Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1947)
Strawberry Season Pickers IS’/eeded Orders for men and women to VOLUME 20, NUMBER 13 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS BEAVERTON, OREGON Friday, April 25, 1947 hoe strawberries and do other ESTABLISHED 1927 PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER seasonal jobs are coming in taster than they can be filled .according to Roy L. Davidson. Farm Labor Assistant. Workers with their own transportation are especially in m demand, with some farmers pay ing mileage for use of the work Wednesday evening, April 23rd, ! | ( ) l > C The Beaverton Coran ers car where two or more work the Beaverton Union high school ! den Club won the Blue U 'on in ers are transported. Some straw was the scene of a spring con- | According to the pastor. Uev. .Horticulture display fot und int to se< s excellent oppoi- pointed out that a fence or hedge berry growers began transporting cert under the direction of Mis. , " * n Gerken, Pilgrim Lutheran a prize of a bound vi 'lume of the : first model plane show which tunlties to -plendul recreation will be needed on the side of the ¡Prinu help from Hillsboro the first of Eleanor Duncan and Mr. Melvin lj- hllrcb, hnrmington Rd. at Men- ¡Primrose Quarterly, vn! i at $10. Was sponsored by the Junioi .program, ung to Charles B park bordered by Watson Street the week. B. Wells. A vote of thanks goes to ’ *0’ on April join some I 'at ^ ^ ttie recent Primro show in Char atber of Commerce and the Walker, I> r of Sports. Port- | as the traffic is heavy and little congregations in _ celebrating p .. Strawberry growers are begin the directors and students for " pro- 4 ’ * 1 ¡Portland. Mrs. Helga W i-sterling Kiws mis Club of Beaverton, Sun- land Bure, 1 fUM L I .. ... m . v. t . » v l ltd Parks and Play- children are Inclined to run out ning to order large numbers of viding an evening of exceptional the ^ 100th anniversary of the Lu ,was chairman of the mmlttee. j U y afternoon. April 20, on the'grounds, v pent Monday af- 'into the street, without looking. pickers for the strawberry harvest entertainment for the people o f ' theran ,Vl*ran " Missouri Synod, while on The Club's entiy ii he non- e school grounds. ternoon A); i with members'of July 27th. as the climax of the 1 competitive Camellia Plans were made for obtaining which now appears to be two Beaverton. ou w a* ; p rj Izes were given by the P.T.A. Beaverton • rest rooms and tables for this, the This appreciation was shown by Centennial Convention to be held ¡under the direction o .vI’ S. Roy for the best flying exhibition 'Committee. tough all the com ! largest of the park areas. growers estimate that they will (the large attendance. It was al I in CY licago from .1inly 20th t Smith. (which included most perfect take mittee cou tie present, the over 120.000 Lutheran: begin picking berries as early The committee together with Mr. most necessary tb hang up the : 2i>t We wish to ‘‘thank" off, level flight, balloon bursting, following I Mr. Walker bu « 1 )ec ted to atte nd a mas.- May 15. Walker visited Ure triangular park S.R.O. sign at the door. |tendrd and helped to r Inside loop, landing with motor answering estions: Howard area south of the Congregational in Soldier's Field, Ch The program consisted o f a 1 vie very successful March running and perfect landing. .Smith, ch n; Chet Huddh ■ church. The first basket ball | group of selections by the band, ¡Sp.soil*1 trains, bi^ ses and cl (The entire proceeds of IViurteen contestants had reg- P. T A Aright, City Coun- court, money for which was raised Festival o f Music i and a group of numbers by the , pia nes will bring Lutherans |donated to Save the if;. .istered although there were ovei ton, Klwni Mrs. N. L. Peek, by the Smoker sponsored by the mixed chorus. The Boys Glee distant points for this great Inc., of Oregon. fifty model planes there. ;cil; Fred It O. o f O. May 14-15 City; J. J. M e Junior Chamber of Commerce and I Club pleased the audience with itenni;il celebration The miniature craft are all Mahon. Mi k Osfield and Mi s 1 lie Kiwants last Wednesday, Ap I n fin official proiclamatton In line with the increasing in Romberg's “ Stout Hearted Men" made by the boys who did an