THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CLASSIFIED ADS CASH M UST ACCO M PAN Y A LL CLASSIFIED ADS Count eo«h word, including Name and odd re»»—O N L Y 2c A W O RD No Phone Orders Taken M INIM UM 25c AN ISSUE SUBSCRIBER ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE We Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LT N O M A H PRESS A L O H A N EW S Complete Eastern W ashington County and W estern M ultnom ah County Coverage tf AUTOMOBILES WANTED Hum«'!« £ Busiiiew £ Handle* Phone Beaverton 3795 BUILD ERS A T T E N T IO N 6 level acres on highway east of Beaverton, near Kaiser pro­ ject. All surveyed and platted in­ Baby Chlx livery Tuesday Miller Hamps, Christie Hamps, to 16 over size lots. Graded street in. For more information phone Hollywood Wh. Leghorns. Order A Y N E A LE X AN D E R , Beaver­ early. Miller's Hatchery, Beaver­ W ton 2|kl5. ton, Oregon. Phone Beaverton 2918. __________________________ 51tf SPACIOUS LIV IN G ROOM WOOD FOR SALE: 4 i t slab- full width of this fine family wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel home. 8 lovely rooms ,all very Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. nicely decorated. Double plumb­ 34 tf ing, oil heat, cement basement. On an acre in Beaverton. ($18.- CO M M U NITY AUCTION SALE 000). Phone E V E R E TT MORGAN and lunch every Saturday 9:30 Beaverton 3795. a.m. Clackamas Stables on 82nd Ave., OH miles south Foster Rd., H A L F ACRE Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and attractive modern home just auctioneer. II west of Beaverton. Bireplace, hardwood floor, 2 bedrooms, 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, 322 floored attic. Nice grounds, chick­ deliver anywhere. Give location en house. On paved street, $8,750). with order. Stanford Laugtilln, MR. SYVERSON, Beaverton 3795. Carlton, Rt. 1. 9 FOR SALE LA R G E C O RN ER LOT SH AVINGS make good bedding for stock and scratch for poultry 124 x 227 on quiet street in Bea­ Just right for children. house floor. They are free at verton, Reedville Sawmill. ___________*7tf Nice bunglaow, neat and clean. 1 bedroom and bath down, one bed­ FO R SALE: Barn with floored room and small room up. ($5,300). loft to be moved or torn down. Also modern house trailer with Lots of good lumber Call Beav­ deluxe equipment. Sleep six. Still erton 3744. ^ new and a buy for $2,700. MRS MEHL1N, Beaverton 3795. F O R SALE: Strawberry plants. Howard McKee. Rt. 1, Box 881, SM ALL RANCH Beaverton. 20 acres near Hillsboro, well drain­ ed and cultivated. Good 6 room STOVE 'A D E ISE L O IL bungalow with fireplace, furnace Stove and Furnace Repair heat, cement basement. Barn, oth­ We give S & H Green Stamps er bldgs. ($15,000). MR. MAB'FITT. Call Beaverton Fuel Co. 3861 Beaverton 3795. or BRoadway 8291 F O R SALE—Chicken manure ap­ proximately 75 yards. You haul. Phone Tigard 2369. 8tf FOR SA LE —Poland, Berkshire, Chester, Duroc and Hampshire bred gilts, $57.50 each, and lots of smaller ones. Gotter at Scholls. 8tf FO R SALE: Brooder, ity. Good shape. C. Seuth on Watson St., beyond Allen on East Beaverton. 500 capac­ H. Laartz. 7th house side street, 10p FO R SALE: Rockhill Everbear­ ing Strawberry plants and shrubs. Call Beaverton 2249. David Lof- gren. Oak Avenue south of Farm­ ington Road west of Beaverton. lOp S M ALL SIZE girl's bicycle 20 inch wheel, 5 to 7 year size. Rt. 1, Box 102, Lake Road, half­ way between Bertha) Beaverton and Canyon Road. 10 BOR SALE: Little girl’s clothes, size 2 and 3 like new. Light blue Easter coat and hat; nice dresses; pleated skirt ,etc. 2 chenille bed­ spreads, 5.00 each; 2 sport coats, size 14, $5.00 each; maternity slack suit, $4.50. Rt. 1, Box 102, Lake Road, halfway between Ber­ tha Beaverton and Canyon Road. East of