BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday. October 31, 1947 SH A R P ! k SH O P FLATTS BOORKMANS VISIT NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. William A Mr. and Mrs. James F. Wray Boorkman and David leave Fri­ have moved into their new home day. October 31 on the stream on Sheffman Way, Sunday. liner, the Empire Builder, for Chicago, where they will visit their parents. t o u r m id w e s t Mr. Nelson and his daughter, of Cupel Road, recently returned from a motor trip through the Middle Westtrn states The Nel- j sons stopped at the Rushmore Memorial, and saw the heads of Vi Mile Hast of BEAVERTON the four ex-Presidents carved in­ on Canyon Hoad Phone 2218 to the mountain side They en- . joyed beautiful weather but like so many travelling Oregonians. Comooiw I they were glad to be home again. Phones Canyon R d. TR 8039 at Ellis Beavefiv^i 1 SEA LIONS CAVE 3799 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morgan DOUGHTY'S and son, Ricky, of Memory I.ane, Appliances spent a delightful vacation at Lincoln Beach and Yachats. They also visited the Sea Lions Cave DALES and enjoyed the sight of the Sand and Gravai many lions that were in the River Silt for Lawns cave at the time of their visit. Canyon Kd. Store is the word to describe this N IW •• H A IR -D O Be a-head Phone in style •* BKaeon »4»2 WEST SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP 8718 SW Canyon Road Phone Beaverton 2443 f// SERVICE .. on .. OJ 9 J T L L CO ST LESSTHAN Y O U THINK — TO GET A N EW i KITCHEN » S in k A LL MAKES T h e c o » t op Domestic and Commercial P l u m b in g - R A I N B O W REFRIGERATION REPAIR BEAVERTON Phone Beaverton 3071 W est slope PU)WBIN0c5 8 8 0 1 5.W.CANY0N ROAD StACOW 7542 LEGIONETTES OFFER FOOD Farm Group Asks Safer Roads WEST SLOPE NEWS LO YA LTY DAY Sunday, November 2 will lx? “ Loyalty Day-” at the Valley Community United Presbyetrian church. Canvassers in the cam paign for building fund pledges will be dedicated at the eleven o’clock worship service. A lunch eon. provided and served by the ladies of the church, will be given for the forty workers on the building fund committee, immediately following the wor­ ship service. The workers are to start soliciting that afternoon and are to report back at 8:45. Dr. O. LeRoy Walter, director of the financial campaign, will be a luncheon guest. The Auxiliary of the American Legion, Post 124. assisted by its Junior Auxiliary, holds a home- More attention to the Tualatin cooked food and candy sale on Valley Highway-, particularly Saturday, November 1st. at Mil­ where shoulders have worn away ler’s Grocery in Beaverton. Funds from the sales proceeds from the pavement to make for will be used to further the or- traffic danger. Is asked by the ganization’g work during the Washing County Unit of th e , coming months. Farmers Educational and Cooper- ________— alive Union of America. Lyman E. Ross, of Aloha, is president FISHING DUET of the unit. Mr. ftob^rj Summers. Beaver- The resolution reads: ton, and Ted Nault of Reedville \\ HEREAS— There have been were fishing over the weekend many accidents on the Tualatin on the Nehalem Bay. Valley Highway during the past ------------- few months., in which several fa- talities have occurred and many SEATTLE others which caused severe in-j Mrs. Guy Carr is spending a dHmT d,r; Seattle visitir* relatives ectly caused by the shoulders of and friends the highway being worn away __________ from the pavement effecting con- . trol of their cars by the drivers: \ GOYT'S GUEST AND WHEREAS?