Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1947)
1 FISH IN G . The Paul E. Miller fam ily opened the trout fishing season with the Fred Stensel fa m “ R ead B ooks o f Spiritual V al ily o f H illsboro on the M cK ie ue” I* the clarion o f the National Creek. T hey had fa ir luck. • • • C onference o f Christians and Jews M OTO R T R IP . Mrs. Don M cln - for R eligious B ook W eek, May nis and daughter, Mary, and Mrs 4th through May 10th, the fifth Fred Pelton o f P ortland drove to such observance. Barview last Friday. Mrs. Peters In recognition o f this event, rem ained at B arview a few days. Her husband is w ork in g there. the Y oung Adult Fellowship o f • • • o f Methodist Church will have on VISITO RS. Mr. and Mrs. Ed display this Sunday a num ber of Lamb o f Portland were callers on excellent books fo r both young Sunday at the A. L. M agee home and old. F ollow ing the m orning In Reedville. w orship hour these books m ay be • • • obtained at the publisher’s rate. T A K E S POSITION . G rant Ma Il II II II II II » II » Il II H II II 11-11—1PL' HAM D IN N E R ? T he Aloha Bap gee o f Reedville has taken a po tist C hurch is g ivin g a ham din sition with Standard Oil Co. and ner, Friday, M ay 2 at 6:30 p.m. m anages a station in the Sellw ood in the ch urch basement. It is D istrict in Portland. • • « for the church building fund. ILL. Little Gary H otchkiss, son T here will be a program after o f Mr. and Mrs. E arl H otchkiss, the dinner. has been very ill with the measles. BUY M ILL.* Paul R ydm an and H e is im proving now. • • • his father-in-law , Mr. Strasser, GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ol have bought a lum ber mill at Mo- son o f Multnomah visited at the lalla. • • • IHans Rasm ussen hom e Sunday. • • • V ISITS G R A N D M O T H E R . Mi G R A N D SO N . Mr. and Mrs. J. chael R eed Sulser o f Oregon City spent last w eek end with his H. Brown o f H uber received the grandm other, Mrs. Reed on To- grand news o f a grandson born to | Mr. and Mrs. L. W . B row n of bias. • • • Seattle April 6. Nam ed M ichael RKTU K N HO M E. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence. • • • W . D. H untington have recently •PEE WEE JOKES ASKED ML IF I IM P R O V IN G . Mrs. Em ily Sny HAD A RIDING HABIT. I SAID. NQ returned to their home at Gas ton, after spending the winter der Is up and around after her I HAVENT BEEN RIDING LONG in Nevada. A rizona and C alif Illness. • • • ENOUGH TO GET THE HABIT." ornia. F ISH ER M E N . Mr. and M is. L. T hey w ere shopping and visit ing friends in A loh a last Friday. E. K latt went fishing on the Sal It was good to have them back in mon R iver and spent ‘.he week G O O D H E A L T H 1$ A loha and both look ing so well. end at the beach. • • • • • • P R IC E L E S S W E E K E N D GU EST. Mrs. B es N E W C A R . Don Traxel is driv ing a new sport cabriolet Chev sie Smith o f Portland spent the w i s h y o u / ma rolet. He seems very proud, but week end at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Don M clnnls. why not. the • • • • • • IN B E A V E R T O N . Mrs. Angus P IN O C H LE P A R T Y . The Star M cLean. N. V ista Ave., is now Pinochle Club met at the hom e o f living at the C onvalescent Hom e Esther Johnson on N. Stacey Ave. All the m em bers were pres In Beaverton. ent, fourteen in all. First prize was won by R uth De Haan. Maizie H ayes won sec ond; Elsie Nault won traveling and Minnie Dashney won con sola tion. A lovely lunch w as served and a good time was had by all. O N D IS P L A Y N O W Rplillioii* Hook Week V ISIT B R O T H E R . Mi and Mrs. Charles W ilson and fam ily spent the w eek end with his bro ther, N orm an and fam ily at O c ean Lake. • • • W E E K E N D V ISIT. Misses Cle- da and N eva Sachs, Julia Dassell and Charlotte W ilson spent the week end at Centralia, Wash., vis iting at the R a y Sachs home. • • • HOM E FRO M P O R TL A N D . Mrs. W alter Z ü rch er returned home F riday a fter a two