OVEK $1,0UU.H00.UU FOR KEU KF The Evangelical Lutheran Syn­ od of Missouri, Ohio and other States has given over <1,000,000 for various relief measures in (continued from last week) war-torn countries. $50,000 has been sent recently to Shanghai THE LUTHERAN PILGRIM BALANCE OF THE CLASSIFIED • SUBSCRIBER ADS • PAGE 11 to help the needy ones in China. FATHERS The organization of this church Sweden and Denmark have been body was partly a protest to allotted amounts of $80,000 and State control of the church inGer- *-0U00 respectively to buy urgent FOR SALE • FOR SALE • many and partly an attempt to 1 y needed iat* Since Europeans FOR SALE: Winchester, pump ac­ ARMY PROCURES establish a soundly Lutheran wdl have ^ to face another cruel Church in America. The German winter- $106,000 has been given to FRUIT JARS lO R SALE. AT- tion 22 repeater. Norris Jensen. OCCUPATION MEDALS water 8847. 14p CHerry 2544. After 6 p.m. CHerry government 100 years ago attemp­ a child-feeding p r o g r a m . _________________________________ 2415. 14p ted to use the church as a means n e ^ 0pi»™Tn0n r' Advl.®°ry Eu‘ °~ HOUSE FOR SALE: Beaverton The War Department has an­ to unify the power of state; as f i d Council Prepares | second house south of Berthold JERSEY COW foi sale. Freshen nounced that general distribution a result, a group of Saxons emi­ food packages priced at $4.50 and Avenue on east side of Menlo in a few days. Heavy milker, W. grated to Missouri and became the $6.00. Of these 35,000 have been Drive, 3 bedroom. 89 x 240 lot. C. Vancott, Rte. 1, Box 166. Ti­ o f the World War 11 Occupation Medal will be made as soon as nucleus from which this church sent and many more packages a- $8500.00. $2500.00 will handle. See gard. On Red Rock Road. 14 adequate supply is available. The body grew. Headed by a pastor wait shipment. To date also over evenings or Sunday .E. N. Finney, of the Saxon group, this synod 300,000 lbs. of clothing have been owner. 14p IO R SALE: Full size box springs medal is now in process of pro­ took a definite stand by which Ishlpped to a»eviate the desperate and mattress, like new, $30.00; curement. The public will be ad­ SALE: Baby Muscovy Rocking chair. $3.00. Mrs. Clar­ the old Lutheran confessions, ori- Kltuatlon' More wU1 be sent in the FOR ducks, 3 wks. old. $1 ence Chilson. Rt 6, Box 831 D, vised as to proper procedure when ginating in the time of Martin Lu- ' future- The Lutheran church has pledg­ each. Beaverton 2343. 14p Portland 1, Oregon ther and standing four-square up­ 14 sufficient medals are on hand for general distribution. on Scripture and Scripture only, ed $500,'000 for the next five years were again made the basis of to subsidize orphanages through­ FOR SALE: New twin beds, in­ $6500. S acre, 2 bedroom home, The medal may be awarded to cluding springs and mattresses, garage. hardwood floors, fire­ teaching and practice in the Lu­ out Europe. At present, they are supporting orphanages in Berlin, crib mattress and baby stroller. place. automatic gas water heat­ former or present military person­ theran Church of America. I5p er and range. Lots of fruit trees nel who were assigned or perma­ Heidelberg, Pforzheim and Paris. Call CHerry 3471. Not only the physical, but also FOR SALE White Leghorn roos­ and berries, 1370 Lombard Street, nently attached at a normal post If you want to buy—sell—trade, 14p o f duty for 30 consecutive days TRY A CLASSIFIED. the spiritual needs of the world's ters. 5 weeks old. 25c each, while Beaverton. destitute have been provided for they last. Will weigh about 1 lb. subsequent to May 8, 1945 when by Synod. A check of $10,000 has Mrs. A. B. Leis, West Slope (back • WANTED • the Army of Occupation of Ger­ been given for Japanese Bibles. of Shafer-Neer Store). 14p TRUCKING many, Austria or Italy (compart­ 100,000 catechisms were printed in Germany with our funds and un­ FOR SALE: Kirby Vacuum clean­ WAITRESS WANTED evenings. ments o f Venezia Giulia E Zara A LL KINDS, ANYWHERE Carmen’s Dinner and Veneto on ly ); or subsequent der our authorization. Within the er and attachments; also baby 5 to 11 p.m. River Silt, 8 Yds. $3 Delivered near future 10,000 copies of Piep- furniture. Phone BEacon 5541. 