Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE SYLVAN BENZ PARK CLUB ADDITION RALEIGH Friday, May 2, 1947 Raleigh Spring Music Festival Mrs. M innie B. Daw, Principal, has announced that a Spring Mu sic Festival wili be presented by the students o f R aleigh School the evening o f M ay 6th, at 8-00 p.m. in the sunken ballroom o f the P ortlan d G olf Club. A m ost enjoyable program o f ch oral selections is planned in addition to which Clem ent Crouse, o f P ortland will direct his string ensem ble in a grou p o f numbers, one o f which will feature a cello solo. E veryon e is Invited and urged to com e and en joy this most en tertain in g program . Mrs. C. W . Allen P ublicity Chairman Raleigh P-TA Spring Tea In vitation s are being issued this w eek to the annual Spring Tea o f the R aleigh P. T. A. which will be held at the Karl Newpert res idence, 6701 S. W . N ew ton Place, M ay 0th, from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. V. T. W right and Mrs. R. S. F ryer are co-chairm en for the occasion . Y ou n g children, through the 3rd grade age group, will be cared for during the tea at the Nigel B. L«e Clerc resident, 6700 S. W. Newton Place. Mrs. C. W . Allen, Publicity Save a 'Life Cheek Your Car O regon’s record tra ffic flow is expected to reach flood stage in May, it has been revealed by R o b ert S. Farrell Jr. The average may top 15,000,000 miles a day from M ay through August. “ T he biggest part o f the increase w ill probably com e on the main highw ays," Farrell said. “ Inter city travel is always at the top during vacation m onths.” H e placed great em phasis on the dan ger o f too much speed on the crow ded highways. The latest 1947 sum m ary showed four out o f 5 deaths taking place in rural loca tions, m ostly on main arteries. T his trend has been grow in g m ar kedly over a period o f years. “ N o sensible person will ignore four-to-one odds,” Farrell said. “ City driving m ay seem more nerve wracking, but the real dan ger rides the open road. Death certificates don’t lie.” People expecting to drive on their vacations are being asked to check their cars over carefully T he m ost recent w ide-scale Inspec tion showed probably 100,000 faulty cars operating in this state. B rakes and lights topped the haz ard list. T he Open H ouse held Friday evening, A pril 25th, at Raleigh School found a throng o f nearly three hundred interested parents and com m u n ity residents in at tendance. T he occa sion was the form al opening o f the newly com pleted addition to the sch ool building of w hich the D istrict well m ay be proud, as all w ho attended can attest. H ostesses fo r the evening con sisted o f the teach in g staff, in clu din g: M iss T ruenbach, first grad e; Mrs. P rovost, second grade; Mrs. Fake, third and fourth grades; Mrs. W allace, 5th and 6th grades; and M rs. M innie Law, Principal, and 7th grade teacher, under w hose d irection plans fo r the su ccessfu l evening were ca r ried out. N ot only did the spectators have the pleasure o f view in g the spac ious and a ttractive new structure, but also found m uch to be en joyed in each classroom w here ex cellent exhibits o f student accom p lishm ents were displayed and an opportunity given to visit with the class instructors. A beautiful array o f sp rin g flow ers adorned the halls and cla ssroom s adding a truly co lo rfu l and festive air to the event. R efresh m en ts were served to the guests b y th e P arent T eacher A ssociation, w ith Mrs. V. T. W right as chairm an, assisted b y Mrs. R. S. Fryer, Mrs. A. C. K ornehrens, and Mrs. E. H. H ibbard. Mrs. C. W allen, P u blicity 2 in. Mesh, 48 in. high 150 it................................