The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, October 10, 1947, Image 1

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    Sylvan PTA Hosts
Parents Oct. 14th
The Sylvan P. T. A. will hold
Its opening meeting of the year.
Tuesday evening October 14th
It is the plan of this group to car­
ry out the Four Point Program of
the National Congress of Parents
and Teachers in conjunction with
the local needs of their School.
Since "School Education” is the
first objective of this program
the October meeting will l>e an
“Open House.” Parents are in­
vited to visit their children’s
classrooms from 7:30 p. m. to
8:15. Room mothers and teachers
will be hostess in the individual
rooms and acquaint parents with
the program education for the
children’s recreational facilities
and building needs of the school.
At 8:15 an assembly meeting
will be called to order in the
school gym. At that time Mr.
Ralph Nelson, principal, will ad­
dress the parents. A member of
the school board will report on
progress made toward the new
addition to the present school
building. At the conclusion of the
meeting refreshments will be
served in the school cafeteria.
Officers for 1947-48 areas follow:
President ----- Mrs. Ralph G. Mc-
1st Vice-pres. ----- Mrs. Stewart
2nd Viee-Pres. ----- Mrs. Harry
Secretary ___ Mrs. Thos. Mont­
Mrs. John Marden
Historian — Mrs. Lester Jones,
During the past year the Syl-
van P. T. A. purchased for the
school a new stove for the caf-
seteria, a large electric mixer, two
radio-phonographs, a microphone
and screen to be used in our vis­
ual aid program.
V O I. I M E 2 0 - M MH KK
K S T A I t l . l S H K D 1927
Only Independent Nut
Husker Hums At Huber
Frances Downing
Bride of
Robert D. Murphy
Mrs. Cavaness
Chairman for
Chest Drive
City Heads Will Tackle
Administration Problems
Expecting to handle at least KKMons of filberts this season, the
Problems brought about by the largest population growth in
Washington County Commu­
Valley Nut Packing Company, at Hul>er alongside the Tualatin
history will feature discussions at the joint convention
nity Chest, with a goal of $20.000
Valley Highway hums with activity this time of yea;
of Oregon Cities and the Oregon Finance Officers
to be raised for its program the
John Wilkens. operator of the plant, says his is the only inde ensuing year, announces appoint­ Association October 13th. 14th and 15th at La Grande, League
pendent husking plant in the Willamette Valley, In addition to ment of Mrs. W. Cavaness, Route President C. A. Meeker, Mayor of Medford; and OFOA president
commercial work for private individuals and to cooperative nut 3, Beaverton, as chairman of the Guy M Buford, Lincoln County School Clerk, have invited all
growing associations, Mr. Wilkens conducts his own husking, Beaverton-West Slope area soli­
city officials and local govern­
packing and shelling work. One of the major filbert grow- citations.
ment finance officers to attend
As a spur to contributions by
----------------------------------------------- 1 ers in this part of the state,
the three-day convention.
with over 100 acres of nuts, Wil­ school children of the county,
Representatives of the State
kens developed his present oper­ some special award is promised
Sanitary Authority will meet
a direct result of man­
wit city officials and finance of­
power shortage during the war. greatest j>cr capita contribution
ficers on Tuesday afternoon.
His husking
October 14th, to discuss the need
those varities of which have been
for construction of adequate sew­
harvested by non-hand picking cies; $12.000 for local agencies
At the regular meeting of the age disposal facilities for Oregon
methods and which do not lose such as Boy Scouts and Camp
held cities and methods of financing.
F’ire Girls and a floating cai*ital Beaverton Kiwanis Club,
husks in the harvest.
On Wednesday morning. Oct­
of an additional $1.000 for county Wednesday, (X'tol>er 1, a tenta­
For the fifth time in fifteen
The nuts, with husks attached,
use—bringing the quota to $20,- tive program for Beaverton’s pro­ ober 15th, a joint conference of
years, Oregon voters slapped
are introduced to a conveyor belt
posed sewer system was outlined city officials ami finance officers
down, with resounding majority, by way of an inclining bin. The 000 .
