BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE SYLVAN BENZ PARK CLUB ADDITION RALEIGH F rid a y , A p r il 11, 1 9 4 7 W E ST SLOPE NEW S SKIING PARTY Ed Sandln spent W estdale KASTKK VISITORS Dr. and Monday and Tuesday at Timber- line Lodge skiing with a group of Mrs. G. L. Kay and son, Leslie, young people from Lewis and Mothers Cl uh weie in West Slope on JEaster Clark College. visiting Dr. Kay's niece’s family, We can each give a "Gift Like Miss Pat Elm was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holmen. The the Gifts of God” if we are will­ the Lester Sandlns over the Eas­ Kay’s, who are from Redding, ing to will our eyes to the Eye California, and the Holmens went ter week end. Bank for Sight Restoration, ac­ to Hillsboro to have Easter din­ LUNCHEON HOSTEHS Mrs. W cording to the article written by ner with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kay. Breckenridge, whjc|i Mrs. Dick A. Boorkman entertained at a Webster read to the members of luncheon Wednesday for an art SUNDAY AT OCEAN I.AKK Mr. the WestdaL Mothers’ Club pres­ and Mrs. Karl Hobson, Wayne, appreciation group of the Ameri­ ent at their meeting Wednesday, and Becky, Mrs. S. G. Walstra, and can Association of University Wo­ April 2. It was learned that one Miss Edith Walstra, spent Easter men. member of the group has already Mrs. Malcolm Bryant gave a taken Sunday at Oceanlake and Depoe this step, and many other report on "Grandma Moses”, the Bay enjoying the beautiful wea­ expressed a desire to do so after eastern lady who began painting ther everyone who went to the learning of the great need. at the age of 70. Each member beach reported having. One of the guests at the meet­ reported on something of current ing, which was held at the home art interest. GUESTS FROM CALIFORNIA of Mrs. Hal V.'ard, was Mrs. Nor­ Recent guests at the George But­ EVENING GUESTS Kim and ton Peck, who gave a resume’ terfields were Mr. George Root, of the proposed recreational pro­ brother of Mrs. Butterfield from Bobby Sinclair entertained mem­ gram for the Beaverton district. bers of the C. Y. O. at their home Hollywood. California, Mr. George The project has the enthusiastic Games and support of the club. Other guests Moon, also from Hollywood, and Sunday evening. dancing were enjoyed by thirty Miss Margaret Moon who Is a present were Mrs. Cowie, and Mrs. nurse at the Virginia Mason Hos­ young people. Refreshments were McColm. served by Mrs. E. J. Sinclair, as pital in Seattle. At the request of the hostess listed by Mrs. Verne Amael. each member brought one plant Dr. Butterfield has just returned from an extensive Eastern plane WEEK END OlfEST Miss Rob­ from her own garden along with its name and the directions for trip which took him to Chicago, There were New York. Montreal, and Denver. erta Allen spent the Easter week­ successful growing. Dr. Butterfield was establishing end at the Ben* Park home of no duplicates and each member distribution centers for the artifi­ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mor­ was pleased with the plant she cial eyes which he manufactures. gan Allen. Miss Jean Graffenber- drew. There were probably many ger of Prineville, a Tri Delta sor­ busy husbands the following week ority sister of Miss Allen’s at Ore­ end preparing the ground for the G A R D EN P LO W IN G gon State College, was also a guest new plant for the garden. of the Allens. and A delicious frozen fruit salad, fresh homemade hot rolls, and CUI/nVATLNG VISIT PARENTS ON EASTER coffee completed the busy eve­ w ith Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heid and ning. children were with Mr». Held's K o t o lill« *I*H parents, Rev. and Mrs. L. P. Put­ WEEK END GUESTS Represen­ nam, Easter. Mrs. Held and the tative and Mrs. K. W. McKenzie RICHARD B. HOLMBOE children were In Eugene last week and son. Fred, were guests of his Landscape end visiting friends. son and family, the H. W. Mc­ Kenzies of S. W. Murry Avenue, Construction EASTER VISITOR Mrs. Grace this last week. Little Kenneth Canyon Road at Walker Road Ford of Seattle spent the Easter McKenzie went with his grand­ Rte 2, Box 1 54, Beoverton holiday with her brother and sis­ parents when they left for their CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Phones ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. home in Wallowa, Oregon, Tues­ Mr. John Robinson of Fir Grove Beaverton 3798 BRoadway 0051 Rogers, on Walker Road. day, April 8. Lane, surprised his wife on their Siii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iiii.iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iiniii=iii=iii=m=iii=iii=iii=iii5 10th wedding anniversary Satur­ III in day, April 5, with a dinner and in dance at the Portland Golf Club III to which he had invited 30 of III their friends. I The Hanset Co. III I in s What fouth America fendi Us LUMBER! I Phone 2901 E a s t E n d 7 th S t r e e t in Now Stocking Lumber for Your Building Needs in hi in of the community who so *r»c- iously donated articles for the !