Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1947)
THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CLASSIFIED ADS CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count «och word, including Nom« and oddress—ON L Y 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Token MINIMUM 2Sc AN ISSUE W« Publish the BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE TIG A R D SEN TIN EL M ULTNOM AH PRESS A LO H A NEWS Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage SUBSCRIBER ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE West Suburbans BUSINESS SERVICES VETERINARIAN BUSINESS SERVICES FOR RENT WE RENT Concrete mixers, wheelbarrows, house jacks, elec, floor polishers, cleanout pumps ‘ and vacuum cleaners. MASON’S. Tigard. 14 WANTED Hunches VALLEY L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED ROCK Eost of Beaverton Pbone Beaverton 2881 AVAILABLE NOW — Spark Oil Heaters $117.95 (Large size) Quiet AUTOMOBILES WANTED Heet Pressure Type. F\irnace OPEN SUNDAYS conversion burners from $345.00-up Are you having trouble selling installed. Gifford's Appliances. your car? If so. I'll sell It for you 175 So. 2nd St.. Hillsboro, Phone at your price for a small perceo 3715. 13 tage, or pay you cash for it See | Bob at Bob's Used Car Lot. East j H ID E S A W O O L , CA84 A K A — A LEE BROS,. t5 SW Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc specialty. A T . 5334. tf tion. 46tf Clay P ortla n d . G. L SPECIAL modern 2 bedroom home just completed in Aloha. Built for a Baby Chu Every Tuesday veteran and can be bought on G. Miller H&mps, Christie Humps, I. loan. Fireplace, furnace heat, Hollywood Wh. Leghorns. Order attached garage. Vi acre. Price, early. Miller's Hatchery, Beaver $8300. ton, Oregon. Phone Beaverton WANTED: B'urnished apartment 291i. 51tf GOOD C E M E N T B A S E M E N T in Beaverton dmtrlct. Steady em WOOD FOR SALE: 4 i t slab- modern new home in West Slope ployment, would like permanent wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel finished by a cabinet maker. place to live. Call Beaverton 2321. 52tf Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. Many extras. 2 spacious bed 34tf rooms with wardrobe closets. LANDSCAPE, Pruning, spraying, Price $8950.. COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE grafting. New lawns and rocker and lunch every Saturday 9:30 ies. Call W. A. Green, Beaverton IMMEDIATE POSSESSION a_m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd 2967. 44tf Ave., 3 Vi miles south Foster Rd., good bungalow near West Slope Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and and Canyon Road. All hardwood AGENT WANTED- Married man auctioneer. tf floors, 2 bedrooms, cement base with car. Industrial Insurance Co. ment with finished room 71 x 200 Multnomah District. Good future, 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, *22 lot, 2-car garage, chicken house, drawing account and bonus. Call deliver anywhere. Give location fruit trees. Price $6950. In person 500 Yeon Bldg., Port with order. Stanford Laugtilln, land. llt f Carlton, Rt. 1. tf RESTAU RANT WANT TO BUILD a barn, ware Modern house or hall? Six 42’ foot roof SHAVINGS make good bedding on main west highway. for stock and scratch for poultry building, neon signs, good equip trusses for sale. CHerry 3023 af house floor. They are free at ment, booths and counter for 60. ter 6 p.m. 13p Reedville Sawmill. 47tf Good lease. