W hen eight deaths out o f ten take place in rural/' loca tion s," K'arrell said, “ there Isn’t m uch doubt about where we have to state sim ply have to learn that our highw ays aren’t race-w ays." Speed was the leading fa c to r , in Death stalked the O regon high alm ost every one o f the fatal ac- ways last m onth, taking a record j cidents. W ith increased highw ay total o f 43 lives, it has been re i patrol in the o ffin g , speeding is vealed by S ecretary o f State R ob j being kept in m ind as a prim e ert S. F arrell Jr. This is the point for attention. Statistics show greatest num ber o f M arch fatal that it is safer to have ov e r 200 ities ever su ffered by the state’s i w reck s at 10 miles an hour than m otorists. one w reck at 60. Only 9 o f the 43 dead w ere kill T he March toll m ore than doub ed inside any city or tow n, cra ck down. The people o f this led that o f F ebruary. March 1 akes Heavy Toll in Highway Fatalities SKTKSSm , PARTY The j dance and bingo party given by LOW DOWN FROM |V. F. W. Post 8247 and the Lad H ICKO RY GROVE ies A uxiliary was a huge success. 7verybody seemed to be having Day by day som ebod y bobs up a good time. One party cam e over with a new cu re fo r what is ail 1200 miles to attend the dance and ing us it is talk, talk, talk. W e I they went aw ay loaded with prizes go to w ork and help win a war iand even a door prize. to make the w orld safe fo r dem A very nice time was had by ocracy but the talk keeps right all. on. Our ailm ents are even getting j V’ . F. W . P ost 8247 and the Lud- more aggravated as m ore and I ies A uxiliary will meet May 6 more quucks feel our pulse- -and I at 8:00 p.m. in the Bonny Slope prescribe. C om m unity Club house. This will And to add insult to in ju ry— I be an open meeting, everyone is and to accent what kind o f sucker invited. Pot luck lunch. we are the theory boys are eat • • • ing regular and plenty, and a O l l t l . S C O ! TS. The Girl Scouts general good tim e is being had are giving a dinner May 3 to raise by all o f them, as we w atch the I funds to take sw im m ing lessons. incom e tax man snip o ff a siz ■ T he dinner will be served in the able corn er o f our ch eck on pay I B onny Slope C om m unity Club day -e v e ry payday. house. And now I am gonna take a • • • hand and do som e diagnosing STORK R B T IR N S . A nine It. and prescribing. Proceed, says te nounce baby boy was born to Henry. There are 3 things, I says. Mr. and Mrs. G. Albertson o f Bon I gnaw ing at our vitals. T he first. ney Slope. T hey live on Luidlaw | is the law that m akes it legal for Road. This is their sixth child. la strong-arm organizing gent to • • • take over labor- lock, stork and TH AN K YOC. v . F W. Post b a irel and push the boss and his 8247 wishes to take this oppor regular and old-tim e men o f f the tunity to thank the B onny Slope sidew alk. Our second ailm ent is C om m u n ity Club for postponing the socialistic germ that is un their card party in favor o f the derm ining our strength and which V. F. W . dance. The next regular if it breaks out all over, will put card party will be held M ay 24. us flat on ou r back. • • • And the third th in g we need SO F T H A M . P R A C T IC E . Soft it is a C ongress that will get o ff Ball practice is W ednesday even the dim e and w ade in and do ings and Sunday afternoons at som ething about m aking our own the B onny Slope Com m unity Club U. S. A. safe fo r d em ocra cy ver grounds. E verybody is w elcom e to sus just in Europe, A frica and com e and enjoy themselves. Asia. YOUR PROBLEM What About Supply? \ What About Quality? W hat A b o u t P ric e ? Static lines hooked, an air-borne medical team is ready ta leap into the sky with its