It ' Sex H e re , C la r is s a : “N ever throw y o u r m outh into i high gear u n til you are su re I y o u r brain is tu rn in g over.” The TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BALANCE OF THE CLASSIFIED G. V. Lawton COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS East of Beaverton SAVE money on a new ga> range at MASON’S in Tigard Sale of Floor Models. 4 popu las m akes an d 6 m odels to choose from. 10 p er cent off old OPA prices. W ater heaters also. In com bination 15% off. One week only. MASON’S T i gard, Tel. 2290. T erm s to su it you. . 15 Save Money Eastern and Western Oil A LL GRADES 55c to 75c Per Gal. By the Barrel and Two Gal. Cans • Gas and Oil VELTEX TETRA ETH YL „ *iM 5 ELEC TR IC w iring and fittings W e do not have all sizes or all item s but try us and see w hat we do have. MASON’S, Tigard 2290. 15 HOURS 8 A . M . to 10 P. M. Saturday -- 8 A . M . to 12 M ID . Continuing Our 10fr Discount .W " 1 ' /// N\ V v e b t - o '/// <^ S t v On All Merchandise Not Fair Traded k k ' v JEWELERS 'W In The DOROTHY SHOP LUSTERWARE POTTERY WATCHES . . . DIAMONDS . . . JEW ELRY GIFTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY EUNICE BEA U TY SHOP Will lie ( )pen Six Days a Week Including Mondays PHONE 3763 In the DOROTHY SHOP Letting The .lump On SPRING SALE May 10 - May 17 O ne Vt h o le Hi«* W eek of Bargains HAND POWER GRINDER................. ................ $7.95 HAND POWER SICKLE GRINDER................. $7.95 COMBINATION GRIND STONE AND SICKLE GRINDER FOR POWER, was $14.95 SALE PRICE $12.95 DOZENS OF OTHER ITEMS ON SALE Our Special Message Will Be Delivered to You STOP . . . SHOP and SAVE at J.B .IM L A Y & SONS PIAKO BOLD. Patrk .< liaddon BASKET PAGE U SUBSCRIBER ADS ■ FOR SALE: Polo coat, sport R E B U IL T A lum inum tub May coat, several wool suits, dresses tag w ith large rolls. One only. size 14. Phone B eaverton 3183. 15 $75.00. MASON’S, Tei. T igard 2290. 15 Canyon Rd. & M cLain Drive W esl Slope SEV ERA L models Coleman Oil C irculators on hand rig h t now. Term s. Large size, nearly new E state Oil C irculator. Term s. Colem an Floor F urnaces for Im m ediate delivery. MASON'S, T i gard. P hone 2290. 15 NEW and used Water Pumps for shallow and deep well. MA SON'S Tigard. Term s as low as $5.00 a month. 15 M l . 'FI 11M HUM I- verton 1 m ile anil on 11« acre is a landscaped l-vr.-old ranch- ty p e hom e for SlO.ooO- -reduced from $12.000 for quick sale. 14 x 20 living rm . with frpl.; 10 x 12 din. rm .; 9 x 11 kitch.; 6 x 7 d in n ette; 12 x 20 garage; u t ility rm .; 13 x 14 and 10 x 13 bedroom ; 0 x 8 bath; coved lin and coved plas. ceilings; first- grade hdw. fls. throughout. You will agree th is home is under- priced. T hurlow Weed, Realtor, BRoadw ay 7520. Canyon Road n ear N endel’s. 15 play oil a piano solo T uesday. Ap ril 29. for P ortland l in t No. 1. A m erican Legion A uxiliary. • • • HOSTESS. Mrs K. L. Hall, S. W. E llis Avenue, e n te rta in e d som e of her friends from Bea verton. West Slope and P o rtland w ith a Stanley afternoon tea on T h u rsd ay , May 1. • • • M EM BERS E N T E R T A IN E D F rid ay evening, May 2 Mrs. Isa belle Kemp entertain ed th e m em b ers of th e O fficers Club of B eaver C hapter No. 106, B eaver ton, at h er home on Bertha-Bea- verto n Highway. % • • • C ELEB RA TES B I R T H D A Y . Jacob’s collie "P rin c ess” who loves to I k * a baby s itte r along w ith his m aster, had a b irth d ay p arty of her own A pril 30. The ia k e w as m ade o f ham burger, and had one candle on It. P rin cess even had her p ictu re taken w ith h er cake. • • • R E C U P E R A T I N G . Casey Ab bott, S. W. M urray A venue, who has been very ill from com plica tions following chicken pox, is reported as recovering nicely now. • • • R E G I S T R A T I O N S . Mrs. R uth ann M cKenzie w ould like th e reg istratio n s for th e school of foundational violin p lay in g re tu rn ed to h er im m ediately. H er address Is Rt. I, Box 56, B eaver ton. She needs to know th e n u m b er reg isterin g so th a t she m ay plan to obtain the co rrect size room for th e lessons. 