week stay at the P ortlan d Sanitarium with a fo o t in fection . She had to have one toe amputated. Electric Appliances In D ru g s ou r Specialty • • • • • • • is Prescriptions 3 Registered Pharmacists to Serve You "Your Savings Will be In Cash" Beaverton Pharmacy The Prescription Store 51 Broadway d P resid ine Range Roasters Broilers Toasters Clocks Irons Steam Irons RAIN BO W ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION Phone 2311 7 5 0 T u a la tin H iw a y W e st " Y " in Beaverton Phone 3071 P-TA Lonveiition P. T. A. State C onvention was held this past week, A pril 29 and 30 at the M ultnom ah H otel in Portland. The delegates o f this district were Mrs. J e ff H arris, Mrs. W . J. North, Mrs. Charles W ilson and Mrs. Jerry Grey. T he altenates were Mrs, F. M. Saunders, Mrs. Phaye G regory, Mrs. Jim Steele and Mrs. E lm er Toupal. T hey all wish to tpank the lad ies w ho worked on the hand uni form s. T hey made 38 band cos tumes, caps and boleros. They will have them ready fo r G rad uation Day. » ■■ ■■ ii » ii » ii ii ii ii i r i n n n r S U B S C R IB E R A D S? W hy, th ey are those useful little card s you get with your subscription fo r free classified ads in you r newspaper. AM ERICAN LEGION end A U X ILIA R Y Beaverton Post No. 124 Look A t These Items SATU RDAY O NLY R E G U L A R M E E T IN G 1 st a n d 3 rd W e d n e sd a y each m onth at 8 : 1 5 p. m. T e m p o ra ry M e e tin g Place I. O. O. F H A L L , B E A V E R T O N K E IT H D E N N E Y — R A Y G U N T H E R Post C o m m a n d e r A d ju ta n t Parent Teochcrs Association Regular Monthly Meeting 4 th Tuesday of Each Month at 8 p. m. Shortening L L39 Chet Bakken’s All Sweet Per Lb. Gold Crest, Full Cream MILLER'S Aloflu Assembly of (»oil Mrs. Genelve G lersdorf Mrs. Geneive G eirsdorf, well know n prison w orker will return Sunday evening for another ser vice in the Aloha Assem bly of God. T h e services last Sunday were o f such interest that an en thusiastic con gregation invited her return. T he musical program o f the children was one enjoyed by all whq I attended. T he C om m union service will be con d u cted Sunday m orning by the pastor, R ev. Rilla Mae Stephens. Sunday S ch ool 10 a.m. Mrs. H er man Schlottm an, supt. M E E T IN G PO STPO N E D . The H appy G ardeners Club o f A loha- H uber are postponing their reg ular m eeting from Friday, May 9 to M ay 16. • • • W E E K E N D V ISITO RS. Mrs. L oree’s brother and his fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. N ew ton Brum bach daughters K aren and Sandra of Milton, O regon spent the week end with R ev. and Mrs. Loree at their h om e in Aloha. • • • C A L L E D TO N. D A K O TA. Mrs. K ris E skrastrand o f Aloha has received sad word o f the death o f her m other in North Dakota. She has gone there for a few days. • • • R E T U R N H OM E. Mrs. T. B. P lair and daughter Gaynl have returned after a few weeks in Cal ifornia. B ut Gaynl had the m eas es while there so didn’t en joy her trip as m uch as she might have. * B • B A B Y G IR L . Mrs. Frank A u g ustus o f A loha is in W ilcox H os pital In P ortland with a new baby daughter. A proud grandparent is E rnest W olfe. • • • ENROUTE HOME. Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard M cCoy o f Russell. K ansas h ave been m otoring thru the south and are now traveling through the northwest. T hey spent the w eek end at the home o f Mrs. Nora Carlson. • • • V IS IT IN G . Mrs. Lyda Keehaugh form erly o f Aloha Beauty Shop was in A loha on business W ed nesday. She has been visiting at Salem and other V alley towns. She and her husband have bought a hom e in B eaverton where they will settle as soon as he has finished school. • • • P A Y S TO A D V E R T IS E . Mr. and Mrs. R o y B riggs had callers from their form er home, R oyal. N ebraska: Mr. and Mrs. W ald o D avis and Mrs. L ouise Beal, al so tw o ladles from P ortland, Mrs. Korsberg and Mrs Antisdel. The people fom N ebraska tell us we d