County campaign organization by Richard C. Doty, who was with members of the Legislative
the latest attempt of sales tax belt lifts the load and runs it
includes: Mrs. Maude Stannard, City Recorder from 1939 until his Interim
forces to impose a levy on con­
between two hard rublter rollers
sumer-purchased goods. In Wash­ one of* which rotate- After pass chairman; W. FI. Hurley, treas­ resignation l>ocanie effective Se|>- study of highways, streets, and
urer; Mrs. Edna Siegrist. secre­ tember 30, 1947.
roads is scheduled. Use of the
ington County, the .vote was al­
Ills finance plan is a combina­ special $250,000 highway fund
most 3 to 1 against the measure, ing over a short screening table tary. Directors are: C. Henry
to separate the husks for dis­
a pattern which was largely fol­ card another conveyor directs Nelson, Hillsboro, vice chairman: tion of General Obligation bonds set up by the legislature as a part
Henry Shelton, Forest Grove; and Bancroft bonds, with esti­ of the cities’ ten per cent share
lowed on a statewide basis.
the nuts to a loading chute for Art Mason. Tigard; George Laver, mated cost as follows: sewer of highway revenues will be dis­
Unofficial figures on the coun­ packing in bags,
Banks; Walter S. Bowen. Sher­ plant $96,800; trunk sewer and cussed .
ty showed: Sales Tax—Yes, 2686;
At the peak of the season, from wood; A. II Wetterborg, West pumping station $60.000; a collec­
No, 7085.
Cigarette Tax—Yes.
Local government financing
seven to ten workers are em­ Slope; C. J. Stickney, Aloha; tion system $147.600; lateral to will come in for considerable dis­
4227; No, 5418.
ployed at this plant, which was
Among Eastern County returns a former hand shelling establish­ Fred Chase. Gaston, and Don property lines $33,600; making a cussion during the joint conven­
Walker, Beaverton.
total of $338,000.
tion, with round-table session on
the following figures show:
ment specializing in walnuts.
Marital status of some Wash­
Should the sewer system I h > local government budgeting and
Beaverton '56) Sales Tax--Yes,
ington county couples, accord
Although he does not work
voted in at a special election, financing oixyilng the finance
65; No, 122. Cigarette Tax —Yes, with walnuts, Mr Wilkens buys
ing to the public record, has un­
Doty states that the City should officers’ meeting on Monday.
Tigard and Sherwood marriag­ 87; No. 98. Precinct 66—-Sales
dergone change.
In Judge R. es, of recent date, have been re­
walnut meats for bulk-packing,
be able to make a substantial October 13th. Other topics relat­
Frank Peters’ county court, the corded with the county clerk, in Tax —Yes, 71; No i n Fag Tax— along with his filberts, under the
saving by immediate use of $38,- ing particularly to finance sch­
Yes, 94; No, 116. Precinct 4 2 - label of Valley Nut Packing Co.
following matters have come to
700 of the amount which it now eduled for discussion
Hillsboro, as follows:
Sales Tax, Yes, 36; No, 1 1 8 Fag Walnut meats are put up in 25
Shenanigans alleged in road re­ has in reserve.
informing the public on bond
On September 25, at Tigard, Tax —Y es. 65; No, 89.
Allene Ott vs. Raymond V. Ott, Arnved C. Grant and Betty
pound boxes, the filberts in 35 pair of S. W. Canyon Lane are
issues and special tax levies,
Aloha <9) Sales Tax—Yes, 37; pound boxes.
divorce decree granted with cus­ lyouise Nuzzio were united by
not liable to make many people
local fiscal policy, and the reas­
tody of minor child and $30 per Methodist minister. Reverend P. No. 163. Fag Tax—Yes, 65; No,
A by-products of the operation happy with Washington county
sessment of property.
131. Precinct 10—Sales Tax, Yes, nut husks are in good demand by commissioners, according to By­
month alimony.
M. Blenkinsop. The service was
City planning and zoning will
Dora H. Marshall vs. Ell Grant witnessed by Allan James Grant 23; No, 115. Fag Tax—Yes, 51; nurserymen, many of whom con­ ron B. Maker, president of Port­
considered in special session
Marshall, divorce requested, sum­ and Verna F. Ward.
