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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, A p ril 11, 1947 BEAVERTON, OREGON Sto n lcv W N e th e rto n . P u b lish e r Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class mat ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore- IROGER W . BABSONI STATE LEGISLATIVE TOPICS; A nd what o f the buildings ow n ed by organ izations and lodges? A ren't these organizations pledged to civ ic and m oral betterm ent? L ack o f a com m un ity center is the reason given fo r our lack o f com m u n ity organizations. H ow about it? M any room s stand idle in ou r midst. Can this idleness be Justified when the need is so great. I f each grou p would give the use o f its buildings for a few nights a w eek there would be am ple room . Is that asking too m uch when the stakes are so h igh ? L et’s start a com m unity club now, with our children's welfare our No. 1 project. Young Men's C hristian A ssocia tion. “ T he religious attitudes o f students today can not be qu ick ly generalized,” he declares. "T here is neither a great resurgence nor l r* * ' f * f * f f ^ * °* rehgious in* terest. But there is a new m ood o f seriousness about all o f life, and a readiness to give religion a hearing.” Ballon Discusses Aig Cities ever, banks with their ch ie f as set s distributed throughout the Central W est and South should | be safe. DO N 'T B E AN IS O L A T IO N IST W e should coninue to put forth our best efforts to m ake the Uni ted Nations a success and free the world both from another war and depression even while re-shaping 1 our investm ent and livin g pro gram alon g the above lines. Be cause we take out a fire insur ance policy it does not mean that we expect our hom e to burn. Sure- | ly business should waste no time in decentralizing its operations; the m ilitary should be allow ed its full budget estim ates; and the C om m erce D epartm ent should take pre cedence over the State Departm ent. Many letters have com e to me sa y in g :—K n ow in g you do not like investm ents in big cities such as Subscription Pavoble in Advance N ew Y ork Philadelphia, B altim ore .... SXO© One Year ... and P itsburgh, wha w ould you suggest “ as insurance” fo r those Chinatow ns will continue to be who do live in these or other big definite features o f cosm opolitan cities? M y answ er is very stmple, A m erican cities, but a m ore m od ft -—namely, to invest som e o f your ern type o f Chinese A m erican m oney in sm all cities and well- ATI*« clergym en must be trained to m in diversified industries. V ery big ister in their C hristian churches, cities have reached their m axi a ccord in g to Dr. iCdwar Lee, a mum o f in flu en ce; their real es M ethodist leader in Los A ngeles' tate will gradu ally decline in Chinatow n. The present gen era value; their w ork ers will be less tion o f m inisters was trained in efficien t; their cost o f living will C hina; the new generation must abnorm ally advance and their be A m erica-trained in order to un danger fro m com m un istic upris derstand and serve the second and ings fro m within and attacks third generation Chinese com m u Statehouae, Salem, April T. — from w ithout will continually in nity, he believes. “ I think one is T his M onday m orning o f A pril 7 crease. The m ost u nforgettable picture “ *• ln -a y ln g that forces are at finds the corridors and lobby o f There is a definite need in our w ork m aking for closer in tegra the state capitol alm ost deserted. B U L LISH ON SM A L L C ITIE S com m unity fo r entertainm ent for in history is the dram atic contrast tion,” says Dr.Lee, “ but the com - O nly a few of the law m akers are betw een the com p rom isin g Pilate I believe it is safe to say that our Teen-age group. plete identification or am algam a around, packing up their o ffice locally con trolled business in ru W here can they g o n o w ? W here w ith all the power, pomp, and cir tion o f the Chinese groups with belon gin gs to be shipped hom e. ral self-su pportin g and self-con is there fo r them to g o ? T he