BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, M A Y 16, 1947 Ethel :hel Beharrell Krieger of Ixiuis- viii,. Kentucky and Mra JennU Olin (nee Jennie Stephens) of Portland were calling on old friends last Friday in Beaverton PAT'S Beauty Shoppe EX CLU SIVE MOTO-SWAY LU BRICATIO N • • • • Gas and Oil Brake Service Lee Tires and Tubes Washing and Polishing A L O H A Signal Service PEARSON & BONDY Aloha, Ore. i Specializes in Better Permanents Such as the Radio W ave FAST COOL PLEA SA N T More Beautiful A LO H A, OREGON Open 6 Days a Week 9 A. M. - 6 P. M. Phone 6125 Evening work by Appointment — Picture Fram ing Bring us your films for printing, developing and for enlargement. First Class Work and Prompt Service "DAO CALLS HIS F E E T DOCS 'CAUSE THEY HAVE SCENTS" Most sizes of films now in G O O D HEALTH PRICELESS W IS H Y O U THE Beaverton Personals C u b P ack M em ber« R m i a I v a A w o n lfl t il IIS SUNDAY W ITH PARENTS.. Miss Charlotte Roseman who is attending Cascade College spent i Mother’s Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roseman of Jacktown. • • • MEMBERSHIP. Tapped for membership in Asklepiads, pre medics honorary, at the campus luncheon feature of the Univer sity of Oregon Junior Weekend celebration Friday, May 9, was Agios Gregson of route 2, box 94, Beaverton. us. The regular meeting of Cub Paul Taylor, Supervisor of Pack 517, held Tuesday, May 13 Sports, announces that he has at the auditorium at the grade completed his schedule for the W C& c Me school in Beaverton was ably Softball games. The Dens have conducted by Jack Manges, As been paired off into teams and sistant Cubmaster in the absence will wear white T-shirts with of the Cubmaster Everett T. their team ■> colors. They will Think how thrilled and Morgan, who was unable to at- compete each Friday after I tend. happy she'll be when you school at the new softball park Henry Carlson of Aloha ex on 5th and Tucker Sts. Come on present her with a bouquet hibited part of his collection of out, parents, and root for your rocks and minerals which he boy and his team. of flowers or a corsage from collects as a hobby and gave a most enjoyable talk about their RETURN HOME. Mr. and Mrs. composition and history which A. D. George of Route 1, Beaver SA IN T C EC ILIA 'S was of much interest to both ton have just returned from an CH U RCH cubs and parents. extended vacation trip of several Four new cubs were inducted weeks through California, A ri Beaverton, Oregon as Bobcats: Floyd Hein, Leon zona and Nevada, visiting rela ard C. McKee, Jr., Ronald Wal tives in Los Angeles and friends C hurch D in n er ters and Charles Johnson. Dar in Tuscon, Arizona and while in 95i Delicious ryl Larsen received his Bear Phoenix visited with Mrs. Rex Badge and he, along with Larry Tynes of Glendale, Arizona, for BAK ED HAM Lack and Robley Morgan were merly Miss Gladys Wright of EASY awarded Silver Arrows for ex Beaverton. (Swift's Premium) tra work. Ronald Davis, who has TERMS On their way home they stop Mashed Potatoes with completed his three years of ped at Grand Canyo, Hoover Cubbing, was graduated into Dam, and Lake Tahoe, then Cream Gravy Scouting In a ceremony conduct crossing California on Highway In Walker's Dept. Store Fresh Green Peas ed by Jack Manges and Scout 20 they came home by way of Master Clarence Buffam. Good the coast highway. Phone orders to Beaverton 3461 Glorious new radio-phono Salad luck, Ronald, and may you en • • • or Scholls 8322 graph in handsome, Tdt-Front Home Made Cake joy Scouting as much as we have CLUB .MEETS. Past Noble cabinet. N ew Philco Auto enjoyed having you In the Cubs! Grand’s Club met on Thursday Coffee M ilk matic