Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 9, 1947 Silver Tea On Mother’s Day, May 11, at the Masonic Temple the Job’s Daughters of Bethel No. 20 are giving their annual Silver Tea honoring their mothers and the members of the Eastern Star and Masonic Lodges! All friends of the girls are also welcome. There will be a musical en Indian gals having heap fun tertainment throughout the af with beau and error ternoon and delicious refresh ments. Those pouring during the hours from two to five o’clock will be. Mrs. M. J. Beeler, Mrs Welding and Machine Al. Schappert, Mrs. Harry Shop VV’right. Mrs. Olive Gertch. Bethel Guardian, Mrs. R. A Bennison Machinery Built to Order and Honor Queen Caroline Tal GENERAL REPAIRING bert. « K.NTKKTAINH. Mrs. Hedberg entertained a number of her of ficers Friday evening who serv ed under her when she was Mat ron of Eastern Star in the year 1945. Letter Defines Action Taken On Beavers Notch D o u b le Triumph 10', Reduction • By Don Grandy) "Is it unlucky to postpone a Discus, DeHaan *B), Trachsel 'Bl. Heater <N); Distance 125’ 8”. wedding?” asked Harry. "Not if you keep on postpon Javelin, Ross <B), McCorkle <B), Hodge (FG); Distance, 161’ ing it!” 11 ” . Broad Jump, Lawrence <Mc), Beaverton high's track team Meyerink (Me), Handy (WL); Pioneer Publishing Co. swept through the combination Distance 20’ 5”. Beaverton, Oregon Remember Her I county and TYV League meets, Relay, West Linn, Hillsboro, Gentlemen:— As expected, 1 have received held here last Friday, to win the Newberg: Time, 1:36.2. On Mav 11th varied criticism by my recent chstmpionship over six compet action in reducing all merchan ing schools. KKTI lt\S FROM MONTANA In the TYV meet, the locals dise in the store by a flat 10 Mrs. James W. Girard of Mur scored 47V4 points, followed by per cent. Most of this criticism ray Avenue has returned from a has been favorable however—at West Linn, 31 Vi, McMinnville, visit with her sister and brother 30, Hillsboro, 21Vi, Newberg. least from the customer’s point at her old home in Missoula, Mon. of view—and why shouldn’t it 11 Vi, Forest Grove, 10 and Ti gard, 2. (>o— we all welcome a cash sav SAINT CECILIA'S An overwhelming margin of ing, regardless of what we pur 78 points was hit by the Bea chase. CHURCH Competltiton says I am crazy vers when they downed Hills- i Beaverton, Oregon and that the actions of one little boro, 20, Forest Grove, 18, and | for Cars, Trucks ond Tractors s Tigard, 6, in the Washington store will not influence our man rn* Church Dinner IMPItOVKD. Mr. Peckham has ufacturers. That is where they County meet Iires j been very ill and went to the are mistaken. The little stores With only the District meet Delicious NYLONS Simularli Oil Product!* | hospital for a few days but is outnumber the large stores thru- held today, left on the home FOR MOTHER Phone 6301 | ' much improved and was able schedule, the Beavers have set BAKED HAM Famous Make, 51 Gauge out the country and it is chiefly ALOHA. OREGON to come home Saturday. the action of these sajne little an impressive mark of six wins All wanted shades (Swift's Premium) stores that has already succeeded and no defeats in home appear ances. Sizes 8 to 10 K 2 in lowering the price of cotton Mashed Potatoes with Results of the TYV meet: materials 7 Vi cents per yard and High hurdles, Doyle (H), Walk- Cream Gravy FOR has started cotton on a downward trend—a trend toward pre-war ker (B), Gearhy (N); Time, :15.6. Fresh Green Peas 100 yd. dash, Watson (WLi, In Walker's Dept. Store Pure Silk Hose prices. Mother’s Day Salad V We have already dropped our Gervais (B), Taylor <WL); Time, Phone orders to Beaverton 3461 Famous Make, 3-Thread mark-up since the dicontinuance 10 . 