Beaverton Beaverton Phone Beaverton 2881 Hiway 6 Portland 3511 FO R TO W C AR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf Garbage Collection Service By month or contract H O H N STE IN A SCHAFER Clock Repairing Beads Restrung 4073 N. E. 16th Ave. Dressmaking A Hosiery Mending Phone MUrdock 2805 M. Smith, 613 S. W. Tualatin Hwy West Slope, Beaverton, Meadow- Across from “ Sky W ay” hurst and Cedar Hills. tf W E CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PO R K CUTS 25 years Experience A LD E R M A R K E T Lewis Bros. Cor. 1st and Washington SL PO R TLAN D , OREGON J^et s C alh Hom ebuilding Now available for Immediate Delivery "HOMEBUILDERS" SINK CABINETS • COM. 9924 Land Surveying 9 lu Ceiina The PILO TS AIRPLANE Rupert Flying Service Bernard's Airport Phone Beaverton 3840 a Competent, Registered Professional Lond Surveyor Office and Residence Phona CHerry 2365 RICHARD R. PFEIFER Surveyor 8000 S. W. Capitol Hill Road (N eor 19th & S .W . Barbur B lvd .) Portland 1, Oregon Size • 2 4 " deep, 3 6 " high, 6 0 " wide • Specifications ONLY $ 1 3 5 ’ 5 COMPLETE Ready to connect. Larger sizes proportionately priced Deferred payments m ay be arranged Homebuilders Supply Co. Beaverton, Oregon ART NEON S I G N CO. NEON SALES AND SERVICE Phone CH. 3711 9914 S. W . Pacific Highway YOUR PROBLEM SOLVED Let me show you in the privocy of your own home whot SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENT can do for you W rite or phone M RS. B E R T H A E. H O L LA N D , Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 3981 HILLCREST GROCERY LUZIER'S Contract and Shop Welding Portable Equipment Certified Electric Welders Acetylene Welding Operator! Coles Auto Shop 11033 S. W . Capitol Highway Portland I , Ore. Phone CHerry 3843 MEN'S and BOYS' Shoe Repairing and Rebuilding 9 Factory Method 9 2-days Service Hoge Shoe Factories LIVE POULTRY BUYER W. E. P E 6 G C. W. ZEHR Beaverton, Ora. PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDING ORCHARD LAYO U TS H. E. COX, Land 46tf P. » . HAGO Hauling Contractor Concrete, Band. Gravel, Maaona Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28. Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf W rite P. O. Box 221 Baoverton, Ore — PAINTING — M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon ESTABLISH ED 1910 PHONE B EAVER TO N 3411 By Day or C ontract CLYD E GILLEN Rt. 2, Box 67 Beaverton, Ore. tf ENGER BROS. Building Controctorg 3 8 8 Canyon Rd. Beaverton . 3931 or 2462 Portland, Ore. or leave jobs at 8033 S. W. 35, Multnoman Geo. F. Gordon Piano Tnning, Cleaning DEM OTHING - For Rent REPAIRING Rt. 1, Aloha, Phona ALOHA 6612 To Schools, Churches, Clubs, Etc. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Cutting , W rapping, and Preparing M eat for Your Locker Meat at Wholesale Price« G. C. (DON) HUGHES We Buy Livestock T H R IFT Y M ARKET Multnomah, Ore. Phone CH 2 2 4 0 Home, Tig ard 3 5 6 3 W IL L DO CUSTOM RUG W EAVIN G in m y own home. Customers must furnish m aterials. And can bo used as public address system HOWARD W. SMITH MRS. A. M. COGSW ELL. Rte 5. Box 158 Portland, Ore. 6p r. 3*31 er 2462 GARBAGE SERVICE BY Kitchen Specialists John Peterson Tigard 3206 See us when you Plan to Build Free Estimotet Guaranteed W orkm anship 6 2 0 S. H all St. Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beoverton 3283_______ Howard W. Smith KITCHEN CABINETS BUILT INS LINOLEUM LAID Everything Furnished Groding - Generol Tractor W ork T ille r Tracto r W ork New Law n - M aintenance Road Grading Road and W all Rock Short Roads Spray and Brush BEAVERTON TRANSFER CO. All Kind« of Hauling PHO N E Surveyor J . H . Simpson, Tigard, Ore. For Asphalt Paving Driveways — Parking and 128 S. W . T h ird Ave. 16 M M. SOUND PROJECTOR AND M IKE LANDSCAPING — SEE— Stoker H as 3 year Guarantee Free Estim ates given Coll UN 1174 or UN S711 W e also clean and repair stoves, furnaces & oil circulating heaters • Wood cabinet with high grade white lacquer enamel fin ish . Lin­ oleum top and drain boards. Cast iron sink. Chrome H ardw are w ith swinging faucet and dish spray. SURVEYING Phone Beeaverton 2592 6 2 0 S. H all St. Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3283 Constructed, sewers connected, e x­ cavations, shovel or trench hoe. Schuli Bros. Sanitary Service Portland Tobor 3 2 3 5 9tf M E TA L W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . Rock wool Insulation blown In for free estimate write R. E. Ell- son and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285, T i­ gard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 2197. tf Registered Florence Engar Rt. 1, Box 658 Beaverton Beaverton FUEL CO. For OIL or SERVICE BEAVERTON 3861 or BROADWAY 8291 388 S.W. Canyon Road The MONTH OR CONTRACT COUNTRY'S BEST DANCE ALOHA GARBAGE CO. Kinton Grange Hall Saturday Night, April 5 G. C. M ILLER , Owner P O. Box 2S4, Aloha, Ora. 46tf Door Prizes WE CAN RETIRE YOU At Age 50 A U T O M A T IC W rite for our Plan OIL BURNERS GLENN E. PRINGLE 2SS PMteck Block CH-3640 Rao. 10th 4 Washington AT- 2777 Portland 5 (Day or Nitol PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS J & B Concrete Products 3rd and Lombard B E A V E R T O N , OREGON WATER Immediate D elivery on " E V E R E D Y " . "Q U IET -H EA T " "O 'BRIEN " No Down Paym ent - 3 yrs. to pay FREE ESTIM ATES Coll W Eh «ter 4313 Associated with Tony Schulz Co ., 5771 N . E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon WELL DRILLING PADL E. ROSS Ronte 1, Rox 237, Aloha H. V. JOHNSON Beaverton, Or. W e Give S&H Green Stamp* Aloha, Oregon MASON C. H EID TKE ROTOTILLING REFRIGERATION By the Hour or Job Guaranteed W orkm anship Rt. 3 Box 6 7 2 , Beaverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 3 102 I Phone C H erry 3 9 0 2 SERVICE Phone Beaverton 30 7 I HARRY LUDWIG I Mortarless Building Blocks ^ Highest cash prices paid for * G. J. BLUM, Rep. cream and eggs at your door; Rte 6, Box 1186, Portland I picked up once or twice week­ ly —call or write Forest Grove Creamery. Forest Grove. Oregon Phone 126. lOtf L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED ROCK | TR AC TO R W O R K : Plowing, disc- O PEN SUNDAYS Are you having trouble selling : ing and general garden work. J. your car? I f so, I'll sell It for you I A. Lincoln, Rt. 1, Box 429, Bea­ at yc lr price for a small percen­ verton. Phone Beaverton 2713 be­ 5tf tage, or pay you cash for It. See tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bob at Bob's Used Car Lot. East Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc­ HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A LEE BROS.. U SW tion. 46tf I specialty. DR. O L IV E R S Clay Portland. AT. 5S34. tf W AN TED : Furnished apartment in Beaverton dtatrlct. Steady em­ P A IN T IN G A PAPKRHANG1NG Work Guaranteed ployment, would like permanent Work Done Promptly place to live. Call Beaverton 2321. ( A l l , CHerry »175 52tf “ 7 *itml/y -ft* trie* 46tf W A N TE D : Woman for cleuning 7 7 2 3 S. W . Capitol Highway one day each week. Phone Bea­ PLO W IN G G R A V E L Y R O TAR Y Ch. 1607 M ultnom ah, Ore. verton 2387. 10 A perfect seed bed In one "A cro ss from Grade School" Operation Aloha 6437 5tf BUSINESS SERVICES B U LL SE RV IC E by artificial In­ semination. No membership or re­ R O T O TIL L IN G work done by hr. L E T “ J E F F " S E LL IT taining fees. Phone Beaverton Quick Sales—Everybody Satisfied or job. Eldred Caster. Rte. 2, Bx. 3511 or Portland Commerce 9924. 