Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 9, 1947 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER West Slope SOFTBALL (¡AMK. The ju n io r boys of the Valley Com m unity ENTRY IN RACK. The F ran I'n ite d P resb y terian C hurch have cis children, Jan et, R andolph and scheduled a softball game w ith Bobby, sp en t last week end in the Sylvan school team S aturday Yakima, w h e re they saw the I 1:30 p.m. on the Sylvan school ( hot ro d ” ro ad ster race on the grounds. M em bers of both team s have been practicing faithfully Y akim a Speedw ay. so it should be a good gam e R andolph had a car entered | to watch. in th e race, as did a friend of | • • • his, R onnie Jones, from Salem, w ho w ent w ith the F rancis fam S P E C I A L M O T H E R S HAY S n tV K B ily. • • • A lovely M other’s Day service I L L A T H O M E. B erniece Fors- has been planned 10:30 a.m., b erg is ill w ith the m um ps at Sunday, May 11, by the Valley h er hom e on Canyon Road. Ber C om m unity C hurch at S. W. Ga niece is a stu d en t a t Raleigh bel Lane and F airw ay Drive. U shers will be young m en and Hills School. wom en from the high school group. Special recognition will be given th e youngest and oldest Com pore m other present, and th e largest fam ily present. • • • Conyon Rd. Phone TRinity 8039 m at Ellis HA \'Q1 ET. T uesday evening, May 13, the church is planning a m other an d daughter banquet a t Gabel School. D inner will be served at 6:30 p.m. The charge will be m ade for the m other and d au g h ter together. The m es sage for th e m others will he presented by Mrs. C. A. W alt ers, w ith a response for the daughters given by Arden Arm- field. • • • JU N IO R W EEK END. B arbara T horn spent last week end w ith h er parents. Mr. and Mrs. W al te r R. T horn of Ridgeway Drive. B arbara is a ju n io r at the Uni versity of Oregon. This F riday, Mrs. T horn is going to Kugenc to participate in th e festivities centering around J u n io r Week-end w hich is also in honor of the m others of the students. Mrs. T horn will stay a t the Delta Gamm a House w here her d au g h ter is a m em ber . • . Appliances DOUGHTY'S MOTHER, BE BEAUTIFUL O n M .o t h e r '3 ¿ b a y With a New Permanent or a Finger Wave and Shampoo from HELEN’S BEAUTY SALON S.W . Canyon Rd. Sunday, May l. m arked the tw enty-fifth wedding anniversarv of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sinclair of B arnes Road. The Sinclairs celebrated by holding ‘ open house ’ from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. for 84 relatives and friends. Mrs. Celia berger and Mrs. N. B. Le Clerc assisted in serving. Mrs. Stella Massee en tertain ed the guests w ith sev eral piano solos and sang arias from various operas. The "groom ’ presented his •’bride" w ith a pair of lovely sil ver candlesticks and the couple received som e beautiful silver gifts R everend F ather Sniderhon w as a guest, as well as Joseph Moore of Pasadena. California. The Sinclairs have four sons, Edw ard, Kimbal, R obert and Samuel, and the two elder boys, E dw ard and Kimbal, both re cently re tu rn ed from Europe, as sisted at the reception. • • • SPEC IA L SERVICE. A spec ial prep arato ry service will be held by th e Valley Com m unity U nited P resbyterian C hurch at Gabel School Friday, May 16, 7:45 p.m., w ith Rev. John C. Nevin of th e M ultnomah United P resb y terian Church delivering the message. Following the ser vice, the session will m eet to receive new members. ATTENDS MEETING. Dr N orm an Johnson anil his wife spent last week end in Rend w here Dr. Johnson presided at a S tate V eterinarian’s Associa tion m eeting. » • • N E W ItABY. Little Mary K ath ryn Wolfe, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Sidney V. Wolfv, arrived at Em anuel H ospital on April C A N AD I A N VI SI TORS. Mi 23 .tipping the scales at 6 lbs., and Mrs. R. W. P ointer of Can- ! 