Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 9, 1947 SYLVAN BENZ PARK CLUB ADDITION RALEIGH RALEIGH freshmen tapped for membership in Skull and Dagger, sophomore William Duhaime, son of Mrs. men’s honorary on U. of O. cam Gertrude H. Duhaime of route pus. • • • 1, Box 83, Beaverton ,was chosen this week to play a part in the CALIFORNIA VISITORS Mr. forthcoming university theater and Mrs. Thurlow Weed and son, production of Maxwell Ander Ronnie returned home last week son's play "Joan of Lorraine on from a motor trip to California. the University of Oregon cam They visited San Francisco re pus, May 23. ____ turning home via the coastal The play-withln a-play route and enjoyed the scenic rently being played on Broad beauties of the rhododendron and way with Ingrid Bergman in the azaleas in full bloom. starring role of Joan of Arc. Mr. Duhaime, a freshman, is If you wont to buy, trade or sell, majoring in law. He also was am ong the 26 T R Y A CLA SSIFIED AD. IX T H E A T R E PR O D UCTIO N HILLS MOTHKK HONORKD. Mrs. William F. Mallen will be the guest of honor at a Mother’s Day dinner given by her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mallen. • • • HOME FROM HOSPITAL. R. S. Fryer returned to his home on Charming Way, Wednesday, April 30, after undergoing min or surgery at Good Samaritan Hospital. DELIGH TFUL DELICIOUS Stork Club News Bettina is the name given to the little daughter, born April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Czy- zewski of Beaverton. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Guer ra of 3919 SW Cullen Boulevard, are announcing Nancy J.’s arri val on April 16. • • • Happy parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Torek, Junior, of Bea verton, who added a son, Fred B., to their family on April 19. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Collls F. Steven son, Junior, Aloha residents, are proudly telling their friends of baby Pamela Ann’s arrival on April 23. VISIT EN ROUTE. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Rogers on Walker Road were Mrs. Robert Cinders and Mrs. Wm. Hartnell, who have been spending a few weeks in California and were enroute home to Victoria, British Colum bia. • M OUR M OTTO .. . (Quality Foods at Lowest Possible Prices. SERVICE . . . With a Smile The Personnel of the B. Cr T. M ARKET Wish Each and Every MOTHER a Happy MOTHER'S DAY Come In and See ELSIE Borden Cheese A Full Assortment for All Uses ____ PRODUCE____ BLUE BELL Potato Chips p* FRESH Every Doy, with an assortment to Choose from VAN CAMPS Pork & Beans 2 cant EGG PLANT For o quick Lunch, 300 size, NEW POTATOES FRESH CORN it's Delicious— W ELCH'S Grape Jelly NEW BEETS TURNIPS GREEN PEPPERS TOMATOES The Finest Foods Available RADISHES CUCUMBERS ALWAYS ARE ONIONS And Many Other Items to Fit Your Menu AT B. Ä T. MARKET PRICED RITE! • Quality Meats for Thrifty Shoppers • SWIFT'S PREMIUM Cooked Hams LEAN BEEF, Freshly Ground u 69c COLORED, FRESHLY DRESSED 3 to 3 1/2 lb. averoge Fryers For a Mother's Day Treat Lb. 49' Eastern Sugar Curad Prime Rib Roast Lb 5 9 ‘ Sliced Bacon LEAN Lb. 69' a Prices for Friday and Saturday Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Ample to GALVANIZED PAILS— While they last ...... 39c SCRUB BRUSHES— E a c h ....................... LOCKERS RENT THEN NOW 19c STEEL WOOL— Pkg.............................. 4c 8 - 10 - 12* 16 CUBIC FOOT BOXES Parking TUMBLER! 6 for 29c PADLOCKS— Each ........... 35c FILES— 8-inch, e a c h ............ 