ex Marion P i o. Miss Pattuito ril 16, will be constructed on the congregation« of the 1 teresi in music and music educa land "Ride the Chariot.” Special 4 7( cellent job of flying them. came been T interest in tin north side of this park. The bas- tfon in this country, is the Festi mention goes to the Boys En- gel ica 1 Lutheran Synod of Mis- All pnrticpating in the different 1 project altl souri. Ohio and other stater D-. not officially on kptball court will be marked for events were Benverton boys ex- the commi ntd on the University of Oregon "M y Moustache.” J. W Behnken, I ’resident, i ailed ueh games as sluiffleboard and cept Jim Dolash of Newberg. The | The first k area visited va: badminton, so that its use will not campus May 14, 15 and 16i The Girls Trio and the Girb for a world wide celehratic n to participants were: George Litvin, the area j\ outh of the Metti be too limited. The first of its kind ever pro Glee Club added much to the ev< I take nlace on Anril 27th. The Ron Keil, Harvev Bernash, Bill odist Chun Mr. , Walker duced in the state, the festival ning's entertainment with the ren- I president asked that the 100th An- , , sug ., Although some of the other Gott, Carl Fetty. Don Nelson, John jgeated that will feature music that represents dition by the glee club of "The niversnry of this great church of park he planned |game areas will have to be de ak and am Riley’, Pete Tozer, The West Slope Food Hank Ray Simm for family picnics, and the play the best in contemporary music Lord’s Prayer” which Was out- ovo>' a million and one-half mem veloped later, plans were made for the B & T Market, the ult: mod Bill Korn, Chuck Coslett. Bill Mil of small children, particularly that of American standing and the last group sung i^p|s l i e swings, tennis courts, handball courts and conducted in n spirit of ern store is to have it- Grand ler and Barry Honglin. slide, jungle gym composers, according to Dr. Arn bv mixed voiers was very fine. Penitence and benches | horseshoe lanes, all in the trian- with prayers asking Batnrisy. Apt. Judges for the show were Wa. owned by the city will , be . installed old Elston, Festival chairman and Their rendition of "The Donkey Gk>d’s forgiveness and e s p e ^ .. gulnr park. Mr. Walker suggested assistant professor of music at Serenade" really should have been ¡emphasizing the gratitude for ^ 'the Z to ren Dob>n8’ Kp" Alexander and |there. It equip- Bill Knepp. Announcer over the sand pile and a circular wading ' ,int a ,|l> 11 to be uset* ior hand the university. repeated but good nature should : blessings which God so hounti- , . . . ... ,nj theatricals in the state and include a ¡public address system was How-; pool approximately 18 feet in dl- concerts or outdoor Planned for the three-day fes not be imposed upon. ¡fully bestowed since the found- *" l£ e £ £ * clull room could be constructed ideally on ard Smith. ameter and 8” deep at the deepest tival are lectures by outstanding the south point of the park, with Dorothy Riggs played the a c-ilnS the church in 1847. H e! 63 0oo cubic feet o’ freeznv Prizes «^ awarded were as as loiiows follows: (part be put on the west side. A impaniments ¡called upon upon the the entire entire member- member- >ana anu w 'uw CUDIC leel J > a roea were |called IreezmK men in the field, student concerts, companiments. seating space on V..*. ontinually pa o il s . . . . . shin to rranlvo thnt th„„ „ . „ „ l a 'conlPartmen,s in 2'248 'udividual First Prize, George Litvin, an O! fireplace will be built In the cen chamber music and music by you missed the opportunity of i_ p . ‘ f .. Ilockers. These range in size from son 60 motor given by the Junioi ter of the park, probably facing widenelng area extending- from well-known musicians, who will be hear Until the expense of taring this concert you missed >er' p God even more fervently , ... Chamber of rommerre- 9 n,i nPi . n northwest for effirient draw. With the point. guests on the campus. le of Beaverton’s finest evenings and conscientiously during the cen-c _,u . , , . , , Chamber of Commeice, 2nd prlz such a structure could be met, one evenings tury lving ahead. Each locker is mad. of wood Carl Fetty, an A. J. Fire Ball Kit. volunteer labor, the fireplace, Dr. Behnkon