The TUALATIN MARKET BALANCE OF THE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE VALLEY • SUBSCRIBER ADS FOR SALE WATER SYSTEMS, shallow or Jeepwell types. We sell the PA CIFIC line and have more than 500 of them in use in our area. This is the famous line of pumps that kept up its parts and repair service 100 per cent all during tbe war. SEE MASONS in TI GARD when you need any kind 0f a pump. FHA TERMS with as long as 3 years to pay. No down payment required. __________ - 10 AIN'T IT THE TRUTH BASKET • • ZENITH RADIOS at MASONS in Tigard. AC-DC Portable sets in stock now. Terms if you like. Combination models also. 10 • PAGE 11 FOR SALE FOIL SALE: 1941 Special Deluxe 2-uoor Chev. A-l shape. New rub ber. Heater Take pick-up in good shape. Phone Tigard 3206. lOp As a service to veterans in tbs community, this newspaper will publish a weekly column of ques- most frequently -»ski., tact men of the Veterans Admin istration in this area. For more detailed information, veterans are to contact or write to the nearest V A contact unit at 614 S. W. 11th, Portland. ELECTRIC, GAS or OIL hot wa FOR SALE. Gas range with cir ter heaters at MASON S in Tigard. culating heater, late model, white Buy these on FHA terms. No enamel; black trim. J. H. Simp- Disabled $ els Not down payment required. Buy your 1 son, Bull Mt. Road. Phone Tigard Limited By Ceiling |0p shower stall here the same way. Disabled veterans training un- 16 are not af 10 '35 DODGE 4 dr. Sedan, recently | der Public Law fected by the income limitations GARDEN TRACTORS at MA overhauled, radio, heater, lamps, set for veterans training under XF YOU WANT comfortable SON S in Tigard. Don’t buy just tires fair, $375.00 Cash. McCamley, Attemi warmth in your home next win any kind of tractor. Get the one Rt. 2. Box 504, Walker Road, Bea ; the O. 1 Bill. up some misunderstand ter order your COLEMAN OIL that will do the best job for you. verton. lOp .clear ings, the Veterans Adnumstra-' FLOOR FURNACE NOW. Limit We feature TILLEX, a rotary In Tigard. Cute 1 tion explained that the law en ed number arriving regularly. NO type, EARTMASTER, with for FOR SALE: last August IX) WN PAYMENT REQUIRED. ward and reverse gears and a 10 bedroom house. Nice bath, Full acted by Congress Well located setting ceilings of $200 and $175 As long as 36 month to pay. DUO- inch plow, BOLEN’S HUSK1 com- cement basement. THERM OIL FURNACES now i plete with all the tools that any 67 x 227 lot, $5,500. Owner. Phone on combined wages and subsi- lOp tence apply only to trainees un available on the same terms. acreage farmer can use. See these Tigard 2198 der G. 1. Bill provisions. MASON’S in TIGARD. Tel. 2290. in action at MASON’S, then decide ELECTROLUX Vacuum cleaners. Public Law 16 tthe Vocational »________________________ L° i which will do the most for you. Sales, service and supplies. Few Rehabilitation Act) provides TERMS with as long as 15 months new machines available. Price training for veterans who be House to barn telephone sets, to pay. xo $69.75 complete. E. H. Albert, 432 cause of service-incurred .disabil ready to install. Save time and Hillsboro, Oregon. ities, need assistance ill restoring lung power. See these at MASON’S BOY’S BICYCLE for sale. “ Shel S. 2nd Ave, Phone 4522. lOtt employability. While subsistence in Tigard. Only $14.93. 10 by Flyer”.” 24 inch, white wall tires, excellent condition, out FOR SALE: My pedigreed chin payments are the same as those grown by boy. Phone CHerry chilla rabbits. Reasonable. Rt. 2, allowed veterans training under 2171. 7522 S. W. 34th Ave. lOp Box 219, Beaverton. 3 blks. north the G. I. Bill, a guaranteed in come of subsistence plus com of Bertha Beaverton Highway on f o r salk Bach :>n.i Son up McMillan Ave. Mrs. Fred Gower. pensation is made. Single veter ans are assured $105 per month. righ grand piano, good condition lOp Married veterans receive $1\5 $200.00. Walnut veneer bed; dou for ble coil springs and matched FOR SALE: A Jepson side arm plus additional allowances vanity with large mirror. Used electric water heater. $25.00 3 blks. each child. Additional compen but in good condition, $40.00. Mrs. north Bertha Beaverton highway sation or earnings are not limit Frank Moore. 