BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1947 P ie E a t e r * A t t e n t io n A pie auction w ill be held to night at McKay school Ice cream pie and coffee will be sold, the proceeds to be used for the caf eteria. A good time is in store for those who attend. McKay IVI .A. Elects and Installs ( Ifficers The McKay P. T. A. met on Friday, May 9th. The delegates to the State P. T. A. Convention from McKay School gave a resume o f the speeches and program, a d iffer ent item by each delegate. These reports were very interesting. Those reporting were Mrs. E. F Rabe Mrs. K. Schlaht, Mrs. C. C. Chadwick, Mrs. S. Horney, and Mrs. W. D. Staats. The election o f officers for the next year was held. Those elect ed were: Mrs. Scott Horney, President: Mia. L. F. Monohon, Vice President; Mrs. L. Strayer, treasurer, Mrs. E F. Rabe, sec retary; Mrs. W . I) Staats, his torian. The incejilng officers w ere in stalled by Mr. E. F. Rabe, past president of the Nebraska P. T. A. A lovely corsage was present ed to Mrs. Staats, the retiring president and recognition o f her tireless effort in behalf o f the various activities promoted by the membership was given. At the conclusion o f the bus iness meeting, educational films and a comedy for the children were shown and enjoyed. Coffee and cake were served. • • • T r i p to Z o o The McKay Hluebirds enjoyed a trip to the zoo in Washington Park and the treat which fol lowed. Those furnishing transpor tation were Mrs. Anna Vose, principal o f McKay School, Mrs. S. Horney and Mrs. W. D. Staats. F L IE S FROM TE X A S . Mr. C. C. Chadwick has returned from Dallas, Texas, flying a Luscombe plane direct from the factory to Ueaverton. • • • PR E S E N TE D IN D ANCE. Donnye Strayer and Joyce Van Hyning danced in a program pre sented at the Oriental theatre by students o f Miss F aye Broad- well last week. R E TU R N S HOME. Mr. V. M. Pilip has returned from a bus iness trip to Los Angeles, Cal. • • • W EEK END GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leslie o f South Dos Polos, California, spent the week end at the home o f the Noah Les lie’s. The visitors expect to make their home in the vicin ity of Bea verton. • * • RETU RNS. Mrs. Maria Ghlg- A T T E N D D IN N E R . A benefit lettl has returned from an ex dinner at Garden Home School tended visit with her daughter, was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Minnie Mennl o f Los An V. M. Pilip, Mr. and Mrs. Lance geles. • • • Strayer and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Staats on Saturday, May 11th. 4-11 D A IR Y C LU B M EETS. rhe McKay 4-H Dairy Club met it the school on Friday, May 9. • • • DLY F R IE 1 N S H O P P IN C i C E N T E R Flap Presented F o r m e r ly r P h i l ' » Mrs Denney’s 7th and 8th TIG A RD •a O JS H J* Z O Appropriate ¥ 3 r z H . ceremonies ac- 0 T R IP , Lester Lukas 'IN H IN G ! 