No, 84. Precinct 39—Sales Tax, sider them one of the best of land Rose Society, who has sent
meetings, including reports on
Fag Tax—Yes, mulches.
mons by publication. She re­
in a carbon copy; of his recent
Raymond LaVerne Meador, 23. recent city planning
Kenneth O. Kramer and Dora
quests maiden name.
C. Rosin September 28, were 108; No, 172.
of Tobihs Avenue, was arrested ments in a number of Oregon cit­
Readers of this story, who have letter to Hillsboro.
Loretta Naylor vs. Lewis S. married in St. Paul’s Lutheran
Recdville, Sales Tax—Yes, 44;
The letter reads:
October 5 charged with larceny ies, a discussion of county plann­
Naylor, asking custody of four Church at Sherwood by Rever­ No, 149. Fag Tax—Yes, 64; No, need for mulching, are invited to Washington Co. Commissioner,
of an automobile.
Having re­ ing and zoning, a report on state
help themselves.
There is a
children and $100 alimony.
end J. B Meissinger. Gordon R. 127. Witchhazel. Sales Tax—Yes, big pile near the plant which may Hillsboro, Oregon.
portedly signed a full confession, highway commission plans for
Mary A. McKdward vs. Frank Lit c h i c ir.d Ida Rosin witnessed 40; No, 80. Fag Tax—Yes. 57; No. be had for tht .aking.
Dear Commissioner:
he is in county jail awaiting dis­ using the freeway legislation en­
McEuward, cruelty charged.
63. Orenco (38). Sales Tax, Yes,
It is possible you or vour road- position of his case.
the ceremony.
acted by the 1947 legislature and
Madge B. Bohl vs. Chester D.
master do not need friends -or
On September 29, Edward R. 51; No, 106. Fag Tax—Yes, 76;
curb cuts and access roads,
Bohl, charging cruelty.
that you may make many en­ Oregon state penitentiary.
Rosin and Verlien Moos were No, 74.
and a panel of experts answer­
Elma Lois Ellis vs. Joseph Wins­ united in marriage by Reverend
emies, which your roadmaster Is
West Slope <43) Sales Tax—
William F'rederick Henning, 46, ing questions on city planning and
ton Ellis, asking custody of two J. H. Meissinger, St. Paul’s Lu* Yes, 11; No, 41. Fag Tax—Yes,
doing without half trying.
Beaverton, was fined $100 and zoning.
children, $60 per month and theran Church. Sherwood. Wit­ 21; No, 32. Canyon Crest (64)—
means of his attitude and meth­
$4.50 costs. October 2, on a traf­ Section meetings are scheduled
court costs, on charge of cruelty. nesses were Ross V. Hacket and Yes, 88; No, 158. Fag Tax—Yes,
ods towards tax-payers.
for city engineers and street
Gladys G. Balcolm vs. Lloyd Mrs. LaVrone Bates.
115; No, 130. Cooper Mountain,
The repairing of Canyon Lane
Wilbert Balcolm, charge of fruel-
superintendents and for city at­
License to wed was applied for (53), Sales Tax, Yes, 18; No, 88. marks the time of McKay School is a disgrace. You have made a
torneys. Other section meetings
ty, asks custody of three minor on October 2 by Harold M. Fer­ Fag Tax—Yes, 39; No, 68.
PTA’s carnival and rummage county road out of this, covered
well be devoted to discussion of
children, $75 alimony per month ris and Irene Charity Johnson,
sale, in a drive to raise money up the hard surface, which de­
Cedar Mill, Sales Tax—Yes, 35; for operation of the school caf­
and $110 costs.
building codes and recreation
creased the value of all property
both of Route 2. Tigard Henry
Naomi Roonev v» Morval M. Erickson, of Tigard! appeared as No, 78. Fag Tax—Yes, 70; No, 44. eteria. The curtain goes up at in this area. The loose gravel and
programs and facilities.
Barnes (41), Sales Tax—Yes, 37; 8 p. m.
Rooney, asking cu«tn<u- r,f t«-ni witness.