8 cords second CLOTHES HAMPERS, Sale — FOR SALE: gro w th fir. You haul. Call Cher $3.88 and$4.88. Both W hitney and 15 Pearl W ick. MASON’S, Tigard, ry 3281. F. Higdon . Tel. 2290. 15 FAM ILY LACNDRV rough dry PA IN TIN G inside or out, paper and finished. Also curtains. Cash hanging. Sy verson Bros. Leave and carry . Mrs. Alma Dochy, 1 orders a t N ora's D ressm aking, block n o rth of post office., Metz 15 Aloha, Oregon. I8p ger. FOR SALE: Used Auto Radios. H EA T IN G STOVE, slightly us Several now in stock. T igard R a ed, su itable for cabin, cottage Call ATwmter dio and Electronic. 15p or sm all home. : »88 evenings 17 FOR SALE: 3 buildings to be torn dow n o r moved. 1 is 16 x FOR SALE: 2 acres filberts, fin 24 w ith good shingle roof $35.00 est bu ild in g site near B eaver view and A-l 1 is 12 x 20 has good shingle ton, w o n derful soil, reasonable, term s, by ow n roof and shiplap siding $50.00. The other is 16 x 24 w ith nearly er. W. A. Green. Rte. i, Bea 15p new shiplap floor, siding and v erto n ., P hone 2967. roof, $225.00. Also 30 used 6 ft. on Capitol Highway. cedar posts 15 cents each; 5 FOUND: wooden y ard gates, $1.00 each Ladies sm all black hat w ith veil. and a good used hot w ater tank. Apply at M ultnomah F ire S ta 15 ■S* oo 1 .Dcation lin n nm th off • a tion. HAND Y F O R S P IT T IN ’ B ertha-B eavertcn on Ruby Ave. ‘ tw o blocks then tu rn left to T a k e a t i p f r o m D u f f e l B a g ’s g a rd e n a n d fertilizer e x p e rt. “If end of lane. Tom Decker. 15p GET M O R E... PAY LESS FOR SALE: A ntique m arble top d resser and m atching commode, Hollywood bed com plete w ith steel fram e, small davenj)ort. Rt. 2, Box 256, G reenburg Rd., Tigard. Phpne 2278. 15 Factory built homes ond utility buildings availab le now. Good m a terials, precision cut, well designed at low prices. LARGE COLONIAL HOME: $13,950— two miles from B eaver ton. Beautiful» expensively landscaped Vi acre w ith fire place. W hite-sided hom e w ith 16 x 18 din. rm .-living rm . sep a r ated by ceiling l>eam; 12 x 12 den; re ar hallway; 6 x 8 bath; I 12 x 12 kitch.; 5 x 8 refrig erato r room. Sam e floor space u p stairs divided into p arty rm ., bath, 3 or 4 bedrooms. Hdw. fls. up and down, cem ent basem ent w ith bedroom, show er, util, rm., all-purpose rm ., oil furnace, o u t side exit. Tall tree grove in rear. Thurlow Weed, R ealtor, BRoadway 7520 Canyon Rd. n ear N endel’s. 18 M. D. HICKLIN Kings Lane Beaverton, Oregon PHONE 2466 For $6,950—O F F CANYON ROAD. In W estdale new hom e d istrict w ith Bull R un w a te r is a land scaped 5-yr.-oid 2-bedroom hom e _ on I*, acre, reduced from $8,:>5:i to $6,950 fa r quit*; tu .e as o w n ers at e m oving. $2,boo ic r eq u 3 ity; S -2 m om m y i n balance. T hurlow Weed, R ealtor, LRcad- I w ay • 520. c anyon R ead ra n .- I N endel’s. 15 W E K I L L Y S H O U L D N ’ T M IN I» I I t ’« th e juicy m onth of A pril I —so w h a t’s an o th er d rip m ore Í or less? <— Gas and Oil Brake Service Lee Tires and Tubes Washing and Polishing A L O H A Service PEARSON & BONDY Aloha, Ore. v Socializes in Better Permanents on Delivery Washing Machines Fairbanks-M orse I Shallow and Deep W ell Pum ps Clearwater Plumbing Co. Beaverton Phone 2925 From where I s it... ¿y Joe Marsh We are Ready and Able to handle your work Satisfac torily at Reasonable Cost. NELSON Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE Phoae 701 455 W. Baseline • HiMsbore, Oregon House ami Auto Kadio K«■ | >;iiriim Pick lip and Delivery Service ALOHA, OREGON Window and Door Screens In Stock Also Odd Sizes to Order By pound or keg, all sizes NAILS 2P to 60P Rolled and Composition Shingles ROOFING (Red, Green and B la ck) By Sheet or Truckload PLYWOOD Vtt". V » ", V l " . »/•", V *" Fixtures ond Fittings, including PLUMBING Lavatory Bowls ond Closet Bowls Including Outside White PABCO PAINTS