1 BEAVE RTON Il e ( U v e S i i ' l l i , r e e n S ia m JM G A S an d O IL GROCERIES C >RY GOODS MEATS MOTIONS FOOD LC >CKERS Progress, Ora. Pt tone Beav. 2389 ’‘Wear a Poppy1* As a Privilege Not a Duly Citizens Petition Zone Change Do you know what happens to the dime or quarter you give for the RED C R E PE P A P E R P O P P Y ” sold each year by the American Legion Auxiliary? The money received is divided equally into two funds: . Rehabilitation and Child W el fare Work, and can be used for no other purpose, and only through the sale o f poppies are these worthy projects carried on. L e t’s look further: Rehabilitation funds make It possible to distribute gum, fruit, candy, cigarettes, stamps, post cards, etc., each week to the Veterans confined to our hospit als. The making o f poppies gives gainful employment to thousands throughout the Veterans Hospit als with hours o f otherwise idle time— many wracked with pain and worry. Did you know that 160 men and women made 440,000 poppies in our two hospitals, 290,000 at the Portland Hospital and 150,- 000 at Roseburg, that w ill be sold in Oregon this year? Did you know that the American L e gion A u xiliary furnishes the material, capable volunteer workers to help and supervise the work, and pays the Veteran fo r his or her work? What About Child W elfare? What Veteran can be happy knowing or w orrying about his fam ily being in need, and he is helpless to care for them while confined in a hospital? W orried minds cannot promote healthy bodies! Children of Veterans are cared for through the fund set aside for their care, and cannot he used for any other purpose. Fam ilies o f those who gave their lives are remembered just the same as are those who are fight ing the slow road back to health Do You Know— Money received from your tacts with American leaders In the United Nations Thirteen men o f Bethel C hurch are scheduled to attend the A n nual Laymen’s Retreat at C amp Adams this Saturday and Sun day. On the program are Rev. Vernon Halloway of New \ork and Rev. Corwin H. Olds o f Pa cific School of Religion Berkel ey. Bethel Chureli News A petition signed by the re quired number of property own ers, requesting that Lot 1, Block 'i, Beaver Brook Addition he changed from Residence District No. 1 to Business District has been presented to the Beaver ton C ity Planning Commission. This lot is at the southwest cor ner o f Erickson avenue and Third Street, directly across Third Strept from the High School Garage. Another petition signed by 34 property owners living in that vicinity requesting the above change in order that a store may be established at that location for their convenience was also presented. A special meeting of the com mission w ill be- held Wednes day, May 14th, at which the mat ter w ill be considered. A ll inter ested persons are invited to at tend. Lake Road Auto Changes Hands Fire Patrol The 1947-1948 fire patrol bud get is to be voted on at the Leedy Grange H all at Cedar Mill on June 6, 1947 at 8 p.m. Everyone In Bonny Slope (Washington County) who is on the tax rolls should consider it his or her duty to be there on that night and vote on the bud get. The Mother’s Day observance at Bethel Church was a notable event, both in interest and at tendance for the church was fill ed to capacity. The Mother’s Day Recognition Service, a new feature this year, was well received. Corsages were Ask for your free classified presented to several mothers: "Subscriber Ad Cards” with each T ry our classified ads for re Mrs. Estelle Bartlett received the new subscription or renewal. sults! They'D pay you real dividends. one for the oldest mother pre sent; Mrs. Edna Nuller for the youngest; Mrs. Martha Geisel for having the most children