1 . or Scholls 8322 Home Made Cake Mile, Spear (Me), Huling (B). of the OPA to stimulate buying. Wanted Shades Coffee Milk BOXED CHOCOLATES Now, with this additional 10 per Record (WL); Time, 4:52.8. Sizes 8i/2 to lO ’/ i 440-yd, Gervais (B), Handy (W At The cent mark-down we have reached A Stitch In Time L), Gray (N); Time, :52.6. McDonald's the rock bottom price, actually Low Hurdles, Doyle (H), Pot- Aloha Grange a pre-war price. If we went any Society, Johnson ten (H), Harrison <H); Time, lower in our attempt to assist Rolphs and Winetts Hall GOWNS the public we would be forced :24.5. * 220 yard, Watson (WL), Taylor Merry Maid to close the doors and call it Saturday Night from 5 to 8 Lovely Satin with Lace Trim (WL), Squires (Me); Time, .22.9.5. 2 Ladies Sample Suits quits. 880 yard, Spear (Me), Walker M AY 17, 1947 The fact still remains that pric Sizes 14 and 16 “GRANDMA SAYS THE STO RK,DAO (B), Record (WL); Time 2:02.9. From $1.25 to $3.75 es must be forced down! If con Adults $1.00 Kids 50c SAYS UNDER A CA8BA6E LEAF. IS $55 to $39.50 Shot Put, Brown (FG), Ben- sumers aren’t stimulated to buy, SOMEONE TRYIN6 TO K IO ME»' Fine SLIPS and if prices aren’t lowered, it ham (B), Heater (N); Distance, 4 Unclaimed Men's Suits will create another depression— 44’ 9V*’\ Four gore non-riding Crepe Pole Vault, DeHaan (B), Lay- a depression that will make 1929 $75 Values for $60 IVrfumes oie (Me) and Beck (WL) tied; or Satin SHOE look like a sissy. GOOD HEALTH IS Height, 10’ 3” . W ill Alter to Fit No, the increased volume of REPAIRING From 50c to 515.00 PRICELESS High Jump, Lawrence (Me), price-conscious people does not Wool Remnants for make up for the lowered prices Frye (FG) anti Mitchell (H) tied; w ish y o u / an Evening in K iris • Highest Quality but we are looking forward to Distance, 5’ 7”. Cotton House Children's Garments My Alibi, Chichi Material THE the not too distant day when our 25c to $1.50 Yankee Clover manufacturers will be forced to Dresses sell at a price that will allow us Roger-Gallet Fast colors, sanforized, a reasonable mark-up and allow Chet Bak ken's S'Orli, Coty our customers the quality and smart styling, floral prints Duplicates Made W hile the value that they seek. Checks and Stripes Fine assortment of Y ou Wait The retailers think the major Sizes 12 to 44 CUSTOM TAILOR mark-downs should be taken by bath powder, Colognes the producers— who made the Alterations ond Toiletries enormous profits. And the re See Our Special Counter of CHAMBERLIN'S Sat. afternoon 12:00 to tailers are correct in their theory 9 :0 0 p. m. in "MOTHER S DAY" GIFTS hut action such as mine will MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 10c to $1.00 hasten the day. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS HERE FOR PROMPT Manufacturers who take the lead in lowering prices will re AND ACCURATE SERVICE ceive a steady stream of buyers PHONE in their showrooms. Those who (Three Registered Pharmacists to Serve You) BEAVERTON 3461 insist on maintaining their high prices will either have to fall WE GIVE f r # in line or go out of busness. “ The Complete Shopping Center*' The same holds true of the re GREEN STAMPS 'The Prescription Store' tailer that holds out for a fab ON ALL PURCHASES 51 Broadway Phone 2311 ulous profit. At present, my current lowest TR Y A CLASSIFIED AD. all errors in valuation; descrip-¡must be filed in the office of the If you want to buy, trade or sell, tion or qualities of land, lots or the County Clerk, within 15 day^W prices are the only weapons 1 other property assessed in Wash- from the 12th day of Mav r have to continue satisfying my W ho cares.9 1 can't keep my LEGAL NOTICE ington County. It shall be the j tr CARPFNTF r customers and their satisfaction mind on the game, anyway, duty of persons interested to ^ County“ 2 2 2 : has been proven by their contin when I'm thinking about appear at the time and place ap B O A R D O K E Q U A L IZ A T IO N Date of first publication May ued buying. T o th e T a x p a y e r s o f W a sh in g to n pointed. 