Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, M AY 16, 1947 S U N D A Y IN T H E ST. M .IT T H K W l.l'T H K K A X C H IT U H Canyon Rd. near Sylvan Werner P. Fritz, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Divine Service, 11 a. m. Sermon subject: How to Con quer Evil. Brotherhood meeting, Tuesday, May 20 at the Steinmetz home 863.1 S. W. Canyon Lane. CHEyRON GAS STATION Second and Main Streets George W. Springs, Pastor Morning worship and preach ing service at 9:45 a. m. Morning sermon topic, “ Our God.’’ Bible School class session 11 Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Evening worship service 8 p Gas and Oil Tow ing, Day or Night Visit ou r complete “ m otor tune V A L L E Y C O M M U N IT Y l N IT E ll PB E 8 B Y T E K I A N CHURCH up” shop. W e have the latest in equipm ent. Sunday, May 18. Observance of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 6th and Watson Sts. Phone 3385 Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor 9:45: Church School, Miss Am- arette Barnes. Supt. Classes for all ages. - 10:15: Teen-Time. Mrs. Howard Fowler, Preisdent of the Oregon United Christian Youth Council as speaker. 11:00 a.m : Morning Worship. Third of the series of sermons on the Book of Acts. A LO H A ASSEM BLY OF GO D B O N N Y SLO P E CHURCH C A L E N D A R Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Church at 11:00 A. M. The Church and Sunday School services are held in the Bonny Slope School each and every Sun day. Effective May 16-17-19 KRAFT OLEO ^ ^ H IE E S E SJ3 9 L A T T E R -D A Y 39‘ Lb. 25c DICED PEACHES and PEARS Hot W ater HEATERS CATSUP STOKLEY'S Finest, 14-ox. 1 7^ Quart 89c WESSON OIL MIRACLE WHIP S A IN T S Moose Hall Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m Don C. Marley, Branch President. lb. 37c Cheddar Cream KRAFT Pint Gat and Electric 39‘ RICE, White, fancy--................... 2 lbs. 28c TOMATOES Immediate PUDDINGS, 4 Flavors Plumbing Supplì«« A Service I Phone 2482 WASHING POWDER Pkg. Fairbanks-Morse NU BORA BLEACH ..................Va gal. 15c Shallow ond Deep Well Pumps Clearwater Plumbing Co PLACE ORDERS FOR CANNING ASPARAGUS NOW THRIFTY MARKET CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH'* with RED RYDER "SWEETHEART OF SIGMA CH I" News Elyse Knox and Phil Regan St. Mary’s of the V alley Aratit‘iny Sunday, Monday and Tuesday— May 18 to 20 The students of St. Mary’s of the Valley honored Our Lady with a May Day procession and thus climaxed the activities of the sodality for this year. Mary Alice Coughlan, prefect, crowned the statue in the campus grotto. The Reverend E. G. McMullen, O. P., chaplain led the recitation of the rosary as the group re turned to chapel. On Mother’s Day the follow ing girls received Holy Commun ion for the first time: Karen Ann Cullian, Judith Duncan, Janice Goodman, \lary Alice Headley, Mary Kelly, Leilani O’Kelly, Sue Ann Sweeney, and Gwendolyn Van Slyke. The annual high school prom will be held in the academy auditorium, May 16. Ann Ed wards, member of the senior BLUE SKIES," Technicolor, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire News — Cartoon — Short FOUR DAYS— Wed. thru Sat.— May 21 to 24 "ANGEL AND THE BADMAN" John Wayne and Gail Russell News — Cartoon — Single (All pictures subject to chonge without notice) Beaverton SANITARY SERVICE MMM 1/ICH E S T r BICES PAID Phon«; Phone Orders taken not later than 1 P M Phone Beaverton 2377 MOSQUt Of ST SOtttlA, Istanbul, Tufltuy tabuilt by Juitinian m lb# 6* cantuty, it if *• Snail ««ampia of l y iantina ardxtactura Following iba conquait of Conilontmoplo by Iba Turbi, it bacom# lb# mortal o t «II Turkish moiquai IH J Ket-LY'-i ) I FO U N D . ASH B A R R E L .'y O F JE L L Y BEA N S IN