I Representative Walter Norblad has been appointed by the Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives as a member of the Board of Visitors to the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New York. The work of this group is similar to that of a Board of Trustees of a civilian college in making inspections, recommenda­ tions, and reports on the educa­ tional curricula, grounds build­ ings, and kindred matters. Nor- bad is aso serving on the Board of Trustees of Linfield College, at McMinnville, Oregon. VOLUME 20, NUMBER 15 ESTABLISHED 1927 llohhy Orchestra Are 6 i?en Lift BEAVERTON,OREGON Jaycees Elect Thousands A l l u m i Commonwealth New Officers May 1 Open House Or­ The Beaverton Hobby chestra received a gift and with The Junior Chamber of Com­ it a definite “ lift" front the Port­ merce elect«! officers for the en­ land Hobby Symphony Tuesday suing year at their regular lunch­ evening, when the Portland eon meeting held Wednesday, group played at the Beaverton May 7 as follows: Chet Hunka- grade school. \ pillar. President; Dr. Herb Ma­ The members of the Portland son, Vice President; Jim Duncan, Hobby Symphony did not wish Sec.,Treas.; Harold Corby, State to have any offering taken, but Director. some people made a contribution The members of the board of anyway. After the performance, directors are: Bruce McMahon, Mr. Burt Harris, director, gave Howard Smith, Norman Koch, the money, amounting to $1006 Dr. I.ee Thompson, How to Cultivate Your Don Mc­ to Mrs. Ruthann McKenzie for Donnell. Vegetable Carden the Beaverton Hobby Orchestra Stick to your hoe or cultiva­ because he was so pleased that tor for killing weeds in vegetable the group is really active. This crops, Palmer S. Torvend, coun­ is the first money the orchestra ty agent, advises home garden­ has had for purchasing music, ers. The new weed killer, 2,4-D, so it is very welcome. Beaverton Community Garden Two new members have joined which can be used effectively to rid lawns of dandelion, plantain the orchestra, Mr. Ralph Sum­ Club will present the Flower and other broad-leaved weeds, is mers, trombonist, and Miss Ar- Show on May 17 at the Masonic not recommended for vegetable leta Boge, trumpet. Both are add­ Temple in Beaverton, with Mrs. gardens. Crops such as tomatoes, ing a great deal to the quality George R. Martin as chairman and Mrs. Ray K. Smith, co- beans, peas and other vegetables of the music. The orchestra met Friday, May chairman. usually grown in a home gar­ Committees are as follows: den are highly sensitive to 2,4-D 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schedule: Mrs. R. B. Denny, and many of them will be des­ James McKinnon on S. W. Up­ troyed if some of the spray per Drive in Portland, where Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn and Mrs. the McKinnon’s J. George Eisenhauer. drifts on them while you are they enjoyed Entry: Arrangements — Mrs. treating the weeds with the beautiful garden as much as they did playing “ making theirs mu­ Karl Ungar, Mrs. Hazel Paxson. chemical. sic” the rest of the evening. Mi w Van Kleek. Horticulture: Mrs. W. Grauer, Mrs. Ray Meadows, Mrs. J. W. Sale o f Flax Fiber Fiant Girard. Approved in Washington Classification - Horticulture— Mrs. R. B. Denney, Mrs, S. R. Work was started Monday Sale of the surplus flax fi­ ber processing plant at Cornelius, morning May 5, by the City Laurence. Mrs. Brooks. Arrangements— Mrs. T. W. Bla- Oregon to its war-time operator, Water Department on the the Washington County Flax Grow­ new 12 inch cast iron main con­ keney, Mrs. A. S. Funston. Placing—Horticulture— Mrs. H. ers, for $27,753, was approved in necting the present 12 inch line Washington May 2, the Portland at Allen Avenue and Watson A. Hartshorn, Mrs. A. Higgs, War Assets Administration office Street with Reservoir No. 1 via Mrs. T. Gallagher. Mrs. H. Wes- 12th Street and Kaiser’s Pine- terling, Mrs. G. Davis, Mrs. C. was notified. DeYoung. The plant was constructed at a hurst Addition. Arrangements—Mrs. R. Smith, total