$4.95 1 in. Mesh 36 in. high 150 ft................. $6.95 1 in. Mesh, 36 in. high 18 ga. 150 ft. $14.95 lV i in. Mesh, 36 in. high, 16 ga. 150 ft. $16.95 Stucco Netting 1 in. Mesh, 36 in. high, 18 ga., 150 ft $12.95 1 Vi Mesh 36 in. high, 17 ga., 150 ft...... $11.95 Rolled Roofing 90 lb. T ile Red, slate surface . $2.95 WEST SLOPE HARDWARE <}pen. Eve*. Phone fri. & Sat. BE 6926 Double S&H Green Stamps On oil items appearing in this Ad The B ruer’s son, Joseph, w hose engagem ent was announced to P atricia R eitter o f O regon State College, Recently, has returned from Corvallis where he and Miss R eitter chose August 14 as their w edding date. The Bruers are returning to their beach home again this w eek end to celebrate Mr. B ruer’s birth day which falls on May 3. Gabel C ountry Day School is planning a Carnival and Pet Show for M ay 15 w hich will be another o f the annual Gabel D ay celebra- brations. Prizes will be aw arded fo r the nicest pets and the ca r nival, w h ich will be open from 2 until 5, w ill feature contests and gam es, a hot dog and ice cream stand. Bingo, Bridge, and a riding horse for the children. T he day’s events are open to the public. The com m ittee in ch arge o f planning Gabel D ay in cludes Mrs. Orville Sharnborg, Mrs. A rabelle Sutton. Mrs. W il liam F. Conklin, Mrs. Jack Daw- sett and Mrs. T. G. M cDougall. A sk fo r any use your “ sub scriber a d " cards when you ord er you r hom etow n paper. Mr*. Gertrude Price Dir* Suddenly Mrs. Dell P rice was called from Los Angeles on a ccou n t o f the sudden death o f Mr. P r ic e ’s m oth er. Mrs. G ertrude P rice, o f L on g mont, C olorado, w h o died o f heart atta ck at a P ortla n d H os pital last Saturday. T he late Mrs. P rice waa stay ing w ith Mr. P rice and her two grandsons while her daughter-in- law vacationed In C alifornia. • • I>ast S aturday the ch ildren o f the flrBt grade o f R a leig h Hills Sch ool enjoyed a birthday lunch eon at the h om e o f Mr. an d Mrs. R. F. F ryer In h on or o f the sev enth birthday o f their son Bobby. A t one o 'clo ck lunch w as served ou t-of-doors a t a la rg e pifcfnc table. A fter lunch the children took a short hike arounded the. w ooded grou n d s o f the F ry er’s home, and the rem ainder o f the afternoon was spent in playing games. Those present w ere M ary P ick ard, K aron Danne, T erry Ansnes, Jeffrey, Jackson, O retchen Freed, T om m y Agan, Y von n e Le Clerc, L arry Olsen, K arl N eupert, Linda Hibbard, Nuncy P orter, N at Stein- hart, B obby and Jeannine F ryer and R aoul L e Clerc. BEACH V IS IT O R S . Mr. and Mrs. L. W . H obbs spent Sunday at the Lincoln B each hom e o f M ajor and Mrs. Samuel Dam on. • Thank You Danish Maide Pastry Shop • Birtliduy Luncheon • B R E A K S A RM . L ittle slx-yeur old Karl Neupert fell at the R aleigh Hill school last T h u rsd ay and broke his arm. WEST SLOPE Friday and Saturday F vat u ran FRESH APPLE SAUCE CAKE ea. 89c W E WERE PLEASED to welcome our many old friends and the host of new ones who came to our «¡rand opening last Saturday. W e wish to thank the mail) who sent flowers for our opening. Nothing lias been spared in providing the finest and most complete shop ping facilities. DINNER ROLLS BEEF ROAST 2 doz. 39c FRUIR DANISH BUTTER COOKIES dozen 25c 3wVECETABLIf For M other's Day • "ROSES IN SNOW CAKE" As Suggested by Betty Crocker made with "Softa- silk" Cake Flour N E W D A U G H T E R . Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ahrens. Ju nior o f R id ge way Drive have added a daughter to their fam ily, little Joanne E., w ho waa born on A pril 16. • • • T E R R I E R 1‘ R IZ E W IN N E R . The wire-haired fox terrier. "P a t’’, who is a pet o f F rank K enw ood, won prizes in the F ox Terrier Show held last F rid ay night. T he little d og w on first pi b e In the novice class and a hand made leash. In the fem ale puppy class “ P a t" w on second prize and tw o ribbons. Danish Maide Pastry Shop GROUNDBEEF Lean and Tender, Fresh Ground FOOD LOCKERS ARE STILL AVAILABLE FRESH LONG NEW GREEN CARROTS 2 b„. 