Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE [SYLVAN - BENZ PARK CLUB ADDITION RALEIGH) FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1947 School Crog&in" Now The parents of the children who live in the Beaux Arbes Addition of Raleigh Hills will be pleased to know that the State Highway Department has installed "School Crossing” signs on the Beryha- Beaverton Highway at the Inter section of Scholls Ferry Road. Freezing Unit Garden Home The Raleigh Hills G ncery has just Installed a new freezing unit making available a larger and more complete line of frozen fruits and vegetables to their cus tomers. Fast ÀUTO RADIO SERVICE — AT — Roy's Radio Repair ALOHA, ORE. ALOHA GRANGE CHICKEN DINNER ~ HOME MADE PIES Saturday, April 12 5:30 till 7:30 P. M & Going Fast? EASTER Just the thing for the glistening white for EASTER at — SHOE REPAIRING — Prescription Specialists 8805 S. W. Canyon Road MEN'S WEAR A and M Quality Lots of Parking Space EAST BEAVERTON JUNCTION AND CANYON ROAD Prices Good tor April 4 to April 7 Inclusive Open Sundays -- 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Week-days 8 A M to 7 P M O RAN GES SER V ICE Special this month Roy's Fixit Shop 73 E. Broadway Beaverton = in s W atch for the « OF YOUR B & T MARKET * • AND * Recuperating Barbara Campbell returned from the hospital to her home this week where she is convalescing. * III OPENING Mr. W. S. Huff has been quite ill the past week. • Orego tii=ni=iii=ii!=iiiEiii=iii=iii=iii=Mi=Mi=iii=iii=iii=ni=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=in=m=m 111 W est Slope PHARM ACY WEIBY'S SHOES Lawn Mower W est Slope Food Bank Club Road at Canyon Road jf, = WEST SLOPE = *IH = IM » IIS III= lllS III= IH 5 IIIE III= lll5 IIIE H IS lll= IIIH "|= l l l = » l ’5"IS"ISIU SM I=|||=l|l=ig nr Soft Hall Team TH EY'RE IN! in cool, Hospitalized Virginia Bestie has been in the Doernbefker Hospital for an op eration on her eye. She is expect ed home shortly. • • • Tonsiler-tomy Be.' ter Bukas entered the hos pital for a tonsilectomy last week. • • • Baby Boy Mrs. Frank Fanno is caring for the small daughter of her broth er, Merle Greene, pastor of Friends Rosemere Church of Vancouver, Washington. Mrs. Green gave birth to a son this week. • • • Week End Visitor* En route to their home in-An chorage. Alaska, following a bus iness trip to California, Mr. and Mrs. Qlem V. Pilip spent a week at the home of Mr Pilip's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Pilip. • • • Guests Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Noah Beslie this week were Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Beslie. of Olympia, Washington, brother and sisteri-n-law of Mr. Beslie. * ♦ ¥ WEST SLOPE all the Boys and Girls want “ Lollipop Set" Progress-M hit foni 4-11 Club Meets The McKay school 4-H Calf club met at the home of Chester Rob inson, leader of the group. At the Keeupe rating conclusion of »he meeting refresh Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Douglas ar ments were served. • • • The Men's Solit Ball team is be rived home on March 11 and on March 15, Mr. Douglas strick Auction ing organized. Noble Stephens has en with a heart attack and was The dairy auction at the home been appointed manager. The team is being sponsored by taken to Good Samaritan Hospit of Frank Kosmalski on Monday, nicely. March 31 drew a large attendance. Gus Johnson, Cecil Blachley, Fred al where he • is • recovering • In spite of heavy showers the auc Wilson and Cecil Wilson, local Home Sold tion was very successful. Owen businessmen. Meetings are held The John J. Reilly, Juniors, of Sudtell was the auctioneer. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 • • • p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Any Valley View Court until just re one Interested report at Garden cently, have sold their home to Gifts For Poland tQ%e Samuel Elmores and have Mrs. Joe Sawyer has been busy Home school. moved to Oakland Cal., where Mr. making gifts articles for her sis Reilly will act as manager of ters and brothers in Poland. Her Back On I>uty family has been receiving the MVs. Margery Smith had re Kahn’s Department Store. packages safely although some turned from an extended visit Enjoying Trip were a long time in transit. with her daughter in Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Graves • • • Oaks, California and will resume her duties as postmistress In the of Maple Bane in Benz Park are Many Friends Visit enjoying a trip of three weeks The past week has been a very near future. through the Southwest, according busy one for the W: D. Staat’s. to cards from them which were Overnight guests on Wednesday, mailed from Tuscon, Arizona. March 26 were Mi. and Mrs Sh^t- • • • tuck and family. On Thursday, To Attend Convention JUST RECEIVED March 27th, Mr. —, ! Mrs. Staats Mrs. W. Morgan Allen of Benz attended a farewell dance at the Park will leave April 9 for Med Masonic Temple given in honor of ford where she will attend a state those of the Agricultural Depart A Complete Line of convention of the D.A.R. ment who are being transferred to distant points. CHEN-Yl! 1946 PRICK SUPPORTS TO END On Sunday and Monday eve The end of this month marks nings Mr. Dana Reynolds of Wash LACQUERS, IJP STICK the close of operations under ington, D. C. visited with the price support programs for most Staats. Mr. Reynolds is from the 1946-crop commodities, Oregon Department of Agriculture. In and MAKE-UPS. producers are reminded by E. formation Division. Other activities included at Harvey Miller, state PMA chair Drop in and inspect the new man. Commodity loans on wheat, tendance at farewell parties given barley and potatoes mature Ap at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. SPRING FEVER SHADE ril 30, and borrowers will need Hugh McLaughlin and Mr. and to repay their loans by that date Mrs. Joe King m of m Portland. w or make delivery of the commod which is so popular. ity, Miller said. The purchase pro County Council Meeting The Washington County Council gram for winter cover crop seeds of P. T. A will meet at Beaver also closes on April 30. BR.5B39 Boans have been made to Ore ton grade school on Tuesday, Ap gon producers on 1,755,000 bu ril 8th, at 10 a.m. We would like shels of wheat, 21,000 bushels of to have as many of the McKay barley and 1,800,000 hundredweight P T. A. attend as possible. There The of potatoes. About 12,300,000 lbs. will be election of officers. of common ryegrass and 1900 theme, "Mental Hygiene.” pounds of hairy vetch have been purchased. red / lor Mrs. J. W. Williams recently moved to Huffaker Home return ed Thursday from a visit with The Raleigh Hills Girl Scout her brother in Eugene. Troop 120 took a trip to Mt. • • • Hood Saturday. Visit Camp Adair A chartered bus started from Mrs. Gus Johnson and Mrs. the Hy Samuels residence early in Howard Bindley made a trip to the morning. After stopping at Camp Adair and Salem on Mon Government Camp where skis and day combining pleasure with bus equipment were ien,ed, they went iness. on to Timberline Bodge where skiing, tobuggoning and sledding P u rch ase H om e were enjoyed until 3:30 p.m. when the The J. J. Brownlows have pur the girls were taken into chased a home from Bynden Young lodge for refreshments and an in spection tour of the lodge. on O’Brien Avenue. • • • Chaperones for the group were Returns To Garden Home Mrs. Hy Samuels, Mrs. D. D. El Mrs. Vera Melrose has return lis, Mrs. Walter Clancy and Mr. ed to Garden Home after spending and Mrs. Earl S. Briggs. • • • the winter in Boise, Idaho. • • • Mrs. William J. Mallen celebrat Choir Rehearsal ed her birthday on March 23 by The choir of Garden Home Com entertaining a few friends for munity Church meets Thursday dinner and bridge. • • * evening at 8:30 p.m. They are now practicing for their Easter New Management The Mobilgas Service Station lo program. New voices are welcome. « • • cated at Bertha Beaverton High way and Scholls Ferry Road has J-adics Aid Meeting The Garden Home Badies Aid been taken over by Ward Nelson. met Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Altkens. • * • Home Again