cost of $219,115 and has a Mrs. J. R. Talbert. Mrs. R. Smur- current fair appraised value of thwaite, Mrs. C. B West, Mrs. E. $42.000. Stewart, Mrs. H. Downing. The purchased intends to op­ Clerk—Mrs. Frank Soule. erate the plant for flax proces­ Ribbons—Mrs. A. S. Funston. sing employing form 30 to 60 Children’s Division—Mrs. B. L. persons. Templeton. The Beaverton Grade School is Hospitality—Mrs. Nelson Wal­ Silage Equipment Shotting presenting the program for the ker, Mrs H. R. Nelson, Mrs. S. Beaverton Hour on KXL oMn- S. Dalby. Mrs" Goo. Eisenhauer. ^ Tuesday May 13 day, May 12, 5:30 p. m. The Sev­ Judges—Mrs. John H. Holmes. enth and Eighth grade girls glee Luncheon Reservations— Mrs. Dairymen of Washington club is singing two numbers. The M. C. McKercher county who want to learn more Any onb interested is invited about putting up grass silage eighth grade girls trio, compos«! will haye an opportunity to see of Yvonne Williams, Carol Byrd, to exhibit and invitations have some of the latest types of silage and Beverly Johnson will take been extended to other garden clubs. making equipment at a field day part. More songs will be given by to be held in McMinnville. Coun­ ty Agent Torvend has received the seventh grade sextette: Patri­ Win Trophy word from the Oregon State Col­ cia Madden, Uene Boge, Maureen The Washington County Unit lege extension service that a Kain, Vanda Benson, Silvia Wil­ Association of demonstration has been sched­ son. and Marilyn Boyer. The of the Oregon boys eighth grade quartette the Beauty Shop owners and opera­ uled for the Glen Macy farm on Tuesday, May 13. Field choppers, members of which are: Bob Gal- tors brought home the bacon several types of silage unloading laher, Barry Hoaglin, Jack Good, from the annual convention at equipment and molasses pump­ and Bill Byrd will have part of Klamath Falls. the program. Gale Enger will The “bacon” was in the form ing equipment will be shown at play the piano numbers. Miss of a beautiful gold and black this demonstration. The Macy farm is located ap­ Jueht is director for the singing. membership trophy on display Be sure to listen! now in the window of The Dor­ proximately 2t£ miles north of othy Shop. Washington County the McMinnville High school, showed the greatest percentage off Highway 99W. Signs will be increase in membership for the placed to direct farmers who past year. This is the second wish to attend the demonstra­ time the trophy has been won tion. The meeting is scheduled Three to begin at 1:30. At the Beaverton City Coun­ by Washington County. cil meeting held last Monday wins would enable them to keep evening. May 5 at the City Hall it. Real work on membership a motion was passed to have the will be done this coming year. city engineer prepare a report and plat for the purpose of op­ ening Hall Street from the south The new home of Thrifty boundary of the Matney Addi­ , Grocery Store being built on tion southerly to Watson street Broadway by the Charles Camp- Also this is to be done to Judy Kathleen Scheller, three lan firm of contractors is com­ open up 9th and 12th from Itom- month old daughter of Mr. and ing along on schedule and high bard to Watson Streets. Mrs. Fred Scheller of Aloha, hopes are being held for its died Monday evening. May 5 at competion by June 15. Comple­ Doernbecher Hospital in Port­ tion by this date will enable Mr. land where she was taken last ^ Otto Keil and his associates to This Sunday Bethel Church Saturday evening, victim of the move from their present location will observe "The Festival of rare Oppenheimer disease which into the new one without loss the Christian Home” , with a is a lack of muscular strength of time. special Mother’s* Day service, to Medical science knows no cause The new building, which cov­ which the entire family in in­ and no cure for this disease. ers 5.000 square feet and was The funeral was held Wednes­ vited. especially designed by the ar­ day at 3:00 p.m. in the First Con There will be special music, chitect to fit its location