and Enamels Electrical Wiring & Supplies Wall Switch Boxes, Loom Wire (all sizes) B X Cable, Duplex Receptacles, Range Receptacles Main Range and Circuit Panels and Many Other Hard to Get Items Radio Wave We Do Expert M ARCEL WAVING Open 6 Days a Week 9 A . M - 6 P. M Phone 6 1 2 5 Evening work by Appointment Is Available Here ROY'S RADIO REPAIR Such as the ALOHA, OREGON Service and Repair Immediate Supplias A Sarvica On Lom bard, just S. of A llen Phone 2965 EXCLUSIVE MOTO-SV/AY l u b r i c a t : c m Every Type of Plumbing Beaverton Florists Beauty Shoppe SERVICE Gas and Electric Cut Flowers Potted Plants PAT'S BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 9, 1947 Hot Water HEATERS From our own green Houses Daily Service to Portland and Hillsboro FOR SALE: Montag wood and coal range w ith copper coil and 30 gallon w ater tan k w ith som e fittings. Phone T igard 3558. Mel vin Peddicord. Rte. 2, Box 369. Tigard. 15 Hardware and Feed you p la n tsa lv ia s on o ne side of t h e g a r d e n pool, y o u s h o u l d p l a n t s p l t o o n i a s on t h e s a m e s i d e . ” If you hu m p y o u r crazybone, ju s t p a r t yo u r h a ir on t h e o th e r side. It will p r o h n h l y n e v e r s h o w . M OTHER VISITING. Mr.- M asters is in Beaverton visiting h er son and daughter, E rn estin e ! Beeler and E rn est M asters. Mrs. j M asters makes her hom e in Sa- j lent. . . . l t d \ t , s o n . U r ,i! Benton Douglas are the proud p aren ts of a son, Benton I.eon. I who arrived last week. We Have Them Hillsdale Builders Supply 6309 S. W. Capitol Highway ATwater 3750 One block East of Capitol ond Bertho-Beaverton Junction ALOHA, OREGON Where's the Argument? Over 50 years in the Feed Business Phone Aloha 6311 — Aloha Mill Phone Aloha 6272 . . . Reedville COLEMAN Floor Furnace 30.000 B.T.U. sise . . . . 50.000 B.T.U. si=c . 8119.65 You should have heard Ed Onrey and Spike M iller d eb atin g the merits of Guernseys versus Hol- steins. Ed’s our (irerhief, and Spike handles hardware — but to hear them argue you’d have thought that they’d been dairying for life. Finally they put it up to Sam Carter, who breeds dairy cows! Sam hems and haws . . . and #,n- cludes there’s a lot to bo said tar Holsteins, and about as much for Guernseys . . . take your pick! Actually, Ed and Spike were like people arguing about — Seer versus b u tterm ilk . Folks who’ve never tasted beer will sometimes get mighty vehement about their choice of beverages. And folks who’ve never tasted buttermilk will he equally pig-headed. From where I sit, it’s in things we know nothing about th at we get bigoted and stubborn. But when it comes to things we know a lot about, we’re able to see both sides . . . be tolerant and reasonable . . . and above a ll, understanding. Composition Shingles Red or Green Replaces bulky space-taking circulators and stoves No Trouble . . No Dirt . . Automatic Heat Coming Through One Register Rolled Roofing Red or Green Wood Lath THE HOTPOINT-MAYTAG STORE BEAVERTON 2699 EAST CRED IT TERMS One Mile East on Conyon Rood Metal or Wooden W. i. McCREADY AMBER COMPANY K: 4 Old Canyon Road FAMOUS MAT-MATIC IRON 510.95 Finger Tip Control For HER LISTENING Pleasure COFFEE MAKER Complete with electric stove $9.85 RHAPSODY IN BLUE Paul Whiteman, Earl Wild at the Piano JEROME KERN, ALBUM HARMONICA CLASSICS John Sebastian • If* National Music Week This week you should add to your collection of fine music. Wc suggest the following albums, and we have many more from which to choose. Medicine Cabinets QnaneA. & A ckerm an BED LAMPS, $4.39 Choice of Pastel Shades TABLE LAMPS China Bases $9.95 Copyright, 1947, United ¿¡tales Brewers Foundation . $153.15 ONE SHE CAN ENJOY THROUGHOUT THE YEARS F. D. PECK, Manager Beaverton. Phone 3821 RA CH M AN IN O FF— Piono Concerto No. 2 in C Minor PORGY AND BESS— Pittsburgh Symphony, Fritz Reiner PADEREW SKI— Golden Anniversary Album M) HEAR THEM AT LEONARD'S & ERNEST'S 109 Watson Street, Beaverton, Oregon Phone 2621