BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, November 7, 1947 Farmers Union Of McKay-Whitford Cedar Hills Boys TO HOLLYWOOD Cedar Mill Puts Honored at Party Mrs. T. B. Denny left for California on Friday, Oct 31st. Held Hallowe'en In New Officers While there she will meet Spray Peach Trees DO IT NOW With DIAMOND " 1 " ««A N D PEACH LEAF CURL SPRAT A Complete Dormant S p o t lor deciduous Trees and Shrubs A L O H A FEED AND SEED CO. Ph. Aloha 6141 - Aloha. Ore. FULTZ SHOE REPAIR RADIO WAVE The Precision Permanent Specialists At Your ALOHA. OREGON Service PATS Beauty Shoppe ALL WORK GUARANTEED PBOMPT SERVICE Special Attention Given Every Job ALOHA, OREGON 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tuesday Through Saturday, Closed Monday, Phone 6125 Carlson Garage Aloha Barber Shop Welding and Machine Shop Machinery Built to Order GENERAL REPAIRING for Cars, Trucks and Tractors Special Attention and Complete Barber Service Tire» IVAN BERNARD Standard Oil Product* Phone 6301 ALOHA, OREGON REPLACE YOUR BROKEN WINDOW GLASS NOW Glazing and Installing All Types of Windows and Sashi REASONABLE PRICES S. C. G A R D N E R Alexander Ave. Between Stacy and Tobias Ave Phone 6.147— A liO H A DR. T. G. HETU, Dentist Cady Building, Phone Beaverton 3531 DENTAL PLATE SPECIALIST Office Hours— 9:30 a m. to 12 noon; 1 to 4 p.m Cedar Mill local 229 Farmers friends in Hollywood and San She Union met at Barnes school on Diego and San Francisco. Tuesday evening. October 21st. will be away a month. Mr. Denny expects to join her New officers installed were: A. It. Ringe, President; A. I.. later. Whitaker, Vice-president; Ellen Johnson. Secretary-Treasurer. b ir t h d a y d in n e r President Ringe made appoint­ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swanson ments to various offices: Henry a Johnson. Conductor; John John­ ' of Dayton. Oregon, enjoyed birthday dinner at the home of son, Doorkeeper; Beulah M. I her sister, Mrs. E. R. Brede- Ringe, Educational Director; A. meyer. L. Whitaker, Legislative; M. It. Bennett, Organization; H. R. Johnson. Cooperative; Mrs. Erma HALLOWE'EN PARTY Whitaker. Recreation; M r s. Lester Lukas entertained with Ellen Johnson, Publicity; S. Ber­ a Hallowe’en party for his little ger and J. Krautschied, Agri­ neighbors and a few relatives culture. and friends from Portland. H. It. Johnson gave a report on the Farmers Union State Hoard meeting he attended Oct. AUCTION CROWD T h e auction held at the Frank 16. The State Convention will Is* held in Salem the last full Kosmalski place drew a large crowd on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. week in Feb. 1918. Mrs. Ringe gave an education­ al discussion on Farmers Un­ HOMES BUILDING ion Co-operative Insurance with There is a good deal of build­ the assistance of several mem­ ing activity on Denny road. Several new homes are under bers. Mr. A. Dallman and L. W. eonstructi<|n and others" are Kingsley were introduced as building additions to there pres­ ent homes guests. Among those enlarging their President A. R. Hinge made a Bred- 15-minute talk on behalf of the homes are: the E. R. Washington County Public Health meyers, E. G. Feigion, and E. Association activities to boost F. Rabe families. the sale of Christmas Seals and to urge members, friends and CANADIAN COUSIN neighbors to co-operate at all Mr. Tom Morley from Leucan, times with the association in its Ontario. Canada, spent several health work. Many facts and fig­ days last week visiting his ures were disclosed. cousin, Mrs. E. Sheets on Farm­ County Agent Palmer Torvend ington Road, and Mrs. R. Meise- showed slides and explained the geier at Seaside, •'Oregon. Mr. methods to eradicate and control Morley and his son. Melvin had weeds as well as disease of po­ their home on a truck-trailer and tatoes and straw berries. He al­ were on their way to Berkeley, so showed pictures of the prog­ Calif. ress of Lotus planted on the burnt-over areas in Washington HOSPITAL CASE Mr. Harry Depp is under ob­ county. servation and treatment at the Meeting adjourned and refresh­ Veterans Hospital for a couple ments were served. of weeks. Corner Alex, and Stacey ALOHA, OREGON Stainless Steel Sinks made to order Restaurant Work Heating---Forced Air, Furnaces Ventilating Blow Pipe Work O. R. NICHOLSON & SON Dealer in SCRAP IRON Batteries, Radiators, Brass, Aluminum, Capper Lead and Zinc H IG H EST PHICES PAID Phone; Near Union Oil Depot COUNTY CONVENTION again ; Beaverton 10OF No. 252 at­ The Girl Scouts art tended the County lOOF Conven­ holding their meetings at the tion at Sherwood, Ore. Also made Club House. a visitation to the Sherwood Mrs. Faw and Mrs. Purcell are lodge on Monday evening, N< ü ' the Girl Scout leaders. 