BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CLASSIFIED ADS CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count each word, including Nam« and oddress— O N LY 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Token MINIMUM 2Sc AN ISSUE We Publish the BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE TIG A RD SEN TIN EL M ULTNOM AH PRESS A LO H A NEWS Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coveraoe REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WE RENT Concrete mixers, wheelbarrows, house jacks, elec, j floor polishers. cleanout pumps and vacuum cleaners. MASON'S, Tigard. 14 'Suburbans Homes § Business £ Bunches IN THE TUALATIN VALLEY • Phone Beuverton 3795 On Canyon Koad At Ellis 10 Berkshire, LOTS: 75 x 100, 3 blocks from Hampshire Beaverton school. Phone Beaver 12p and lots of ton 2584. Scholls. 8 tf Highest cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door; picked up once or twice week ly—call or write Forest Grove Creamery, Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 126. 10tf FOR SALE L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED BOCK DR. N. E. JOHNSON DR. R. E. KOENIG Veterinarians East ot Beaverton Beaverton 3511 A. Lincoln. Rt. 1, Box 429. Bea Are you having trouble selling verton. Phone Beaverton 2713 be your car? If so. I’ll sell it for you tween 8 a.m. and 5 pni 5tf at your price for a small percen tage, or pay you cash for it. See H ID E S M W O O L , C A M A R A — A Bob at Bob's Used Car Lot. East specialty. L E E BROS., 15 SW Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc Clay Portland. A T . 3334. tf tion. 46tf WANTED: Furnished apartment PAINTING A PA PER HANGING Work Guaranteed in Beaverton district. Steady em Work Done Promptly ployment, would like permanent CALL CHerry 2175 place to live. Call Beaverton 2321. 46tf 52tf SHAVINGS make good bedding RADIO for stock and scratch for poultry good service shop in suburban house floor. They are free at town. Fine location, good busin Reedville Sawmill. 47tf ess. Approx. $1100 stock. Price, $1700. b'OR SALE: Barn with floored loft to be moved or torn down. RESTAURANT Lots of good lumber Call Beav erton 3744. tf on main highway near suburban town. Modern building, neon signs, good equipment, booths and STOVE ’& DEISEL OIL counter for 60. 3 year lease. Price Stove and Furnace Repair $7800. We give S & H Green Stamps Call Beaverton Fuel Co. 3861 or BRoadway 8291 7tf FOX REALTY • VETERINARIAN Phone Beaverton 2881 • modern 2 bedroom home Just completed In Aloha. Built for a veteran and can be bought on G. Baby Chix Every Tuesday Miller Hamps, Christie H&mps, I. loan. Fireplace, furnace heat, Hollywood Wh. Leghorns. Order attached garage, 14 acre. Price early. Miller’s Hatchery, Beaver $8300. ton, Oregon. Phone Beaverton 2918.________________________________ 51tf CEMENT BASEMENT 2 bedroom bungalow near West WOOD FOR SALE: 4 it. slab- Slope. Convenient to bus. Furnace wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel heat, finished room in basement. Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. 2-car garage, large lot 71 x 200. AGENT WANTED- Married man with car. Industrial Insurance Co. 34 tf Price $6950. Multnomah District. Good future, drawing account and bonus. Call COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE in person 500 Yeon Bldg., Port *14 ACRES and lunch every Saturday 9:30 lltf a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd 2 bedroom bungalow in Aloha. land. Ave., Stt miles south Foster Rd., Small barn, chicken house, brood | MISCELLANEOUS * Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and er house, fruit trees. Price, $7500. auctioneer. tf HELP W ANTED—Woman to help BUILDERS ATTENTION 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 6 level acres on highway east of in small animal hospital and home deliver anywhere. Give location Beaverton near Kaiser project. All afternoons. Tigard 2572, Dr. R. G. 12 with order. Stanford Laughlln, surveyed and platted in 16 over Vernon. Carlton, Rt. 1. tf size lots. Graded street in. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Poland, Chester, Duroc and bred gilts, $57.50 each, smaller ones. Gotter at BUSINESS SERVICES • FOR SALE: Two bedroom home with all main furnishings. 2-3 acre lot, eight varieties fruit, double garage. See N. R. Murner, 533 S. E. Lombard St., or write P. O. Box 3, Beaverton. 12p FOR SALE; Farm Master 2 unit milk mach. nearly new; wagon, hay rake, mowing mach. potato planter and digger, mach. trailer, 7V4’ x 13’. Rabbit hutches, 4 comps. Potatoes. O. J. Munden. Rt. 1, Box 370, Bend Road. Phone Ti gard 3376. 12p Operation Aloha 6437 5tf DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) 3tf FOR SALE: Clark Garden Trac tor. Good condition. H. K. Haug- land, Aloha, Oregon. 12p I^ANDSCAPE, Pruning, spraying, grafting. New lawns and rocker ies. Call W. A. Green, Beaverton 2967. 44tf V IN C E N T LUMBER CO. “A Complete Lumber Yard” We Deliver Anywhere PAINTS — SASH — PLUMBING COLEMAN OIL FLOOR FUR Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf NACES. They are the equal of any $500 furnace made and cost METAL WEATHEUSTRIPPINO. you just a fraction of that. Ec Rock wool Insulation blown In onomical to operate and very, for free estimate write R. E. Ell- very efficient MASON’S in Ti- son and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285, Ti gnrd. Imm. Del. and installation. gard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 2197. tf 14 ENGER BROS. ROTOTILLING BILL MATZKE: Garden plowing and general tractor work. I^ave orders Peter B. Case. Phone Bea verton 3521. \ 18p =111: 26 INCH ROTOTILLING. Eldrcd »5iii=Hi5iii=Mi=iii=iii=m=m=iii=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=l,l=,ll= Caster, Rte. 2, Box 223, Tigard. Phone Tigard 2935. 18 FISHING ROD REPAIRING and Rewinding. CH 1535, 8708 S. W. 21 Ave. 14P O I L - O - M A T 1C OH Burners - Furnaces Installed by men who know heating AVAILABLE NOW — Spark Oil Heaters $117.95 (Large size) Quiet- Heet Pressure Type. Furnace conversion burners from $345.0O-up installed. Gifford's Appliances. 175 So. 2nd St., Hillsboro, Phone »715. 13 Let us give you an estimate on the Furnace for your New Home G>uuieSi & Ackerman The Hotpoint - Maytag Store Pho»« 2699 ■ One mile East of Beaverton on Conyon Rood ■ !!■■■■■ ■me— — — I Door Prizes GARBAGE SERVICE BY MONTH OR CONTRACT ALOHA GARBAGE CO. G. C MILLER, Owner P. O. Bern 254, Alette, Ore. DALE'S Sand & Gravel Phone Beaverton 2463 Cesspools - Septic Tanks Pumps Constructed, sewers connected, ex cavations, shovel or trench hoe. Schult Bros. Sanitory Service Portland Tabor 3235 9tf MAYFIELD Sand & Gravel We move dirt - Put in Fills Dirt ond River Silt for Sole 6 "-0 Rock for base Garden Rock for W alls CEDAR MILLS, BEAVERTON 119 S W . Scond and Tucker Sts., Beaverton, Ore Ph. Portlond BR 4706 eves. 46tf You can now have that beautiful, eosy to clean, life time kitchen or bath in Coralite Plastic Coated Tile Board Only 36 cents per square foot 'V is t ü a i m i n ’ Homebuilders Supply Co. “ TtUnJly J r t n ft " BULL SERVICE by artificial In semination. No membership or re taining fees. Phone Beaverton 3511 or Portland com m erce »924. 