— The Tual­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goyt’s son atin Valley Highway between Richard and family spent Sun­ West Slope and Forest Grove is day with their parents. heavily overloaded; New Releases POPULAR • CLASSICAL Children's Records Choice Selections of Gifts CRO SLEY RADIOS West Slope Record and Gift Shop M9 Open BEACON n o S. W. C o r n T o m . and FrL D M » • a. IB. B m 4 Evening» Records show that a total of 99 enlisted men and 12 officers The 14,700-ton light cruiser AND W H EREAS— It is the SULPHUR TO ENGLAND named John Paul Jones have responsibility of the State High­ USS Roanoke, is the largest light served in the Navy since 1885. Captain Helge Westerling of way Department to keep the cruiser ever built. Canyon Drive returned last Tues highways in a good and safe NEVADA IDAHO day from England on a ship that state of repair. Mr. Kay Maust, of Parr way carried sulphur from Galveston, THEREFORE BE IT RE- Drive, returned last Friday night Texas, to the Columbia River. SOLVftD— By the Washington from a five weeks business trip County Farmers Union this 27th to Nevada and Southern Idaho. day of September, 1947, that we request the State Highway De partment to keep said highway TOLAVANA PARK in a better and more safe state Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruer and of repair, and especially to keep Georgia, of Canyon Crest Road, DADS RATE AT the shoulders level with the pav­ spent the week-end of October RALEIGH PTA ement and free from ruts and ob­ 18 at their »reach house at Tolo- Dad’s night at the Raleigh structions. vana Park. During their stay • there they saw a huge storm. PTA meeting of Tuesday, No­ *N D BE IT FU RTH ER RE­ vember 4, 7:30 p. m., will find SOLVED— That we request the the "head” o f the family really Highway Department to immed­ 0 Dress Shirts LARKINS ENTERTAIN rating. Mothers, however, are iately proceed with definite plans 0 Van He usen Major-Gen. and Mrs. Claude also included in the evening’s to widen said highway and make 0 Tru-V al A. Larkin have been hosts to invitation. such improvements as will ad­ 0 W hites— Colorea - Stripes Mrs. John Wieman of Lewis equately take care of the travel week-end guests two different 0 13 »5 to 14 50 and Clark college, will deliver the ,n a safe an(| efflclent manner. times. Over the week-end of address of the evening, with her rn at Weiby'a October 18, Mr. Milton Rush of Unamiously adopted San Francisco was their guest subject dealing in the child s Sept. 27, 1947 handle and last week-end General Lar­ emotions and how to kin’s brother-in-law and sister, them. Usual good time is promised POT LUCK Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Davis of entertained bv the . fo” at lending Bend were The Pot Luck dinner given Larkins. by the Masons and Eastern Stars and Job’s Daughters in the Ma­ GOLD BEACH sonic Temple was held- Saturday Mrs. Edith Stewart left last evening. A very large crowd at­ week for Gold Beach, Ore., to tended. A most enjoyable pro-| spend a couple of weeks at the gram was given by five of the i EXTENSION UNIT home o f her daughter, Mrs. D. police force from Vancouver, I Cedar Mill Extension Unit will H. Cushman. and two young ladies assisting. I meet Thursday, November fi at 1:30 P. M. at the home of Mrs. H. R. Johnson on Walker Road. GRANDSON GUEST HOME FROM CAPITOL USA Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. L. W. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Depp Mrs. Girard, who has been vis­ Kingsley are project leaders for tertained on Saturday for their iting her daughter and friends the meeting which has as its grandson, Donny, of Portland, FELSHER S STORE ^ in Washington, D. C., returned ^ subject: ‘Garment Finishes” on his sixth birthday. to her home last Wednesday. On R 11/2 miles south of Beaverton Bank on Highway 217 ^ Saturday she entertained her - , . , . , - brother and family from Salem S Complete of Groceries * CARD OF TH ANKS RETURN WITH ELK Ample Parking Space ^ We wish to thank our many and on Sunday a son and his J Union Gas and Oil Gene May, Charles Walters | friends and neighbors