Luncheon and banquet speak­
dust is unbearable to us. We had
126. Fag Tax, Yes 55; No,
To care for his expanding busi­ ers will include Joseph M. Low­
$5 monthly alimony.
A full program of entertain­ our taxes almost doubled in not
ness, Trader Jack Kelly announ­ ery, County Auditor of Los
Adrian Jones vs.
Dorothy, M. Smith, because of cruelty,
ment has been arranged. Mrs. F\
Raleigh (58),Sales Tax—Yes, 55; Monohon, publicity chairman, re­ too long a time and are getting ces this week a new used car Angeles County and president
Jones, charging desertion, seek­ seeks property settlement with
I less and less and always have to lot, location No. 2, at Cornelius
ing o. k. of property settlement custody of one child and $25 No, 92. Fag Tax, Yes, 67; No, 78. ports. Movie candies, games of j fight for what little we do get.
of the Municipal F’inance Offic­
where he will offer the kind of ers Association of the United
West Multnomah Club *65) Sales skill, penny arcade, fish pond
with custody of one child and $40 monthly to defendant.
Jean Robbins vs. Wilfred T. Tax—Yes, 47; No. 129. Fag Tax— and other devices of a country ity such as this to idly stand by service which, in Beaverton, has States and Canada; Dr. Flldon L.
support money to denfendant.
made him Washington county’s Johnson* dean of the college of
Bethel Reedy vs. Benjamin Robbins, on basis of mental cruel­ Yes, 68; No, 106. Garden Home bazaar will be in ojteratlon.
with a condition as exists with largest used car dealer.
Reedy, charging cruelty, asks ty, asks custody of one child, (8). Sales Tax—Yes, 63; No, 202.
Liberal Arts and the Graduate
In the rummage sale, new as such a deplorable road, without
In addition to used cars, the School, University of
property settlement and court $1200 lump settlement. $125 per Fag Tax—Yes, 109; No, 157; Pre­ well as used household items and doing something alx>ut it.
Cornelius lot will feature imme­ and Mayor George W. Peavy of
month alimony plus $50 and court cinct 61, Sales Tax—Yes, 24; No. clothing will be offered.
B. B. Baker
diate delivery on new Kaiser, Corvallis, President-emeritus of
56. Fag Tax—Yes. 36' v o, 42.
Frank M. Smith vs. Gertrude costs.
F’or refreshments, there wilV be
7118 S. W. Canvon Lane F’razer and Manhattan models.
East Metzger (7), Sales Tax—
Oregon State College.
Jack Brady, well-known sales­
Yes, 38; No, 132. Fag Tax—Yes, delicious home-made cakes, pies
man at the Beaverton lot during
73; No, 96. West Metzger (60).
the last 2 years, will act as Cor­
Sales Tax—Yes. 28; No. 98. Fag coffee and cocoa cola.
With a schedule of “F'un for
nelius manager.
Tax—Yes, 57; No, 66. Tigard (5),
The new branch will be closed
Sales Tax—Yes, 28; No, 84. Fag everyone. All are cordially in­
on Sundays.
In these programs which will Tax, Yes, 73; No, 96. Precinct 6, vited to a welcome evening with
• Doctor Adolph Weinzirl, nation­
Establishment of a local study
ally recognized medical consult­ be held the second and third Sales Tax—Yes, 33; No, 138. Fag friends and neighbors.
club, under auspices of the
Among outstanding displays at
ant and a member of the staff Sunday nights from October thru Tax—Yes, 78; No, 91. No. 55,
American Association of Univers­
the Pacific International Live
of the Oregon Medical School wil May there will appear in addi­ Sales Tax—Yes, 34; No, 146. Fag
ity Women, is Indicated in a call
stock Flxposltlon which empha­
appear this Sunday evening, Oc­ tion to Dr. Weinzirl, such out­ Tax. Yes, 60: No. 116. No. 59.