14 House. 8645 S. W Canyon Road. to September 2, 1945 when the Phone BRoadway 6770. 14 er’s Dogmatics will be sent to Eur­ Phone E. J. RANDOLPH Army of Occupation of Japan or FOR SALE: Full size Hollywood ope. Beaverton 3118 bed and box spring; Singer sew­ STRAWBERRY PICKERS want­ Korea, and who otherwise meet | EDUCATION Wurlitzer Baby ed. 20 pickers needed. Phone Ti­ eligibility requirements. Educational building and equip­ ing machine. gard 3434. Joe Baggenstos, Bend Grand piano; six skin Kolinsky investments are to be in­ The occupation medal is sus­ Road. 4% miles southwest of Ti­ nonni » irTirn II ini' il n n n 11 i ment scarf; girl's clothing, size 8-10. creased by three million dollars. gard. 17p pended from a silk ribbon com­ Box 1218 Scholls Ferry Road at The church already has invested more than nine million dollars in Portland Golf Course. Cali CHerry WANTED TO RENT: 5 to 15 posed of a white stripe, a black 14 acres in Tualatin Valley for farm­ band, a red band and a white educational properties and spends 3727. three-quarters of a million a year FOR SALE: Extra good Percher­ ing with or without privilege of stripe. Slightly smaller than a as a direct subsidy for their oper­ on mare and farm equipment. P. buying, fair to good buildings. silver half dollar, the face of the ation. E. Lewis, Tigard. 14p M. J. Doerfler, Rt. 3, Box 78, Sil- bronze medal has a representation A total of 10,000 graduates for verton Oregon. 16p of the Remagan Bridge over the Lutheran ministerial and teaching FOR SALE: 2 wheel trailer .ex­ offices in the past century repre­ cellent condition. Good tires. B. WANTED: Boys over 16 to do Rhine with two guard towej$, sents this Lutheran Church's pos­ S. Larkin, 1001 S. E. Lombard St. weedin Saturday, weather permit­ which was captured intact by U. S. itive contribution to the solution Beaverton. I4p ting 50c per hour. Beaverton Bulb troops, under the words “ Army of Gardens. 14p of the spiritual and the. moral de­ Occupation”. On the reverse side linquency problems of the Nation. FOR SAIJS: Beautiful sturdy wal­ WANTED: Young man, employed is a sketch of Fujiyama, sacred Hove you ever wondered whether The Missouri Synod Lutheran nut dining table, 38 x 50 plus two the method of healing disease, over- .group is the only Protestant leaves. Bargain, $25.00. Beaverton wants housekeeping room or place volcano of Japan, with a single 14tf to room and board. Write Box 118 strand of wispy cloud and two sail­ coming poverty and restoring har- ^hurch in the country that main- 3143. Beaverton, Ore. 14p , , ' . . , tains large Teacher s Colleges for ing craft at its base. The date— mony which Christ Jesus employed the exclusive purpose of training FOR SALE: Two girls’ bicycles, WANTED: Small chicken house. 1945— is at the bottom. Clasps can be successfully used now? For an j Christian teachers. More than 80,- size 26” and 28”. $25.00 each. Call Phone Beaverton 2731. 14 marked “ Germany” and “ Japan” I 14p onswer in simple understandable 000 children are receiving a Chris- Tigard 2196. terms, attend !tiaIl elementary education in its FOR SALE: Complete household WANT TO BUILD a barn, ware­ for attachment to the ribbon will , parish schools. furniture. New electric range, house or hall? Six 12" foot roof denote service in Europe and the The Evangelical Lutheran Synod Norge oil heater. Norge refrigera­ trusses for sale. CHerry 3023 af- Far East. \ 17 17 f F C T l ! R F 'o f Missouri, Ohio, and other set with 6 chairs, ter 6 p.m. r l l l j l i I j I j V. ■ States ia completing a full cen- tor, dinette washing machine, radio, etc., some CAPABLE woman wanted for jtury of elementary education. The brick. 575 E. 7th St., off Lombard general housework on farm. 1 entitled school system of this body was Beaverton. I4p adults.1 Good wages. Mrs. J. M. established on the principle that religion should be a part of the FOR SALE: Wedgewood combin­ Vander Zanden. Banks, Oregon. 