Record Changer plays Mr. Buffam also presented Den at the Elmer Benson home. At The Chief’s Cord to Barry Hoaglln There were 13 present. Pot luck up to 12 records. N o needles A Stitch in Tim e who has completed six months lunch was held at noon followed to change. Powerful radio gets A loh a G ran ge as Den Chief. TAILORED TO by a business meeting. Standard and Short Wave re A new Den has been started It was decided to have the H all cep tion , w ith superb tone. MEASURE at Cooper Mountain with Mrs. next meeting at Washington Saturday Night from 5 to 8 Evah Hendrickson as Den Mo Park in Portland June 19th. Suits $47..><) to S80.00 ther. Good for Cooper Mountain Work on the afghans for the M A Y 17, 1947 and welcome Mrs. Hendrickson, I.O.O.F. home is progressing. Sportwear, Broadcloth and Adults $1.00 Kids 50c we are happy to have you with VISIT FOREST GROVE. On Gabardine Wednesday, May 7th seven from Beaverton Rebekah Lodge at tended Forest Grove Rebekah Shirts S H O E R E P A IR Lodge. B in g's O n ly R a d io Show with Initiation was put on and after John Scott Trotter's Orchestra, The Quality Materials the meeting delicious refresh Wool Remnants for C h a rio teers, Lina Komay and ments were served. • • • Skitch Henderson. Tune In. Neat Work Children's Garments WBUCOMK HOME! Mr. and 25c to $1.30 Mrs. Pat Snyder and family are Quick Service at visiting in Bonny Slope. They are former residents of Bonny Alterations at Slope. They have just made a C H AM BE RLAIN ’ S S T O R E HOURS trip back from Wisconsin. • • • DINNER GUEST. Mr. and Week Day» 9 a. m.-7 p. m. K EY S Duplicated 25c Sot. afternoon 12:00 to Mrs. Bob Zimbrick had as their 9:00 p. m . in While You W ait Service guests for dinner Mother’s Day, Sat. 9- a. IM.-9 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. in Zimbrck’s parents. • 9 9 SUNDAY IN PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. George Blasser were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. PHONE Keenan of Portland on Mother’s BEAVERTO N 3461 Please could you come back Day. Mrs. Keenan is a niece tomorrow, maybe? iMte 1 of Mrs. Blasser. W E G IVE ¿« tf • • • shouldn't be, getting down to “T h e Com plete Shopping Center*'’ GREEN STAMPS GUEST. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ON A LL PURCHASES Summers gave a birthday dinner for Mr. Elmer Stipe Sunday. FRIDAY VISITORS. Mr. and Beaverton Grade School • • • district over four years of age. Get the lumber, nails, win LE A VE ON TRIP. Mr. and Richard Meisegeier of Seaside, according to Austin Scrafforcfc Made First Glass Distriet Mrs. Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Sheets on Farmington Rd Beaverton Grade School, Dist county school superintendent. * dows, frames, door, screen Robert Summers are leaving on O. egon spent Friday with Mrs. • • • No. 48 is now a first class dis The change become effective Saturday for an extended trip windows, screen doors, through the States, going as far \ ISIT MO rIt MU. Mr ¿oi l Mrs trict. Reclassification is the re on June 16, when the district will Claries Res •men of Jack town sult of the recent census, which elect two additional board mem as Kansas. children in the bers. • m • hardware, brick and the and family spent Sunday at Sa showed 1,019 VISIT DAUGHTER. Mr. and lem visiting M \ Rosemans mo circulating fireplace, and Mrs. George Thyng were guests ther, Mrs. Anna Roseman. • • • BRING YO UR PRESCRIPTIONS of their daughter and son-in-law shingles and paint for my Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cole of Port HERE FROM YAMHILL. Mrs. to land Mother’s -Day. H. Lewis of Yamhill, Oregon new house. I am also going spent Thursday visiting friends BABY