2, 1947. Sincerely yours, All claims for reduction present C ou n ty, O r e g o n : Date of last publication May 16 The Dorothy Shop Notice is hereby given that the ed to the Board of Equalization 1947. Ward M. McKalson Board of Equalization will meet Carlson Garage i Doll House Flower Shop $1.79 pr. $1.49 pr. ON SALE $3.98 $1.98 KEYS B. T. WALTON =4e CLCEFULOSOPHtiS 25c WALKER'S Beaverton Pharmacy FREE AN 8-OZ. PKG. EZ PIECRUST MIX MAKES ONE COMPLETE PIE Here in what you have to <lo . . . eli|> coupon from OREGON JOURNAL of Wednesday, May 7, bring coupon to us ami g«*t one package* Pie Crust Mix ABSOLUTELY FREE. Regular sales value 19c. $1.98 each Jiiycees to Sponsor Plane Derby May 18 o' r Since interest was so great in the U-Control Model Airplane Derby held Sunday. April 13. the Beaverton Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring ano ther derby to be held Sunday afternoon. May IK, at the Bea verton grade school grounds. Kveryone interested is invit ed to enter the contest or to come and be a spectator. Jim Duncan will be in charge of the affair. A husband is what is left of a sweetheart after the nerve has been extracted. How eosy it will be for me to fix up and add on to my house by using the simple S monthly payment plan used by . . . on Monday, May 12, 1947, at the Court House in Hillsboro in Wash- j ington County, that being the second Monday in May. and the time and place provided by law to publicly examine the assess ment rolls for 1947 and correct DEPARTMENT STORE BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to The Aloha Phone Aloha 6334 BEAVERTON LUMBER Co. P HON E B E A V E R T O N 3201 ON 3— S. W . Farmington Something you should know! • Washing Machines I m Meeting Notices AMERICAN LEGION and AUXILIARY Beaverton Pott No. 124 REGULAR MEETING 1st ind 3rd Wednesday eoch month ot 8:15 p. m. Temporary Meeting Plate I. O. O. F. HALL, BEAVERTON KEITH DENNEY . . . RAY GUNTHER j Post Commander Adjutant W IN ST EL 1 -lb. box $1.19 2-lb. box $2.35 Portland Made Parent Teachers Association We now have the most modern up-to-date lubrication equipment in the Northwest. • W affle Irons Aloha Barber Shop • Radios Where Special Attention is given to Children as well as Grown-ups Regular Monthly Meeting 4th Tuesday of Each Month ’ of 8 p. m Srtictly Fresh l | W I— W W IHllTIIITIIIXIII~illlBIIIBIIIllMTIIirill III 'III' ilW H — M — but ice uill give you a lubrication job unsurpassed RADIO ELECTRIC We will thoroughly lubricate all part* o f your ear. 109 Watson Street Phona 2621 Beaverton ■ ■ !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■— BWItlOTWmWIIIWlllWim— 1 “ “ “ eheek your battery and terminal«* “ “ “ radiator and hose* “ fan and belt all your tires “ clean all your window's Exclusive Dealers for “ sweep anti dust out your car. Buy 2 Packages 8 ounces Whctjties and Receive One PREMIER VACUUM CLEANERS CAPTAIN MARVEL Comic Book Free We will positively serve you well with skilled men always ready to give SERVICE. May we convince you on your next lubrication job? We will call for and deliver your car within a two-mile radius. " i l l I Iml tin Vn/iH' Implies" is. for 27c See l s for Terms MILER 'S Aw Low a«. $ 1 .2 5 Per Week 24-HOUR SERVICE Lei vour tcorries be our resp<nixibility. THANKS FOR STOPPING ! Beaverton Hardware FOR BETTER FOODS Phones Portland BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 We Don't Do A "Grease" Job Leonard's & Ernest's WE ARE BEAVERTON'S Comic Books Free ALO H A, ORE. Repair KINGSLEY • Vacuum Cleaners MOTHER'S DAY CHOCOLATES Pharmacy "T he House o f Service" WE r K E L L Y M OTOR CO TRY US DELIVER PHONE 3921 1st ond WATSON ËH I3M 5M lslU =H I=Ulëm slllslllslllslN3HI=lir=IH=lll=IH =lllslH=IM I=lllSm =IU=lll=M i=H I=m EtH3M =lll=IH =IH=IU=tn=lll=m = BEAVERTON, OREGON Phone 2701 -