BULL DOZER WORK BEAVERTON Future Sew¿ aire By Contract or Hour PERSON ALS Por Multnomah Free Estimates Schooling & Habeck Rte 5, Box 055 Hillsbore, Ore. Phone Hillsboro 3202 Save Your ROOF! ACT NOW ASBESTOUNE WILL SAVE YOUR ROOF! SAVE YOU TROUBLE! SAVE YOU HONEY! YOUR FREE SAMPLE .SUSSS&l' It Ready f o r You At e Signal Specialized Lubrication Gas and Oil Brake Service Lee Tires and Tubes Washing and Polishing ALOHA Signal Service GILLSON & BONDY Aloha, Ore. AufKopfxed Dealer • ........................ Name Plaques Ninth and A lger Sts. Phone 2331 Lawn Ornaments Beaverton, Ore. Remodeling Cabinets Woodworking FASTER GIFTS FOR EVERYONE Hallmark Faster Greeting (.arils • • Will Operat** Shingle Mill John Vincent spent Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dippold at Clatskanie. Mr. Dippold is going to operate the shingle mill that Vincents are starting this week at Burken- felt near Jewel on the Coast high­ way. Mr. Dippold has worked \ in the shingling business for 50 years. * • • NewComers Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eskestrand and son Tommy recently of Van­ couver, Wash., have recently mo<- ed into , the late Mrs. Adkin’s home next to the post office. He works for the Western feed store in Hillsboro. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Eskestrand of Van- ; couver, Wash., are staying with them until they get settled. * 0 # Change School Colleen and Roberta Vermilion have left Aloha school for Mil- waukie. Substitute Mrs. Browder is ill this week, Mrs. Harris is substituting for her grades. TUALATIN CABINET SHOP ★ ALOHA Personals Cooper Crest • Phone 3851 16 Farm ington Road Beaverton Trellises Private and Mrs. A. L. Beller are the proud parents of a son, Stephen Lee, born March 25, at the Wilcox Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Beller, who was Betty Ren­ nie is making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Rennie of Farmington road while her hus­ band is serving in the United Sta­ tes army. Vincents Home Project is being started this week on Huber Ave. and Farmington Road. It is call- led Cooper Crest. They are build­ ing 20 new homes of five rooms j each on lots 103’ x 119’. FEEDS, SEEDS 1 Show them you cared enough to give the finest. To Help ( hit the Howard and Harold Berggren (celebrated their twenty first birth­ day Sunday with a dinner at their home in Hillsboro. The Berggren twins are neph p w s of Mrs. Sabina Whitehead of Aloha who helped in the celebra­ tion. The twins were separated for ; a period of two years, but had spent all previous birthdays to­ gether. • • • Spend Day Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood of Portland spent Monday in Aloha. Mrs. Wood Is a daughter of Mrs Don Ehrlich. • • • Dinner Guest« Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent had Sunday dinner with his sis- * ter. Mrs. Vernburg in Portland. • • • Called To Nebraska Mrs. Carl Hotchkiss left Sun­ day afternoon on the streamliner to go to Lincoln, Nebraska, be­ ing called there by the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. Nora Davey. • • • Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rogers had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sullivan. \ \ \ i i W atches Repair 3 9 ,„ * 3 ” • Lcdy Ducks In Hospital Attending Legislature George Demaggio is in the hos- Oscar Hagg has gone to Salem pital with a ruptured appendix, to attend the Legislature. Twins Celebrate I t A] EASTER BUNNIES THE FACT IS By GENERAL ELECTRI0 i / / / Jew elry Diamonds For EASTER GIFTS SURE TO PLEASE Gold Lustre Pottery, somq nand painted Châtelains and Pins Rings and Earrings In the DOROTHY SHOP BIG WIND/ 600-M.PH. HURRICANE IS CREATED IN THIS WIND TUNNEL AT MOPPETT FIELD C A L IT TAKES GENERAL ELEC TRIC MOTORS TOTALLING 27000 HORSEPOWER TO TURN THE B LA D ES SHOWN IN THIS PICTURE. Announcing Opening of Pat's Beauty Shop • caster Bunnies • Tir?