BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1947 GARDEN PLOWING and Church of Christ Easter Services CULTIVATING with Rototiller* RICHARD B. HOLMBOE Landscape Construction SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES ST C E C E L IA C H U R CH L A T T E R -D A Y S A IN T S Masses 7 a. m.—8:30 M oose Hall 10 a. m. j Main St., H illsboro, Ore. ______________ j T he E aster service o f the V at Sunday S ch ool at 10 a. m. United Preaby Sacram ent m eeting at 6:30 p. m. V A L L E Y COM M UN ITY C H U R CH ley C om m u n ity terian C hurch will be held at U N ITED P R E S B Y T E R IA N Don C. Marley, B ranch President. A bout 25 new m em bers S. W . Gabel Lane and F airw ay Dr 10:30. will be received by the con g re­ R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor H IG H W A Y C H A P E L 10:30 a.m.. M orning W orship. gation. E aster m usic will be fu r­ Canyon H ighw ay S i Mill St. nished by the ch oir under the Serm on T op ic: "T h e R isen Christ Orville J Poulin, M inister d irection o f John J. Doubt, Jr. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. T here will be presentation by BETHEL M orning W orship, 11 a. m. the Sunday S ch ool and m em bers C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R CH E ven ing Service 7:45 p.m. Lenten Thursday night service, 7:45p.m. 6th and W atson Sts. P hone 3385 o f the con gregation o f self denial banks, con tain ing of- R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, P astor 6:00 a m , Com m unity Eastei ings for the needy people o f the P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CH U R CH Daw n Service with R ev. H. W. world. F arm in gton at Menlo In the evening at 7:45 p.m. the H ebblethwaite. B eaverton, O regon 9:45 Church School — Special ch oir o f 25 voices will present E rw in A. Gerken, P astor the E aster Cantata, "T he G lor­ E aster Service. T el: 3441 11:00 a.m.. M orning W orship. ious G alilean" by W ilson. Solo­ Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. S erm on : "The Easter G lory.” R e ­ ists will be Mrs. R. H. Gollihuer, Divine service 10:30 a. m. Mrs. L. R . Johnson, Miss Arden Lutheran H our, K A L E , 9:30 a.m. cep tion of new m em bers. 8:00 p.m. Bethel church is c o ­ A rm field and John J. Doubt, Jr. A cordial w elcom e to all. operating in the C om m unity Choi T he accom p an ist will be Mrs. A. us presentation o f the E aster C an ­ H. K lug. A LO H A C O M M U N IT Y tata at the Church o f Christ. B A P T IS T C H U R C H G rayden D. Loree, Pastor. C H U RCH O F C H R IST C hurch School, 9:45 a.m. Miss Second and Main Sts. M ary A ntrim , Superintendent. G eorge W . Springer, Pastor M orning W orship, 11 o ’clock . T he m orning service at 9:45 a.m. T eens Club and Junior B.Y.F., will he a special E aster service. 6:30 P.M. T he R esu rrection o f the Christ Special music and readings in E ven ing Service 7:30 P.M. will he observed in the B eaverton k eepin g with the spirit o f E aster C hurch o f the Nazan|ie, in the will be given. A LO H A A SS E M B L Y O F GOD T he sermon topic will be ‘‘ R es­ Sunday Sch ool hour and at the M orning W orsh ip Service. Sunday School 10 a. m. u rrection .’’ 7:45 p. m. E vangelistio service. T he Sunday S ch ool which m eets T h ere will be no Christian E n­ Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. d eavor Service. at 9:45 will present its E aster F rid ay 7:45 p. m. Y ou n g peo­ A beautiful and inspiring E aster p rogram con sistin g o f R ecitations, ples service. C antata will be presented at the songs, and exercises. F orm er at­ R ev. R llla Mae Stephens, pastor ch u rch at 8:00 p.m. by the Bea­ tendance records are expected to be broken. A lasting souvenir o f verton Com m unity Chorus. C E D A R MTLL T he Midweek Bible study and E aster will be given all in atten C O M M U N ITY CH U R CH prayer service will be Thursday dance. T he E aster story will be pre N.W . C ornell near B arnes R oad 8:00 p.m. Mrs. A ntrobus will be Sim on E. Fornberg, M inister the leader. The top ic will be sented in son g and serm on at the 11:00 W orsh ip H our. "T h e H oly 8318 S.W. C anyon R d., B E 8698 "R igh teou sn ess.” C ity” and "R a b b o n i" are tw o o f Sunday