m o v cu m stan ce o f R om e behind him, the larger com m unity is unuikely, A fter being in session 83 days tained areas will m ore and more and the loving, non-violent Jesus, ies, the beer parlors, the streets goin g into the wee small flourish. W h at sort o f businesses P rin ce o f P eace, and K in g of at least fo r a time. C hinatow n and the parked ca rs? p o p u la tio n s will be fed con tin u hours o f the 84th day, E aster In these rural areas areas offe r W h y is it necessary to take Kings, accep tin g w ithout hate or ously a small but steady stream Sunaay m orning (the sine die ad the best op p ortu n ities? H ere are them to neighboring com m unities retaliation, the R om an judgm ent o f new Im m igrants from China jou rn m en t was at 12:33 A. M. Ap som e su gg estion s:— to provide entertainm ent W ou ld o f death upon a cross,” says Dr. m aking it likely that C hinatow n ril 6), everyone is still dog tire^. C harles F. Boss, secretary o f the (1) L oca lly con trolled grain han n ’t it be better to have skating will* be a perm anent feature o f The newshawks didn't get out o f P ea ce C om m ission o f the M etho dlers to supply the s ta ff o f life; rinks, bow lin g alleys, billiard A m erican life." the press room until close to 4 m an u factu rers o f building mater “ It was not easy, gam es and sw im m ing pools in our dist C hurch. a. m. Sunday, and m ost o f us ow n com m un ity under our super not so sim ple fo r Pilate, w h o was Dr. W illiam N. W ysham , m is spent Sunday in the arms o f M or ials, such as gypsum , lumber, ce in a practical situation, to decide ment, lead, cop p er; vision. sion ary of the P resbyterian pheus. Many o f the legislators (2) Bus, tru ck and airplane Perhaps your own children are betw een the interests o f Rome, Church in the U.S.A., recently re hit the trail for home im m ediaely transportation com panies which home In the evening o r at the the dem and o f the Sanhedrin, his turned from the P hilippines and after the adjournm ent and drove will be called on to handle a much neighborhood parties, but w h at o f own interest, and the ju stice due Siam, says that the war set back a g o o d part o f the night in order increased business; those who can not entertain at an in n ocen t m an in w hom he public health program s in these to be hom e for Easter. (3) L oca l oil produ cers and dis home and have no place to g o ? found no fault. It was not easy cou ntries m any years, and that T h e closin g hours o f the session tributors in con trast to the larger Those children are our responsi fo r Jesus to endure the hum ilia there is a “ com p ellin g need” for tion, the loneliness, and the pain bility. m ore m edical m issionary service. w ere hectic to say the least. A f op erators w ith refineries in big Our children are our future, the o f the C ross. B u t it was Jesus, “ In B a n g k ok ,” he says, “ where our ter being in their sea’ s for over cities; also coal and w ood yards; and not the com p rom isin g Pilate, (4) L ocal hotels and restau 14 hours, the law m akers were future o f our Tualatin Valley. H ow through w hom the redem ptive m ission has never had a Christian rushing the rem aining im portant rants w hich will be called on to will they pay o f f ? rospital, we found a dem and from pow er o f sa crificia l love on the W e need com m u n ity centers. C hristians and B uddhists alike bills through both houses in light accom m odate the continual influx R ecess after recess from large industrial centers des W e need organized dances and en cross w as released Into the stream that we open one at once. In M a ning style. was called by both houses in or tined to su ffe r from unem ploy tertainment. W e need civ ic theatre o f history.” nila, also, the leading evangelical * • • the many con feren ce m ent; movements, lou n gin g places, co m laym en insisted on our giving der that Because “ the godless hom e is a (5) L ocal trading com panies in j com m ittees could get together to fortable places to read and study carefu l con sid eration to their in our libraries, places