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Barn with floored TW O ACRES loft to be moved or torn down. Lots of good lumber Call Beav 2 bedroom home just west of Bea erton 3744. tf verton on paved street and bus line. Large chicken house, fruit trees. Price $5250. STOVE ’& DEISEL OIL Stove and Furnace Repair We give S & H Green Stamps 32 ACRES Call Beaverton Fuel Co. 3861 west of Beaverton on paved high or BRoadway 8291 7tf way. 10 acres of 3 yr. filberts, 22 Perfect FOR SALE—Chicken manure ap acres clear and level. proximately 75 yards. You haul. homesite among large oaks. Price Phone Tigard 2369. 8tf $9500. BUSINESS SERVICES PAINTING A PAPLRHANGING Work Guaranteed Work Done Promptly CALL CHerry 2175 46 tf PLOWING GRAVELY ROTARY A perfect seed bed in one Operation Aloha 6437 5tf DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. Prompt I rvice. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States Rendering Cq.. N. Columbia Blvd. & Hurst Ave.. Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) 8tf “ JEFF*” SELL IT FOR SALE—Poland. Berkshire, TELEPHONE BEAVERTON 3795 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE V IN C E N T L U M B E R CO. "A Complete Lumber Yard” Chester, Duroc and Hampshire MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf We Deliver Anywhere FOX REALTY bred gilts, $57.50 each, and lots of smaller ones. Gotter at Scholls. 8tf Highest cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door; picked up once or twice week ly—call or write Forest Grove Creamery, Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 126. 10tf WILL BUY — Common Pidgeons, 15c each. Phone Beaverton 3376. F. L. Wood. 14 MASON’S in Tigard feature farm implements, electric and gas ap pliances, electric water systems, home furnishings, electric wiring, etc. Mason’s consistently offer merchandise at lower prices and will continue to do so because they feel that during this time of high prices somebody has to hold the line and It might as well be gin here. Compare our prices you’ll find they are lower, except in cases of contract goods and then they are the same as else where. 14 FOR SALE: 7 piece twin bed set, Ivory, $40. Phone BEacon 8545 at 7304 SW Canyon Lane. 13 On Canyon Road At Ellis 10 LOTS FOR SALE: S. W. 9th & Franklin Sts., C. F. Hemrich. P. O. Box 703, Beaverton. 13 FX3R SALE: New strictly modern 2 bedroom home, $8400. Carries $5,000 FHA loan easy monthly payments. 20 minutes from Port land. 15 acre farm, modern 2 bed room home, fruit, vegetables, ir rigation, 30 minutes drive from Portland. Price $15,000. Nellie Elwert, rep., Tigard. Ore. Phone Tigard 2841 or BRoadway 0508. 13 OR SALE—Tropical fish and ac- uarlum plants, rabbit fryers 50c er pound. Mrs. H. Graetz, east tid of Lehman. Metzger. lltf OLEMAN OIL FLOOR FUR- ACES. They are the equal of ny $500 furnace made and cost au just a fraction of that. Ec- nomical to operate and very, ery efficient. MASON’S In Ti ll rd. Imm. Del. and installation. 14 iw shipment of off-set cover jp discs In now. Sizes 4ft. 6” to . 6”, on rubber. These turn to » right and are adjustable for pth on either side. Terms if n like. MASON’S in Tigard. 14 ’ porcelain on steel sink tops th swing spouts and drain bas ts. ready to install *74.50. Terms MASON’S in Tigard. 14 ower stalls, sinks, stainless or rcelain at MASON’S in Tigard ly these for as little as $5 a >nth. 14 )R SALE: Used furniture: Good d. complete, $35: Iron Bed. $2 00; »ttress. $2: large rugs, $8 to $15; >ol blankets, $3 to $15; chairs, to $15: Davenport, $10; curtains, ; to $500: Indian baskets; dishes usehold items. 