14 training which a olaild should re- ation gas and wood range, prac­ Phone North Plains 36F5. ceive in everyday life. It was be­ tically new. Phone Beaverton lieved by the founders that in 2698 after 7 p.m. and Sundays. 14 LOST and FOUND this way a Christian community ¡could effectiely be built, and trou- FOR SALE: Wide gauge trailer, LOST: In Walker's Dept. Store jbles of juvenile delinquency be all steel frame. See Carl Mueller brown billfold containing identifi­ ww j forestalled. Thus a system of Lu­ at Rt. 6. Box 1196, upper Scholls cation, valuable papers, driver’s 14 theran parochial schools came into Road. license and money. Please return existence. These schools offer all wallet and papers. E. J. Randolph. FOR SALE: 1 Hot Point, 6 cubic j the subjects required in the public by Dr. Hendrik J. dcLonge, school and, in addition, give in­ foot refrigerator and one G. E. Phone Beaverton 3118. Reward. 14p struction in the fundamentals of washing machine. Henry Frison, C.S.B. Rt. 1. Box 291. Phone Tigard 3499, the Christian religion. The stan­ of New York City 14 • dards of these schools are on the Tigard, Oregon • BUSINESS SERVICES (same level as those of the state- TWO BEDROOM modern unfur­ Member of the Board of Lectureship supported schools. ROTOTILLER PLOWING nished house for lease for 1 yr. FOR of The Mother Church, The First This Lutheran body has espec­ $50 month. First and last month’s call CHerry 1368. 14 Church of Christ, Scientist, in ially trained its teachers in its rent in advance. Vi mile west out own teacher’s colleges, one located Farmington Boston, Mass. Ask for any use your “sub­ road to Greenway in River Forest, Illinois, the oth­ Drive to last house. scriber ad” cards when you Clarence er in SewarcU Nebraska. More Smith. Tuesday, May 6 order your hometown paper. 14p than 2,300 teachers are active in 8 p. m. in Civic Auditorium these Lutheran elementary schools ljflll=IM=lll=MI=MI=IH=IM=MI=lll=MI=IM=IM= lll=H I=lll=m =m =HI=ljl3lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIJi of the Missouri Synod. Ml ill S. W. 3rd Ave. and Clay St. in RETURNS FROM CONVENTION III ili “Jack” Gleason, genial proprie­ Sixth Church » f Christ, tor of the Skyway restaurant re­ 'Ï iTi ijl turned home Monday morning Scientist, IM from Helena. Montana where he in attended the Northwest Shrine Ml Portland, Oregon i T i Convention. Ml MÍ = Cordially Invites You m jjj Why, they are those useful little cards you get with your jjj subscription for free classified m I ads in your newspaper. i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ........ .. ii ii ii ii in iTi m Centennial Of Lutheran Church The TUALATIN M A R K E T VALLEY B A S K E T How Does Christian Science Heal? BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 2, 1947 ¡Gardner - Ewer Nuptials l< M >E Initiates I It Ii Candidate Wedding bells rang Friday, Ap­ ril 25 for Miss Elizabeth Adeile Ewer and Spencer C. Gardner | at the White Temple Church in Portland. Beaverton Lodge No. 252, I. O. The bride is the daughter of O. F. met in regular session Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Ewer day evening, April 28. and were and the groom the son of Mr. and honored by a visit from Earl H. Mrs. Howard Trout. Shank, Grand Secretary of the Rev. Oraydon I»ree officiated Grand Ix>dge of Oregon and Bro­ at the ceremony. Miss Janet Niel­ ther McAlpine of Hassalo Lodge sen sang "More Than All” which No. 15. The two men each gave was composed by Adah Ethel Ew­ a fine talk on Odd Fellowship. er. aunt of the bride and also "Be­ The Lodge initiated its 14th cause.” candidate since January 1, 1947. The bride was given in marriage On Monday evening, May 5th, by her father and was attired in the Lodge will confer the sec­ a long sleeved white satin dress ond degree on two members and with sweetheart neckline with full a large attendance is expected. length veil with coronet. She car- ! ried a corsage of white sweet peas and roses. H o I h t I II. SloiiaktM* Those attending the bride were Join Reynold’ s Health ¡maid of honor. Miss Alice Ewer, aunt