to sit and m enace to the w orld ,” B ishop W al dream s fo r a great Christian m ed straighten out their d ifferen ces on a position to either sell for cash 1 talk, pianos to sing around and lace J. G ardner o f T renton, N. J., ical cen ter there. A n y wise m is the rem aining hot bills, and then or barter the valuables most eas- j be rushed ily transported such as silver, [ dance to, gam es to play such as is urging the m em bers o f the sion strategy fo r southeast A sia the m easures could through house and senate in rec gold ornam ents, platinum or dia- t badminton, table tennis, tennis, P rotestant K plscopal C hurch and must I n c l u d e considerable monds. fo r livin g necessities. billiards, bow ling, skating and other Christians to Install small stren gth en in g o f m edical forces to ord tljne. chapels in their hom es for person- (6) A u tom obile and farm m a swimming. T he three hot bills which held m eet dire phyhical need." __ ________ . P. . T. ... ___ al devotional periods. H e wants The Beaverton A. has up the session until the m idnight ch in ery repair shops w hich should done m uch tow ard this fund with them also as "a n advertisement^ to hour were the sales tax, the b ook run to ca p a city plus; (7) A ny w ell-loca t/d buildings of their recent g ift o f $105 let the all w ho enter o u r hom es that God Farm Ituildiu;' Plun* m akers tax bill (ra cin g ), and the rules in our h om es and ln our rest o f us get busy too. bill to low er and increase the ex large cap acity, w hich would be Youth is capable o f organizing hom e life ." " I f there is available Available from OSC em ption brackets on state incom e in dem and fo r con version for any its own program if they are given a room in you r house," he urges taxes, M uch credit can honestly o f the above purposes. People who wish to ord er farm be given to young Senator Orville an opportunity, som e guidance, his people, “ set It up as a chapel O W N C E R T A IN R E A L E ST A T E and a place to meet. Striking ex to God. I f on ly a corn er o f one building plans from O regon State T hom p son o f A lbany for saving There should be added to this amples o f such plans ln action can room is available, there place a C ollege will be interested in a new the state close to one million d ol religious picture — a book ju st received by the county lars ju st 30 minutes before the list existin g hom es and especially be found in m any parts o f the shrine—a small farm s over fifty miles from country, where youth run su cces prayer desk—w h at you will, ‘ so a gen t’s o ffic e . T he book contains session adjourned. large cities. T h at is, cottages o ff sful self-supporting youth org a n i that that corn er Is dedicated to cop ies o f plans fo r a wide variety T hom p son called attention to o f farm structures, ranging from the m ain line, w hich are not de A lm ighty G od.” zations. the fa ct that when the legislature • • • farm labor houses to vegetable pendent upon the operation o f a W hy do our schools stay em pty passed the com m unity tax act M erchants should at night w hen our com m unities College leaders should take c o g storage bins, buck rakes and crop earlier in the session it autom a public utility. need large room s In which to g a nizance o f the interest w h ich to dusters. In the past, it has been tically saved state incom e taxpay carry a full line o f w ood, coal and th er? Is the building m ore valu d a y ’s students have in C hristian n ecessary to select plans on the ers in the higher brackets (those oil stoves, kerosene lam ps and able than our ch ildren ? Is the ity and ln the church, and should basis o f m im eographed d escrip w hose taxable incom e exceeds $8,- candles as well as a big supply o f cost o f lights, heat and Janitor Join in encouraging the students’ tions, com m ented County Agent 000) close to $15,000,000. T hom p canned goods. D on 't alw ays bank service greater than the cost o f religious life and thought, thinks P alm er S. T orvend. N ow it is pos son then -turned on the heat, and on others to supply garden