Sponsoring the Festival are the of entertainment Mr. Walker suggested that a and is placed where it can bi given by the Kiwanis; 3rd prize. sa ml pile and wading pool could asked for a $3.520.000.00 thank- educational activities board of the platform on low braces reached easily without using a Harvey Bernash. U-Reely Con be built this summer. Mr. Walker rough offering. universify and the university lec would serve the purpose fairly ladder. The highest can be enter trol given by the P. T. A.; 4th tures committee. The phenomenal growth of this well. The prize. Ronnie Kell, a Super B- ■ » . , . conservative church body is re ed by standing on a stool. In talking of the hand ball »l* lllM * I* t flected In the latest statistics. Or firm wooden floors and walls in Shark given by Orville’s Barber j court, it was brought out that sure against contamination from Shop. m t ganized in Chicago on April 28, \ational Family ll eek much more use is made of such The record attendance at this A 1 ¿11*1*1 1 1<ir( k R l l < ‘ S 1847, with 16 congregations, num surrounding lockers. a court if it is constructed with A chill room of 30 degrees re T o Be Observed May 4-11 contest has proven that It is of 4 Tuesday, April 22, the electors bering less than 4.000 souls, it three sides, the usual high board, President Harry S. Truman of the South-west Hills Distriat now has 1,564.000 adherents and moves all animal heat and permits great interest to enthusiasts and with two "wings” coming o ff at With a double ring ceremony proper butchering. The Ultra Vio-* the Beaverton Junior Chamber of championed tthe American home composed, of Multnomah, Glerv- is the largest individual Synod of let Ray Lamps eliminate molds Commeice is sponsoring another Saturday, April 19th at 4:00 p.m. right angles. He also pointed out as the r ihon's first line of defense the Lutheran faith. While its the "aging of the contest which will be held May 11 Miss Elizabeth Louise Grabert, that all courts for games with op in peace as in war, in a letter cullen, Mada Park, Sunset Ridge, present numerical strength is con and speed providing a sufficient number sign daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. posing teams should be laid out giving his endorsement to the con Hillside, West Portland and Cap centrated in the Central and Mid meat." Ulmer of Eugene became the in the north-south direction, so itol Hill voted 974 to 200 to form up immediately. Sharp freezing for bleats, fruits tinent-wide observance of N a western States, it has churches bride of Richard Mather Rice, son that neither team faces directly vegetables, pies, cakes, rolls and It is necessary that you contact tional Family Week, May 4-11, by a sanitary district and elected 3 ami mission stations in every state of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rice of into the sun at any time. The tri Jim Duncan or Jim Harrison at pastries is available. Protestants, Catholics and Jews. directors for the district. of the union as well as in Can angular park area lends itself The meat department undei once so that they may complete Oak Ave., Beaverton. The letter was addressed to an The three directors elected were ada, Alaska. Mexico. Cuba and By candlelight the (ceremony well to this layout. Miles A. Ten Eyck and Jerry Gar plans Yor this event. interfaith committee planning the W. P. Beardsley with 728 votes; the Hawaiian Islands, England, was performed at the First Con Tile third city paik grounds is 1947 celebration. Bruce Cameron, 614; and Ernest Panama and South America. More dener has the latest in meat stor gregational Church of Eugene by between 4th and 5th, Hall and “It is of happy signifigance," Riley, 600. The three defeated can than 1,000 congregations maintain age equipment including overhead Reverend Wesley Nicholson. Mr. Tucker Sts. This was immediately President Truman stated, ‘‘when own full time Christian trolleys for hanging and handling Ulmer gave his daughter in mar seen as an ideal area for a soft didates were J. W. Saunders with their the meat. A 24 foot meat case is three great groups representing riage. Harold Luebke, 298; schools. These are attended by 80,- filled with fish, fowl, meat, lunch ball park. Mr. Walker felt that it