School Director .Yoniiuated for /o n e IV At a meeting held Thursday, May 8 at the Beaverton grade school, the following men were nominated for the position of school director of Zone IV: trl Briggs of Kaleigh dis trict No. 95, Elmer Toupal of Aloha-Huber No. 170, Albert Trankel of McKinley No. 81 and M. R. Bennett of Barnes No. 57. Zone Change Recommended BARNES PTA INSTALLS OFFICERS BONNY SLOPE A T LAST MEETING OF THE YE AR Graduation At a meeting of the Beaverton City Planning Commission held Wednesday, May 14, the Commis sion voted to recommend to the City Council that Lot 1, Block 4, Beaverbrook Addition be trans ferred from Residential District No. 1 to the Business District. The Barnes District No. 57 P. T. A. held its last meeting of the school year, Friday, May 9th, at 8:00 p.m. at the school house, with a very full program. The meeting was called to or der and a report of the paper drive was given, which was a very successful affair with 858.77 going to the P.T.A. treas ury. Miss Joyce Marie Marsh, 2nd grade, thanked the P. T. A. for their cooperation and the ice cream treat given the school by the parents, for helping collect the paper. New officers were elected. Mrs. Otto George, past County Coun cil President of Parents and Teachers, was with us and in stalled the officers, as follows: Getting The Jump On SUMMER SALE Just a Few More Day's Left Ends May 17 HERE ARE JUST A FEW ITEMS FROM Old Wallpaper THIS LARGE SALE Giving You the Blues? Galvanized Pails Paint Right Over It With Our New Popular Size KEM-TONE Sale Price Only 39c Newest, Most Cheerful Pastel Colors FIemin«r Cabinet Shop Floor Wax Penn (.liamp Special Combination O ffer 2 Bottles for Only 19c Duplex Receptrons Just a few left Sale Price 65c Tennis Rackets President, Mrs. Hern an Wal ters; First Vice President, Mrs. G org e Berg; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. George Thompson, Secre tary, Mrs. Andrews; Treasurer, Mr. L. VV. Korn. Mrs. Otto George presented a president’s pin to Mrs. Walters. Mrs. Ray Glasner gave a re port on the State Convention. Mrs. Henry Johnson was ap pointed picnic chairman tor our final school picnic which will be May 16, at the school house at noon. Graduation exercises were held for Miss Arlene Murpln The lower grades sang two lovely numbers; Miss Suzanne Temple ton gave the class history; Miss Arlene Murphy read the will; Miss Virginia Hubbell gave the prophecy. Miss Suzanne Templeton, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. B. L. Templeton, sang two num bers. Mr. Henry Johnson. Chairman of the Board presented Miss Murphy the diploma. Awards for perfect attendance were given Miss Joyce Simpson and Harry Hendrickson Graduation of Arlene Murpln Repair Service % Made by Reach, W lijilit and Ditson • W affle Irons The Barnes School Pet Show was held Wednesday, May 14. The upper grade room brought their pets. The third graders acted as judges. — A. Reach, Wright and Ditson..................... Each 59c J.B .IM L A Y & SONS Hardware and Feed Leonard's & Ernest's RADIO ELECTRIC 109 Watson Street Phone 2621 Beaverton ALOHA, OREGON Over 50 years in the Feed Business Phone Aloha 6 3 1 l -- Aloha Mill Phone Aloha 6272 . . . Reedville West End ef Y in Beaverton NEW BEAUTY FOR YOUR WALLS, FURNITURE, AUTO, FLOORS - IN A J I F F Y! T h « m o s t in « i p e r i * r u « d o m o fv w r co n g « t p r o fe s s io n a l re s u lt» w it h P la s t i- K o fe A d u r a b le , c e llo p h a n e tm o o th f in is h D o e » n o t c r o c k , c h ip , o r p e e l E a » y to k e e p c le a n w ith o d a m p c lo th , a lc o h c 1- p r o o f, » k id - p ro o f, w e a t h e r r e s t t fa n f . C h o k e o f 3 6 b e o u tifu l Intorlor or ou tsid e u »e . color» Today, May 16, the last day of school, we will have a picnic and also achievement flay. The two sewing clubs will ex hibit their sewing. The Health Club and the Forestry Club will tell of their year’s work. Mr. Joe Cox and Miss Faye Nichols will award 4-H pins. Suzanne Templeton 7th grade The Book Club met Thursday with Mrs. Violet T.n Mont. The annual election of officers was held resulting in Mrs. Amy Gib son being elected president and Mrs. Opal Eisenhauer re-elected secretary-treasurer Miss Eva Da vis gave an excellent review of Case’s “ The Empire Builders.” The next meeting will be a picnic dinner to be held at the Davis home on Canyon Drive. Mrs. Daisy Masters will give the book review and Mrs. Josephine Hunkapillar will arrange the picnic dinner The FIRESTONE Store Phone 3961 • • • • Mr. Herbert Trachsel is in the Veterans hospital, on Markham hill. He is to be operated on for Sinus trouble. He expects to be home in a week or so. GIFTS • V. K. \V. A U X IL IA R Y V. F. W. Post 8247 and Aux iliary meet at 8 p. m. at