angeles. Wash- arid Pendleton, as well as several lodges from Portland. Refresh ments were served at the con- conclusion of the meeting. Next meeting is set for No vember 18, when officers for the ensuing year will lie eleetd. ! i G Now Open for Business # BOY SCOUTS TROOP 281 REBEKAHS INITIATE H O N EY • Troop 281 attended the Court of Honor held at Beaverton, The | following boys made advance j ments: Jim Hanson, Ronald Shed j dy. Boh McFarren, Ralph Sal mon and Ray Robbins. The Scouts gave a farewell surprise party for Mr. Sheddv. | their Scoutmaster, before he moved and presented him with a CREDIT CONFAB combination cigarette lighter and Discussion of the Community case with his initials engraved property law and the status of on it. installment buying by the lift ing of federal curbs on it is Francis Holboke, manager of to be featured November 19, at the Thrifty Market, in Beaver 8:00 p. m., in the Grange Hall ton, has been elected to the posi Hillsboro, at a meeting to which tion of director in the Oregon all credit grantors of the county Independent Retail Grocers As are invited. sociation. E. E. Schmitz, district man The association Is state wide ager of the reporting department in scope. of credit bureaus at Salem will head the discussion whose main theme is: “ Taking the ? Out of the Credit Business.” Pork and Beans I 46-oz. tin . . . . 29c Zy. BY CAR LOAD DENNISON V-EIG H T Mrs. Leah Straley entertained . ----- ---------------- tbe Cheerio Club at her home T U R K E Y D INNE R Frid*Y ' Mr« Newman acting as The ^ s, Community | a 8ub- Club wj), a turkev dinne*r i V K ,T with all the fixings at the Club TWIN VISIT house, the evening of December I Mr and Mrs. Shellenberger 6th and Mrs. Shellenberger’s sister Tickets will be on sale at the | visited in Oregon City and Salem door so if a salesman doesn't j contact you. . the last of the week contact you. don't uon i be oe disappoint- ■ ed. • Remember the date. December I1 SEES GAME ... c l . , ,• L. 6th at the Bonny Slope Com | Miss Shirlev Carr was home from college over the weekend at ' I I I tending the game in Portland on COMMUNITY CLUB MEET Saturday Saturday. The annual election of officers1 for the Bonny Slope Commun-1 I VISITS SISTER ity Club, Mr. and Mrs. Hammer of Port the evening * of December 12, at | I | land spent Sunday with Mr. 8:30 p m. in the Community! . Hammer’s sister, Mrs. Jenny A l Club House. exander. All members are urged to be I there, to vote for their candi 1 I AW AY AT ROCKAWAY •late. I New' officers to be elected are: Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester and daughter and Eunice with Mrs. President, Vice-president. Secre Manning and daughters spent the tary, Treasurer. Sergeant-at-Arms 2 members of the house com weekend at Rockaway. mittee and a 1 year director. i S SATISFACTION BONNY SLOPE CHEERIO CLUB REBEKAHS GO AFIELD BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE WITH SISTER I Fridoy, November 14, 1947 _ _ . ___ __ ___ _ Mr. __ and Mrs. Virgil N o w . . . your loveliest permanent ever . . . . th ro u g h electronic “dual control” o f hair c o n d itio n and hair Coi,.. * 'h e r curls texture. Softer c u r.. . condition unsurpassed, hair B I G BEN DAVIS j i j WORK CLOTHING I I I I TAILORING SERVICE B. T. WALTON j Thursday-1 pm to 6 pm . LA RUE BEAUTY SALON i Sat. afternoon 12 to 9 in PHONE 3461 ■ W ALK E R S | Same as Walker’s Store W EYENBERG M a s s a g i c | rA AIR CUSHION SHOES HEADQUARTERS HEMSTITCHING H ICKO K Shining, Plain Sewing, Gift Wrapping Shorten Trousers - Turn Collars - Install Zippers - Shorten Dresses - Home Made Gifts C f ONE DAY SERVICE 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Daily except Tuesday 10 A. M. to 12 Noon Florence*» Sewing (.enter in Walker's Dept. Store -• Phone Beaverton 3461 P H IL C O Available at Our Store I WALKER'S ■ Tilt: COMPLETE DEPARTMENT STORE SH Phone BEAVERTON 3461 WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS ON ALL P U R C H A S E f 7