on gregational church with Rev. F Broadway and the future Hall including solos by Robert Barnes T. Sturtevant officiating. Mrs and corsages presented to cer­ St. is completely modern thru- L. W. Coleman of Tigard was so­ out. according to Mr. Keil. The tain representative mothers, such loist. as the mother with most child­ rounded portion of the building Interment Fir law n Cemetery as well as the part facing on ren present, the oldest mother, at Hillsboro. the youngest mother, etc. Broadway will be continuous The Schellers have another This is the second of the May glass as well as glass facing on child, Terry Lee, aged two years. series on the Book of Acts. The Hall. The latest methods of handling program for this month, May, food will be available including “ Month of Action” with its 3- Give* Itriiliil Shower produce coolers and Super-Cold fold stress in church attendance, Mrs Bert Cultus of S W Can­ equipment for humidity and building fund and youth pro­ yon Drive and her sister, Mrs. gram, has begun very strongly. temperature control of meat. At the close of the morning Arthur Kolstad gave a bridal Some of this equipment which is just now being put on the mar­ worship last Sunday four lay shower for their neice, Nannette ket for civilian use. was dis­ people spoke concerning church Howland, last Saturday evening. covered and perfected by the attendance, including Mrs. Paul May 3. Twenty four guests were Mr. Clarence Buffam. present and Miss Howland re- armed forces during World War Knepp, Mrs. Hans Stroeve and closed by ceiv«l many beautiful gifts. II. Miss Howland will become the All food racks and islands. 25 Mr Willis Cady with an amusing via slumber- bride of Ensign Gordon Richard in all, are being custom built complaint heard here in Beaverton. The shelving land from the front pews to the Nagler next Saturday night. May back ones that they did not get 10. at St. Michael and All An­ will be of steel. When the new building is filled and so could not carry gels Church After the ceremony the couple will go to San Fran­ completed, everything will be their share of the load. cisco, where Ensign Nagler is open for inspection to the public. NEW GRANDSON. Mr and stationed Mrs. Cecil Ostrander on April SUNDAY IN PORTLAND. IMPROVING. Mrs Fred Scott Mr. and Mrs Geo. Blasser spent 25 added Bobby Dwane to their on Huber Avenue has been quite family. Mrs. Ostrander is the Sunday at the home of Mrs. Blas­ ill but is somewhat improv«! ter's brother, Mr. Howard Hing- daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. B at this writing. | Wooden of S. W Canyon Road. lev. who lives in Portland. Flower Show Set for May 17 Work Has Started Beaverton Hour Program By Grade School , To Open Hall Ninth and Twelfth Building Progress On Schedule Ran* Disease Cause of Death Sunday at Bethel IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER Friday, May 9, 1947 Between 5.000 and 0,000 peo­ ple attended the Commonwealth Inc., Cedar Hills Project No. 1. open house held last Sunday, May 4 from 10:00 a.m to 8:00 p. m. Despite efforts of both the county and state police a bad traffic swerl occurred on Cedar Hills Boulevard. Six houses ranging in price from $12,584 to $15,310 were op­ en for inspection. In the project there are fif­ teen houses finish«! and ready for sale at this time, though sev­ eral of these have been sold since Sunday. Thirty-five addi­ tional houses will be ready by June 1. Project No. 2 of Cedar Hills which is made up of 114 small­ er houses east of Project No. 1 will be on the market Itefore long Prices on these have not as yet been set by the C.P.A. Of the 53 houses in the Hazel­ wood section west of the Beaver­ ton high school, 15 have been sold and 38 are still available A model house in this group has been furnished by the Bea­ verton Furniture Company. Budget Committee To Meet Monday The first meeting of the City Budget Committee will be held Monday, May 12, 1947 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall at which time work will be started