differing religious convictions and 492 votes; 000 pupils, who are taught by 2,- The bride wore a powder blue was ample even for adult soft and L. G. Mayne, 201. meats and cheeses. allegiances in our American life 500 teachers. Eight Lutheran high suit with white accessories and ball games, though base ball The immediate purpose of the Quality meats are h indled thru can unite in a common undertc' schools have a total enrollment carried a white Bible to which games would need to be prohibit ■ft n is ’> apply for a federal of 2.400. The Sunday School enroll out. Cutting, wrapping' .id proces * * Death came suddenly Tuesday a white orchid, white satin stream j “This joint effort gives the na advance of funds to pay for an ment is 333,000 while 70,000 pup sing of meat for the lookers will night to Mrs. George N. Taylor of ers, and pink rosebuds were at ed. After observing the Iny of the grounds. It was decided that the tio n and the world an example of engineering survey to see what ils attend Saturday schools and be handled here. McChesney Road following a cere tached. 9l 0 home plute should he on the cor- The grocery department is un the spirit o f toleration and for a sewage disposal system will other part-time agencies. This bral hemorrhage. Services will be Miss Margaret Florence Rice, ner of the park at 5th and Tuck- bearance which must prevail if we cost. thriving youth church body as der Ed Biddle is finished in nat held Saturday morning at 11 a m. sister of the bridegroom was maid er, with baselines in well from ural veneer. Wide aisles and are to maintain our democratic in cribes much of its virility to its with interment following at R i- 'o f honor. Wearing an aqua suit the property line. There is also stitutions,” he asserted, and add emphasis on Christian education. shelves raised from the bottom verview Cemetery. ¡with white accessories and a cor- room for another basketball court , and lowered from the top as well ed, "Not the least of our freedoms To be continued next week) Born in Hastings, Nebraska, Ap- sage of lilies of the valley and in this park, directly across from as two checking counters add to is freedom of conscience.” ril 27. 1884, Mrs. Taylor moved to pink rose buds. the home -plate of the soft ball to the shopper’s comfort President Truman expressed the Misses Ann Thatcher and Pat field, or at the corner of 4th and A complete line of food for ev Beaverton with her family at the hope that National Family Week were attendants Hall streets. The city already ery need is carried. The produce age of 8, Her father, Isaac L. ricia Isaacson will emphasize the principle that Huff, was employed in the Ham wearing pastel suits and corsages owns the back stop needed for corner has indirect lighting and "in all that affects our well being The West Slope Record and the field. Little else will have to is mirror backed. The spray head ilton General Store in Beaverton. of white and pink gardenias. as a nation we strive for unity Gift Shop is due to open tomor A graduate of Ohio State Col Wesley T. Gandy of Corvallis be done in order to have the dia keeps the vegetables fresh. Beaverton I.O.O.F. team made in essentials; liberty in non-es row, April 26th. They will special One interesting counter of fan lege, Mrs. Taylor taught in the was best man and Don Michaels mond ready for use. sentials; in all things; charity" ize in records and gifts but will its debut last Sunday at Yamhill Finally the committee and Mr. cy hor d’oeveres and bar supplies nigh school at Enterprise, Ore and Kurt I«on ard were ushers. and emerged triumphant with a also handle baby gifts and no Jene McNeese, Jr., of Eugene, Walker visited the grade school is reminiscent of prewar days. A- gon for a short while. score of 12 to 10. tions. In 1914 the deceased married was soloist singing the selections, grounds where a baseball dia Manager Ernie Reyes’ boys mong the fancy grocery items are Carbon Paper Uscii fo r Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hemrich, Rev. Geo. N. Taylor and the fam "Always” and "To You a Rose” be mond is already being laid out showed up very good in their first 14 different kinds or makes of ol- the proprietors, are really one of Dress Pattern Markings for the "city fathers.” The