3rd. ! V IS IT IN G V.F.W. POST 8247 Mrs. Vera Dober of Cornelius The VFW Post has its regu­ visited at the E. R. Sheets’ home 9 lar meeting the first and third on Monday. Tuesday of each month. The ladles Auxiliary meet on SPOOKS RUSH BAKER the same nights. Emery Pcischel, head man at GETS NEW RANGE the Beaverton Bakery, declares The Bonny Slope Community Hallowe’en spooks really had him Club. Iner 31. by ear and continued from there, with a sister, to Seattle. ATter visiting with her parents, she returned home on Sunday The VFW Post 8247 and the Ladies Auxiliary will have an open meeting at 8:30 p m., No- vetnlier 4th Pot luck lunch. 6614 er stolen TRIP TO SEATTLE Beaverton 2497 ALOHA pects, the dry weather helped mature this year’s corn crop. Very little damage was done to corn by frost as had been feared owing to lateness caused by pro­ longed rains last Spring. Even the late planted corn is mostly safe. General rains in the west have been beneficial for fall-sown grain and late pastures and ranges. Considerable wheat plant ed west of the Rockies for har­ vest in 1948 is already up with good stands. We will carry nationally advertised brands of HOSIERY, BLOUSES, BAGS, LINGERIE and GIFT ITEMS NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT GIRL SCOUTS Phone Aloha 6397 J I C. J. DASHNEY The boys of the Cedar Hills community and their friends were guests, Halloween night, at a masquerade party staged in their honor by Mr. and Mrs Charles Taft and Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. Griffin, at the Griffin home. The atmosphere was definitely of a spooky nature, with witches, ghosts and spooks literally run­ ning riot. Mrs. Douglas May was truly convincing as a ghost and Mrs.Taft was reportedly a most bewitching witch. Guests entered the Griffin home from the garage and a spi­ der-web entrance into an eerily- arranged basement. Bobbing for apples and games with prizes took up most of the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Head attend­ ed and awarded a prize to the best costume of the evening. Refreshments of doughnuts and cider were served. Guests were: Morelv Fealey, Rickey Tirogalas. Mike North. Dick Brennan, John Tafft Doug­ las May, Jimmy May, Larry May, Terry Angel, Chris Angel. Eddy Hensen, Jim Buckley, John Mas- sit and Dan Griffin. In the Cedar Hills community, reports are there was no vandal­ ism whatever over Halloween. BONNY SLOPE NEWS General Sheef Mefal Work • • • • • IN THE NEW BUILDING SHOP Ground oyster shell and grit WHERE THERE IS NO INCREASE IN PRICE not only help hens digest food, NOON POTLUCK A T H U BER but also help to supply the cal­ On H ighw ay and W ashington Ave. Past Noble Grands’ Club will cium carbonate from which the H ou rs: 8 a. in. to 6 p. in. P h on e A loh a 6449 meet on Nov. 13, Thursday, at eggshell is formed. the home of Mrs. Evelyn Scott on Cedar Street. Pot luck at CARD PARTY noon. Meeting place was chang­ A card party was given at the ed. They were to meet at Mrs. Bonny Slope Community Club. Lawrence Gilmore at Aloha. October 25, 1947. T h e pinochle award went to TURKEY DINNER J Mrs. McFarren. the cribbage The Rel>ekah Needle and Soc­ award to Dad Hanson and the ial Club are having a turkey door prize to Mrs. Ed. Bartel- dinner on November 15 at Alo­ We have a complete stock of— sky. Refreshments were served. ha Grange Hall. Also a bazaar. I Aloha Sheet Metal Works | “ WATCH FOR OUR OPENING WE CAN FURNISH AND INSTALL SHATTERPROOF SAFETY GLASS ON ANY MAKE AND MODEL OF AUTOMOBILE 1st Grade Glass and lit Class Workmanship Guaranteed Body and Fender Work, Auto Painting. Front W keel Alignm ent. W elding BEAVERTON BODY SHOP Across From Entcrpritc Office and Highway Tire Service on Canvon Road D. I. ('Dick) KANNE, Owner ond Operator Weather Man Puts Early Finger On Next Yr. Crops Current trends In market pric­ es for grain already reflect the weather rejxirts and crop pros-' poets for 1948, says L. R. Breit- haupt. O S C extension agricul­ tural economist. Unfavorable con ditions for planting wheat in the Great Plains are affecting livestivk feeding operations, al­ so. Despite government announc­ ed goals and price supports for wheat In 1918. the planting o f . fall-sown grain has t>cen affect- , ed by drought during recent weeks in the principal winter j «heat states east of the Rock- it - Related rains have somewhat * alleviated the drought, however, and prospects are more hopeful. , While adverse for 1918 pros : LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR LANDSCAPING CEDAR MILL NURSERY Route 5, Box 710 Portlond, Oregon Cornei Cornell and McDaniel Roods DARWIN H PKTKRSON DARKKI. F PKTF.RSON