present SERVE A COO LIN G GLASS OF M ILK and the church particulary hon ored Mrs. E. G. Webb and Mrs. for every member of the fomily to C. E. Mason as representative night. Dad will find it especially rest mothers fo r their long faithful ness to both the church and to ful for his nerves, and so will you. their families. Good for all of you. Mr. Robert Barnes sang a solo, ‘‘That Dear old Mother of Mine.” The corsages and beau Phone 6584 for the Aloha milkman tiful decorations w ere prepared by Mrs. Frances Donaldson. ALOHA JERSEY DAIRY The pastor’s sermon was in recognition o f the ‘‘Festival of the Christian Home,” the Church year designation for this Sunday. The Sunday was the second in ‘‘May— Month o f Action” pro gram and on the Book o f Acts Several members o f Bethel In d u stry L o o k s a t church are planning to attend the Annual State Conference of Congregational Churches at Cor O ur Tow n vallis; May 20-22. The program includes the An As Doc Walters says, that sort of Maybe you read how a group of nual meeting o f the Oregon F el life just naturally sets you up for industrial experts have decided that lowship of Congregational W o work the next day . . . whether it’s men Tuesday afternoon with in the small town is the place for in in office, mill, or field. And Doc stallation o f their officers W ed dustry—not big cities. Reasons they should know. He works fourteen nesday morning. The principal give are better housing, pleasanter hours, but never misses his morn speakers w ill include Bishop living, and more opportunity for Benjamin D. Dagwell o f Port wholesome recreation. ing “constitutional” or his evening land, the Episcopal Bishop of the glass of beer with friends. Well, looking ground our town Western Diocese o f Oregon who From where I sit, any industry I ’d say that was about right. Most is well konwn fo r his religious could profit from being in a town of us own our homes, and keep them leadership throughout the North west, and Rev. Vernon H. Hallo looking nice; we enjoy each other’s where wholesome living, temper ance, and friendship are the rule. w ay of N ew York, the Secretary company: and our recreations are for International Relations o f the mostly simple outdoor sports, and National Council for Secial A c in' the evening a mellow glass of ^ 0 C Ch (jX A A ^ tion of the Congregational Chrf t beer with pleasant company. tian Churches who is a thor ough student o f the international situation and has had manv con- Copyright, 1947, United States Bremers Foundation | From where I s it ... 61 / Jo e M arsh G. V. Lawton, owner o f the Lake Road Auto Service located on S. W. Canyon Road and Mc Lain D rive sold his business this week. Lawton left Thursday, May 15 for N ew Y ork to visit his 89 year old mother who fell recently and broke her shoulder. Birds have the highest body temperature o f all creatures— 104 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. community remains in your community to help the families o f your Veteran? W hen you give your dime or quarter— pause— study the PO P PY. Say to yourself "W hat a Privilege to he able to wear this SYM B O L in honor o f those who gave that I M IG H T BE FREE! REM EM BER— "W E A R A PO PPY AS A P R IV IL E G E N O T AS A D U TY.” t_ QnJbioduwuf - - Z N E W Crackers! The COUNTRY'S BEST DANCE KJnton (»ran or lla ll Saturday Night, M ay 17 Door Prizes i iS? s Tea Timer Tomato Juice Sr: 6 cons M “ No. 2 cons 10c; Dea. cons $ 1 .1 9 “ ™ Sweet No. 2 A c cose Pitkin» can I V (24) W ant to S ell? P la n to Develop? BE P R O T E C T E D Buy or Sell THE REALTOR WAY ACTIVE MEMBERS Rt. 6, Box 1218, Portland 1 LESTER HUGHES. I09M (• Wh btim) Ravioli, Ckef Boy-Ar-dee 16-ox. 17c Turkey-Noodles ■•"» m »’« m o it-«. 