on the Budget for the fiscal year 1947-48. i In addition to le Mayor and the City Counci'men, the fol­ lowing citizens are members of this committee: Otto Keil, M. D. Murphy, Ed Bader, Garnold Norris and Carl Schiffler. Recorder Doty is serving as Budget Officer whose duty is to prepare a proposed budget for the Committee's considera­ tion. WORKER HURT At 10:00 a.m. \V«lnesday, May 7 Morris W. Brotten, rail­ road worker, who was helping to unload the City of Beaver­ ton’s cast iron water pipe, fell backward off the car dropping 10 or 12 feet and landing in a sitting position. The fall crush- «1 two vertebrae. He was taken to a Portland Hospital. He will be in a cast for three months and an invalid for 3 more according to the doctor in charge. Adamson Elected President of TYV The new president of the Tual- atin-Yamhill Valley interscholas­ tic athletic league is James Ad­ amson. principal of Tillamook High School. He succeeds Clif­ ford Skinner, principal of Mc­ Minnville high. Chester L. Tunnell, suj>erin- tendent and principal at West Linn, was elected vice-president, succeeding Paul Menegat, Forest Grove principal Harold W. Sor- ick. principal at Newberg was again elected secretary-treasurer. Youth Dinner Great Success About thirty five young peo­ ple and leaders shared the youth dinner at Bethel Church last Friday evening. Mrs. Maxine Cady Barnes acted as toastmistress and intro- duc«l the speakers with clever musical sketches. Paul Knepp, chairman of the Board of TYu-tees, expressed the appreciation of the church for the many different ways the young people help in the work of the church, as in the Youth Choir, Church School and other ways. The principal speaker, Howard Fowler, President of the Oregon Christian Youth Council, was in­ troduced by the pastor and gave an informative and inspiring talk on the work of youth groups as he had observed them. The eve­ ning included community sing­ ing and closed with a Fun Fest Mr. Fowler will meet this Sunday with the young people at 10:15 to help in planning the new program for young people PARTY. Everyone had a good time at Mrs. E I-a Rue’s on Wed­ nesday. She had a Stanley par­ ty. There were sixteen present ILL AT HOME. Jess Strick land of Mission Bell Service Sta­ tion is very ill at his home In Beaverton. llea>urton Buildinir Permits Total <)ver Si 11.000 for April C? i Beaverton building permits for the first three months of 1947 amounted to $115,400. Building permits for the month of April alone amounted to $111,700. Of this April figure $105.000 was issued to the Realty Bldg Co. for the construction of 14 residences at $7500 each 278 Students On Honor Roll Two hundred and seventy-eight Beaverton grade school students made the honor for the fifth six SA FE TY A WA R D. Oregon Mo tor Stages walked off with the weeks period. Thirty received ard as well as first place in the grand sweepstakes safety aw blue cards, 37 were on the hon­ bus transportation division at the Portland Traffic Safety or roll proper and 111 received week. Pictured with the win- Commission award dinner last honorable mention. ning pennant are left to right : Ira Butterworth, safety su- Those granted blue cards are pervisor of Oregon Motor St ages; Mrs. A. L. Schneider, Mr. as follows: Motor Stages, and A. L. Schneider, manager of Oregon Gayle Benson, Ronald Bramff, Frank Landsburg, Interstate Commerce Commission. Carol Burris, Dolores Gain, Bon­ nie Cameron, Judith Ann Carl, Travis Cavens, Craig Cheshire, Dorothy Cobb, Billy Hewes, Bar­ ry Hoaglin, Florence Jakobson, Jackie Johnstone, Nancy Kokich, The informa ltea given by the Billy Lovett. Fifteen members w’ere present Patricia Madden, Lenny Mat- as sewing last month. Honors Women’s Fellowship of Bethel son, Marilyn Miller, Donna Mills, Congregational Church on last for being the quietest and inci­ dentally the cutest goes to Judy Thursday was one of their love­ Phyllis Palmrose, Donald Peck, Claris Poppert, Leonard Ralston, Miller, one of our Tiny Tots and liest parties. The larger tea table was cen­ Tom Ralston, Harriet Riley, Gret- Dorothy Wright's granddaugh­ ter. My how she can sew. Made tered with a pale pink May Pole ta Robinson, Sally Salts, Carol me a bib which I wore during with ribbons held by small crys­ Senko .Carol Van Winkle, David luncheon. Wasn't it a grand turn tal cups of pink rhododendron Ward. and a huge txxpiet of the same out and it was raining too? The following names appear on We met at the home of Mrs. flowers at the top of the May the honor roll. Tommy Rainsdell and had lots Pole. Gayle Benson, Ronald Braniff, Mrs. Robert Barnes played of fun. Nothing ruffles Olive — Carol Burris, Dolores Cain, Bon­ whether is means putting the softly all afternoon providing nie Cameron, Judith Ann Carl, coffee pot on for the second or background music for conversa­ Travis Cavens, Craig Cheshire, fourth refill or rescuing a late tion and for the violin solos of Dorothy Cobb, Janet Dawes, Rob­ Mrs. Phyllis Roswbraugh. comer at the bus stop. erta Gibbs, Billy Hewes, Barry Pouring were: Mrs. Doy Gray, Sewing this next meeting. May Hoaglin, Florence Jakobson, Mrs. Frances Donaldson, Mris. 19 will be at the home of Mrs. Jackie Johnstone, Alex Kerr, Walker, Mrs. Francis Denney. Take Glencullen bus to Nelson Nancy Kokich, Billy Lovett, Pa­ Mrs. Walter Van 59th. Second house across the Sturtevant, Kleek, Miss Amarette Barnes, tricia Madden. highway. Lenny Matson, Phyllis Palm- An enjoyable pot luck dinner Mrs Milton Metca'fe and* Mrs. rose, Donald 1 ck Marilyn Mijl- . was served before meeting Wed­ L. P. Putnam. er, lK)rma ¿Ims, Cjtoris fv>ppert, nesday night. I’m still wondering Leonard Ralston, Tom Ralston, where those fellow’s store all Hohliy Orrheslra Harriet Riley, Gretta Robinson, that food! It sure disappears in a Kiitrrtuins til Sally Salts, Carol Senko, Diane hurry! Election of officers was Smith, Hob Speer, Fern Smith, Grailt* School the order of the meeting. Barbara Sweet, Carol Van Win­ SAY—have you seen the CE­ Over thirty members of the kle. David Ward. DAR CHEST? No? Go over to Portland Hobby Symphony Or­ Honorable mention was receiv­ Florence’s Beauty Shop — it’s chestra directed by Bert Harris ed by a still larger group includ­ there. I spent so much time just provided an all too short hour ing: looking and looking. OH GEE! of rarest entertainment at the Carole Byrd, Arthur Carpenter, How I wish and wish. It just Grade School Auditorium Tues Adair Enger, Audrey Enger. Jean matches my bedroom set, and day evening, May 6th. Hansen, Loretta Foley, Beverly I'm afraid of a rabbit's foot. OH This musical group, formed 11 Johnson, Doreen Knepp, Betty golly ; years ago, is unique in that it is McBride, June Myers, Janette The Indoctrination Course for composed of men from all walks Nelson, Geraldine Berquist, Van­ Volunteer Workers at the Vet­ of life banded together with a da Benson, Marilyn Boyer, Janet erans Hospital was finished last common love of good music. The Carl, Richard Gervais, Elaine week with the following mem­ joyful inspiration with which Hansen, Maureen Kain, Beverly bers taking the course from Bea­ they play does indeed enhance Krause, Betty Nelson, Philip verton Unit: Mrs. Paul Doyle, their performance. Rambo, Eddie Ramsdell, Joanne Unit President; Mrs Laurel Far­ They played from no scheduled Springer, Curtis Wilson. Sylvia ley, Rehabilitation Chairman; program, but their scores were Wilson, Kay Bader, Darlene Mrs. Marion Fuller. Mrs. Marie chosen from the matchless works Burk, Hugh Eddy. Dunlevv, a new member and of the masters and were re- Cal Buxton, Janice Hackett, Mrs. H. Keith Denney. ceiv«i by an audience which, if Robert Haines, Virginia Huddle­ Mrs. Lyle Cobb, who had tok­ small, was highly enthusiastic. ston, Raymond Jackson, Audrey en the course took it over again Beaverton extends its thanks Kilgore, Richard May, David as a refresher. Schedules have to the fine Orchestra, to Mr. Springer, Bernard Eberlein, Jean­ l>een given the ladies and 50 Warner Wyttcnberg, who was in­ ette Vail, Norma McDonald, Jud­ hours of work are required for strumental in bringing them here ith Miller, Katherine O’Connor, one to become known as a Vol­ and to the Parent Teacher As­ David Palmrose, Carolan Popp. unteer worker. Then to remain sociation who sponsor«! the pro­ Lois Reavis, Walter Speer. Ray* a Volunteer worker 100 hours a gram. mond Stacy, Arnold Stone, Alice- year are pledged for 3 years. by Mrs. Fisher F. Logan Streitweiser. Betty Richardson That is such a smallr «¡uire- Publicity Chairman, P.