3495 S. E Hall St. on McMillan Ave. Rt. 2, Box 219, ed the VA added. At the end of February’. 6659 Beaverton: Inquire at Studio Bar- Beaverton. Mrs. Fred Gower. LAID lOp I ber shop. 10p Northwest veterans were receiv W IT H O U T FOR SALE : Two French doors ing training under the Vocation M ORTAR FOR SALE or trade: Sawduit with hardware .also motor com al Rehabilitation Act. hot water heater complete with pressor and high pressure tank. copper coil. Folding day cot. Geo. Phone Beaverton 2249. David Lof- QuexioiiN Of The Week Thibido, 4th and Cedar, Metzger. gren, Oak Avenue, south of Farm Q. My National Service Life In CHerry 1408. 10p ington road west of Beaverton. surance premiums have been 10 waived due to a total disabil | FOR SALE: Men’s new wrist ity. Can I convert my term in watch. Also man's diamond ring, EASTER PUPPIES for sale: ten surance to a permanent plan table radio; 2 piece dress, size and twenty dollars. Purebred and still have my premiums 12. 8400 S. W. Barbur Blvd. lOp cockers, red and black. South side waived? Bertha Beaverton and McMillan A. You have the privilege of con | FOR SALE: Western Holly gas Ave. Rt. 1, Box 141, Beaverton. verting to ordinary life, 20-pay range; 4 burners, griddle, broil lOp ment life, or 30-payment life and er, oven, etc. Used only 3 months. the waiver of premiums will re Frazer gas eirc|ilating heater; FOR SALE: Fancy giant Swiss main in effect as long as you PA TEN TED heats 3 to 5 rooms, excellent con- and hybrid pansies. Call Tigard are totally disabled. | dition. Combination trash burn- 2404. lOp Q. Can I borrow on try convert 'or, water heater. Davenport, tab MORTARLESS BLDG. ed National Service Life Insur les, swivel chair, and odds and DRAG SAW. 1946 model. All me ance policy? lends. Call CHerry 1974. 10 tal frame; has Wicko Magnetto. TILE CO. 4 horse power motor complete A. Yes. Any converted policy in force by payment of premiums FOR SALE: 2 wheel trailer, $35. with 5 foot blade. A-l shape. for one year or longer, affords Fonno Station - Near Progress Wood or coal heating stove, 4 Paid $200 will take $160. Oly D. the insured the right to borrow I room size, $35. 620 S. Hall St, Wendell. Rt. 1, Box 250. Tigard. Hiway 217 on R R. Track up to 94 per cent of the cash ; Beaverton. Phone 3283. lOp Oregon. Phone Tigard 3121. lOp value by submitting a proper I FOR SALE: One davenport bed, FOR SALE: Double bedstead and loan agreemen to the VA prior G. J. BLUM, Rep. $15.00. One pair golf or biking double coil springs, $20.00 Phone to the expiration of the grace Rte 6, Box 1 I 86, Portland | shoes, $5.00. 619 7th St, Beaver CHerry 1226 . period. . 10 p ton. Phone Beaverton 3743. lOp Phone CHerry 3902 FOR SALE: Sawdust water heat- Benefits To World War II FOR SALE. Model A Ford trac- er, 18.00 and 10-incti Monk’s Veterans And Their Dependent* j tor, with disc, plow and harrow. grate New $2.50. CHerry 1226. 10p Unemploy ment Alio wane«1 Description: $20 a week, less any , Motor overhauled. Ready to go. in excess of $3. [Ed Holmes, Rte. 1, Box 273, Bea FOR SALE: Seed potatoes, Bur wages received verton on Lombard Street. Sec- bank netted gems. F. T. Brown, Period depends on length of ser 12p vice. Eight weeks of allowance house south of Allen Avenue on Tigard, Oregon. Bull Mt for each month of first three I right hand side of street. lOp SEPARATORS — M ILKERS months of service, four weeks of FOR RENT FOR SALE Lawn Mower. $9 50. • • allowance for each succeeding COMPLETE EQUIPM EN T AND Phone ATwater 6591 or Oswego SUPPLIES FOR TH E D A IR Y month of service up to a maxi 12-2202. 12,902 S. W. ¿2nd Ave, FOR RENT; Apartment 13th & mum of 52 weeks. IN D U STRY Watson, S. W. F. C. Alsop. 10p | near Boones Ferry and Knaus Administered through state un Road. 10p employment compensation agen MONROE DAIRY cies. WANTED • • FOR SALE: Washing machine, Requirement*: Active service on MACHINERY, Inc, laun-dry-ette; spinner model. Old or after Sept. 16. 