8424 SW 54th -e. CH. 3772. Near Garden Home tad * 13P I'AINTS — SAS1I — PLUMBING Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf 25 years Experience ALDER MARKET Lewis Bros. Cor. 1st and Washington St. PORTLAND, OREGON METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING. Rock wool insulation blown In for free estimate write R. E. Ell- son and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285, Ti tf gard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 2197. tf FAMILY LAUNDRY, finish or rough dry, cash and carry. I SURVEYING block north of Metzger post of fice. 13 PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING PLOWING, DISCING & LEVEL- ing. Ford Ferguson Tractor, Ti gard district. Call evenings.- Ti gard 3145. 13p ORCHARD H. E. COX, Registered Land Surveyor Phone Beeaverton 2592 46tf BILL MATZKE: Garden plowing and general tractor work. Leave P. B. IIAGG orders Peter B. Case. Phone Bea Hauling Contractor FOR SALE: New Magic Chef gas verton 3521. 18p Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Maaons range. Recently purchased but ne Sand, Crushed Rock and ver installed. Bargain 3940 SW 26 INCH ROTOTILLING. Eld red Road Gravel Lucille St. MU 3049. 13p Caster, Rte. 2, Box 223, Tigard. Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2935. 18 Phone Tigard *446 tf FOR SALE: One swarm of bees and extra hive, smoker, bee veil, FISHING ROD REPAIRING and complete $12. Phone Tigard 2190. Rewinding. CH 1535, 8708 S. W. 21 13 Ave. 14p Grading - Generol Tractor Work T iller Tractor Work FOR SALE: 2 tan blinds, 6 x 6 . New Lawn - Maintenance Excellent condition, $10. Rte. 1. Road Grading Box 183, Beaverton, W. W. Payne. Rood and W all Rock (Corner Scholls Ferry and Denny — MILKERS Road). 13p SEPARATORS LANDSCAPING FOR SALE: A good sawdust wa ter heater complete. Also 30 gal. tank and furnace coil. W. A. Green Beaverton 2967 Rt. 1. Box 253. 13p Mortarless Interlocking BUILDING TILE Laid without mortar G. J. Blum COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY J . H. Simpson, Tigard, Ore. tf ENGER BROS. MONROE DAIRY MACHINERY, Inc. Established 1898 Tigard 3206 2 mi. North of Tlgord 11130 S. W Barbur Blvd. of 55th Ave. Dancing After 9 •1*1»» COM. 9924 pe« I I I M l - it Building Contractors • Equipment and Supplies for Handling Milk and Its Products Portland - Seattle - Salt Lake Boise - Spokane PLOWING - DISCING Ferguson Outfit L. T. Brown, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 3263 See us when you Plan to Build Free Estimate* Guaranteed Workmanship 620 S. H all St. Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 3283 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Cutting, Wrapping, ond Preporing Meat for Your Locker Moot at Wholesale Price* G. C. (DON) HUGHES We Buy Livestock THRIFTY MARKET Multnomah, Ore. Phone CH 2240 Home, Tigard 3563 ROTOTILLING CHerry 3914 22p ' Come J hi... J^et C alh J UUäJ'irj’jyi omebuilding. / / Who» is your price on house point? How often ore we asked that question and how rarely are we asked the more important question. IS YOURS A PURE LEAD and OIL PAINT? Certainly price per gallon is important but for more important are coverage and lasting quality. It is these two qualities that actually determine how wisely you have spent your point dollar. Fuller Outside W hite Point is bock in limited quantities. Plon now to paint your home with DR. O L IV E R S FULLER PAINTS — THEY LAST Homebuilders Supply Co. Beaverton, Oregon Phone Beaverton 3951 7723 S. W . Capitol Highway Ch. 1607 Multnomah, Ore. "Across from Grade School" BULL SERVICE by artificial In semination. No membership or re taining fees. Phone Beaverton 3511 or Portland com m erce 9924. 