for the family. and Hubert May returned Sun­ beautiful flowers, cards and day morning from a hunting many kind expressions of sympa­ trip to the Coast with an Elk thy extended us at the time of our bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hadley MRS. LITTLE'S SURPRISE and Family. A few neighbor ladies sur prised Mrs. Lester Little on Fri­ day afternoon. The ccaslon was HAND CRUSHED Mr Hubert May received In honor o f her 32nd wedding anniversary. broken and crushed bones in his right hand recently while em­ ployed at Willamette Hyster Co. HONOLULU GUEST in Portland. Guests at the. home of Mr. anil Mrs. Harold Larson. Sunday evening were: Miss Lurllne Me­ TAKE BROWNIE TRAINING derns and brother. Melvyn. Miss Mrs. Walter Krause. Mrs. V. Mederos will leave for her home C. Miner and Mrs. Harold Lar­ in Honolulu. Nov 14 Melvyn son have been attending a series Is attending PortLtfnd Univer­ of Brownie Training Meetings sity. in Portland. RALEIGH HILLS NEWS Cedar Mill FURNITURE Good Buys on Hew and Used CANYON ROAD TRADING POST One mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road r $ Canyon Road Seed and Floral Co. i ¡¡ EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN" 0051 C l ark . W hiteside * Maximum Heat at Minimum Cost! Oil-fired Circulating Heater 36,000 B. t. u. output Custom-Alre No. H36 provide* ideal indoor weather for a small home, cabin, office, shop or lunch room . . . takes cold air from floor, heats it to desired temper ature. circulates it to «very cor­ ner of room . . . easy to install . . . easy to light . . . dial the heat that you want . . . economi­ cal . . . no dirt or mess . . . com­ pact and smart looking . . . out­ side tank or attachable tank . . . replaces or wood heating and the MODEL • ! * old, inconvenient coal stoves . . . a complete unit to fit the budget needs of a small home . . . Custom-Air* brings you maximum heat at minimum cost. We hove one installed in our office. Come in and see it. YES .. WE HAVE CEMENT Our PLASTIC TILE is meeting with GREAT APPROVAL SEE our display. This product mokes a beautiful finish for SHOWER - BATH - KITCHENS . MOISTURE PROOF ~ GOES ON ANY SURFACE WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD UL 1122 9049 S. W . C o y o B Road * WE D E L I V E I 5 - 10- 25c Store * Announce Another Service in Beaverton k Your . , Photograph Euerythino f ° r Vour lonuenienie TAKEN THIS SIZE 3 '/a x 5 in ch es v.v.v.v.v.v/.vXv/.v^v.- 3 Poses For 50c HOME NEEDS « FT. CHROM E SH O W E R RODS with Brax i4.N0 tt FT. t llltO M I s i lt\ 14 F n i t floi WBBh llM *1.85 S W IN G SPOUT F IX T U R E S for sinks SN.M to *111.25 FU 1,1 L IN E O F /G A LV . P IP E F IT T IN G S to | t j” »D r t'OPPF.K T I R I N G FOR O il. STOVES 1.1, and 15, FT. 20-20 U A I . G A R B A G E < ANS. galv *:l.l*» to *4.25 E L E C T R IC H E A TE R S : M IR A C L E *7.».V N O M A *12.1*5 W H IT E H E A D EI.EC. HOT W \TF.R H E A TE R , 40-gal *78.25 *1.00 P L A S T IC SO AP DISH, TOOTH Hitt S|| H O LD ER \ M i I l l ’- S P I C l A I. t**, Clark - Whiteside 5 -10 - 25c Store “ S IL V E R H KAI.” IRON HD. tX IV K R AND PA D *3.4» DOMEX FH F L F C T R IC M IXERS, large size *30.95 E L E C T R IC W A F F L E IRONS *10.40 — *l3.t*5 E L E C T R IC SANltXI’ lt H G R IL L E S *11.50 A L U M IN U M PE R C O LA TO R S N.V; l»RI 1‘U I.ATO KS 9Ne SE E OUR C O M P L E TE L IN E OF F .t.K tT H Ic A I, G AD G ETS FALK HARDWARE H A S K E L L SH O PPIN G Hrutrrton near “ V” —on C E N TE R Tualatin Highway i— Your Onr Sto|i Center— “ Ample Parking lor A ll” E It S— Me ha»r largr»t otock of Shot Shell» In thlw area. Drop In for your Shell nred». t Box No. INI Huek- 12 ga. F R E E with raeh 4 boxes of othri% parvhasetl. on B rotdw ty in BEAVERTON New Strobolite Action Photos Move As Much As You Please We Take You In Action • Have Yours Taken Now •