BOY. May 3 was the and also attended P. N. G. club Phone Aloha 6334 to tell them I read their ad. date chosen by baby Steven J. at Mrs. E. Benson’s. ALO H A, ORE • • • Pfeifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. El don E Pfeifer, of Beaverton for V IS IT IA)I>GE. A number from his initial appearance into the Beaverton Rebekah Lodge at world. tended Marietta Rebekah Lodge in Portland and enjoyed the work. 50 At tend Show er • • • A shower was held last Friday ANNOUNCE B IR T H . Mr. and evening. May 9 at the Methodist PHON E BEAVERTON 3201 Mrs. Maurice J. Wagonblast of Church in honor of Mr. and Beaverton are announcing the Mrs. Benton Douglas who have birth on May Day of a son, recently become the parents of 3— S. W. Farmington George M. Benton Leon Douglas. • • * Over 50 people attended and WEEK END AT CORVALLIS We now have the most modem up-to-date enjoyed the lovely refreshments Mrs. George Bowman spent served. lubrication equipment in the Northwest. Mother's week end in Corvallis G «40||4T|. R a d io « * *249 Clicl flak ken's B- T. W ALTON Prescription Work is Onr Specialty (Three Registered Pharmocists to Serve You) Beaverton Pharmacy 'The Prescription Store' 51 Broadway Phon« 2311 Paper Products S H E L F L IN IN G , 13" wide, plain white, 21 ft. rolls . . . 10c Assorted Plaids, 25 ft. . . 25c WALKER'S C O O K IN G P A R C H M E N T , 24” wide, 50 ft. long . with her daughter (Elaine at Alpha Gamma Delta house and enjoyed it very much. 9 9 9 IMPROVED. Parker Downing, who has been ill is much im proved. • • • Upon her return from a two months trip spent in the east Mrs. Jewel M. Wright was mar ried May 3 in Seattle to Mr. Ben M Gulbrandson of Portland. After the wedding they spent a week at Victoria. B. C. They are at home to their friends at 83 5th Street. Beaverton. 30o, 33c, 43c G R A D U A T E S Hove Your P IC N IC S U P P L I E S . . . Paper Plates, W o od en Forks, Spoons, Hot D rin k Cups, Cold D rink Cups. PE R M AN E N T SH AM PO O and W AV E Of Eunice Beauty Shop Make Your Appointment Early PHONE 3763 IN THE DOROTHY SHOP 2' s III=III k MI2 i l H s M I 5 l l l s l l l = l l l = m = l l l = l l l s l l t K l l l s U l s i = I I I S I I I = l l l = l i r = I M S I I I = l l l = l l l = l l l = l l l = l l l = l l l = lll = lll = l|| = ||| = lll=ll ijj SEF, T IIK N E W M-D TISSU E 2 for 25« in jjj T A B L E TOP W A T E R at P orcelain HEATER in O nce Lined . . . 2 0 -Y ear I iB = in in Guarantee ! 'I Investigate P ★ MILLERS * Pharmacy Something you should know! BEAVERTON LUMBER Co. 60c DEPARTMENT STORE The Aloha KINGSLEY in = in = O U R Term s Ml W e Don't Do A "Grease" Job but tee will give you a lubrication job unsurpassed ^ will thoroughly lubricate all parts o f your car. check your battery and terminals “ “ “ “ .................... fan and belt “ “ “ “ radiktor and hoses all your tires clean all your windows sweep and dust out your car. We will positively serve you well with skilled men alwavs ready to give SERVICE. M ay we convince you on your next lubrication job? We will call for and deliver your car within a two-mile radius. 24-HOUR SERVICE Ml = Beaverton Hardware FOR BETTER FOODS Phones Portlond BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 "Console Doll House Flower Shop GLEEFUL 0SOP H U S stock W AX PAPER, 125 ft. rolls Phonograph III Ml Let vour worries be our res/tonsibility. THAMES FOR S T O P P IN G I [H s "T h e House o f S ervice" WE DELIVER III KELLY M O T O R CO TRY US RHONE 3921 • — _______ Ill — P!“ Ill - ~ I BEAVERTON, OREGON 1 «♦ and WATSON H = M l= lll= lll= M ls m S M = l| ll5 U Æ M s lllS in 3 tn = IU = lllë lll= IH = IU = U I= lll= U I= H I= llls llt= lll= M Phone 2701