15c PEAS 2 lb. 23« NEW WHITE TEXAS PINK ORDER EARLY Lb. 43c Shoulder Cuts for that Delicious Pot Roast PICNIC HAMS Try one boiled and baked BACON By the Piece. D ILL PICKLES 59c Lb. 3 for 10c Solid ond Crisp, with a real Dill flavor CANNED M ILK All Brands .......................... Canyon Rd. & McLain Drive 47c Grapefruit COTTAGE CHEESE » 25c 3 23* Kraft Country or Cream Style in Bulk 4 lb, 19c COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS Lb. Size 70's Potatoes G. V. Lawton large 4% P . cans ^ ^ PIE MIX KRUSTEAZ or SPEEDY MIX Package ...... a a A # * East of Beaverton Save Money HEMO BORDEN'S Eastern and Western Oil ALL GRADES 55c to 75c Per Gal. By the Barrel and Two Gal. Can* • Gas and Oil VELTEX TETRAETHYL BABY FOOD STRAINED Clapp's or Gerber's 89* DOZEN Hemo, Powdered or Liquid ............ g ft« J SHORTENING BRAND 3 lb, $1.29 • 5 j- *1” HOURS 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Saturday — 8 A. M. to 12 MID. !IH g lll= lllg m 5 IH = H IS H Ig lll5 tll5 H I5 H I= tH 5 IH = H I£ tH g lll5 M IS IH g lH 5 lll= lg ANNOUNCING I ill hi The Valley View Richfield Station is Under New Management JACK HYDER, Proprietor . &T. M AR KET W E S T S L O P E FOOD BAN K Canyon Road and Multnomah Club Road AMPLE PARKING We give A-l Service in . . . Lubrication, Washing and Waxing We pick up and deliver 8703 S. W. Conyon Rood T he G. W . Bruers o f C anyon Crest Drive are elated over the purchase o f a sum m er hom e right on the ocean fron t at T olavana P ark and plan to spend the sum m er there. They returned to their Portland home Sunday after fixing up their beach house and reported having beautiful w eath er and ideal skating at Cannon Beach. G IR L . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Earn» Right to Wear r f Boyd o f 4505 S. W . Parkview “ Boots ami W in«»” Lane are heralding the arrival Pvt. John S. M cK night, son o f Mr. and Mrs. D ew ey E. Bickel o f little Susan, who arrived at J. A. W righ t, o f R ou te 2. B ox 1035. W ilcox M em orial H ospital on A p o f B eaverton are being con grat B eaverton has earned the right ulated on the arrival o f Cheryl ril 21. to wear the “ B oots and W in gs” L „ the baby daughter w ho was VISIT ZOO. On Tuesday morning o f the United States A rm y A ir born on A pril IS. T roops. H e has com pleted 6 between forty-five and fifty o f borne — „ . „ „ . fh- Dre-schoolers o f Gabel School weeks o f com bined P arachute and Mr and Mrs. H arold F. M urch vlsltePd the W ashington Park Z oo Glider training at T he Infantry o f A loh a are the proud parents under Mrs. Sutt0n’s guidance sch ool, F ort Benntng, Ga.. during o f baby Kathleen J.. who first Transportatlon was furnished by which tim e he made seven para saw the light on day on A pril chute jum ps, the last tw o being the mothers o f the children. 15. tactical, one at night and the other at the break o f dawn. In F IS H IN G . M ajor Genera. and „ ^ w i l l the glider cou rse, several special Mrs. Claude L arkin spent T uesday ! t be on duty in H illsboro on Glider flights w ere made to orient and W ednesday o f last w eek fish- M 3 R obert g. Farrell. Jr., see him on G lider w arfare. ing on the K lic k ita t T hey were r e t a r v o f st* te states, This lates type o f training pro fortu n ate in catch in g tw o sal- •• departm ent duces com bined quiltfied jum pers All examiners o f - the m on. have been called to Salem for a and gliderm en and also involves D ouglas B ond o f H onolulu was special con feren ce to discuss the specialized training in Com m uni a w eek end guest o f the Lar- j new staggered license renewal cations, R ig g er and Parachute kins. Mr. Bond w as on his w ay pjan as enacted by the 1947 leg- Maintenance, __________ w hich are all vital to the E ast Coast business. ” * on *■■■"* ¡islature. The exam iners will re- I »kills in any A irborn e unit, turn to H illsboro on M ay 10th. | baby Stork Club News RALEIGH HILLS • Poultry Netting (>ab«'l Day School Carnival ami Pet Show P u rc h a æ Slim m er Home Raleigh School Addition Completed 3 *0 7 llt £ IH £ lll= lll5 lll= IM 5 lll= lll= IM S III5 lll£ IIIS M IS IH = lll= lll= M I= llt= lll£ IH S m S III3 lll= IIIS IIlS