pro S ecretary R . H. E. E spy o f the sible to inspect the actual plans m any other senators Joined hint duce, but each year plan enough our children’s m orale? o f a garden to supply vegetables and select the one that best fits the p articular location and p u i- in forcin g the house to increase for sustenance and fo r canning the higher bracket taxpayers from pose desired. in season. R em em ber that p ota T he W ash in gton county plan 7 to 8 percent, w hich will net the toes, beans and greens will fur hook con tain s 79 plans coverin g state a m illion dollars or m ore nish as good a diet as m illions the fo llo w in g item s: farm labor from the class o f people who are live on today. house, rural com m unity halls, to be the recipients o f a saving It m ight be suggested that d ol general purpose barn, m ilking o f $15,000,000 because o f the gen lar bills, stored In a safe deposit erous law m akers w h o voted for, barn, loa fin g barn, dairy barns, vault w ould be a good hedge if horse barn, cow stanchions, roof and passed, the com m un ity prop another w ar or depression com es. truss, lam bin g and shearing shed, erty tax bill. That m ay not be true. Far bet M any days of argu in g were ter have som e good jew els in your poultry houses and range houses, m ach in ery sheds, liquid manure spent between the house and sen safe deposit bax! W hat about lo tank, hay sheds, granarys, corn ate con ferees during the last two cal bank sto ck s? The business of cribs, m ilk house, walnut and fil weeks o f the session on the sales small banks . m ay becom e very bert driers, farm freezing plants, tax bill, which will be submitted profitable. B ut iarge holdings o f to the people for their approval cattle guards, dipping vats, depreciated securities m ight make troughs, bu ck rakes and dusters. or rejection. Both houses had ag their stock s o f little value H ow - reed on a special state-w ide elec PTfl II il il II II II II II II II il II II n =ñ=i tion to settle the m atter. H ow ever, JM i » H » Il H II I' » H M IM I II II the house insisted on June 24 while the senate held out for N o vem ber 4 as the proper date. A f ter days o f battling back and forth the boys finally com p ro mised and agreed on O ctober 7 during the closin g hours ot the session. Most everyone agrees that if (he sales tax fails this fall a special session m ay be necessary. In any V event, the state will receive new m oney because if the sales tax • THIS OFFER ONCE IN A LIFETIME • fails, Income taxes g o up and the J J A V E you ever wondered whether ciguret tax will becom e effective. If the sales tax passes, incom e whether the method of healing taxes will g o dow n and the ciga- J-JO W does Chnstion Science heol? Rust-proof 6 6 " Tw in B o w l...... How does it remove fear, solve disease, overcoming poverty, and re ret tax will au tom atically die. Best If storing harmony which Christ Jesus guess is that the sales tax will personal and business troubles? employed can be successfully used enhance the bank roll o f the state you wont to know something about Non-Corrosive 5 4 ” Double Drain Board about $24,000,000 a year, which is now? For an answer in simple un to be allocated on a one-sixth ba the healing power of prayer as derstandable terms attend sis to d ifferen t divisions o f the taught in Christian Science, come to state. To M ake T h is An Here is this colu m n 's opinion about som e o f the law m akers: In the house the best orator, Thom as of Folk cou n ty ; L ongest and loud est talker, w ho didn't get any entitled place, R. A. B ennett o f P ortland; entitled best tax m ind, w h o know s how We will allow you $25.00 to raise m oney, Beamon o f K la "Christian Science: A math Falls. In the senate, sm art I on your old sink "Christian Science: The est man on the floor, M ahoney o f Prophetical Religion" Portland; best orator, W inslow o f Science o f Life and Healing" T illam ook ; and T h om p son o f A l These Shining Lifetim e Jew els Yours bany best student o f legislation. Community Club Needed For Our Teen-a»ers News in the World Of Religion 4 ^ S erene B eaity MDuf'HiM fc M m •I Mk ki»*M =«■ tat M Ik «in ¡•ita tan é Melai Uiktr taita nilrtlll WÉu taubhl tap! >• t*n ■tati otra cok m De Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY rf.p.