4 ounces. The Wolfes live on yon Road en tertain ed as their W yndm ere Circle. • • • house guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard Green of Malibu. M A Y W E E K E N D . Diana Arp P rincess Louisa Inlet, B ritish Co ke spent F rid ay and S aturday in lumbia. Salem as a guest at the May W eek-end activities of W il lam ette U niversity. Miss Arpke a guest of Delta Gamma house, attended the May Queen Coron REAL ESTATE ation, the class play, the P resi d en t’s tea and the Delta Gamma INSURANCE banquet. LOANS All the students whose regis 18 Years in West Slope tratio n s have been received and accepted for n ext y ear w ere We have guests. Miss A rpke being one BUYERS FOR HOMES of those “acceptées." BR 7988 W est Slope PLUMBING SERVICE "Ernie" Leach P lu m b in g & A pp liances Phone BEacon 7542 8081 S. W. Conyon Road “ 2.>tll Anniversary P lu m b in g — B e tte r H om es*' A. F. Spaulding LEACH & BUCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt ORDERS TA KEN ot Acreages, Farms W est S lope Plum bing Mrs. C larke Fish« surpi tsed her husband S atuniav evening. May 3, w ith a birthday party in his honor. T he su rp i i>< was quite com plete as his b irth u n til May 6. T he guests, who w ere Mr. and Mrs. William E. Deisch. Mr. and Mrs Quincy it Allen. Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan M ulkey, Mr. and Mi I. .1 Mit- choff and Dr. and Mrs Alva W. G raham , m et at the Graham home, then cam e to Fisher’s to gether. The evening w as spent play ing C ourt W hist, with VIis G ra ham and Mr. Spencer winning high score honors; and Mr. and Mrs. Allen ending with the low scores. R efreshm ent- were the traditional decorated birthday cake and ice cream • • • WORK TO CONTINI 1 I \ I Elt. W ork on th e K aiser Building p ro ject. so u th east of Beaverton, has been discontinued for the tim e being due to th e difficulty in obtaining th e necessary m aterials for building. • * • GUEST. Mr. W inn Scott, of K ansas City, Mo., a business as sociate of Mr. Arm field’s is to a rriv e by plane Saturday, May 10. to spend several days as guest of th e Allen A rm field’s • • • LEAVE FOR SEATTLE. Mrs L. P. P utnam left Wednesday for Seattle, w here she and her husband have found an a p a rt m ent. Mr. and, Mrs Phil Held, d au g h ter and son-in-law of the P u tn am s will move into their hom e on SE W ilson Avenue. Mrs. P u tn am will he greatly m issed in th e neightiorhood. and in the Bethel Congregational C hurch, w h ere she has been su p erv iso r of th e pre-school de partm ent, and v ery active in the W om en’s Fellow ship • • • PARTY. D ianne Graham of S. W. H ow att Road had her b irth day p arty M onday, May 5, which she shared w ith many of her friends. On h er real birthday, the only “g uest" th at showed up was th e Chicken Pox, so she had to w a it several w eeks to celebrate. V ISIT CALIFORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Francis spent tw o w eeks in California recently. T h eir trip took them as far south as Paso Robles, Calif., w here th ey visited friends and they also sp en t some tim e at El RanfchO, a reso rt near Fresno. I Prescriptions C a r e f u I I y l and Accurately Compound - 1 SHIPPERS New Floor Polisher ond Woxer by the hour or day 8907 S. W. Conyon Rood BE 4433 û tfc ttfim / Canyon Road Appliance Co. ed from pure fresh drugs, I just as your doctor orders. i 35 Years Experience As a Pharmacist BR. 5B 39 Prescription Specialists J 8805 S. W. Canyon Road at MUELLER BROS. SERVICE p M (S © IK BR. 9669 8901 S. W. Canyon Rd. FURNITURE USED (A-l CONDITION) REFRIGERATORS - ELECTRIC STOVES W ASHING MACHINES CANYON ROAD TRADING POST The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is One mile Eost of Beaverton on Canyon Road We invite you to our Open House this week. Come in ond look around whether you wont to buy anything or not. DR. H. A. PUTNAM Chiropractic Physician 30 years proctice in Portland 1 block So. of Canyon Rood on Howett Road-West Slope Portland phone BEacon 9637 Open eves, by appointment Canyon Beauty Studio ¥U t Rilling Machine Permanent $8.SO In West Slope A T 2893 m =iM =iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iH =m = mi HI in ill = Ml Ï1 m in Here Is Real Help for The Budget The Items Listed Below, along with many other Items on our Shelves are Guaran teed to Save You Money. Prices Friday and Saturday Only. New Potatoes Limit 5 lbs BISQUICK Medium IVO RY SO A P“ West Slope Cleaners 8707 S W. Canyon Rood (West Slope) Save on Cash and Carry CLEANING • PRESSING • REPAIRING •n jfi 'reenliner Whether it weighs an ounce or a hundred pounds, you can depend upon faster night- and-day Green-Liners to get it there when needed. In Western Oregon, get it there today via Green-Liner express. FRUIT C O C K TA IL M o" >, ,b G,.