the Bonny Slope Community Club hall Tuesday, May 20. • • • f o r th e GRADUATE SO F TB A L L The soft ball team has receiv ed their new uniforms, hats and halls. The team will have a practice game with Bethany at Bethany Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. m Everyone is Invited. The Bonny Slope soft ball team Is sponsored by V. F. W. Post 8247, and the team practices each Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoons. • • • Mr Clayton Thomas is ill at home with the mumps. Hope to see him up and around real soon. • • • CARD P A R T Y The Bonny Slope Community Club will give a card party May 21th at 8:30 p. m. in the Bonny Slope Community club hall. Pi nochle and crihbage will be played. Prizes for the high score, refreshments will he served. Fouilla ui Pens . . . F or Y oung Men . . . Courtley Shaving Sets, Billfolds, Electric Razors, Schick or Remington Rand to r I o u n g L a d ie s . . . Perfume $1.00 to $20.00 She'll like Dorothy Gray's Magic Hour or Lady in the Dark Revlon Sets, $1.75 to $8.75 Old South Sets $1.25 to $3.50 H a ll M a rk (»ra iln a tu n i Cards DEAN'S DRUG STORE Double S&H Green Stamps on All Prescriptions Phone 3774 Beaverton, Oregon We'll Make You Another f o r 25c While You Wait Service CHAMBERLAIN RIGHT F O O D ... RIGHT CARE WALKER'S DEPT. STORE For Your Baby Under Orve Year Old DAY • MOTO-SWVY Lubrication • MOTOR TUNE-UP Al’s Motor Service OR W EEK Health Specialist Recommended by Dr. Ralph Shuddack MRS. BURBANK HECK 2nd House Back of “ Nendel's" On Canyon Road Highway Route 2, Box 206-A Beaverton, Oregon Former Clemens Station 177 E. Broadway Bcaverto.i, Oregon JEWELRY — Carlson Garage N Ìte K K Q the Ideal Gift for the Welding and Machine Shop X / / JEWELER! Graduati* Machinery Built to Order GENERAL In Th« REPAIRING DOROTHY SHOP for Cars, Trucks and Tractors Tires Standard Oil Product* Compacts Phone 6301 ALO HA, OREGON - Bracelets - Pins Get your subscriber ads when you pay your subscription. R O Y S RADIO REPAIR Aloha Barber Shop House and Auto Badio Repairing Where Special Attention Pick l|> and Delivery Service is given to Children as well as Grown-ups ALOHA, OREGON a n d fro n ip o re n f tor ✓ $2 .9 5 H OSPITALIZED Tiie last meeting for this term No more fires after May 16, will lie held at the Bonny Sloin- 1947, without fire permits. Fire Community Club hall May 15. permits may be obtained at the 1947. The officers for the com ing term are. President, Mrs county sheriffs office. Frank Head; Vice-president, Mrs. Fred Kalmback; Secretary, Mrs Pearl McLean: Treasurer, Mrs. Mitchell. SCHOOL PICNIC Brake Lining and Flats Fixed • FIRES • Book Club Elects Officers Expert Lubrication The Amazing • Expert Car Washing and Polishing Adjusting N ew MCeilophane-Like" Finish • Bonny VISITORS Slope Community club are asked Mr. and Mrs. John Orrick and to lie present at the Bonny Slope family of Vancouver, B. C , vis- Community Club grounds, May iteti the C. I7. Me Karrens recent- 18th to help clean up the club 1 ,y’ • • • grounds Potluck lunch. • • i I*. T. A • IV t Show 4 TENNIS BALLS * • Vacuum Cleaners • Radios Sale Price Only $5 95 Graduation exercises for the Bonny Slope school will I k * held in the Bonny S!oi>e community club hall tonight. May 16. 1947. Friends and relations invited. IL L A T H O M E Arlene Murphy, the only 8th grader, had a lovely graduation, Friday, May 9. She received three corsages, one from Mrs. Phone Beaverton at West " Y " Abbott, the primary teacher; one 3941 Beaverton from the P. T. A.; and one from Suzantno Templeton, a school Get your subscriber ads when pal. The program consisted of a you pay your subscription. Class Will by Arlene; a Class Prophecy by Virginia Hubbell, 7th grade; and two songs and the Class History by Suzanne Tem pleton. There were two selec tions from Mrs. Abbott's music classes. Mr. H. R. Johnson, the chairman of the School Board presented the Diploma. Harry Hendrickson and Joyce Marie Simpson earned Certifi ON cates of Award for being neither absent nor tardy for a whole • Washing Machines year. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRID AY, M AY 16, 1947 Clean-Up l)av AU membe„ 0( the „ QUART Let Us Give You a Survey H E R » BILSTAD LINOLEUM COMPANY For An 730 Tualatin Valley Highway, West of Cedar St. Beaverton Air Conditioning Furnace ÏA Cl Aloha Sheet Metal Works Corner Alex, and Stacey ALOHA, OREGON With Williams O i l - O - M a t i c OIL BURNER General Sheet Metal Work • • • • • Stainless Steel Sinks made to order Restaurant Work Heating—Forced Air, Furnaces Ventilating Blow Pipe Work C. J. DASH NET Phone Aloha 6397 Nothing Down , . 3 Years to Pay Grauer & A c k e r m a n Beaverton 2 6 9 9 I II«* Ilotpoint Maytag Store One Vlile Fast o f Beaverton on Gammi Boati