1940 At least 90 NEED A SITTER? Call BRoad- but good condition. $30. BRoad- Established 1898 10p days' service with discharge oth way 0841. 10P way 5895. er than dishonorable or less than Equipment and Supplies for FOR SALE: 1935 Plymouth 4-door WANTED; Tractor work, plow 90 days only if discharged for ser Handling Milk and Its sedan, 1941 motor; heater and ing and discing with cover crop vice-connected disability. Completely unemployed or earn seal beams. Private owner. See disc. Large or small acreage. On Products Sunset Service Station, Aloha. lOp Lombard, second house on left ing less than $23 a week. Able to Portland - Seattle - Salt Lake across Allen Ave. H. W. Wescott. work and available for suitable Boise - Spokane FOR SALE: Weiner pigs. Phone 14p work. Not receiving subsistence Tigard 3552. 10 allowance for education and train BOARD AND ROOM for middle ing under Public Law 16 or 346 aged couple (man work else Time Limit: Veteran must apply ■Ms where) in exchange for care girl for allowance within 2 years of 7'ii yrs. old and light housework. officia ltermination of war or date 4040 S. W. Marigold. On West of discharge, whichever is later. Portland-Multnomah bus line. 10 However no payments may be made later than 5 years after the D ealer in SCRAP METAL HELP WANTED Caretaker cou war. ple for 5 acre place near Newberg. Note: This is the ninth in a series Batteries, Radiators, Bross, Aluminum, Copper Knowledge shrubs, flowers, etc, of brief summaries of benefits desirable. Dairy cow; 2 bedroom administered by the VA under Lead and Zinc house. Car needed. Contact Ray various laws for World War II Rushlight on Saturday at place veterans, their dependents and located 6 miles from Wilsonvllle H IG H E S T r n iC E S P A ID beneficiaries. We suggest that It on Wilsonville-Newberg Road may be useful to clip this por Phone; Beaverton 2497 Watch for Rushlight sign. tion of the column for future ref Near Union Oil Depot - Bertho-Beoverton Hiwoy erence. Next week: Selp Employ ment Allowance. Well, s’long folks: We gotta go see some rabbit raisers about "Might as well get used to It,” a skin game. sez Pa Trolman. "If you wanna be a member of Ask for any use your "sub the human race nowadays, you scriber ad” cards when you gotta pay your dues.” order your hometown paper. Interlocking Easy to Lay De Laval COOPKK MOUNTAIN Hies To lain Angeles Le Roy White flew to Los An geles on a two week vacation. He will visit his mother. • • • III At Home Earl Morris is confined to his lied this last week. • • • Sewing Club Meeting The Sewing Club will meet on Tuesday, April 8 at the home of Mary Cavaness. Mrs. Bessie Mor ris will be the hostess. a a a Don't Forget The Date Don't forget the community card party this Saturday, April 5 at the school house. a a • Tour California Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Reavis and son Henry reurned home Saturday from a three week auto trip thru California. * • • Week End Visitors Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Haneberg were week end visitors at Cooper Mt. a a a New Home On Way Gunlef Wold is starting to build his new home this week by having the basement dug. a a a Sunday At Heaeli Mr. and Mis. Bob Griffith of Portland spent Sunday on the beach at Rockaway with friends, a a Investigate the N oiim * Phiiming Bv Correspondence DOW ELECTRIC FURNACE TILLER TYPE G arden TRACTORS For demonstration on your place Call BEacon 3807 Also Immediate Delivery on Wheel and Crawler Garden Tractors and Power Lawnntowers C-B Tractor & Equip. Co. W EST SLOPE BEacon 3807 Your GARDEN TRA CTO R CEN TER a Home For Vacation Dick Schouboe of Corvallis was home for his spring vaention from O.S.C. He Is returning this week. His father, I-ee Schouboe was op erated on last week and getting along fine. An acre of performance Is worth a whole land of promise. • * a Always remember your neigh bors watch you closely, and that your neighbors are very partic ular.