223, Tigard. Phone T(gard 2935.5tf HOUSES—A C R E A G E —LOTS 51tf Reasonably Priced DEAD or Worthless Stock picked H E N R Y H. J E F F R IE S up Free of Charge Anywhere. On Highway nr^ Short Street Phone Beaverton 3981 tf Prompt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States BUILD IN G —CABINETS, all kinds Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. Forms, Subdivisions, Lots A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc­ and LAND SCAPING . Acreage, Orchard Tracts cessor to Denley Rendering L. H. B R A W A N D A ccu rate, Reliable, Reasonable by HI Metzger, Oregon CHerry 2929. 52tf Company.) For your individual Cosm etic requirement consult Cesspools - Septic Tanks Pumps FOR SALE: Tractor. 1928 Dodge motor; Ford truck rear end. Rub­ ber tires all around. Hydraulic brakes with carry all box, $100. Eldred Caster. Rt. 2. Box 223 Tigard. Oregon. Phone Tigard 2935 10p FOR SALE 7 Toulouse geese, some 3 year old mated and lay­ ing. take all for $35.00 P. L. Schultz. Rt. 3, Box 279. Sherwood Oregon. lip DR. N. E. JOHNSON DR. R. E. KOENIG Veterinarians C o n te J / t... STOKERMATIC FOR SALE: Westinghouse Elec­ tric Range, W. W, Stram, Rt. 1. All kinds of poultry. Prompt pick­ Box 11, Aloha. Vi mile north of up service. W ill weigh and pay Aloha on Wheeler Avenue. 10p cash at your place. W rite Guy G. Foreman, Rt. 15, Box 640, Port­ 8tf 26 IN C H R O T O TILLIN G . Eldrcd land 16, or call TAbor 4394 Caster, Rte. 2, Box 223, Tigard. Phone Tigard 2935. 18 R O TO TILLIN G CHerry 3914 FO R SA LE : Girl’s shoe roller 22p skates, size 5C with case and tights if wanted, $7.00. E. J. Johnson, corner of Stacey Ave. E X P E R T SAW F IL IN G and Johnson St., Aloha. lOp Phone Tigard 2391 FO R SALE: Electric poles, C. Across street from Tigard Bank Topich, Box 1094, Beaverton. Near 10p Cooper Mt. School. 10p FO R SALE: Blue Tag Marshall Strawberry Plants C E R TIF IE D by Oregon State College It pays to plant the best. Phone 5502 or write United Growers, Inc., Salem, Oregon. 11 • VINCENT LUMBER CO. FOR SALE: Tap pan side oven gas range, model $27.50. Come atld see it 7424 S. W. 33rd, Multnomah, Oregon. W black Phone 10 VETERINARIAN Geo. C. Ludwig FO R SALE: 250 capacity oil FOR SALE: White enamel wood brooder. Complete with tank, $20. range. Practically new. Phone Ti­ lOp Phone CHerry 1917. For Sale: gard 2655 after 4:30. complete cement block chimney. Phone CHerry 1917. 10p BUSINESS SERVICES FO R SALE: All wool dressmaker suit, size 20. Beaverton 2455. I P A P E R IN G — Painting A Kalso- P L O W IN G & D IS C IN G mining, neat, experienced work­ Custom Tractor Work man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A D. P. MacDONALD Beav. 2260 Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 R O T O T IL L E R Tractor work done by the Job or by the hour. Ex­ 40tf cellent results for gardening or tf TILLER WORK preparing for new lawns. Call CEMENT WORK Earl Webster. CHerry 1383. 10 By the hour or job F A M IL Y LA U N D R Y , finish or A ll Kinds — Prompt Service Gardens Tilled - Lawns Prepared MODERN B R IC K B U ILD IN G rough dry, cash and carry. I Free Estim ate C. A. SEARCY on highway east of Beaverton. block north of Metzger post of­ PLOWING - DISCING Rte 1, Box 93 - Beaverton, Ore. R. W. Pepin Built for use as gas station and fice. IS New Equipment - 2 —4 " Plow Residence, I m ile East of Beaver­ store, restaurant or tavern. A1 1515 S. W . Jefferso n - Apt. 9 Reasonable Hourly Rates ton on corner Bertha-Beaverton so 4 nice large rooms for living. PLO W ING , DISCING & LE V E L- Portland, Ore. highway and Lake Rood. Oil furnace heat. One acre, ideal ing. Ford Ferguson Tractor. T i­ Ph. T A 7 3 7 5 or Res. A T 8079 C. M. MARTYN motel site. 2 new gas pumps, gard district. Call evenings. T i­ Rte. 3 , Box 4 9 9 Phone 13p P A P E R IN G tanks included. Price, $25,000. gard 3145. A P A IN T IN G —10 Beoverton TA bo r 4 6 5 6 Phone Beaverton 3795. STOVE AND DIESEL OIL B IL L M A TZK E : Garden plowing years experience, reasonable rates, and general tractor work. Leave First Class. Free estimates, Call STOVE and D IESE L O IL: Stove GAS STATIO N & T A V E R N " orders Peter B. Case. Phone Bea­ BRoadway 0218, R. W H ITLO W , and furnace repair. We give S & Metered Oil Service on main highway west of Port­ verton 3521. 