IT AN’ PERSENT IT TO ZOOLIE.' , Service and Repair on Washing Machines Is Available Here W e, as an institution, are pledged to render ertnj aid possible in the wag oi malting the final tribute a thing of beauty. Nothing is to be over looked in fulfilling the reali zation of our a im , . . both to the client and to ourselves. THIS FREE SAMPLE WILL PROVE Hillsbore, Oregon A Supar p ro d u rr aritb • ra c e rd of d h fin g u itk a « i t r r k a far av«r to a n ty. fia * y u r t . You can M a * m o n a, — M a * arorry — an « b a il of a ll you a c tu a lly ia « a your old r* * f, w ith A S I t S T O l l N i . taey t * ap p ly . . . no •p a c ia l th ill naadad A w rittan m anu fa c tu ra i ■ G U A R A N I C I au u rae p o liti* # R O O F R R O T C C T IO N fo r T IN Y E A R S R am am bar — You *< on o m ii* with th« b at* v h a * * * * ota A S IC S T O t t N E — for Ciaf or Slop in g R o o fi — lo r IR O N - S T EEL - F EL T - C O M F O S IT IO N — or G R A V E L R O O F S . Who want New and differ ent Clothes, assgi ond LADIES APPAREL Immediate Delivery STOVES AND FURNACES both GAS AND OIL Ehrlich Plumbing & Appliance Aleho, Ore. Phone 6411 LAN DSCAPING EVERGREENS C A M ELLIA S —- A ZA LEA S ILEX NURSERY BEAVERTON 2614 1-8 mile West of Beaverton Authorized Dealer For any alterations drop in, too ANNE SYVERSON NORA CARLSON in Aloha Choice Pansies SWISS and JUMBO G IANTS PRIMROSES CA R N A TIO N SW EET W ILLIA M SEEDLING PERENN IALS Pyron & Son Nursery Farmington Rood to Lang Ave. 4 Blocks South on Lang Avenu« from Main Highway B«ov«rt«n 2497 PHONE 2771 Yo u S a V • J M E 'J A ¿M A R T V Ä IR L - jLogan's Welding and Supply Corner First ond Tucker Street« Beaverton W ELDIN G— OF A LL KINDS Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building Phone - Beaverton - 2981. Beaverton p o n ' t think sne'-i DUMB ENCU6H To EAT TH' BOH, DO YAt FO R S quariur per po end of FOR £ nut dii leaves. 3143. Sove 20 to 2S% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co Ore9on Mutual Policiee ore NON ASSESSABLE You NEVER po more thon the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutua momfomi more than three time« the lurplut required by Orcqoi Insurance Low«. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organised in 1894 W A LKER and NELSON »M fi of Rcl*obl% ‘ Strvict A q c n fs New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" Barber Shop Personal Attention Owned aed Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards Phone 173; Hillsboro. Oreoon FOR combi Type 1038. FOR eleetr Beavi Nora's Dressmaking Canyon Road at Hall t h a t WON T O Q P lN M F A D -- IT AiNT 5TRICKLV . iANlTAItY, Y Y KNOW. Phone M rs Designed and made just for YOU. Lawn Mower SERVICE s Highes cream picked ly—call Creame SALES AND SERVICE Phone 701 455 W. Baseline Aloha, Ore. Phone 6332 s proximi Phone Refrigeration 73 E. Broadway ÓOffNA Pur O tM E 'í WORTH SERVICE Neor Union Oil Depot — Bertho Beaverton Hlwoy ßtOATtA Ì A fo r We are Ready and Able to handle your work Satisfac torily at Reasonable Cost. PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE G O SH ' V A R IB B O N ' n ’ C verythihg s h a v i : for stoi house Reed vii Every Type of Deóicatíó to Ssroice «MRMR m / 4 FT. 1 deliver with e Carlton Free Estimates Save Your Phon« 3851 Phone 3261 tm COMMI Cement IT ork hostesses to the eighth grade graduates of other schools, May 11. The afternoon’s program will include an operetta A Garden of Girls.” 16 Farmington Road Beaverton L O O K lT Phone 3 6 3 4 For Regular-Efficient Pickup Building - Repairing FEEDS, SEEDS Take advantage of our FREE Delivery— 5 mile radius j w r u - CANOW BOX Bab Millar Holljrwc early. 