51tf Free Estimate R. W. Pepin 1515 S. W. Jefferson — Apt. 9 Portland, Ore. Ph. T A 7375 or Res. A T 8079 Building Materials PAINT and HARDWARE West Slope Lumber Yard 9049 S. W . Conyon Road Kitchen Specialists — PAINTING — Piano Tuning, Cleaning DEMOTHING ■ REPAIRING Rt. 1, Aloha, Phone ALOHA 6612 KITCHEN CABINETS BUILT-INS LINOLEUM LAID Everything Furnished MEAD'S Westdale Nursery Rt. 1, Box 658 Beaverton By Day or Contract Now Blooming C LY D E G ILLFN Rt. 2, Box 67 Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2331 MASON C. HEIDTKE REFRIGERATION SERVICE Phone Beaverton 3071 Guaranteed Workmanship Home Commercio! Primroses and Camelias Complete line of Fruit Trees Azaleas - Strawberry Plants Phone Beaverton 2266 Beaverton FUEL CO. 1 mile East of Beaverton on Bertha-Beaverton Highway For OIL or SERVICE BEAVERTON 3861 or BROADWAY 8291 388 S.W. Canyon Rood MEN'S and BOYS' H. V. JOHNSON Beaverton, Or. We Give S&H Green Stamps Shoe Repairing and Rebuilding 3 iu C eMna The PILOT'S AIRPLANE Rupert Flying Service Bernard's Airport Phone Beaverton 3840 PLOWING - DISCING • Factory Method • 2-days Service New Equipment - 2—4 " Plow Reasonable Hourly Rates C. M. MARTYN Rte. 3 , Box 499 Beaverton Hoge Shoe Factories Phone TAbcr 4656 1 28 S. W. Third Ave. P L O W IN G & D ISC IN G Portland, Ore. Custom Tractor Work D. P. MacDONALD Beav. 2260 or leave jobs at 8033 S. W. 35, Multnoman — SEE— C. W. ZEHR For Asphalt Paving Driveways — Parking and Short Roads W rite P. O. Box 221 Beaverton, Ore. Land Surveying Form*, Subdivision*, Lot* Acreoge, Orchard Tract* Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Land Surveyor Office ond Residence Phone CHerry 1601 W ILL DO CUSTOM RUG WEAVING in my own home. Customers must furnish materials. Also Rugs for Sale GARBAGE SERVICE MRS. A. M. COGSWELL, Rte 5, Box 1S8, Portland, Ora. By Month or Contract PERSONAL LIABILITY April 5 Edition of the Sat. Even ing Post Tells the story. Coll GLENN E. PRINGLE 253) Pittock Block CH. 3640 Ret. 10th £ Washington AT. 2777 Portland S (Day or Nite) HOHNSTEIN & SCHAFER Phone MUrdock 2805 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. West Slope, Beaverton, Meadowhurst ond Cedar Hills The COUNTRY'S BEST DANCE AUTOMATIC at OIL BURNERS Kinton Grange Hall Saturday Night, May 3 Immediote Delivery on "EVEREDY" - "QUIET-HEAT" "O'BRIEN" No Down Payment - 3 yrs. to pay FREE ESTIMATES Call WEbster 4313 Door Prizes RICHARD R. PFEIFER ROTOTILLING By the Hour or Job McCALL Oil Co. MOBILHEAT HARRY LUDWIG Rt. 3 Box 672, Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 3102 DALE'S Sand & Gravel All Kind* of Hauling PHONE Burner and Stove Oil Phone Beaverton 2463 GILBARCO OIL Cesspools - Septic Tanks Pumps BURNERS Constructed, sewers connected, ex cavations, shovel or trench hoe. Schult Bros Sonitory Service Portland Tabor 3235 9tf Beaverton 2871 MAYFIELD Sand & Gravel or BEacon 6555 GARBAGE SERVICE BY MONTH OR CONTRACT ALOHA GARBAGE CO. G. C. MILLER, Owner P. O. Bo. 2S4, Aloha, Or. We move dirt - Put in Fill* Dirt ond River Silt for Sale 6"-0 Rock for base Garden Rock for W all* CEDAR MILLS, BEAVERTON 1 19 S W. Sc ond ond Tucker St*., Beaverton, Ore. Ph Portland BR 4706 eves 46tf Surveyor Rte 6, Box 869-C, Corner W ash ington Street and Oleson Road, 0 .7 Miles Southwest of Gorden Home, Porflond 1, Oreqon. BEAVERTON TRANSFER CO. Sand and River Silt for Lawns BR. 6122 Geo. F. Gordon John Peterson Spray and Brush Beaverton, Ore. PHONE A M ER IC A N -CHINESE DIN N ERS Fine Food - Ample Parking * Hi wo y 6 Portland De Laval Rt 6, Box 1 186 Portland Phone CH 3902 T A I - PING Terrace Beaverton 3511 LAYOUTS FOR SALE Elec, wiring, range cable, switch boxes and switches (not always on hand but often enough to help you out). Try us when you need FOR SALE- Full size Hollywood something very much. MASON’S bed and box spring; rose rug. 8 in Tigard. We’ll help you if we x 10. Singer sewing machine. Wur- 14 can. litzer Baby Grand piano; six skin girl’s clothing, FOR SALE: Blue Tag Marshall Kolinsky scarf; 13p 3tra-\vberry Plants CERTIFIED size 8-10. Call CHerry 3727. by Oregon State College. It FOR SALE: Full size box springs pays to plant the best. Phone and mattress, like new, $30.00; S502 or write United Growers Inc., Rocking chair, $3.00. Mrs. d e f Salem, Oregon. 