of the bride, who was dress­ Studio in Tigard ed in a pink tafetta period gown and carried white sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sion- Bridesmaids were Mrs. Claude aker are now active in the Rey­ Bowles and Miss Laura Ewer, nold’s Health Studio in Tigard, triplet sisters of the bride. Junior coming here from the Reynold's bridesmaid was Barbara Jane Ew­ Studio in Bridal Veil, Oregon. Mr. Slonaker is a graduate in er. All wore powdered blue tafet­ ta with matching halo hats and hydrotherapy and massage, and Mrs. Slonaker is a nutrition spec­ carried white sweet peas. ialist and a graduate in colonther­ Best man was Donald Tatum. apy. Flower girl was Marjorie Boros, Before joining the Reynold’s or­ who wore a floor length yellow ganization they made their home tafetta with matching halo hat. in San Diego, Cal. Ring bearer Danny Sabo car­ ried the rings in a bunch of white A t t e n d Dinner calla lilies. Ushers were Robert A. Mont­ The retiring Aloha Huber P. T. gomery, Jack W. Turner. Elbert A executive board had a dinner G. Braugher, Carl Feugy and Rod­ at the Smorgasbord “ A Little Bit ney I. Juhnke. of Sweden” out Sandy Blvd, last The bride’s mother wore a for­ Friday night. mal of blue crepe and mother of Those attending were Mesdames the groom was attired in a for­ Grey, Harris, Saunders, Toupal, mal of black and white. North, Wilson, Gregory, Jamison, A reception was held following ' Bergstrom, Smith and Carlson. the ceremany in the church par­ They had a grand time with no lors. Mrs. R. A. Montgomery cut business to bother them. Also a the cake, Mesdames C. E. Riggs big feed. and M. Weisenback poured. Those serving were the Misses Dorothy M o l l i r r s H o n o r e d Riggs, Lauretta Fallow, Beverly A tea honoring mothers of the Rohrer and Theresa Bishop. school and all women of Mrs. R. A. Montgomery, Jr., was church Bethel Congregation church was in charge of the guest book and given by the Womens Fellowship Mrs. E. G. Boughner attended the Thursday at Bethel Church. gift table. The couple left on a two weeks BABY GIRL. Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ trip to the Oregon beaches and nard Ia>is of Eugene are the upon their return will make their proud parents of a baby girl Su- home in Aloha. zannne Maria born April 18. “ Christian ScU'llt't1« The Science of ioo% Cooperation 100 Reality % President Truman Has Requested a Cooperative Effort to Reduce Prices w U ' 1 '///,, X y V E B r ¿ / /y In an attempt to persuade Our Manu­ facturers that the President jew eler : 'I 1 s in Reynold's Health Studio TREATMENTS = Ml ill iTi IM • • Cabinet and Massage Hydrotherapy Colontherapy Open for Interview Monday Through Friday PHONE TIGARD 2507 Rt. 2, Box 249 (Greenburg Rood) Tigord, Ore. IH 'I' 'I' i T i 100 % Cooperation i T i II With President Truman's Request For Reduced Prices! !i! 'I 1 By pound or keg, all sizes 2P to 60P NAILS Rolled and Composition Shingles (Red, Green and Black) ROOFING By Sheet or Truckload PLYWOOD «/«", H " . V " . W . Fixtures and Fittings, including Lavatory Bowls and Laundry Trays PLUMBING PABCO PAINTS '~,y’,i? J ^ . r ’IN Electrical Wiring & Supplies i */ 4 " — Ml = fli s ATwater 3750 jjj iTi 'I = III ill 5 ¡ü i T i 'Ti jjj I jjj ¡I chandise! Ml THE DOROTHY SHOP The Women's Clothing Center of Washington County BEAVERTON HILLSBORO iTi 5 Ml = IJJ 5 IJJ = Ml 'I' HI lit IJJ IJJ 'I 1 IM Ml ill IM ill III 10 % 10 % 10 % 10 % 10 % 10 % = = i T i iTi IM iTi ill 10% CUT On All Merchandise III One block East of Capitol ond Bertho-Beaverton Junction ÍlllñMISMISIM8MI5MI3MI=HISMI5MI5ni5MI3MISIH5MISHI£IMEIM=IH=illálM£inálll£IMal « Mer­ = HI IM i T i Hillsdale Builders Supply 6309 S. W. Capitol Highway A LL Ml HI Wall Switch Boxes, Loom Wire (all sizes) B X. Cable, Duplex Receptacles, Range Receptacles Main Range and Circuit Panels and Many Other Hard to Get Items We Have Them cut on our M¡ i|i IM offering jjj IJJ i T i customers a 10% by correct III IM i J i ili Window and Door Screens In Stock Also Odd Sizes to Order In The Dorothy Shop we will do our part is