18p 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore. H Green stamps. Call Beaverton tf land. Tavern with bar and booths. Fuel Co. 3861 or BRoadway 8291 4 rooms for living, cement base­ D ELIV E RE D 7tf LANDSCAPE, Pruning, spraying, ment. 2 car garage, lube hoist, grafting. New lawns and rocker­ etc. 75 x 300 lot. bides, includ­ ies. Call W. A. Green, Beaverton ROTO TILLING ed. Price $19,500. MR CROSBY, 2967. 44tf Beaverton 3795. A complete line of BOX R E A L T Y NURSERY STOCK Ruihlinfg - RejHiirinf! Phone Beaverton 3795 W rite for New Catalogue. 11102 S W Capitol Illw a y C1I. ISIS "A Complete Lumber Yard” On Canyon Road At Ellis W e Deliver Anywhere Cernvnt W ork Villa Ridge Nursery 10 B. R. STEVENS F A IN TS — SASH — PLUM BING 1 1333 S .W . 64th on Barbur Blvd. Phone 6191 — Aloha, Ore tf 8 A. 1-A TIM BER, creeks, rest Portland 1, Ore. Phone CH 2928 Free Estimates in cult, extra good soil; fine N O TICE: Our cream and egg view. New addition. S. W. T i­ ROTOTILLER WORK pick-up trucks operate weekly in gard. Gaarde Road. Box 456. Phone Beaverton 2377 your territory, highest cash prices Phone Tigard 3263. lOp paid for cream and eggs, field ser­ R. B. Mueller Rte 3, Box 38 8 Beaverton FOR SALE: Barn 14 x 20. Either vice on separators. Call or write, Low Cost Automatic Coal Heat South V ista Ave. move or tear down. Phone Beaver­ let us call and talk over the value ton 3293. 10 of skimmed milk as a low price Aloha Oregon One Day Service - Immediate food compared to other -foods for Delivery LOTS: 75 x 100, 3 blocks from chickens, pigs, calves or turkeys. Beaverton school. Phone Beaver­ Forest Grove Creamery, Forest Speciol Introductory Offer ton 2584. 12p Grove, Oregon. 4tf 2 Tons of coal FREE with each FOR SALE 9 FO R SALE: Good family goat, to 9 freshen soon, reasonable. Also Maytag washing machine. Rt. 1, FOR SALE: Master Chev. 1933 Box 103, on Lake Road Vi way be­ J. F. Brooks. Phone Tigard 3496 tween Bertha Beaverton and Can­ Two miles south of Tigard 10 yon Road. 10 FOR SALE: 7.25 cord 4* old • dry or part-dry R O T O T IL L IN G work done by the growth slab; hour, $4.00. D. C. Pixler, North on range and furnace wood 12" or Johnson St., Aloha. 10p 16". O A D FUEL. CHerry 3790. 11 FOR SALE: Buckeye Brooder stove, $12.00. Phone Tigard 3368. 10 > BUSINESS SERVICES L IV E PO U LTR Y W A N TE D : An> size lot. Top *ceiling prices. Write or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- 1 star 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th Port­ land 13, Ore. 29 West Suburbans i I BUSINESS SERVICES W ANTED FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1947 j Home Com m ercial MAYFIELD Sand & Gravel W e move dirt - Put in F ills D irt and River Silt for Sole 6 " - 0 Rock for base For Excavating, Plowing and Lown Leveling Coll CHerry 1036 MEAD'S Westdale Nursery Now Blooming I 19 S W . Scond ond T u cker Sts., Beaverton, Ore Primroses and Camélias Complete line of Fruit Trees Azaleas - Strawberry Plants Phone Beaverton 2266 Ph Portland BR 4706 eves 1 mile East of Beaverton on Garden Rock for W a lls CEDAR MILLS, BEAVERTON Phone 6389 Bertha-Béaverton Highway BATTERIES A LL TYPES - GUARANTEED REBUILT A LL GROUPS — Wholesale and Retail W rite or phone for details and prices Kelly Motor Co. j Beaverton, Oregon Phone 2701