The Garden Home P. T. A. is Mrs. H. A. Byman has returned sponsoring a Cub Scout Pack. The to her home on Mayo Avenue af pack was recently formed and 26 ter an absence of a year and a boys enrolled Merwin Bindgren is Cub Master. half. • • • • Den Mothers are Mrs. Bindgren, Mrs. Snavely, Mrs. Marrison and Moved Mr. and Mrs. H. Stillwell have Mrs. Bynch. Bill Miller is chair moved to Mrs. Biles’ house on Jae man of the committee. ger Avenue. • • • Cub Scout Pack Children 75c Adults $1.00 (girl Scouts Spend Dav at Tinil>erline Juice doten C A LA V O Each Gerber's, H ein: Clapps Dos. CATSUP 15c NOTICE OF SEABED BIDS Sealed bids will be received by Eleanor Duncan, Clerk, Beaverton, Oregon until April 28th, 1947, 8:00 p.m. for the Additions to the Bea verton Untoa High School, School IMstrlct No. 10 Joint, Multnomah and Washington Counties, Beaver ton, Oregon and will theif and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for openings will not be considered. Plans, specifications and form of contract documents may be ex amined at the office of Freeman and Hayslip, Assoc. Archts.. 304 Postal Building, Portland, Oregon, and a set of said plans, specifi cations, and forms may be ob tained at the office of Eleanor Duncan, Clerk. Beaverton, Oregon or at the office of Freeman A Hayslip, A-soc. Archts., 304 Postal Building, Portland. Oregon upon a deposit of $15.00, which will be refunded upon the return of the plans and specifications within a reasonable time. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s cheek or bid bond (with author ized surety company as surety) made payable to the Owner In an amount of not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. Surety bond (or honds) will be required in accordance with the terms of the contract documents. The School District No. 10 Joint Multnomah and Washington Coun ties. Oregon, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid aftsr the hour set for the open ings thereof or before award of contract, unless said award is de layed for a period exceeding 30 days. ELEANOR D l’ NCAN Clerk First publication, April i INT Second publication April 11. 1947 DELL S. PRICE Beautiful Lawns a Specialty New Lawns Constructed Old Lawns Renovated 4911 S W Channinq Wov CH 40S2 George Sez: In the Spring, o young mon’s foncy lightly turns to thoughts of love, going fishing ond portable radios. We can’t do anything about the party of the first part, but we love to talk fishing and we can certainly supply you with that new portable or repair your old one if it isn’t working so good. W est Slope Radio and Appliance Authorized Philro Dealer Br. 2069 Hunters... FOR TARGET PRACTICE and SMALL GAME— Here's what you've been waiting for. • 2, Harrison & Richardson Leatherneck Semi-Auto matic Rifles (Model 165) ........................................ $59.50 • 1, A Harrison & Richardson Shot Gun • 2, Marlin 22 Bolt Action Repeaters, Model 81 DL ............................................ ................................... $27.50 • 1/'Hi-Standard'' Automatic Target Pistol, .22 cal long rifle Model H D Military. Ladies. . . We still have some Stainless Steel Kitchen Ware on sale Priced from.............................. 35c to $3.15 Including Covered Sauce Pans -- 5 sizes Double Boilers • Frying Pans • Small Bowls And we carry all kinds of 'Spring Cleaning" aids Gardeners. . . We can take care of all your needs • Seeds for your Vegetable and Flower gardens. ( • All kinds of Garden Tools • Fertilizers and Pest Killers • Flexo-Glass for hotbeds Farmers... Come to us for Imlay's Vita-Milk Feed • Dairy • Goat • Poultry • Rabbit J.B IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. 8830 S. W. Canyon Drive Phone 6311 (Formerly Hiller Bros. Real Estate office) Kids! FREE TICKETS For You! For WALT DISNEY'S "SONG OF THE SOUTH" Showing April 15, at the Orpheum Theatre, Portland Tickets Will be given to all children under l 2 who come with the.r parents to LEONARD S & ERNEST'S And— we have— II $20.95 Song of the South" Records, too LEONARD'S & ERNEST'S 109 Watson Street RADIO ELECTRIC