life-giving plasma, drugs and modern surgical aids. These skilled teams jump in every air-borne operation. A place in the new air-borne training progrom is open to qualified men who enlist in the new Regular Army. • FIRST . . . the Supply of GOOD Paint is still far short of meeting the tremendous demand caused by (I) raw materials shortages (2) the millions of homes and build ings badly in need of paint and (3) the unprecedented new construction program. • AS an authorized Fisher-Thorsen Paint Co. Dealer our stock is being supplied to us on an allotment basis . . . and, knowing their unquestionable reliability, we can guarantee every gallon to be standard Fisher-Thorsen top quality paint. • QUALITY PAINT can be manufactured only with the use of Quality ingredients, scientifically formulated. Good Paint such as FISHER-THORSEN’S Pure Prepared Paint, that possesses ALL of the essential qualities . . . Beauty of Color, Durability, Good Coverage and Proper Flow ing Consistency, contains the right percentage of Lead and Linse<*a Oil to give lasting beauty and protection. • THE PRICE OF PAINT is directly controlled by material and manufacturing costs. It costs a great deal more to make GOOD Paint now than it did be- u n seed Oil fore the war, hence the selling price is, 40 of necessity, proportionately higher. 30 The Charts depict the substantial increases in the cost of Lead and Linseed Oil since 1935.' The increase in the cost of Linseed Oil since 1940 amounts to 70% of the present cost. The increase in the cost of lea d since 1940 is 48*/. of the present cost. 20 10 1 1935 ’ 40 '45 ’ 47 LE A D 'D a ta from U. S. Dept, of Commerce " Surrey of Current Business” 15 2 Ways to Be Sure 10 of Quality Paint FIRST — Look at the N A M I on the canl A nam e tike Fisher-Tho% en w hich you h a v e know n and trusted for m any y e a rs is yo u r g uarantee of D ependable Q u ality. 1935 ’ 40 ’ 45 ’ 47 SECOND — lo o k at the FORMULA on the canl There you w ill find W HY a good point such as Fisher-Thorsen "P u re Prep ared P ain t" g ives com plete satisfaction. Rem em ber: FISHER-THORSEN Dependable Q uality "STANDS THE TEST OF TIME” i * C * C ioMtoc,lo n .. c i v a t t * ---- U M FISHER-THORSEN StfrCia J.B .IM L A Y & SONS Hardware and Feed ALOHA, OREGON Over 50 years in the Feed Business Phone Aloha 6311 -- Aloha Mill Phone Aloha 6372 - Reedville As a service to veterans in the com m unity, this new spaper will publish a w eekly colum n o f ques tions m ost frequently asked con tact men o f the V eterans A dm in istration in this area. F or m ore detailed inform ation, veterans are to con tact or w rite to the nearest V A con tact unit at 614 S. W. 11th, Portland. N S I.I w ill. PAY D IV ID E N D S L A T E R A plea to veterans not to direct inquiries to the V eterans A dm inis tration regarding dividends on NSLI policies was made by the V A ’s N orthw est branch insurance service this week. W hile dividends will eventually be paid, the task o f calcu latin g them is a trem endous task and it Is im possible to estim ate how long It will take to a ccom plish the job, George L aFray, d irector o f the insurance service, said. V eterans will on ly place an ex tra burden on the V A by flood in g our o ffic e s with inquiries, L aF ray warned. Dividends will be paid au tom atically, based on the am ount o f insurance the veteran has ca r ried, the length o f tim e he has held the insurance and his age at the time he took it out. A s N SLI is m utual insurance, surplus from gains and savings be long to the policyholders, L aF ray explained. In ca lcu latin g pre miums, it is necessary to m ake as sum ptions about future m ortality and when m ortality is low er than expected, savings arise w hich are