Bible School, 9:45 a. m. the special songs to be sung and M orning service, 11:00 a.m. F IR S T M E TH O D IST C H U R CH Y oun g P eop le’s H our, 7:00 p.m. the E aster m essage. "H e Is R isen 4th & W atson Sts. In deed" will be brought by the R ev. Everett L. Bo-vers, P astor ST. M A T T H E W Res. 1002 S. W atson St. T ele: 3405 pastor. B eaverton and vicinity is co r ­ LU TH E RA N CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Church School Easter dially invited to w orship the res­ (form erly W est H ills) program . on this Easter C anyon Rd., near Sylvan 11:00 a.m. E aster W orsh ip Ser­ urrected Christ W ern er J. Fritz, M inister vice. Baptism s and R eception o f Sunday. m em bers. Serm on: "H ave You A n ­ E A S T E R SU N D AY. alyzed E aster?’’ C hildren’s Service, 9:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Presentation o f Easter Festival Service, 11 o 'clo ck T he serm on: “ His R esu rrection and Cantata, "Behold the K in g” —Nolte by the Choir. Ours.” 8:00 p.m. C om m unity Chorus W elcom e o St. M atthew ’s. at the C hurch of Baptism al rites fo r children at presentation Bethel Church School will pre­ Christ. 12:15. sent the E aster S tory in color G round B reaking Service at 3:30 this Sunday with beautiful K oda- p.m. at new church site, C anyon ch io m e slides. R oad at Johnson Road. E veryon e is invited to attend W ednesday, A pril 9, 8 p.m. Mis­ this service w hich includes hym ns sionary Guild will m eet at the on slides. W e hope to set a new hom e o f Mrs. W illiam Schoeler, Bethel Church celebrated Palm record fo r atten d an ce: the Church 3551 E. Burnside. Sunday with a com bined service School has doubled its average church and church w eekly attendance in the last 3 C H U R CH O F T H E N A Z A R E N F fo r both sch ool. The story o f Palm Sun­ years, so it should be possible to L eonard C Johnson, P astor day was told and “ T he P alm s” excell all previous records for E as­ P hon e 3691 w as sung by R obert Barnes. ter Sunday. E A S T E R SU N D A Y. L arry Cady B arnes and Claudia 9:45 a.m. E aster P rogram in the K ingsbury were baptized. The Sunday School. It Is anticipated ch oir sang “ Jerusalem ” by P ar­ that previous attendan ce records ker. will be broken Blaster Sunday The serm on topic, illustrated m orning. w ith a w orld globe w as titled, 11:00 a.m. E aster W orsh ip Ser­ "T h e G reat P rocession .” The vice. Special music, am on g w hich church was crow ded and every­ "T h e H oly C ity ” and "R a b b o n i” one en joyed the service. STOVES AND FURNACES will be ,s u n g and a m ixed trio (Palm Sunday even in g wa bofh will sing. m arked by a service “ T he Man T he E aster M essage, "H e Is GAS AND OIL o f G alilee” in scripture, poetry, R isen In d eed " will be brou ght by song and art: scripture and poet­ the Pastor. ry read by D olores Carlson. R ob ­ T here will be no even in g ser ert Jackson. N ancy Shofner, D a­ vice due to the C om m u n ity C hor­ vid B uffam , Donald M etcalfe, Jan­ us concert. ice Osfield and B arry H oaglin. JO IN IN W O R S H IP ON T H IS Solos "O H oly N igh t” sung by GLAD E ASTER D A Y! Alpha, Ore. H arris H an son ; "H ym n o f the Last Supper” sung by Mrs. H ar­ H F.K D V IM .K C O M M U N IT Y ry B arnes; "O pen the G ates of P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H the T em ple” , sung by W illis Cady. R ev. W m . G earhart, P astor Sunday S ch ool 10:00 a.m. Mrs. John W . W heeler, Supt. W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Y ou n g P eop le’s C. E. 7 p. m. There will be special services at the C hurch o f Christ Easter Sunday m orning. On the program there will be a piano solo by Charlotte Thom pson, "A n gel's P rayer” ; a reading by Mrs. L. M o Keel, "A P ortrait o f C h rist;” an anthem, "H e Stood A m id the L il­ ies” will be given by the ch o ir; A rleta B oge will give a poem and G eorge Springer, Jr., will give a trum pet solo, "T h e H oly City." Canyon Road at Walker Road Rte 2, Box 154, Beaverton Phones Beaverton 3798 BRoadway 0051 MAYTAG SERVICE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LIN E OF M AYTAG PRECISION PARTS COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES SMITH WAY PER