ü = in FIRST HORSEBACK RIDE Some Ubtle boys spent tneir holiday Monday riding horses at Ray's place. Since this was their first experience, their Dad asked them how they liked it. One boy's im­ pression was "I felt bow-legged and pidgeon-toed at the same time, and to tell you the truth cross-eyed too. by the time the horse had trotted around awhile. He wants to go again, though, so it couldn’t have been too bad. HI FULLY RECOVERED Young jjj Craig Richards has recovered nioe- s | ly from a tonsilectomy performed Mj'a week ago Saturday. His little jn i brother Mark has also complete A H o a r d o r C a r lo a d D i r r c t fro ta M ill tit Y o o _ = 1 1 v recovered from an infected alll=lll£lll=lll=lll=lll= lll=lll=lll=lll=IH=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=|||=|||=iH=|||=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIHIII=lll=llim=|||=|||=|H=|||=|||=|||=||i 3 throat. WHOLESALE and RETAIL ^M rs Law. Principal, announced that plans for a spring musical festival to be held May 6 at the PorUand Golf Club are well un­ der way. Additional information will be announced in the near fu­ ture. ... It is hoped that the new addi­ tion to Raleigh School will be com­ pleted this month so that plans for an Open House" to which ev­ eryone will be Invited, may be j carried out. . . . ' The meeting was concluded with refreshments being served by the refreshment committee under the chairmanship of Mis. V. T. Wright. George Sez: This old weather of ours ,s kindo sloppy, but its sure nice to be able to stay indoors and listen to your fovonte radio program Br. 2069 W est Slope Radio and Appliance TH IS W E E K ’S TA ST E TEM PTER “ Sloppy Joes” i Submitted by Mrs. Homer E. De Weese. 1 lb. ground beef. Salt and pepper. H green pepper, chopped 1 mediuAi sized onion, chopped 2 small cans hot sauce Brown the seasoned meat, on­ ion, and pepper, and pour off excess fat. Add the hot sauce and simmer for ty to3-4 of an hour. Serve between toasted hamburger buns. This will serve four generously. The dish will be improved by being made ahead of time and being reheated just before serv­ ing. Authorised Philco Dealer 8830 S. W . Canyon Drive (Formerly H iller Bros. Real Estate office) L Eii Fa Mi Paul Fart word high givei ducti and Th to b< erati peric were thori Marc such ’’Flo’ Shov ing." Mr tendi peop then ering VISI End« Olga goes' BULL DOZER WORK By Contract or Hour Free Estimates Schooling & Habeck Rte 5, Box 055 Hillsbore, Ore. Phone Hillsboro 3202 Lawn Mower SERVICE Raleigh P T A The regular monthly meeting of Special this month the Raleigh P. T. A. was held on Tuesday, April 1st and opened with a group of delightful choral selections presented by the Girls Chorus under the direction and accompaniment of Mrs. Law, 73 E. Broadway Principal. This was followed by Beoverton Oregon two piano numbers played by Miss Sharon Sheldon, a most talented ffnpm am «iii=in=ni=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=in=iii=in=iii=iH£iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=in=iii=in=: young pianist. ¡¡j The nominating committee Mrs. V. T. Wright, Mrs. Giles Fowler, ñi and Mrs. D. D. Ellis announced the following selected as officers for next year: President. Mrs. T. P. Lilies; Vice President, Mrs. Karl Newport; Treasurer. Mrs. Olaf Ansnes; Secretary, Mrs. A. C. Karnahrens. 8707 S. W. Canyon Road (West Slope) A report was made concerning the successful results of the re­ cent Rummage Sale. The net am­ SUPERIOR CLEANING DONE BY MASTERS ount received amounted to $174.- 65 and the members of Raleigh P. T A. want to take this oppor­ tunity to thank all the residents =lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll^lll=|||=|||=|||31ll=|||=|||=i¡l=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||= Roy's Fixit Shop West1 Slope Cleaners BÍ r, >1 W E WI L L SOON BE BAUK . . Ready to Serve ù J m j R| o f f in e fu rn itu r W' » i WE MUST MAKE NEW MERCHANDISE EVERYTHING GOES EXCEPT FOR CONTRACT LINES! THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL OUR STOCK IS DRASTICALLY REDUCED ■ 2,248 Families la w equip your c o t­ tages and cabins WÉ DARE NOT for the sum m er MENTION THEM season at sp e c ta c ­ AL L S A L E S C A S H L L I S A L E S FI NAL I » AT W AREHOUSE PRICES MUS Smal1 Handling Charge SAITS