^finleySj Son hfou mao» Mao I t f Learn How Christian Science Prayer Can Heal Heal You A Free Lecture A Free lecture ATWATER 1111 Ml MONROE DAIRY MACHINERY, Inc. Established 1898 Equipment and Supplies for Handling Milk and Its Products Riverview Cemetery., W E S T END 8K L L W O O D B R ID G E Portland - Seattle - Salt Lake Boise - Spokane Sawmills-Edgers SURPLUS DIESEL ENGINES CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost R iverside Is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,000 We make the sturdiest Portable Mill built in America. Light— Medium Heavy Duty Ball Bearing TAI-PING Terrace Edgers. M A C H IN ER Y SALES CO. 2233 1st Ave. So. Seattle 4, Washington A M E R IC A N -CH IN ESE D IN N ER S Fine Food - Ample Parking 2 mi. North of Tigord 11130 S. W . Barbur Blvd. at 55th Ave. M c C a l l j ! j Dancing After 9 Oil Co. M O BILHEAT fa m Burner and Stove Oil ó si fr i CHICKEN . m STEAK GILBARCO OIL BURNERS DINNERS â m c¿e 4 o u P \ . ; V PHO NE i \ Cá IU/V 7 ? " A Y ' - Beaverton 2871 or RESERVATIONS Br.OSIB H f . k K D O S 5*11 BEacon 6555 OPEN SUNDAY 1 • 10 stainless steel sinks How Does 1 Tit?n Metal Products of Portland, Oregon $ 134-50 $ 98-50 OUTSTANDING OFFER By Ralph E. Wagers, C.S.B. for only $ 5-37 Both P resident C ornett and Speaker John Hall did a m ighty fine job o f handling the gavel. Both houses had plenty o f dum b Member of the Board of Lectureship bells, w hich is proven by the w ay of The Mother Church, The First they were su ccessfu lly lobbied by Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, the many special interests. Many o f the law m akers w ere about that Mass. smart that they Just found out where the rest room s were located Monday evening, April 14, at " h e n the session folded. of Chicago, Illinois per month Plus Small Down Payment EASY Investigate our IM M EDIATE Credit Term s EFFORTLESS 8 p. m. in Roosevelt High W. i. McCREADY LUM BER COM PANY School Auditorium, 6941 Central St , Portland, Oreqon Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist This Is ou r con clu d in g weekly column, and we hope the readers of the Tualatin V alley newspapers have en joyed "W ith the law m akers *t Salem " T hanks for the many -nice letters we received trom peo ple all ov er the state. So long, i everybody, until the next time, when we hope to w rite for yoq (gain. It was a great fight. "M om ” l glad we won. M om :" will be 1 right home, "M om .” by Robert S. Van Atto, C. S. o f Rochester, New Yo rk Member of the Boord of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mot*. Tuesday, April 17 8 p. m. in the Civic Auditorium (o rd in lly Invites You Old Canyon Rood Beaverton Phone 3821 I Our d octrin e o f equality and liberty and h um anity com es from our b elief In the brotherhood o f man, through the fatherh ood o f God C alvin C ooltdge Í ........................... All-purpose, all-steel, brand ntw "Q u on sets” . , . the dur- -jle, war-proven buildings for farm and industry are available now! Yes, you can have that new barn, imple ment shed factory addition today . . . with a “ Quonset" adaptation. * # * ! f I Tita* M .fo , f r n . • **d POra».~_ f, C«,_ - P0 ,Of»oi, ‘ •"ceo,. hova " • '* * * * ! °"4 * * ' 9 <ier, Third Church of Christ, Scientist Portland, Oregon ( ordinlly Invites You •*< lm m m * Durable, fire-resistant, weatherproof, rot-proof, vermin-proof Quonsets" are quickly, easily erected with ordinary carpenter tools. Simple additions, windows, ventilator* and other fea ture. may be installed with ease IM M ED IA TE D ELIV ER Y These buildings approved for Title 1 FHA Loans iL ir a h n r : : :i n :i ;i n TITAN METAL PRODUCTS COUP. 1825 N .W . Vaughn St. g »O ,h 0„ ° wm *>• * Qvoiis*^-. ron t,ow i ed to Vrt. n ^ Odopf. I S. W. 3rd Ave. and Clay St. ' F. D. PECK, Monogcr .......................... ATwater 1389 Portland 9, Ore- PHOHt, W IM er W liti TODAY!