61tf Spray and Brush — PAINTING — Beaverton, Oregon Phone Beaverton 3951 Building Materials PAINT and HARDWARE West Slope Lumber Yard 9049 S. W. Canyon Road BR. 6122 Kitchen Specialists Geo. F. Gordon KITCHEN CABINETS BUILT-INS LINOLEUM LAID Everything Furnished DEMOTHING ■ REPAIRING Rt. I, Aloho, Phone ALOHA 6612 John Peterson Westdale Nursery Piano Toning, Cleaning MEAD'S Rt, 1, Box 658 Beaverton By Day or Contract Now Blooming CLYD E GILLEN Primroses and Cornelias Complete line of Fruit Trees Azaleas - Strawberry Plants Phone Beaverton 2266 Rt. 2, Box 67 Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2331 MASON C. HEIDTKE REFRIGERATION SERVICE Phone Beaverton 3071 Guaranteed Workmanship Home Commercial Beaverton FUEL CO. Jlu Ceiina The PILOT'S AIRPLANE Rupert Flying Service Bernard's Airport Phone Beaverton 3840 PLOWING - DISCING C. W. ZEHR Beaverton, Ore. For Asphalt Paving Driveways — Parking and Short Roads Write P. O. Box 221 Beaverton, Ore. Land Surveying Farms, Subdivisions, Lets Acreage, Orchard Tracts Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Lond Surveyor Office end Residence Phene CHerry 236S Shoe Repairing and Rebuilding • t C. M. MARTYN Rte. 3, Box 499 Beaverton Phone TAbor 4656 Factory Method 2-days Service Hoge Shoe Factories PLOWING & DISCING 128 S. W . Third Ave. Custom Tractor Work D. P. MacDONALD Beav. 2260 Portland, Ore. or leave jobs at 8033 S. W. 35, Multnoman By the hour or job Gardens Tilled - Lawns Prepared C. A SEARCY Rte 1, Box 93 - Beaverton, Ore. Residence, 1 mile East of Beaver ton on corner Bertho-Beoverton highway and Lake Road. GARBAGE SERVICE By Month or Contract W ILL DO CUSTOM RUG WEAVING in my own home. Customers must furnish materials. Also Rugs for Sole HOHNSTEIN & SCHAFER Phone MUrdock 2805 MRS. A. M. COGSWELL, Rte 5, Bos 158, Portlond, Ore. 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. West Slope, Beaverton, Meadowhurst ond Cedar Hills WE CAN RETIRE T0U At Age 50 Write for our Plon AUTOMATIC GLENN E. PRINGLE 255 Pifteck Black CH 3640 Roe. 10*h A Washington AT- 2777 Portland 5 (Day or Nit#) BICHARD R. PFEIFER Surveyor Office and Res. Phone CH. 2365 Rte 6, Box 869-C, Corner W ash ington Street and Oleson Road, 0 .7 Miles Southwest of Garden Home, Portland 1, Oregon. MEN'S and BOYS' New Equipment - 2 —4 " Plow Reasonable Hourly Rates TILLER WORK — SEE— 1 mile East of Beaverton on Bertha-Beaverton Highway For OIL or SERVICE BEAVERTON 3861 or BROADWAY 8291 388 S.W. Canyon Road H. V. JOHNSON Beaverton, Or. We Give S&H Green Stamps FOB RENT SOUND MOVIES 16 mm. Mike, for Schools, Churches and Clubs Phone Beav. 3931 or 2462 388 S. W. Canyon Road OIL BURNERS Immediate Delivery on "IV ER ED Y " - "QUIET-HEAT" "O'BRIEN" No Down Payment - 3 yrs. to pay FREE ESTIMATES Cell WEbster 4313 Associated with Tony Schulz Co., 5771 N. E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon BEAVERTON TRANSFER CO. All Kinds of Hauling PHONE Howard W. Smith 388 Canyon Rd. Beaverton - 3931 or 2462 ART NEON SIG N CO. NEON SALES AND SERVICE 9914 S. W. Pacific Highway Phone CH. 3711 ROTO TILLING A complete line of NURSERY STOCK W rite for New Catalogue. Let me show you in the privocy of your own home what a V illa Ridge Nursery SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENT 1 1333 S.W . 