13 ence Chllson, Rt. 6. Box 831 D, 13 W ATER SYSTEMS, electric or Portland 1, Oregon. gas water heaters. Pay as low as FOR SALE: No. 3 McCormick $5 a month for these conveniences Deerlng cream separator, motor at MASON’S in Tigard. We in run; spring oats and barley seed. stall. 14 L. Spousta, Rt. 1, Box 374, Bend ARDEN TRACTORS, all kinds, Road, Tigard. Phone Tigard 3364 13p lllex (Rotary type) plow and cul- vator types. Terms. Get the kind FOR SALE: Rhode Island Red >u really need from MASON'S started chicks. Quality stock. Ruth Tigard. 14 erford Hatchery. Rt. 2, Box 32, Ti 13p eds. springs, mattresses at MA- gard. K. K. Rutherford. DN’S in Tigard. You can’t beat FOR SALE: 4 burner table top ir prices on these items. Bed gas range with oven, broiler, util ivenos (we've got too many of ity drawer and many extras price le kind) 20 per cent off while $97.50. Phone Tigard 2861. K. K. ley last. Some have chair to Rutherford. 13p atch. ^ OR SALE—2 wheel trailer, $35. ’ood or coal heating stove, 4 >om size, $35, 620 S. Hall St., eaverton. Phone 3283. llt f W E C U K E AN D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K CUTS < STOVE and DIESEL OIL: Stove and furnace repair. We give S A H Green stamps. Call Beaverton Fuel Co. 3861 or BRoadway 8291. PAPERING— PalnMng A Ka Iso 7tf mining, neat, experienced work man L. L. Seeley. R 2. Bx 180-A CEMENT WORK Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf A ll Kinds — Prompt Service PAPERING A PAINTING—10 Quick Sales—Everybody Satisfied years experience, reasonable rates, HOUSES—ACREAGE!—LOTS First Class. Free estimates. Call Reasonably Priced BRoadway 0218, R. WHITLOW, HENRY II. JEFFKIFIS 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore. On Highway nr. Short Street tf Phone Beaverton 3981 tf Clock Repairing Beads Restrung 1UTLDING—CABINETS, all kinds Dressmaking A Hosiery Mending and LANDSCAPING. M. Smith, 613 S. W. Tualatin Hwy I- H. BRAWAND Across from “Sky Way” Metzger, Oregon CHerry 2929. 52tf LET I DR. N. E. JOHNSON DR. R. E. KOENIG Veterinarians _ H o m o £ BuMnena f IN T H E TU A AA TIN ♦- I I I Friday, April 25, 1947 Howard W. Smith 388 Conyon Rd. Beaverton - 3931 or 2462 Hard Times Associated with Tony Schulz Co., 5771 N. E. Union Ave. Portlond, Oregon DANCE Tualatin Fire Hall F O lf R E N T SOUND MOVIES 16 mm. M ike, for Schools, Churches ond Clubs Phone Beav. 3931 or 2462 388 S. W . Canyon Rood Saturday, May 3 ROTO TILLING A complete line of NURSERY STOCK W rite for New Catalogue. Villa Ridge Nursery 1 1333 S.W 64th on Borbur Blvd. Porflond I , Ore. Phone CH 2928 STOKERMATIC Low Cost Automotic Cool Hoot One Do» Service • Immediote Delivery Special Introductory Offer 2 Ton* of coal FREE with each Stoker Has 3 year Guarantee Free Estimates given Coll UN 1174 or UN S711 We also clean and repair stoves, furnaces & oil circulating heaters ART NEON S I G N CO. NEON SALES AND SERVICE 9914 S. W. Pacific Highwoy Phone CH. 3711 BATTERIES ALL TYPES - G U A RA N TEED R EBU ILT A LL GROUPS - Wholesale ond Retoil Write or phone for details and prices Kelly Motor Co. Beaverton, Oregon * Phone 2701