15c RUBBER TAPE— Roll ......! ............. Scarlet Fever Scarlet fever is a dangerous, easily spread disease, caused by streptococus germs spread thru personal contact or through con taminated milk or other food. Be cause the disease is so contag ious, anyone who knows he has been exposed to it should seek medical advice immediately. A doctor should also be consulted whenever a person has a bad sore throat and fever. Scarlet fever is most common in the late winter and spring and most often strikes children under ten. The disease can have se vere complications, including ear infection, infected glands and diseases of the heart and kidneys. Obviously, good medical and nursing care are essential. A person who is about to come down with scarlet fever may seem tired, restless or out of sorts for a few days. He then develops a fever and a sore throat and may vomit. Some times his temperature goes as high as 104 or 105 degrees. W ith in a day or two a rash may show on the neck and chest and gradually spread over the body. The tongue becomes furred and red points appear through its coating in mild cases, the rash lasts only a short time, the fe ver may be moderate and the sore throat mild. In more severe cases, the rash lasts about two weeks. Some people have scarlet fe ver without the rash, or with a slight rash which goes unnoticed This type of scarlet fever is also contagious. In any type of scarlet fever it is essential that the patient be isolated, usually for six to eight weeks. Unless he goes to a hos pital, he should be put to bed in a room by himself at home. No one should enter the sick room but the doctor and the nurse or other person taking care of the patient. The nurse must wash her hands thoroughly and change her outer clothing when she leaves the sick room and before she handles food, to avoid carrying! the germs to> others in the family. Any child ren in the family should be sent away from home. If this is im possible. they must be kept away from the sick room. The doctor will usually want, the patient to stay in bed for three or four weeks. Getting up sooner is very apt to bring on complications. If kidney disease occurs, it is apt to begin during the convalescence, when all dan ger seems past. Deafness is sometimes the price paid for neglecting the proper treatment for scarlet fever. To avoid such dangerous complications, it is essential that the scarlet fever patient and nurse follow the doc tor’s Instructions to the letter. This column is sponsored, in th einterest of better health, by: The Washington County Public Health Association. Zola F. Mor gan, Executive Secretary. Restaurant Operator* Anti Employees SPRING CLOTHES PINS— Dozen ............................5c STORE HOURS 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. 7 BIG SALE DAYS May 17th Pork Sausage 49' Butcher: "The farmer who brought this rooster in said he was the laziest one in the world.’’ Assistant: “ Did he say just how lazy he was?” Butcher: “ Yes, he said the rooster had never crowed in his life. He just waited for another one to crow and then he nodded his head!" • • • "Seems as if,” sez Pa Trolman, "life is just an everlastin’ strug gle to keep a feller’s earning cap acity up to his yearning capac ity.” 35 Lb. Puro Pork, Freshly Ground Lb. GIRL SCOUTS TROOP 49 The regular meeting of Girl Scout Troop 49 was held Wed nesday, April 30, 1947 at our Scout leader’s house. We have our investiture and the following were invested: Harriet Riley, Molly Lutz, Mar garet Adams, Judith Miller, Len ny Matson and Anita Hockett. After th investiture we had a marshmallow roast. Then we had a vote on who is to place the money for the Juliet Low fund on the friendship tree on field day. The result was that Harriet Riley was elected. We then made our good night | circle and meeting adjourned. Gayl Benson Scribe May 10th Ground Beef So Mother won't hove to cook on Mother's Day • CARROTS FRESH PEAS Jor • 15c RUBBER EXTENSION CORD ........... 