64th on Barbur Blvd. Portland 1, Ore. Phone CH 2928 The at eÇet'à L'alk Homebuilding, D R . O L I V E R ’S Phone Beaverton 3102 COUNTRY'S BEST DANCE Kinton Grange Hall Saturday Night, April 19 C onte Jin... You must see them to really appreciate their beauty, and the price, *»•••* I »* «II» STOVE and DIESEL OIL; Stove and furnace repair. We give S A H Green stamps. Call Beaverton Fuel Co. 3861 or BRoadway 8291. PAPERING—Palnung A Ka lso- 7tf mining, neat, experienced work plan L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A CEMENT WORK Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 A ll Kinds — Prompt Service 40tf Free Estimate PAPERING A PAINTING—10 years experience, reasonable rates, R. W. Pepin Ftrfet Class. Free estimates, Call 1515 S. W . Jefferson -- Apt. 9 BRoadway 0218, R. WHITLOW, Portland, Ore. 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore. Ph. T A 7375 or Res. A T 8079 tf Tigard 3206 if, i There are five beautiful colors— Sky blue, Buttercup yellow, Radiant peach, Surf green, and White. 7723 S. W . Capitol Highway Multnoeiah, Ore. "Across from Grade School" LANDSCAPING 'The best investment in your home community is your subscription to 'Your Hometown Newspaper'." I PLOWING GRAVELY ROTARY Ch. 1607 A perfect seed bed In one FOR SALE—Tropical fish and ac- quarium plants, rabbit fryers 50c per pound. Mrs. H. Graetz, east end of Lehman, Metzger. llt f New shipment of off-set oover SURVEYING crop discs in now. Sizes 4ft. 6 ” to PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING FOR SALE—2 wheel trailer, $35. 7ft. 6 ”, on rubber. These turn to ORCHARD LAYOUTS WILL BUY — Common Pidgeons, Wood or coal heating stove, 4 the right and are adjustable for 15c each. Phone Beaverton 3376. room size, $35, 620 S. Hall St., depth on either side. Terms if H. E. COX, F. L. Wood. 14 Beaverton. Phone 3283. lltf you like. MASON’S in Tigard. 14 Registered Land Surveyor ¡'OR SALE: 7.25 cord 4’ old • Beds, springs, mattresses at MA 54" porcelain on steel sink tops ;rowth slab; dry or part-dry SON’S in Tigard. You can’t beat with swing spouts and drain bas Phone Beeaverton 2592 46tf ange and furnace wood 12 " or our prices on these items. Bed kets, ready to install $74.50. Terms P. B. HAGG 6 ” . O & D FUEL. CHerry 3790. 11 davenos (we’ve got too many of at MASON’S in Tigard. 14 Hauling Contractor fOR SALE: Seed potatoes, Bur- one kind) 20 per cent off while iank netted gems. F. T. Brown, they last. Some have chair to Shower stalls, sinks, stainless or Concrete, Sand. Gravel, Maaona Sand, 'Cruahed Rock and 'igard, Oregon. Bull Mt. 12p match. 14 porcelain at MASON'S in Tigard. Road Gravel Buy these for as little as $5 a FOR SALE—A smoothtop gas GARDEN TRACTORS, all kinds. month. 14 Route 1, Box 28. Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard *44« tf range side oven and a refuse bur Tillex (Rotary type) plow and cul ner for $50. L. Kasper, 8935 S. W. tivator types. Terms. Get the kind FOR SALE: Automatic gas water 40th Ave., CH 3647,___________ 12p you really need from MASON'S heater, $40. Almost new. Guy R. 14 Dodson, Wilson Ave.. Rt. 2, Box FOR SALE—One 5 % acre tract in Tigard. Grading - General Tractor Work 187, Beaverton. 12p farm. One 10 acre farm with all WATER SYSTEMS, electric or Tiller Tractor Work modern home; also a new 2 bed gas water heaters. Pay as low as New Lawn - Maintenance BUSINESS SERVICES room home. Write Nellie Elwert, $5 a month for these conveniences Road Grading Tigard, Ore. 12 at MASON’S in Tigard. Road and W all Rock LET "JEFF” SELL IT We in 14 Quick Sales—Everybody Satisfied DEALERS ATTENTION — Used stall. HOUSES—ACREAGE—LOTS paint outfits, 414 to 30 cu. ft. 300 One only. Imm. Del. ZENITH Reasonably Priced tf J. H. Simpson, Tigard, Ore. amp. welders, hand grinder, •% combination radio phonograph. 6 HENRY H. JEFFRIES drill, blower, batt. charger, saw, tube console model, $167.95. Table On Highway nr. Short Street motor analyzer, motor stand, gar combination $129.95. 