Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1947)
i BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FR ID A Y , A P R IL 4, 1947 A GARDEN FOR GROWING CHILDREN CHILDREN ... - * M -.p i • « ! m ARE OUR MOST IMPORTANT POSSESSIONS T hey xhtm lil have the Itesl you ran ponsibly give I hem . . . . . We W ant Them In The Tualatin Valley to H a v e . . . . Good Companions . . . . Children who have the right kind of thoughts, children who play the right kind of games, chil dren whose language and manners will not corrupt your children’s training. Children whose parents you can admire and enjoy. A Healthy Body is one of the essentials of life. «lives you your start. V V Childhood Fresh air, sunshine, exercise, sleep, good food, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and good red meat are the ingredients of a healthy body. Live with us in the Tualatin Valley where there is room for gardens and fruit trees, room and opportunity for outdoor plav and exercise and cjuiet and peace for restful sleep. . . . . Childhood opportunities include good schooling, dancing, m u sic and swimming lessons; I ear ling howt o play tennis, «rolf, how to ride horseback, how to cook and sew; learning how to use their leisure time profitably. Children's opportunities include companionship of worth while men and women interested in children and their best development. Men and women willing to give of their time and effort to he leaders in children’s organizations. These opportunities can l>e your children's if you live in the Tualatin Valley. w While we have many advantages for our children, we need others. V Fun . . . . is the heritage of you th. It’s up to von to see that your children receive more than their share. Fun is made up of I m > vs , and girls, dogs and bicycles, woods and fields, pools and lawns, marbles and baseball, dolls and “jacks,” haymows and pastures, picnics ami church parties, catcher’s mitts and shoulder padding, children's clubs and double banana splits. Live where these are abundant. Opportunities come to those who plan their lives to receive them. Sponsored in the Interests of a Better R a le ig h Reoltor, Route 6, B ox 1 218, Portland, Ore. C H e rry 3 7 2 7 C o rn e r o f First and W a tso n Phone 3 2 4 1 C a n y o n R o od at W a lk e r Rood Rt 2, Box 154, Beaverton. Phone 3 7 9 8 Beaverton, O regon. Homebuilders Supply Co. " L e t 's ta lk H o m e b u ild in g " Beaverton, O regon. Phone 3 9 5 1 Hiller Bros., Real Estate 8 8 1 1 S. W C o n y o n R o od at W e st Slope P ortla n d 1, O regon. AT. 3086 C o n y o n R o od ot C e d o r Street, Beoverton. O re go n ___ ” We need community clubs and centers. We need organized entertainment for teen-agers. We adults need to know each other better. Bv organizing ourselves into working community groups we can achieve these goals here in our Tualatin Valley. Resto u ro n t C o n y o n Rood, between B eaverton and W e st Slope Leonard's & Ernest's, Radio Electric Phone 2621 r LET’S BEGIN TODAY! Valley by the F ollowing Business Men I. J. McMahon, Real Estate " W e sell dirt c h e o p " Beoverton, Ore Phone 3 8 3 1 8 9 0 1 S W C o n y o n Road at W e st Slope P orflo n d I, O regon. BR. 9 6 6 9 A. F. Spaulding Real Estate Lambert's Drive-In 1 0 9 W a tso n St Beoverton, O re g o n P Mueller Bros., Mobil Gas Ideal Cleaners Florence Beauty Shop Attractive wooded parks with picnic tables, outdoor cooking facilities and playground equipment. We need athletic fields for J younger children and adults as well as for the high school age. We need swimming pools. Tualatin Richard B. Holmboe, Landscaping Earl S. Briggs W e Should H a v e . . . . 8 9 0 7 S. W C o n y o n R o od ot W e st Slope Portlond I, O regon. B Eo con 4 4 3 3 Speedy Freeze Food Lockers Mkt. & Groc. 1 2 0 S. W C o n y o n Rood. Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2 7 0 4 Walker's Department Store " T h e Com plete Sh o p p ing C e n t e r" Beoverton, O re go n Phone 3 4 6 1 Thurlow Weed, Real Estate C o n yo n R o od ot W a lk e r Rood Portlond. Phone BR. 7 5 2 0 West Slope Beauty Shop 8 7 1 7 S W . C o n y o n R o od ot W e st Slope P ortland 1, O regon. BE 9 4 9 2 Beaverton Enterprise " Y o u r H om etow n N e w s p a p e r" Enterprise B u ildin g. Phone 2 3 2 1