„ Jo„ 36« TOM ATO JU ICE ST0KELEY'5 Large ^ 46-ox. Tin 21« Duz, Oxydol, Dreft and I Rinso 33« SOAP POWDER Per Pkg. Meat Market SPECIALS roast beef ot Ç Standing Rib Roast of Beef For Its Best Per Lb A - (AA and A Grade, feed lot steer ribs properly Aged) RIB LAMB CHOPS F,om AA'This^ Lp ^ Fresh Chinook Salmon 63« «.«, 55« Spring Run Columbia River Salmon Are Now at Their Best When You Want Some Extra Fine Steaks lor That Special Occasion. See Us. THEY ARE OUR SPECIALTY Free Delivery Service at Cash and Carry Price SH A FER & NEER Mr. and Mrs. B eit W. Henry of Brentwood Avenue are fly ing to San Francisco on May 1 i w here they will lie joined by Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Gigray of Cald well, Idaho. Dr. Gigray and Mr. H enry have been friends from th eir college days. On May 16 the two couples are sailing on the Matsonia for Honolulu. They have reservations at the Moana Hotel, owned by the M atson Steam ship Company and will also spend some tim e at the famed Royal Hawaiian Ho tel. The H enrys and Gigrays have planned to fly to some of the o th er islands before re tu rn in g hom e in a m onth or six weeks T he H en ry ’s son-ln-low and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Orin Am undson will occupy th eir home while they are away. To Vacation in B.C. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cotton of P arkview Court, spent the last ten days in Seaside and As toria, w here Mr. Cotton w ent on business. Som etim e th is week «-nd the Cottons begin th eir vacation by driving to Seattle w here they will stay a t th e Olympic Hotel. From th ere they will go to the B ritish Columbia points of inter est, Victoria and Vancouver, w here they have reservations at the E m press Hotel and Hotel Vancouver. If tim e perm its, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton will go farth er east, planning to be th ere in th ree w eek’s time. • • • R E T U R N S . Mrs Georg«- E. Ah iyeh of Canyon I,ane returned this week from a three w eek’s stay at th e El Encanto Hotel in Santa B arbara, California. Canyon Road Appliance Co. ANN UALS Peat Moss $3.75 per bale Garden Tools, Seeds, Lawn Seed ond Fertilizers Let us give you expert advice on Whot to use -- What to do Canyon Road Seed and Floral Co. BR. 0051 Conyon Road at W alker Road "Everything tor the Garden" To Mother . . . With Love! You can’t give your mother a higher compli ment than to want to keep her always attrac tive looking. Surprise her on Mother's Day with* a gift of our new Rayette Safe Wave Beoverton, 3798 ff / r ; . HS1 She W ill Love It And See Our Revlon and Chen Yu G ift Sets West Slope Beauty Shop 8717 W. Conyon Rood BEacon 9492 'The best investment in your home community is yoi subscription to 'Your Hometown Newspaper'.” FO L-D EE -S EA T Fits over regular closet seat . . . white plastic with blue or pink plastic arms. Has back rest, arms and "hold in” strap with buckles. Light weight, only 13 ozs Comes in own pink and blue convenient bog, easy to handle or carry Mony Other Electrical Items Large Selection of I k tö fa S tá q é ¿ ( ì r e e * ! i e t e r L ie te . WE PLAN AND PLANT WITH YOU A MUST for Tots Traveling or Visiting Kelvinator Fowler Water Heaters RCA Victor Radios Speed Queen Washers iii ifi hi Honolulu Houml Only $3.98 ¡Ti = Hrs 8 :0 0 to 6 :0 0 P M. - Thrifty Prices - 2-Day Sernce ijj I I -i l=lll=lll = lll=lll=H IEIH SI«5H I=IM 3IO II=H ISIIiaW B H IH IIIS!!l3 ^ lbs. 10c 2',it.Pkg. 3 9 c 5 b„„ 49c PHONES— BE. 0733 -- BR. 9998 FOR RENT | The Se rvice Store BE 4433 ’ BEacon 7542 i West Slope ! PHARMACY WEST SLOPE MARKET West Slope Grocery and Market Canyon Road at West Slope Service Phone ¡Birthday Honors * Toys of all Kinds SEE US Canyon Rd. of West Slope BE 4433 . JACK'S TOT SHOP In the ELITE DRESS SHOP, 229 SW First St., Beaverton Everything for Infants and Children