1 ton, Oi 2918. WOOD wood, I Campar Geo. C. Ludwig Findley Milling Co. Store Hours - 9 A. M. to 7 P . M 8 1*. M. on Saturday ' Complet and V auction Circle No. 2 of the Beaverton Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service under the lead ership of Mrs. Ben Larkin met at the home of Mrs. L. L. Walk er on Canyon Road Friday after noon, May 9th. The devotions were led by Mrs. Walter Cavaness. The working program for the forthcoming months, presented by Mrs. Lar kin was enthusiastically accepted by the large group present. Names were drawn for a Sun shine Sister to be remembered on special occasions. It was also de cided to study “ India at the Threshold” by Bryce. At the close of the business meeting a well planned program by Mrs. Caroline Clement and Mrs. Ruby Behrens was enjoyed by all. Especially the beautiful duet by Mrs. C. Clement and Mrs. Wayne Geertgens. The hostess. Mrs. L. L. Walk er was assisted by her mother, Mrs. L. E. Holcomb. The next meeting will be held June 9th at the home of Mrs. Wayne L. Geertgens on T/rniburd and Al len Ave. LEAVE FOR NEBRASKA. Mr and Mrs. Harris Hansen and family left for Nebraska the last of the week to visit Mrs. Han sen’s mother who lives there. Beaverton ^Adk Methodist Iridies Hold Meet inti H O S T E S S . Mrs L. L Walker is entertaining Circle 2 of the W S. C. S. of the Methodist Church on Friday. May 9th at 2:00 o’clock. GRADE A, LARGE SERVICE BEAVERTON DOUBLE FEATURE Friday and Saturday— May 16 and 17 Beaverton ENTERTAINED. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosoman entertained the Adult Bible Class of the Beaver ton First Methodist Church Sun- ilav School at their home at Ja c k town There were twenty-six pres ent and a very enjoyable eve ning was spent in games and other entertainment after which delicious refreshments were serv- Delivery NATION'S TREAT C r A reception will be held Sun day evening for thirty-two mem bers who have joined the Metho dist Church this past conference. The young adult fellowship will be in charge of the enter tainment program and the YV. S. C. S. will serve refreshments. , Sunday School 10 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo ples service. Rev. Rllla Mae Stephens, pastor Case Reception for New MeinliorH BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H 355 Tualatin Valley Highwaay BEAVERTON, OREGON ALL BRANDS C H U R C H o r THE N A Z A R K N E Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor R E E D V I I X E C O M M U N ITY P R E 8 B Y T K R IA N CHURCH Rev. W m . Gearhart, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Mrs John W . Wheeler, 8upt. W orship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. SCHULD & SWETLAND MILK P IL G R IM L t r llE R A .N CH URCH Farmington at Menlo Beaverton, Oregon Erwin A. Gerken, Paator Tsl: 3441 Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Divine service 10:30 a. m. Lutheran Hour, K A L E . 9:30 a.m. A cordial welcome to all. A L O H A C O M M UNITY B A P T IST CHURCH Grayden D. Loree, Paator. Church School, 9:45 a.m. Mis: M ary Antrim, Superintendent. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock. Teens Club and Junior B.Y.F. 8:30 P.M. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Evening sermon topic, ‘ ‘Father The Hour Is Come.” Midweek Bible study and prayer service, Thursday 8 p. m. The study topic will be “ Heaven” Use of Chevron Credit Card P r ic e s H IG H W A Y C H A P K L Canyon Highway A Mill St. Orville J Poulin, Minister Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 11 a. m. Evening Service 7:45 P-n»- Thursday night service, 7:45p.m. t HI Hi II OK C H R IS T Lubrication CHURCHES HT CKCfciJLA CHURCH Masses 7 a. m.—8:30 a. na. 10 a. m. FOR low ) Reasc FOR range condi Coun FOR new to sc front Mrs. Beav on N Road