1 used Zen Phone Beaverton 3981 tf den tractors 1 to 214 H. P. As ith Table model comb., $37.50. bestos sheeting 100-lb. roll, 15 ton MASON’S in Tigard. Building Contractors 12 BUILDING—CABINETS, all kinds car and truck tires, complete lot and LANDSCAPING. See us when you Plan to Build only. No Singles. 2044 N. Willis FOR SALE: Sawdust burner for L. H. BRA WAND Free Estimates Blvd., Kenton Dist., Portland. 12p furnace. Also one for hot water, Metzger, Oregon CHerry 2929. 52tf Guaranteed Workmanship insulated tank. BEacon 1438. 12p 620 S. Hall St Beaverton, Ore. MASON’S in Tigard feature farm FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE Phone Beaverton 3283______ implements, electric and gas ap ¡FOR SALE: White saddle horse, MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard SS81 tf pliances, electric water systems, ¡spirited, but gentle, 15-1 hands. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING home furnishings, electric wiring, Phone BEacon 3395 after 4 p.m. Clock Repairing Beads Restrung Cutting, Wrapping, and Preparing etc. Mason’s consistently offer 12 p Dressmaking A Hosiery Mending Meat for Your Locker merchandise at lower prices and M. Smith, 613 S. W. Tualatin Hwy Meet at Wholesale Prices will continue to do so because Elec, wiring, range cable, switch Across from "Sky W ay” G. C. (DON) HUGHES they feel that during this time of boxes and switches (not always We Buy Livestock WE CURE AND SMOKE high prices somebody has to hold on hand but often enough to help THRIFTY MARKET YOUR PORK CUTS the line and it might as well be you out). Try us when you need Multnomah, Ore. 25 years Experience gin here. Compare our prices something very much. MASON'S Phone CH 2240 Home, Tigord 3563 ALDER MARKET you’ll find they are lower, except in Tigard. We’ll help you if we Lewie Bros. in cases of contraot goods and can. ROTOTILLING Cor. 1st and W ashington St. then they are the same as else CHerry 3914 PORTLAND, OREGON tf where. 14 FOR SALE: 1933 Dodge Sedan. 22p $175. H. J. Garrison. Rt. 3, Bx 640, finish or LOTS FOR SALE: S. W. 9th A Beaverton. Approx. 2 % mile west FAMILY LAUNDRY, I Franklin Sts., C. F. Hemrlch. P. O. of Beaverton on Farmington Rd rough dry, cash and carry. _________________________ 12P block north of Metzger post of Box 703. Beaverton. 13 fice. 13 Ask for any use your "sub FOR SALE: Young family cow. scriber ad” cards when you PLOWING, DISCING A LEVEL- freshen May 15. B. Fitzpatrick. By the Hour or Job order your hometown paper. ing. Ford Ferguson Tractor, Ti Tigard 2276. 12 HARRY LUDWIG gard district. Call evenings. Ti gard 3145. 13p Rt. 3 Box 672, Beaverton, Ore. Williams Hiwoy 6 Portland COM. 9924 WORK: Plowing, disc AUTOMOBILES WAN FED TRACTOR ing and general garden work. J. OPEN SUNDAYS G. I. S P E C IA L FOR SALE WANTED r « FOR RENT West FOR SALE—Chicken manure ap proximately 75 yards. You haul. Phone Tigard 2369. 8 tf BUSINESS SERVICES SUBSCRIBER ADS Friday, April 18, 1947 -----------1---------- ----------- s.-------------------- STOKERMATIC Lew Cos* Automatic Cool Hoot One Do» Service - Immediate Delivery Special Introductory Offer 2 Tens of cool FREE with each Stoker Has 3 yeor Guarantee Free Estimates g>ven Cell UN 1174 er UN 5711 We also cleon and repair stoves, furnoces & oil circulating heaters YOUR PROBLEM SOLVED can do for you Write or phone MRS. BER TH A E. H O LLAND, Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 3 9 8 1 BATTERIES A LL TYPES - GUARANTEED R EBU ILT A LL GROUPS - Wholesale and Retail W rite or phone for details and prices Kelly Motor Co. Beaverton, Oregon Phone 2701