-T. A. Suzanne Barnes, Beverly Be* ment for those of us who are mehn, Janet Blackburn, TVianf healthy and enjoying our free­ Christie, Doris Clemens, Eleanor dom of mind and body to give Ericson. for the men and women who Dennis Enger, Cecil Eleanor, gave so much for us. Leonard McKee, Jimmy Haaland, Some of the duties of the work­ Eldora Horton, Caroline Hulings, ers are: Reading, writing letters, Porter Yett, road construction Anita lloekett, Bonny Heikkila. doing outside errands, such as contractor, who was recently personal shopping, etc., keeping awarded a contract by the State Marlene Berg, Barbara Peterson, Larry Lack, Judith Holmes, Mar the library books in order and Highway Department for the repair, taking magazines and surfacing of the new Sunset garet Dreyer, Roy Smith, Ruth books to bed patients who are Highway has purchased a 10- Rogers, Jack ()l>er.st, Bobby Nel­ not able to visit the library, or acre tract on the west side of son, Phyllis Mead, Edward Mac­ Just talking when they feel like Cedar Street Immediately north Intyre, Robley Morgan, Richard It or walking around the grounds of the Oregon Electric tracks, Mendenhall, Larry Matson. Molly Lutz, Sylvia Kain, Jay Hobbs, when the weather permits. where he will erect a paving The ne«ls are a hundred fold plant. An office building is al­ Margaret Adams Ramona Allen, Carolyn Wyttenberg. and hospitals are drab places ready under construction Larry Boyd, Jimmy Carey, when confined to one over a per­ Alan Carlson, Marlene Cook. Vir­ iod of time. Member of 2 % lli ginia Enger, Bob Grant, Jay If you are further interested Hauger, Craig Hoaglin, Willard I’m certain Mrs. Farley as Re­ AGF Hand Horton. Patty Huddleston, G«>rge hab. Chairman, or any member Staff Sergeant Donald A. Smith Jacobs, Mary Gail Jones, Carl of the Unit will be glad to ex­ of Garden Home. Oregon Is now Josefson, LaVonne Lindsay, Bob­ plain how great the need is for a member of the 296th AGF by Best. Ross Buxton, Gary Ken- volunteer workers. Band stationed in Kyoto, Japan. nen, Michael Madden, Lambert Wllla E. Denney, Pub. Chair The 296th AGF Band Is a unit Morris, Bobby McBride, Jimmy of Headquarters I Corps, the O’Connor, Elaine Pike, Patricia Change Partner*. Corps whose zone of responsibil­ Fines, Mary Sweet, Billy Smith, H. C. Bondy of the Aloha Sig­ ity extends from Kyoto to the Allan Stuhr, David Soins. Roger Peck. nal Service Station has recently Southern most part of Japan. Staff Sergeant Smith enlisted taken on a new partner, Roy ULt'H MEETING. Beaverton S. Pearson R. H. Gillson, his in the army in April, 1946, and former partner is working for after completing basic training Rebekah Club met at Mrs. John the Signal Oil Co in Portland. at Fort Lewis, Washington, was Rand's on Friday, May 2 and The Aloha Signal Service Sta shipp«l for overseas in August, w ork«l all day on baskets and tion specializes in Moto-Sway 1946. Prior to his entrance Into flowers for the drill team. There were twenty-five present lubrication, the machine which the service he graduated from simulates actual driving condi­ Tigard Union High School, and and plans were made for the Ba tions and enables the grease to attend«! the Oregon State Col­ zaar and dinner to be the 15th of November. penetrate into all parts of the lege at Corvallis. The next meeting will he held He is the son of Mrs. Margaret car. They also sell gas and oil at the home of Mrs. Paul Lusks. Smith ,of Garden Home. and do waxing and polishing American Legion Auxiliary News Colorful Sellili«* For Iiiformal Tea Porter Yett To Erect Paving Plant