— iTTrmr e A group of Nile ladies, Mes- dames Al Jannsen, R. R. Sum­ mers, Harry Brownrigg, Jack Os- field, J. C. Huntley, A. M. Math- iesen and Guy Alexander spent last Tuesday mending at the Shrine Hospital. • • • Attends Staff Meeitng Walter L. Myers attended the annual staff meeting of The Na­ tional Benevolent Association in St. Louis. Mo., on March 31. Ap­ ril 1 and 2. • • • • Findley Milling Co. — The Southwest Hills Sanitary District is really working on the great problem of sewage dispo­ sa l for Multnomah. An election will be held Ap­ ril 22 to determine whether the people wish to put in their own e e e sewage system or wait and be j Entertain I compelled to do so by Stale The Fire Squad of the Beaver- Health authority. I ton high school entertained the The Oregon State Board of firemen of Beaverton Tuesday Health states that typhoid and evening. dysentery bacteria, for instance, 'will survive In the septic tank Don’t forget the Community lisuid as long as five days. When Chorus to be heard in the Church passed on into moist soil, these live as long as 70 of Christ at 8:00 p.m. Sunday eve- germs may days. Septic tanks do not disin­ i ning, Easter Sunday. I e a e fect or sterilize sewage. The adjacent map is an outline Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Paxson drove to Eugene Sunday taking their of the district within the proposed son, Elwin and other boys back sewage district. j to college. • • • Visis In Oklahoma Mrs. Laura K. Hill, superinten­ Mrs. Henry Nelson entertained Christian the Tuesday afternoon Club at her dent of Northwestern j home on Tuesday. Her guests were Home, has been spending her va­ Mrs. Helen Fisher, Leah Straley cation visiting relatives in Okla- and May Blasser. Mrs. Minnie ; homa. She went from there to St. | Schoene came out from Portland Louis, Mo. to attend the annual staff meeting of the National Ben­ for the afternoon. • * • evolent Associaion. During her ab­ Mrs. Barrett, mother of Mrs. sence, Mrs. Clara Stivers Vernon Moriarity and grandmother of Lor­ of Portland has substituted in the etta and Joan Morton passed a- Northwestern Christian Home. * • • way early Saturday morning in Portland. The funeral was held Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, and fa­ from Finley’s Rose Chapel. Com mily visited friends in Beaverton, mitment Lincoln Memorial Park and have returned to their home in Arlington, Oregon. Crematorium. A Super product with • record of diltinquilhed lorvlco lo r ovur twenty- five yeeri. You cen teve money — save worry — end belt of etl you actually >ave you r old roof, with A SBESTO U N E. Eaty to apply . . . no ipaciel ekitt needed. A written manu­ facturer'! G U A R A N TEE a u u re i poiitive ROOF FR O TEC TIO N for TEN YEARS Remember — You economlie with the bait when you uie A SBESTO U N E — — for IRON fo r Flat or Sloping Rooti Ro< - STEEL - FELT - CO M PO SITIO N - or G R A V EL RO O FS. 10 « r vbattskv Mrs. Cora Wise of Seattle, Wn, is returning home after a short visit with Mrs. J. W. Bollinger and friends of Elmonica. • • • Mrs. Frances Donaldson has been ill with the flu. • THIS FREE SAMPLE W ILL PROVE Map Outlining- Proposed Mu itnomah Sewage District Pull Ducks ON • Baby Chicks 69 ‘4 Johnson's Easter Greetings ★ PERFUME Devastating $1 .75 to ‘20 .50 00 M agic Hour, Dorothy G ray $7.50 Woodline Spice, Old South $ 1 2 5 to $3.50 DEAN'S DRUG STORE We Give S & H Green Stamps Double on All Prescriptions Phone 3774 in • Washing Machines • Vacuum Cleaners Aloha, Oregon • W affle Irons • Radios Leonard's & Affiliated with the HILLSBORO, PAT'S BEAUTY SHOP Ernest's OPEN 6 DAYS A W EEK— 9 A M. - 6 P. M. RADIO ELECTRIC Evening work by Appointment 109 Watson Street Phone 2621 Beaverton LIGHT IMA CIRCLE/ C I R C L I N E ----- A NEW CIRCULAR FLU ORESCENT LAMP DESIGNED B Y G-E LIGHTING ENGINEERS — HAS M A N Y U S E S . 3 2 -WATT S I Z E GIVES AS MUCH LIGHT AS A IOO-WATT IN C A N D E SC E N T LA M P. GENERAL S M MILLION OWNERS/ THE NUMBER OP G E N ER A L E L E C T R IC STOCKHOLDERS* NOW ABOUT IS HIGHER THAN EV ER B EFO R E/ 250,000, ELECTRIC