on ’t advertise the beauties and w onders o f our g ood State enough. T hey thought It one o f the lovliest th ey have been in. • • • ATTENDS F U N E R A L . Mrs. John Jersey o f A loha w ent to Eugene last week to the funeral o f her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Fisher. • • • F IL B E R T S . Mr. D oerfel o f Sil- verton was in and around A loha look ing over the filbert orch ards he has sold the new trees for. Callte M cC arthy o f Kelso, W ash, o f Mrs. E m ily Snyder o f GLEEFULOSOPHtES daughter Aloha was m arried In V ancouver. W ashington last w eek to H ow ard Rail, also o f Kelso. T hey spent their honeym oon with her sister. Mrs. E. D. Nelson in Spokane, W ash. T hey all spent the week end with their m other, Mrs. Em ily Snyder In Aloha. 45C Cheese K 490 T he m atter o f out-of-season firew ork s is again causing consid erable annoyance to the residents o f Beaverton. | R ecord er D oty advises that City O rdinance No. 182 prohibits the sale or use o f firew ork s of any description within the City lim its at any tim e excepting a 7-day period beginning July 1st and end ing July 7th o f each year. As the fire season approaches extrem e care must be exercised by ] everyone to avoid starting any unauthorized fires. T he use o f firew ork s adds great ly to the fire hazard, and also frequ en tly causes serious bodily injuries and loss o f eyesight. C ooperation o f parents is espec ially urged In ord er that injuries and property dam age m ay be av oided. Murrii'tl at Vancouver Swift's Form oyl-lb 4 9 c Hot W ater HEATERS Yon go aheutd with the plowin’, Myrtle! I haft a get to tou n and drop in at Gas and Electric For Kingsleys and get a screen door and some screen win dows, attic ventilators O ut side white paint, nails, hard ware, windows, doors and frames Shiplap and dim en sion cedar ond composition shingles ond roll roofing D E L IV E R PMONC BEAVERTON 3201 3 — S. W Farm ington T o add to the previously m en tioned BH S w inners o f debate, jou rn alism and glee clubs, com es a new novelty con test won by a high sch ool junior. D ave B u ffa m received a 1947 M otorola portable radio recently as a result o f nam ing a picture which featured a ca k e surrounded by a fam ily group, "D ebu t.” Sponsored by General Mills, m a kers o f S p erry Cake Flour, he be cam e one o f 339 new radio ow n ers in the nation-w ide contest. Choir Entertained The M ethodist Church ch oir was entertained last evening at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. L. L. W alk er on C anyon R oad. All m em bers present fu lly en joy ed the even ing hour with their genial hosts. KEYS MADE W H ILE YOU W A IT N O T IO N S Tape Measure 60 Inch Length 9c Bias Tape Remember Her m Assortm ent of C o lo 's to T o Choose From On May 11 III 10c Irontex Hot Iron Tape 10c Six Strand FOR M OTH ER Doll House Flower Shop In Walker's Dept. Store Phone orders to B eaverton 3 4 6 1 or Scholls 8 3 2 2 M. D. Tissue Tailored to Measure 5 25c Suits, Sport W e a r Broadcloth and Gabardine SHOE REPAIRING SHIRTS • Highest Quality M aterial CHAM BERLIN'S rolls 49* Limit 5 Rolls to Customer O ur Sale Lasts Through Sat Alterations B. T. W ALTO N urday, M a y 3. C heck Your Circular Saturday Afternoon in WALKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE PHONE “ The Complete Shopping Center*' BEAVERTON 3461 Of These Madelines / Year Modern Fiction, Romance, Aviation, Homemaking, Farm News, Child Care, Movies If you wish any of the follow ing. add this publisher’s price to your order THIS NEWSPAPER. I Year and any ot the following □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ American Bee Journal $3 16 □ Modern Screen ..... «... $3 65 Amer. Fruit Grower— *2 5 □ National Digest ...... — 3.60 American G irt-------------5-00 □ National Live Stock Producer ---------------- 225 Calling All Boya-------- U S □ N atu re............. ...........