- E. W. Howe, County Town Sayings (Crane & Co.) How Much O. R. NICHOLSON & SON BUILDING? RECONVERTING?* THE LOW DOWN FROM HICKORY GROVE Everybody and his uncle has an idea on what is wrong with the country also how to fix it. So it looks as if we were getting some place and will nmybe do some thing versus sitting down and waiting for Utopia to light on out shoulder, like back a dozen or so years when the Govt, was pouring big dinero into model communi ties and which communities have grown over and gone to seed and are dead horses and still haunt us as we amble down to the in come tax place. If we can agree unanimous that something is wrong, maybe we can agree unan imous on how to fix It. What is your idea, says Henry, if you are so smart. Thank you, I says, and as I see it there is still dirty work goin' on at the crossroads. Will-o-the-wlsp fummi- doodles are still cookin’ but half way behind our backs Dams and power-houses are now our weak ness. There are dams before US— dams behind us. All are tax free. All a burden. All unnecessary. And if you happen to live in New Jersey or Alabama or North Da kota, you need not guffaw or look down upon Oregon or feel superior to the Oregnians as the government starts its third dam — the Dorena Dam there on the Willamete. Sambo spreads his spending even-stephen on March 15th you will savvy. You can aay that much for Uqcle Samuel, he plays no favorites. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA. Attention: Builders! This Week's Special Regular $14 50 HI TEMP’ 1250 WatT Flush Type Wall Heaters (Built in Switch) NO SPECIAL W IRING REQUIRED Do You Know now UL Approved $ 1 0 *9 5 abont CHRISTIAN SCIENCE? VEN if you know nothing about I Christian Science, take this op portunity to learn some of the facts about this scientific religion which heals sickness ond solves hu man problems E NAILS By pound or keg, oil six«« 2P to 60P ROOFING Rolled and Composition Shingles PLYWOOD Accept this mvitotion on behalf of yourself, your fam ily, ond your friends. PLUMBING (Red, Green and Black) By Sheet or Truckload V «". */«", */«" Fixtures and Fittings, including Lavatory Bowls ond Laundry Trays A FREE LECTURE B a r, h a s alert rte fornaee th S assure ye* • completely fu nction s! heating asA ate aosdltlonlng Has* entitled ★ Electrical Wiring Items: Isr your bame sc bualnssa. • Designed fsr basement se U y “Clirintiiin Scieur«*: - i M s l a 1st l l a ton. l in n _____ i natal s May nae eoneentlonal 4u«a- work. register* and heating In stallation. • May be utilised te replace aa existing fomace. a Equipped with "M odunow . the miracle furnace control. Fsr A Prophetical Religion” Free Etlimalet See, Phom*. er Write By Ralph E. Wagers, C.S.B. CAPITOL ELECTRIC 6-3, 8-3, Range Wire and BX Cable 4-3, 6 3, 8-3 Service Entrance Cable Ceiling Boxes, Wall Switch and Receptacle Boxes Switches, Duplex Receptacles, including 3-way Switches (limited quantities) of Chicago, III. All kinds of combination Range & Circuit Fuse Panels 4450 Garden Home Rood Phone CHerry 1334 Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Esler Sheet Metal Works Monday, April 7 Tavern Equipment Custom Built FURNACE REPAIR AND CLEANING 8 p m. in edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1819 N W Everett St., Portlond, Oregon. Let Us Stop That Downdraft FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE C A LL US - CHerry 3594 8005 S. W. Capitol Highway 14-2; 12-2; 10-2, 14-3, 12-3 Wire I i I | Mia* Josephine Wasson, Oregon State college instructor in the . . n l u l of and arehitocturo, 1 mm writ) h i moh I r e Goedinlly Invited on House Planning designed to be of aid to those now anttcipat- Id illrntl ing the day they ran build homes. The course may be obtained by writing General Extension Division. Oregon State System of H=lll = IH=UISIII=IH = HI = m = IH = IM3 Higher Education, Eugene, Oregon. Range Wire Receptacle and Fittings Many other wiring items ★ PABCO PAINTS Including Outside Whit« and Enomefs Hillsdale Builders Supply 6309 S W Capitol Highway ATwater 3750 One block East of Capifol ond Bertho-Beoverton Junction A