20« Pan American Spaghetti, 16-ox. 3 Chicken Fricassee Lynden 29-ox. Beet Stew, Nalley’s 30-ox. can Chicken & Noodles, Penthouse 12-ox. jar 2 tor 25c 79c 55c 25c (annetl Meats L. HAROLD M IN IER, CHerry 1401 P. 0. Box 91, Garden Home J. W A YLA N D OW EN BE 9135 7310 SW Conyon Rd, Portland 1 29 S. Main St., Forest Grove 264X IDUS RAINES 238W | 5 First Ave. N.W., Forest Grove 5 Council St., Forest Grove H. W. CURRIN 1845 REIH ER R E A L T Y CO. 33 134 E. Main, Hillsboro 18 1 st Ave. NW, Forest Grove C LA R A B. FRENCH BE 8255 LYM AN ROSS 6441 8909 S.W. Canyon Lane, P. 0. Box 5, Aloha G A LA W A Y A McGRAW 2211 Washington County Agencies 223 117 S. 3rd, Hillsboro 337 E. Main St., Hillsboro FRED O. HOW LAND 2513 O ’N EILL ft W A L T Z 87M Rt. 1, Box 147, Beaverton 2 19 W. Pac. Ave. Forest Grove IDE ft BRAUER 841 THURLOW W IE D BR 7520 316 E. Main, Hillsboro Canyon ot Walker, Beaverton H. H. JEFFRIES 3981 ARGUS PUBLISHING CO. 231 Canyon Rood ot Beaverton 250 E. Main, Hillsboro E. C. KEEHN 2I7R NEWS-TIMES PUB CO. 57 218 N Main St., Forest Grove Forest Grove W. I . KIDDER 3322 Tigard Pioneer Pub. Co., Aloha News,Bea verton Enterprise, Tigard Sentinel W A LT ER H. KRAUSE Highway No. 2 Yj Cons Busy Baker Sodas 2” Extro thin, extra crisp— and not crumbly, Salted j-u-s-t right* 3 .... 2 5 ' 1 » box Canned Foods Beth "•><*•T** d * * No. 2’s 3/2Sc Carrots ,l** T**- 0l**4 No. 2’s 3/25c White Hominy •**'• No. 2*/j 2/29c Lime Beans A Hem 0wiM" 16-ox. 25c Chili Con Cernev*"c*™r IS'/j-oi. 25 c Since REALTORS are trained in their profession they are familiar with market trends, real eitate financing, neigh borhood characteristics and many other factors that ef fect real estate Your REALTOR is the natural authority on real estate matters, CONSULT HIM EARL S. BRIGGS, CHerry 3727 Canned Peas Sauerkraut 1 Wa think you'll be glad the day you get acquainted with these new quality crock- era—so why wall? Take home a box oi Tour favorite type cracker—now—during this Introductory event Deviled Ham Underwood 3-o*. 18c Deviled Ham Libby No. 1 4 can 17c Deviled Meot, Libby No. 1 4 con 9c Lunch Tongue Libby &- 0 1 . can 25c Cereo/s Quick Oats, H. O . 2-lb. pkg. 28c Quaker Oats 3-lb. pkg. 29c Kix Cereal 7-ox. pkg. 13c Kellogg’s Pep 8 -ox. pkg. I lc Cheerios Cereal 7-ox. pkg. 13c Alber’s Corn Flakes 13-ox. pkg. 13c Wheeties Cereal 8 -ox. pkg. 12c Kellogg Corn Soya Shreds 7-ox. 13c Toasted Wheat. 9-lb. sk. 74c Rt. 5, Box 205, Portland 1 Standard Ins. ft Inv. Co. BE. 7131 C. F. M cC A LLU M ATwater 6854 220 Lumbermen's Bldg , Portlond Rt. 2, Box 423. Beaverton T IT L E ft TRU ST CO 333 J. J. M cM AHON 3831 136 S. 2nd, Hillsboro 73 Broodway, Beaverton G R IFFIT H ft M EEKE 171 W ILKES A BSTRA CT ft T IT LE CO. 168 E Main, Hillsboro 2451 131 S. 2nd Ave., Hillsboro F o r R e a lto r Reeoiuniem lution 4 '-nil or rite The Washington County Realty Board Phone 3891 Post O ffic e B o x N o 2 7 Hillsboro, Oregon 5129 1 iar WASTE-FREE FISH! Seafood ready to pop into the pan without the usual fuss and bother you ordinarily associate with fish That’s how fish is sold at Safeway Quality is backed by Safeway’s famed mone> back guarantee of complete satisfaction Salmon Steaks lb 4 9 ' By the piece, lb. 45c Halibut Steaks lb 3 9 * • oy th e P iece, lb. 35c Fresh Cooked Crabs, lb. 25* Jett i hell o’ d •at! — O fh *r j lb. Pork Link Sausages Pork Shoulder Steak Pork Roast 1 !’