ath lives and 15 kinds of salad dress ily has played an important part fore the ceremony. us. They have lived in West Slope appearance. In the affairs of the community A reception was held at the letic field as Colored carbon paper for mark well as the play ings. The pitching of Shriner was the at 7625 S. W. Canyon Road for Cafe Del Rey. Mrs. Gladys Sharon equipment for children already in ing darts and other pattern mark nine years. In another section there are 42 for many years. feature of the game. He pitched Three sons, Dr. Douglas H. Tay poured. ings on material supersedes the stalled there works in well with The Shop carries a wide selec- a fine game and was ably sup varieties of cheese, according to lor, who has charge of the surgical The bride’s mother was attired the recreational plans for the en tedious tailor-tack method, ex redecorated and new cabinets and ported by his battery mate. Voor- Mr. Biddle plains Mrs. Myrtle Carter, acting It was pointed out For the convenience of the ( ward at Barnes General Hospl- in a teal blue suit with black ac tire district. hies, who filled catcher’s position display islands have been built. cessories. Navy blue with white that there was room for the 3rd extension specialist in clothing and shoppers ä‘ unr ö f ' commonly used | ‘ a l Rev, Kp" neth M. Taylor, who the full game. Voorhies has the The Shop carriey a wide selec „..„u „„ bandages, .„„.u home management at O. S. C. Mrs. as tooth iis now in Chicago and Lyman W accessories were worn by the bride basketball court to be built on tion of records and albums and requirement necessary to make a drugs such Carter has been conducting dress the southwest corner of the pastes and shaving creams as well Taylor, who is with the U. S. Ar- groom’s mother. good catcher. He*is in there fight has a special line of children’s my station in Tokyo, Japan and Mr. and Mrs. Rice will reside school grounds. workshops in Benton and Clatsop as notions are available. records. Some of the latter are ing at all times. counties. By Saturday, Grand Opening the husband, Rev. George N. Tay in Eugene. The entire team look good in It Is recognized by the commit educational and teach the various Dressmaking carbon paper may Day, the new parking area will lor survive. the field and on bases, all that tee that there are still many needs musical instruments while others Active in school and church af- be purchased in white, red and is required is a little more hat- be ready for use. to be met. The desire of high are just for fun. blue colors. The carbon is placed Roliie Truitt, who broadcasts the f * irsu tbe wid? c,iIrtcle , of friend, school youngsters for “a place to Among the gifts are a line of ting practice. The score Beaver baseball games and his gang will » f tbp will join the fam- between Pattern and the wrong Portugese “ ¡¿ ttery !" Fin- ton 12 runs; 14 hits; 3 errors. meet” is still not in any way sat side of the material. A tracer is Luster wh*£h £ Yamhill: 10 runs; 9 hits; 3 er be on hand to conduct the rere- £ in mourning the passing of isfied. The difficulties raised by loud speaker thls well known member of the run over the dart or tuck pat- Je> Qf the Roya, flgu£ rors. j monies through a cost of construction and city zon 1 ‘ community. tern marks leaving tiny carbon ines, bone china and flower print They say his magician This Sunday the boys will play system. ing, made a building such as they --------------; i Rev. Philip N. Widenhoue of the dots on the cloth. with his surprise acts is very square plates by Isabelle ¿’our, Verboort there. WA N T TO BE C ALI,ED ’.’ City W ork Department. Board of need out of the question for thL good. from Capistrano. Bill Brenner of the Beaverton Home Missions will be guest summer. The committee still ha^ Four food demonstrations will IS etc Recreation Ideas In their interests at heart, though, You may purchase there the R E T U R N FROM C A L IF O R N IA Taxie Service is inaugurating a j speaker at - the Congregational Mr. and rMs. Ray Mueller have be held and free groceries will be and will try to help iron out their “ makeings of your sewing basket” Hom e Extensum Book for Beaverton resi- club dinner to be given Tuesday problems. recently returned from a two given out