refunded as dividends. W ar casu al ties have no bearing on dividends, L aF ray stated, because excess costs, resulting from death or total disability due to the extra haz ards o f m ilitary service are borne by the govern m en t and paid fio r c a special fund. • • • Question O f T he W eek Q. I obtained a G. I. hom e loan in June, 1945, and now would like f to kn ow if I m ay obtain a fu r ther loan under the A m ended G. I. B ill? A. Yes. E vidently you r gu aranty under the original S ervicem en ’s R eadjustm en t A ct was $2,000; th erefor under the act as am ended in Decem ber, 1945, you are eligible fo r a fu rth er guarantee o f $2,000 on a real estate loan, or $1,000 on a business or non- real estate loan. • • • B E N E F IT S TO W O R M ) W A R II V E T E R A N S A N D T H E IR D E PEN DENTS Subsistence allowance Is in creased w hen necessary to provide, in com bin ation witli com pensation or retirem ent pay, a minimum o f $105 a m onth ,if without a depen dent, $115 with one dependent, plus $10 fo r one child. $7 for each additional child, and $15 for a de pendent parent. V eteran starting course m ay re ceive an advan ce up to $100 if nec essary, to be repaid without inter est. R equ irem en ts: Active service be tween Septem ber' 16. 1940 and end o f war. D isch arge other than dis h onorable. Compensable service- con n ected disability and need for vocation al rehabilitation to over com e h andicap o f disability. T im e IJn iit: Training must be com pleted within nine years after term ination o f war. N O T E : T his is the last article of a series o f b rie f summaries o f ben efits adm inistered by the V A un der variou s laws for W orld W ar II veterans, their dependents, and ben eficiaries. I f you would like the com p lete series, send you r re quest to: P u blic Relations Service V eterans Adm in., Branch No. 11 E xch a n g e Building, Seattle 4, W ashington Students View Skv Program 20-YEA R Replacement Guarantee Will. V o c a tio n a l R e h a b i li t a t i o n D escription : V ocational rehabil itation through institutional or on- the-job training not to exceed 4 years except with approval o f VA. W hile veteran is training, and fo r two 4nonths after his em p loyabil ity Is determ ined, V A pays him subsistence allow ance o f $65 a month (if he has no dependents) or $90 iw ith dependents) In addi tion to his regular com pensation o r retirem ent pay. .1 w /f m l i ^ mm 1 Porc*i‘n u m it t beet«r > ■ s s s ig - s w ... ’ ’ o r « .""« cf m.k«r ot «I« PROOF OF TH E PUDDING ,r,Cr . ‘ .Ca . - rt‘- 4 r #" “ " WHO HAS ALW AYS BEEN FO W LER ' 10% UNDER NEWBITRYPORT • “ The House o f Service" TRY US 1st and WATSON J . B. IMLAY & SONS e 9 and Construction Layout PAUL D. BOUTWELL Registered Land Surveyor Phone Scholls 8361 Rt. 1, Box 705, Beaverton, Ore. WASHINGTON COUNTY’S LARGEST I PRESCRIPTK IN DEPARTMENT • B E A C H V ISIT O R S . Mrs. D ora Stipe and Iva Sum m ers spent the w eek end with Mr. and Mrs. John H untley o f A rch Cape near Can non Beach. • 9 • ILL. Mrs. Carlson has been su ffer ing with an infected hand and not able to work. • • • A T T E N D S M E E T IN G . Mrs. R uby Jansen attended an Am aranth m eeting at Seaside last Saturday evening. • • • S E L L HOM E. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shelles have sold their home at R eedville. • e e M O N T A N A BOUND. Mrs. Har- riette G igard has gone to M on tana to m eet her husband and return with him. e Y ou rs with the low down, JO S E R R A LAND S U R V E Y I N G • C O N V A L E S C E N T . Mrs. W alter Caveness has been quite ill with after effects o f the flu but is re ported to be gettin g better. • • • IM P R O V IN G . Mrs. J. V. C handler has been very sick fo r a couple o f weeks but is reported to be able to be up part time. • • • E N T E R T A IN S CLU B. Mrs. L. L W alk er was hostess to m em bers o f her A ntique Club on last F ri day. T here were sixteen present. • • • V ISIT DAM. Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Boyd o f the B eaverton P h a rm a cy spent last Sunday at B onneville Dam. Fresh Stock of Pharmaceuticals NEW WONDER DRUGS PENAOU-IN »nil STREPTOMYCIN All Biologicals kept at proper temperature under refrigeration Two Registered IMiurmaeists to Serve You Notice to Farmers We Carry the Modern Up-to-Date e L U N C H E O N GUESTS. Mrs. Dora Stipe entertained Mr. and Mrs. H iram Stipe and son. Jack, who has ju st returned from the Arm y for a sh ort time, last Thursday fo r luncheon. • • • F IS H IN G . Bob Summer, s Mike Metzler, Dr. Talbert and Dew ey D rorhaugh went on a fishing trip over the week end. • • s H O S P IT A L IZ E D . L. D. Shellen- berger is in the Veterans H ospi tal fo r a general check up. A daughter, Mrs. Rhoda E ffen berger is with her mother. « • • C A R D P A R T Y . A most enjoyable card party was held In M asonic T em ple on Saturday evening giv en by the Social Club. Mrs. Don aldson held high score In bridge and Mr. W yles o f Portland high score in pinochle. • • • A TTEN D CHAPTER. Mr. and Mrs. C hester Gault and son P hil lip attended O. E. S. last W ednes day evening. T hey are m em bers o f O renom ah Chapter. • • • S IS T E R VISITS. Mrs. Jack Os- field’s sister o f Eugene spent last W edn esday evening with her. VETERINARY SUPPLIES Lederle, Veticillin, Sulfanilmide, Sulfaguanidine, Duatok Ointment, Duatok Powder, Sulmet Powder, Sullfalguanidine Oblets, etc Veterinary Syringes and Needles Udder Infusion Tubes — Teat Dialators Dr. Roberts' Veterinary Supplies Pet Veterinary Supplies FOR DOGS AND CATS 's Drug Store Prescription Druggists L. C. Kramien —« Ray Meadows Phone 261 HILLSBORO, OREGON T R Y A CLA SSIFIED AD. If you want to buy, trade or sell, tU = in = l< ln lll= |ll? U I£ IH = lll= lll= lll= < M = lll3 IIIS Itf= lll£ lll= n iE lH S III= 3lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=m =lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=ll|=||l=H I5ll ü m in I The Beaverton Hardware PHONE 3921 A T T E N D C O N V E N T IO N . Mr. and Mrs. G eorge G ordon and fam ily drove to E ugene last Sunday to attend the regular Sunday service o f the W esley F oundation. The installing o f new o ffic e r s o f w h ich their son, G eorge W . G or don w as installed P residen t. A so cial hour follow ed. • m m m m m m m A iim u im iim If you want to buy, trade or sell, T R Y A C LA S S IFIE D AD BEAVERTON PERSONALS • P resen tin g photographs o f the universe, H arry G. Johnson o f the B row n Foundation brought the A m erica Sky Program to Beaver ton high on Tuesday, April 30th at 10 a.m. U sing special sky telescopic photographs, close-up scenes of the m oon, A rizona crater, m eteor ites, fam iliar constellations and other heavenly bodies were shown. One interesting feature was a picture o f a car bought by a high sch ool lad for $11 which had been stru ck by a m eteorite while in his garage. The tragedy turned to good fortune when he sold both the car and m eteorite as museum relics for $1.100. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 2, 1947 BONNY SLOPE Flying Medics Hit the Silk i II LUM BER TH E HANSET COMPANY East End 7th Street Phone 2901 Hardware and Feed Now Stocking Lumber for Your Building Needs ALOHA, OREGON Over 50 Years in the Feed Business W HOLESALE and RETAIL Phone Aloha 6311, Aloho Mill Phone Aloho 6272, Reedville A Retard or Carload Direct from Mill to You ■ 1« s III ill=111311151113111=111=111 slN SN IsinSIH filll«lllsN fslllZlllrslN xll