. Fresh Ground Beei c.* Fillet of Sole lb 45 « No Bones— No Waste Meat Section Features — Beel Pot Roasts lb. 48c lb. 49c Sirloin Beel Steaks lb. 59c lb. 49c Bologna or Liver Sausage lb. 39c lb, 45c lb. 39c Lunch Meats *,!££«* lb. 45c Afear fia lu rn Are for Friday and Saturday 44* Boys and girls ore fonder thon ever of grohams like these. They like the "freosure chest” they come in, too. L i 25 ‘ Canned Seo Foods Minced Butter Clams *®»»1 •/j-can 25c Whole Clams b a . | 0 - ox . can 29c Minced C lam sSnow'» Bl/s-ox. can 19c Kippered Snacks, G . N. 2 cans 25c Minced Abalone Wind N' 6 - 01 . 19c Oyster Slices, Sherwood 3-ox. 19c Smoked Salmon H*»»" No. I/ 2 S 39 c 4 6 ‘ Tea Timer The crispy "buffer wafer" type cracker that mokes the lunch and rea a big success 1-Pound Bax 29* OOwt J c WOAH s L Qhodt&AA, (JookisA, Shortening Royal Satin box Candies Caramels. N,w 12-ox. pkg. 35c Hard Candy T*"» ***’" Mi« 12 -ox. 59 c Nuffi Brittle o 10 -ox. can 39c Mint Chews, Hewitt's 8 -ox. pkg. I9e Pirates’Gold Grahams Soaps, Cleaners Lava Soap Medium Bar 9c Sweetheart Soap, b*,K ,i,# bar 15c HoneyAAlmond Cream H,"d • 47c Oxydol Granulated Soap 24-ox. 33c Super Suds, 24-ox. pkg. 33c Diaperwite •*b»‘ ’’•‘"S* Mb. 19« JOHN SCHRAM EL 0A C X *t Coffees Edwards Coffee l-lb. 49c; 2 -lb. 96c Wakefield Coffee l-lb. can 45« Nob Hill Coffee l-lb. 42c, 2-lb. 83c Airway Coffee l-lb. 39c, 3-lb. $1.15 M. J . B. Coffee l-lb. can 49c Ritx Tasty Wafers ................Mb. Pkg. 29c Hi-Ho Buffer W a fe rs ................ l-lb. Pkg. 27c Snowflake Soda C rackers____ 2 -lb. Pkg. 44c Krispy Soda C ra c k e rs .............l-lb. Pkg. 24c Honeymaid G rah am s................2-lb. Pkg. 46c American Cookies, A ssorted.............Pkg. 23c Wheat Toast W a fe rs..................l-lb. Pkg. 24c Canned Juices Prune Juice quart 25c Loganberry JuiceLlbb» 12 33c Pear Juice, Libby 12-ox. bot. 10 c Apple Juice N" w«* quart bot. 25c Apple Juice *■ » w qf. 35 c 1 2.OI. 1 5C Grape Juice. Church's pint 20 c Grapefruit Juice, T® w'' H®v»» n ®. ?. |QC Grapefruit Juice h ®»»® 44-01 j i g Grapefruit Juice, Bordo 46-ox. 21 c Grapefruit Juice, Texsun 46-ox. 21 c Blended Juice ,,*"d •’ 9 «W 46-ox. 23c Orange Juice f '*11 •’ *®n 46-ox. 25c Vegetable Juice ►w<Ht 4 iHi 4£_01 25c V -8 Vegetable Juice No. 2 can 13c 5auerkraut Juice L,bbr No. 2 can 10 c “JUST ARRIVED-FRESH PRODUCE JtoA h CORN GRAPEFRUIT 0®1*r4 lw®«t_WV,f® Sweet, tender ears— rushed to you garderv ♦resh 1b. 2 3 Sunkist Lemons your kC C Green C a b b a g e Sofl 4 . fresh heed* New Potatoes ASPARAGUS Grow» in tho Northwnf RHUBARB 10-lb. be. ‘ 1 . £uá¿ night fox. canning.. 14‘ W«r*®t WVi*®«—No IV A " Sit® 15 SPINACH ^reeh greee fee vet RADISHES trlfM red C^ ipy You fit more for your money it I S SAFEWAY Hi lb. 5'/2 c lb. 11 lb. 7 lb. 4'/2‘ lb. 4 ,/2‘ lb. 5 ' lb. 2 5 ' Frida y ond Scfvrtfoy.