at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. new service Revised editions of recreation at the Record and G ift Shop. dents. He will he your alarm clock evening at the Wavprly Heights weeks trip to California. They to those in the store. Many of the plans need the handbooks have been sent to 20 The Danish Maide Pastry Shop and call you any time during the Church. HONORED GUEST. Mrs. Ray drove their new Chevrolet to Los help of Interested people of the Mr. Widenhouse is widely In home demonstration agents thru- Shearer and mother held a joint Angeles, via San Francisco where owned and run by Mr. and Mrs. day or night that you desire, formed about the Protestant community and surrounding ar •out the state .reports Miss Jean C. D. Josiln is situated in the shower at the home of Mrs. Wa they stayed several days. church In City and suburban ar- eas in order to become an actu »AiVilliams. O. S. C. extension spec dough, according to the Joslins. store. They traeled through San Diego, ters on Tuesday afternoon for ality, but the committee Is so ialist in community and social or Mrs. John Waters, a daughter-in- LaJolla, Decorated cakes for hirthdays eas. They carry a complete line of the Mojave Desert and certain of this help, that they ganization. and special events are made on There will be special music and ’■akes. pastries and special breads. law. A group of twenty ladies was north to Lake Tahoe where they “ Here is the answer to community singing led by Willis were busily planning a big op- Handbooks are made up of present. Mrs. Waters received a spent some time and came home The Danish pastries are of excel order. mimeographed sheets on various president of the enlng day for the park areas, lot of lovely gifts and a most dc from Reno. Nevada in one day! lent quality and 3 pounds of but your sugar problem,” Mr. Joslin Cady, who Is with a pot luck picnic with every subjects such as floor games and says. I club. ter is used to every 12 pounds of Perfect weather was their lot. licious lunch was served. one all around coming to take physical stunts, music games and part. Can’t you just taste the cof square dancing, games and puzzles fee that is brewlruf on the fire for seated groups, plans for hol place in the center of the park’’ idays, special programs and par When shall we have it? ties. skits, stunts, readings and ■ pantomines; available plays; ac- eompaniment for musical games; songs and recipes for camp and banquets. Homemakers may refer to their Is There Something local home demonstration agent’s files for club program and enter You IT ant? tainment ideas. Spring Concert ¡Centennial of Given by II. School Lutheran Church Ol »served <Huh Awarded Blue Bihhon Beav. Model Plane l)erb> Attracts Lnr«ie ( rowd Beaverton's 1C creation Program Well l nder \\a>: Papa’s Boll l p Your Sleeves: Sonic Ltpiipmcnl h> Summer ¡Grand ( r<xla\ of Markrt And Locker Blaut Sanitary Vote Carries 974 - 200 Mrs. Geo. N. Taylor Dies Suddenly; Seryiees Saturday Record & Gift Shop ( ( )pen in W . Slope j |( )OF Team Downs Yamhill 12- 10 Co ngregal iona I C II il I» Diurn i* Model Plane Enthusiasts At Sunday Derby Testify To Universal Appeal of This Hobby t i l l I I I) P R E S ID E N T OF M ETHODIST GROUP Elections for officers of Wesley house. Methodist organization for students on the University of Ore gon campus, resulted in George W. Gordon being elected president. Gordon, a sophomore in econom ics at the university, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gordon of Route 3. Beaverton. * / . PLOWING, perhops or LANDSCAPING Advice • A CABINET, or • SURVEYING DONE Consult l/HI College Sunday Bethel Church will observe Col- liege Sunday. April 27th. by hav- Ting Dr. Irving C. Story of Pac- J f i c University as guest speaker. ( ■ Dr. Story has been Professor of kigltsh at Pacific since 1937. He ras research student and receiv- d his degree from Cornell Uni- erslty. 0 0 L The Tualatin Valley Market Basket m & 3m-, FUN FOR A L L — Young and old alike participated in the Model Plane Der- by held last Sunday ot the Grade School grounds An estimated crowd of Classified Section over 300 enthusiasts were on hand either os audience or participants Look closely ond you may find yourself <FHOTO-by-OHAF>