Mrs. Jay Gibson, Jr., at Beav­
size the resources and advanta­
tober 12, at eight o’clock in the standing Oregon citizens as, Dr. Sales Tax—Yes, 40; No, 151.
erton High School, for full and
ges of counties in Oregon and
first session of the Institute of U. G. Dubach, lecturer in World Fag Tax—Yes, 72; No. 119.
associate members.
part of Washington state. Wash­
Family Relations which will be Affairs at Lewis and Clark Col­
Tualatin (4), Sales Tax—Yes,
First fall meeting of the Forest
ington county is represented
held at Bethel Congregational lege; tHe Hrfnorable Judge Long, 51; No, 168. Fag Tax. Yes, 81;
The attention of a public meet­ Grove- Hillsboro branch of the
Up from the ashes of a disas­ with an exhibit which features a
Church. His subject wil be, “Fa­ of the Court of Domestic Rela­ No, 135. Tualatin View (57), Sales ing, set for Wednesday, October
trous fire of last July 16, the large-scale map of the ’county.
mily Living In This Modern tions in Portland; Ralph Thom. Tax—Yes, 27; No, 57. Fag Tax— 22, 8 p. m., in the Beaverton
Aloha Cleaners has reopened
Assistant Manager of the Bank Yes, 34; No, 49. Sherwood (2), Grade School, will be focused on ober 11. at the American I-eglon
Arranged before the map are
shop in the same location. Thurs­
The institute of Family Rela­ of California, and Professor Law­ Sales Tax—Yes. 60; No, 133. Fag world relief and rehabilitation,
islands, extolling the fol­
Prospective members of the day, October 9, was the date
under the guidance of a Church
tions is a program jointly spon­ rence Riggs, Dean of Students at Tax, Yes, 85; No, 112.
lowing points: “Processed Food.
World Service being sponsored
sored by Bethel Congregational Willamette University . In addi­
Figures are unofficial.
The new building, constructed F'rozen and Canned”; “Suburban
especially invited to attend this
by the Beaverton Ministerial As­
and First Methodist Churches. tion the committee hope to ar­
pumice blocks, Is being eq­ Homes”; “Fruit and Nuts”; Dairy
sociation. No money nor pledges luncheon meeting On October 15. uipped with the latest in cleaning Products and livestock”, and
Assisting the pastors of the two range also for the appearance of
will be extracted during this pro­ new members will be invited to a
churches are Dr. C. E. Mason, Mrs. Wm. Genne’, wife of the
“Flggs and Poultry”,
gram, which is to be entered Into membership tea to be held on facilities. Mr. and Mrs. Hans
and Willis Cady of the Congrega­ Chaplain of Pacific University;
In Many divisions of the ex­
Rasmussen, owners, expect to ex­
by all the churches of Beaverton
tional church and Mrs. Lucille Dr. O. R. Chambers and Dean
position, as well as 4-H club ac­
and other citizens of the vicinity.
Romig and Dale Moore of the Buena Mockmore, both of Oregon
check eligibility for either full or larger percentage of Aloha and tivities, the eastern end of the
Bishop F’rancis M. McConnell, associate membership are asked vicinity residents in the ranks of county has Iteen well and defini­
Methodist church. Others who State Collige.
formerly president of the F'ederal to contact Mrs. Gibson, Jr. k,i their satisfied customers.
have Joined this committee
On the second night of each
tely represented.
Council of Churches of Christ in
are: Mayor J. V. Chandler, 1. R. months’ series, the committee is
As soon as complete reports
A line of quality baked goods America and at present interim
Metzler, superintendent of the arranging for the appearance of
lie assembled, giving all par­
local high school; Jay Gibson, Sr., some of Beaverton’s leading citi­ will be offered In Beaverton thru bishop of the Methodist church
due representation and
in the Pacific Northwest, will be
President of the First Security zens as resource chairmen for
recognition, this paper will give
the main speaker.
Bank: Stanley Netherton, pub­ constructive and worthwhile dis­
a comprehensive summary of ex­
lisher of the Beaverton Enter­ cussion periods. The use of Koda- 7019 Milwaukie now supplies two
Dr. Gilbert Christian, executive
position results.
prise; and the E. C. Brown Trust chrome slide and electric record­
secretary of the Oregon council of
Strandberg will manage the lo­ churches, will briefly outline the
Fund of the Oregon Medical ings are also planned.