39c Food Bank MULTNOMAH CLUB AT CANYON ROAD IN WEST SLOPE . . . submitted by Mrs. Joseph A. Boerste 2Vk T. flour Gradually blend in Vi C. milk Cook this until mixture is a very thick paste, about 10 min utes, stirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Cream together: Vi C. shortening Vi C. granulated sugar Y a t. salt Vi t. cinnamon Add this creamed mixture to the paste mixture and beat with a rotary beater until fluffy. Fold in Vi t. vanilla, Vi C. raisins, cut in small pieces, and Vi C. coars ely cut nuts. Use Vi of this ic ing for filling between layers. Into the remainer sift 1 C. con fectioner’s sugar and spread on top and sides of two layer cake. We Suggest A Beautiful White Blouse Lace Trimmed Large Sizes or Flower Prints, Jersey, Cottons PURSES and BAGS Black and Colors Costume Jewelry, Pins Earrings, Etc. A New Spring DRESS Elite Dress Shop 220 S. W . First St. T h « advertí »er—Teh him yo« read his message In the paper. Beaverton Oregon W here parking Is easy_______ FISHING MOTORS NOW $106.50 to $170.50 Ready Pull Starters Doughty's Appliances Canyon Road at Ellis, Beaverton 3799; Night TR 8039 SHINGLES FLOORING MOULDING COMPOSITION ROOFING FRAMES, SASH ~-j We Can Get any Size You Want LET US FIGURE YOR MATERIAL LIST SPECIALS STEEL WOOL PADS, (10c and 5c size)............ 9c and 4c PLASTIC LAMP CORD, assorted colors.................— ft. 3c TOWLINE CABLE (keep one in the car)............ each 95c LINOLEUM KNIVES.............................. .............each 49c AJAX ALUMINUM SASH FASTENERS ......... 2 for 25c PLASTIC TOWEL BARS, assorted colors............ each 95c STEEL CLOTHES LINES (plastic covered) .100 ft. $2.45 BANTAM FLASHLIGHTS ................................ - each 49c 28" - 48" EXTENSION SINGLE CURTAIN RODS ea. 13c 30" CURTAIN EXTENDER.......................... ... each 13c 28"-48" Extension DOUBLE CURTAIN RODS, each 24c 28"-48" CRISS CROSS CURTAIN RODS........... each 30c 15"-25" SWING EXTENSION ROD............. per pair 40c RURAL TYPE MAIL BOX (aluminum)..................... $3.25 LIFT LITE GARAGE DOOR SETS »..........................$17.00 All Sizes Galvanized Screen Wire I TAKE MOTHER OUT It I The Valley View Richfield Station I f I I Sav It With Flowers On MOTHER’S DAY We Specialize in Floral Design* fur Any Occasion CORSAGES, TABLE ARRANGEMENTS, CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS WEST SLOPE CHOICE VARIETIES OF CAMELLIAS Hardware Phone BE 6926 „ Creamy Raiain-N Cake Icing West Slope Lumber Yard ADDITIONAL SAVINGS WITH SAH GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ON ALL PURCHASES Open. Eve*. Fri. & Sat. TE M PT E R A food handlers course will be given by the Washington County Health Department in coopera tion with the Oregon State Board of Health at three different lo cations. In that way it will be GARDEN STAKES convenient for more people to attend. Garden Trowels - Cultivators - Shovels Present plans are to have meet ings scheduled-at Hillsboro, Bea Lawn Rollers for Rent verton and Forest Grove. The course will include lectures and talks by Doctor Wilcox, Assis tant State Health Officer, and by Doctor Hollister M. Stolte, Med 9049 S. W. CANYON ROAD BR. 6122 ical Director of the Washington County Health Department. Talks | will also he given by State San ¡=IM = lll = lll = lll = M I= lll= lll= lll= lll = lll= lll= lll = lll= lll= lll= lll = lll = IM=IM=lll=lll=IM = IM = IMJ itarians of the Food Sanitation Section. Food handling technique Ml will be demonstrated by motion iTl picture films. A ll foodhandlers Ml In a Shiny Clean Car are invited and encouraged to at tend at the nearest place given Ml We Specialize in Wash and Wax Jobs in their respective areas. The courses are to be given at BRING YOURS TO m 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in each ¡ of the areas listed below: Hi i Hillsboro— Wednesday, May 21, Ml County Court Room, Court House, 2nd floor. § We Pick Up and Deliver Beaverton— Thursday, May 22 Ñ at Kiwanis Hall. jfj 8703 S. W. Canyon Road BE 3807 ili Forest Grove— (date and place I B to be announced later. É m = iii= iii= t M = iii= m = m = iii= iii= iii= iM = iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= iii= H i= u i= iii= iu = iii= i SCOUT POCKET KNIVES Limited Quantity $1.95 B. & T. MARKET Just like a hog eating acorns under a tree, an ungrateful man never looks up to see where they come from. W E E K ’S T A ST E Health for All bbe HIowerA LJ (>802 SW CANTON ROAD AT. H>8«>