— 4.60 Calling All Glrla-------- 2 85 Calling All Kids.......... 2J» □ Open Road for Boys— 3.00 300 Child L ife ----------------------- 3.60 □ Outdoors C oron et______________ - 4 50 □ Opportunity (Successful Selling) _____________ 2.50 Correct English . ... . 3.60 □ Outdoorsman (2 yrs.) _ 3 25 Country Gentleman (5 yrs.) — ........... — 3.00 □ Parents' M agazine...... 3.75 □ Personal Romances .... 3 60 Etude Music Magazine 390 □ Philatelic Press ........ 2.20 Field A Stream ..... ....... 3.V) □ Popular Dogs 3.50 Flower GroweF---------- 3.25 □ Popular Homecraft___ 3 60 Fur-Fish-Game _______ 3.10 □ Popular Mechanics..... 4.00 Good Health 2.80 □ Pop Science Monthly 4.00 Hoard’s Dairyman ----- 230 □ Poultry man (weekly) . 2.40 Homemaker „ ............ 3.60 □ Reader's Digest 4 75 Household Magazine 250 □ Red book __........... 4.00 Hunting A Fishing — 2.75 □ The W om an __________ 3.60 Hygeta Health Mag 3.25 Inside Detective Stories 3.05 □ True Comics ....... ..........2 85 □ True Story ............ 3.25 Jack A Jill __________ 3.90 □ U. 8 Camera ............_ 225 King Com ics...... ........... 3 00 □ Walt Disney Comics Magazine D igest--------- 3.75 A Stories __________ 285 Magic Com ics------------- 3 00 2.85 Market Grower's J m l.. 2.50 □ Wee Wisdom 3.60 □ Your L ife ------ Modem R om ances----- 3 65 □ □ U □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ All prices include our newspaper and the magazines, each 1 yr., unless otherwise shown. McCall's Magazine...... $2.50 Woman's Home Comp 2 50 3.00 American Magazine . Collier's Weekly ....... 3 00 Better Homes A Gardens .............. ...... 250 Glamour _____________ 220 2 50 Charm 3.00 Flying Official Detective S tories____________ 300 Coronet ................. 3.00 Cosmopolitan ............... 3.50 Good Housekeeping* 350 6.00 E sq u ire ................. Detective Stories......... S V» House & Garden______ . 4 00 Newsweek _____ 6.50 220 Look (Picture Mag Ladies’ Home Jrnl. .... 300 Saturday Even’g Post 5.00 3.50 Mademoiselle •_ National Geographiic .. 500 . 5.00 Omnibook Popular Photography 3.00 Screen G uide_________ . 1 80 Seventeen ___________ . I 80 Holiday _____ _________ 5.00 House Beautiful______ . 4.00 Screen Romances_____ 120 Country Gentleman (5 y r s . ) __ __________ 200 ♦ Renewals only. BI G V A L U E This Newspaper, 1 year and THREE fine Plumbing Supplies & Service F a irb a n k s-M o rse Shallow W e ll a n d Deep Pum ps KINGSLEY WE Fred Van D om lan were entertain ed at a birthday party at the I home o f Mr. and Mrs. Leander Minten. on A pril 23. Card gam es were played and prizes given. Those w h o attended w ere: Mr Guelzow, M r. and M r r. Fred Van Dom lan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shepherd. Mrs. M argaret O’Con nell, Mr. and Mrs. L aw ren ce Kun kle, Mrs. M ary M cK en n y and son Howard, Mrs. M ildred Geer, Mrs. Anna M inten and Mrs. Smith. Many lovely gifts w ere received by the guests and a lovely lunch was served by the hostess. David 15 uf fain Wins New Radio Delivery f BIAVIRTON IUMBK Co. Kirtlulav Honors j F riends o f C aroline K unkle and Immediate Everything For the Builder FOR BETTER FOODS Phones Portland BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 Fireworks Are Out of Season ALOHA PERSONALS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, May 2, 1947 Magazines all for only j Q j Q *3.00 A ntcrlcan G irl A n r r . F r u it G ro w e r n Ayr shirr Review □ Fallitile A ll G irls <.•>.>,1 Mentili Clearwater Plumbing Co. Q □ Natl. I4ve Stork Proti □ □ □ Beaverton Phone 292S 11 osar hold M a ia lin e H o a rd '« Pair* man M untine A Fluitine M arket G ro w e rs Jr|. O p ra K«»a«t for B o y » * moa. O p p o rtu n ity fRuraraaful S r Itine) i yr. Poultry m an t w n rk ly ) I yr. P tilla trlle Presa I yr | o t ? \ ; r \ ' w h l O O t lS GUARANTEED n i n r , , s , r j E L I s U FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY 1 O L IA I EndetnJ R«4 } ... I y•«'. th# f t which ten4 m» ywr ■ in flfc t r«r|t4 •¡tk •» X NAM E___________ ROST ORFICI__ s t a t i __________ -M 0 -