With a decrease in the general October 15 and November 15.
meaning and objectives of the county tax from 21.3 mills in
The meetings, to commence at
For comparison purposes taxes BEAVERTON SAFEWAY
“Inroads into family life have eight o’clock are open to the en­
Church World Service.
1946-47 to 16.3 mills for 1947-48, in mills, are listed—first for last SEES NO NEW HOURS
cut too deeply,” states Reverend tire public and will be preceeded hopes to be open by October 11,
The U. S. Army's recently film­ most of the districts in the east­ year, next for the current year.
Bowers, pastor of the Methodist with a seven to eight o’clock hour
ed account of Flurope’s miserable ern end of Washington county
No notification has been re­
Beaverton, 70.0, 67.5; Tigard.
Church, and chairman of the lo­ with the young people of both play cases and promises a .full conditions, "The Seeds of Des­ will enjoy lower tax levies, re­ 79.6, 57.6; Metzger, 110.3, 70.6; ceived by the Beaverton branch
cal committee, "and the church churches and their friends. Plan­
tiny", will be shown and Chuck ports W. A. Burleigh, deputy Sherwood 55.9; 49.6; Aloha-Huber, of Safeway stores in regard to a
must busy itself with a practical ned for this week will be the offering
Fklwards, Rocky Mountain yode- county tax collector.
79.1, 45.0; Beaverton (rural), 46 4, change in hours, reports acting
Mr. Strandberg. relating his
method to stop further erosion of
and radio performer, will en­ Tax statements are in the pro­ 52.9; Garden Home, 75.9. 68.5; manager, J. T. Godwin. Despite
the family fibre. It is high time
tertain with two popular selec­ cess of being made out and are Bonny Slope, 71.8, 55.9; Cedar information as published last
that the church, the school and Meets Girl." All high school and coffee cakes and Danish pastries, tions.
scheduled to be sent liefore the Mill, 606. 58 0; Tualatin, 61.1. week, hours at the Beaverton
the family find a common ground college age youth are invited to states the new store will spec­
15th of the month. Payment, to 65.5; Reedville, 52.1, 48.5; Barnes. store will continue from 9 a. m.
where they can remove some of participate in the discussion fol­ ialize in cakes, fancily decorated ment company will *®v" a trans­ take advantage of customary 3% 94 5, it 9 Durham, 99 9 99 I; i; i to 6:30 p. m., and closed on Sun­
for all occasions—at a reasonable
the barriers to happy, healthy lowing.
reduction, must lie made between leigh, 57.5, 57.5; Sylvan, 50.7, 54.5. days.
cription of the program
home life."
'Partinq of Ways'
Miss Frances Mary Downing
of Beaverton and Robert B. Mur­
phy of Salem, Oregon, were unit­
ed in marriage on October 4th at
the home of the brides’ parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Downing with
Rev. Francis Sturtevant of the
Congregational Church of Bea­
verton officiating. Mrs. Margaret
Tonissen pla.'A'd the wedding
The bride wore white with
veil held in place by a coronet of
seed pearls.
Her bouquet con­
sisted of pink roses and white
Her matron of honor was Mrs.
Alice Ayers of Vancouver. Wash.,
and John Glodt of Salem, Ore.,
was best man.
Attending the wedding and re­
ception which followed were 35
relatives and close friends.
After a wedding trip of undis­
closed destination the young
couple will make their home in
Salem, Oregon.
Mrs. Murphy is well known in
Beaverton, having lived here all
of her life and graduated from
grade and high school here.*
She also attended Oregon Agri­
cultural College in Corvallis, Ore.
City Savings
May Show In
Sewage Plans
Voters Turn
Down Try Of
Sales Taxers
Wedding March
Shenanigans Raise
Canyonife's Ire
Larceny Trips Up
Parolee From Pen
Rummage Sale
School Carnival
Beaverton Trader
Kelly Reaches Out
Church Program Features
Family Relations Study
Beaverton Study
Group Planned
Public Meeting To
Eye Rehabilitation
County Exhibits,
Stock Show Booth
New Cleaning
Shop Rises
From Ashes
"G & G" Bakers
Open Branch In
Thrifty Market
Economy Trend Shows In
47-48 County Tax Rolls