BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, October 3, 1947 ! BABSON DISCUSSES FARM PRICES !*■■■■! During the past 24 hours 11 sort of reduction in personal In- 1 hav.e been flying over the great - come taxes in 194« farming area of the Central Present Food Price JL<1N l J Q U . i L X y l v ^ i L Î West. I have not only seen inveetlgatlo»* things with my eyes, but also There ls much talk in the heard things with my ears. BUSINESS OFFICE AND P L A N T newspapers about distributors Tualatin Valley Highway and Short Street — Beaverton Phone 2321 Farmers Not Being Fooled and processors of food products! Let me first say that farmers taking advantage of the present | Published Friday of each week by The Pioneer Publishing Co., at are not being fooled by these squeeze in food prices and sys- I Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office high prices. They know that tematically gouging the poor $290 for wheat and $2.65 for consumer. Quite frankly, I think Beaverton, Oregon. corn is not going to hold. They this is plainly propaganda. The STANLE Y W. NETHERTON ..................... Editor and Publisher remember that, throughout all fact is that in most instances, MRS EDNA B L A C K ........ .............. Associate Editor-Office Mgr. U. S. history, only during and the farmers’ percentage profit W AI.I.Y K A IN ____________________ K iw i Edltoi directly after wars, have farm­ margins today are no greater What has hap­ JOHN L. T R E E M A N .................................... Circulation-Advertising ers made such money. Moreover, than normal. the wise ones are now using pened is that, due to a higher their profits to get out of debt, dollar volume of business, the SU B SC R IPTIO N K A T E S — P A Y A B L E IN A D V A N C E to buy for cash new machinery, normal profit margin produces OUTSIDE T E R R ITO R IE S In W aahlntlon and Multnomah Counties One Year . MOO One Y #*r «.*# and lay up a good bank balance more dollar profits. Hence, do ....................................... Two Yeara ...................... *.16 for the future. not blame the farmers. Three Yeara .............................. 3.00 MEMBER Oregon Newspaper Publisher s ’ They also tell me that altho 6 Months ...................... 1.6* The real villian in the picture Association. farm prices rise gradually dur­ is unprecedented demand for ing boom time, yet when prices farm products both at home, fall, they collapse all at once where consumer income has nev­ This is because farmers get pan er been so high, and from Europe Ic stricken when they see prices where famine conditions are so Tuesday, October 7, another day when the responsibilities of begin to fall and all farmers try prevalent. W e are eating more good citizenship demand that registered voters go to the polls and to dump at once. They admit and wasting a greater volume of vote. For the fifth time in fifteen years, Oregonians are called they are now playing the same food, per capita, than ever be­ upon to decide whether or not tax structures be revised to allow with wheat and corn as invest fore. Even a very small reduc­ the introduction of a state sales tax of 3% on any and all retail ors in 1929 played with stocks tion in our consumption of food and bonds. would prevent a serious squeeze sales of tangible personal property. The tax will likewise be Beamons for Higher Prices on food prices which we now levied for the privilege of using within this state any article of (1) Exports to Europe. Dur­ face. It is most desirable to be tangible personal property purchased subsequent to passage of the ing 1946 more than 15,000,000 frugal, at this time, not only act. tons of food were shipped to to assist those who are less for­ Included in exemptions from the tax are retail sales of human Europe. Heavy movements of tunate. but to help avoid a dras­ food, newspapers, religious literature and a few other items. foodstuffs to Europe will con tic deflation as a result of further Characterized by Its backers as relief for state Income levies and tinue due to its poor crop con­ price rises. Food is the most im­ a source of revenue for cities, counties, school districts and state ditions. portant item in the average fam­ (2) Poor U. S. weather con­ ily budget. This is the basic ans­ welfare funds, the ballot title indicates the major cut from its pro­ American grain wer to the problem of food posed revenues will be “ two-sixths to general fund for governmen­ ditions. The harvest will he 15,000,000 ton* prices today. tal purposes’. spring Sales-tax forces, in the official state voter’s - pamphlet, put out under normal, due to by the Secretary of State, have prepared a comprehensive table- floods and unsatisfactory grow­ Very frequently a fight for ing conditions, with a constant­ based on national consumer expenditures for 1945- which purports what is right degenerates into ly increasing population. a quarrel for what is left. to show "extensive boosts’’ in state income tax payments for the (3) Wasteful American Eat­ $5,IKK) to $10,000 brackets of taxpayers, should the bill fail of on ing Habits. Americans have al­ actment. ways been the most wasteful Even though figures based on 1945 prices could not lie expected to people in the world when it Sec us for the following carry through in 1947, a $5,000 income would be saved $1.34 per comes to food consumption. year in state payments while $10,000 earnings would save $ 5 BOSTON K £ [_ _ BRAND 1T.T V v y w * ; w v V ■ » M T f ■ “~ w - «