MAGLAS WATER HEATERS MAGIC CHEF RANGES Buy on Easy Insured Credit Grauer & Ackerman Everything in Heat — Home Appliances Air Conditioning Phone 2699 One Mile E. of Beaverton on Canyon Rd. ID V Ä BILL’ S GREENHOUSE A Something you should know! We now have the most modern up-to-date lubrication equipment in the Northwest. We Don't Do A "Grease" Job but tie will give you a lubrication job unsurpassed W e will thoroughly lubricate all parts of your ear. EASTER LILIES (Wholesale and Retail) Place Your Order Note All Kinds of BEDDING PLANTS PANSIES (4000 to rliooie from) PRIMROSES GERANIUMS (3000 to choose from) Ida & Bill's Greenhouse Friendly Circle Club Meetin «• Bethel Contrregational Cliureh 6th and Watson Streets REV FRANCIS T. STURTEVAN T, Pastor Residence 473 So. Main Street Telephone 3385 EASTER SUNDAY 9 :4 5 A M. Church School — The Easter Story in Color Eleven m em bers o f the F riendly Circle m et at the hom e o f Mrs. V. A W o o d in P ortlan d on T h u rs­ day o f last w eek for luncheon. R oll call w as answ ered with hum orous notes w hich had been prepared by the a ctin g vice-presi­ dent. In a novel guessing contest Mrs. Albert Schultz and Mrs. R . B. Scott w on first and second prizes respectively. Mrs. W ood was assisted by her sister. Mrs. C atherine Martin. I 1 :00 A M.— The Glory of Easter G. V. Lawton Reception of Members Special Easter Music 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 radiator and hoses 44 fail and belt . all your tires clean all your windows sweep and dust out your car. We will positively serve you well with skilled men always ready to give SERVICE, May we convince you on your next lubrication job? We will call for and deliver your car within a two-mile radius. t 24-HOUR SERVICE Let your worries be our responsibility. THANKS FOR STORTING ! K E L L Y MOTOR CO BEAVERTON, OREGON Phone 2701 DeRvei;*6. Q U A L I T Y CAMERAS S p e c ia l F e a t u r e s J p j j j j j ^ S p e c i a l F e a tu r e s a v 2 ° n<" ,>eCOnrJ t0 1 e x p o su re 3 J M a n o r o n a s t.g m a t F 3 5 o r E 4 5. p e rfe c t >r co lo r p h o to g ra p h y A u to m a tic u re ta b le . M ,e r I 8 o p The t i c exp o s- A ll in p re c is io n s t a m p in g s (New and Used) • n ter i*to /u 4 coasts wuApmiA£\ Phone 3691 Gas and Oil TETRA ETH YL 5 „ * 1 ” HOURS 8 A. M to 10 P. M Saturday -- 8 A. M to 12 MID EASTER SUNDAY "H e is not here • for He is risen ns He said. place where the Lord lay." Matt. 211-6. Conte see the JOIN IN WORSHIP, THE RESURRECTED CHRIST, THIS EASTER SUNDAY $4750 *5350 $6995 Precision 35 mm. M 0 V IE C am eras Cinemarter II c , s ,pnc „ $ A A .9 0 Mercury II CA M ERAS M O V IE O O f* 2 8 ,ens VO KAR 8 "oo r viRSAL >69» $ F )C F 2 8 lens P r A ;0 . A1.c rrO | eC T O rS .25 “ .5 0 * 7 R e ve re F 2 5 lens 5 7 ' 50 8 mm. REVERE S s f A t f V 00 500 w......... * * 16 mm. V A L E T T E $ 0 4 7 SPARTUS S i ^ 50 ■w Revere $ 1 1 / V 00 Turret head ■ I W $128.00 DON'T FORGET TO ENTER Aloha Barber Shop * iC T K r a m i e n 's Finishing S napshot C on test A P R IL I to A U G U S T 31 *•'*"•’ , Finishing Hillsboro Prices Match Portland Prices Where Special Attention is given to Children as well as Grown-ups KRAMIEN'S Hillsboro L. C DRUGSTORE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS KRAM IEN . RA Y W 50 750 w .........X i # 1« mm. EXCEL S r ¿7 5 LEKTRO 16 mm. Electric Driven M agazine Camera "HALLELUJAH" SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A M — EASTER PROGRAM Recitations — Songs — Exercises A Lasting Souvenir will be given all in attendance EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE— 11:00 A M Special Easter Music, Trio, and Duet. Easter Message— "He is Risen Indeed" 120 Film (2V4 > 3'/«) East of Beaverton • Motor Overhauls • Brakes Relined • Tires - Batteries and or Canyon Rd. & McLain Drive Special Prices sh u tte r E v e le v e l q u .c k a c tio n v .e w fin d e r a n d w o n t a l v ie w fin d e r - M ^ re le a s e 9 COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS BETHEL CHURCH W ILL WELCOME YOU L E O N A R D C. JOH NSON . P astor 44 44 44 Ehrlich Plumbing & Appliance SHRUBS. Etc. * * * * 44 Immediate Delivery Also check your battery ami terminals 44 Palm Sunday At Bethel Church for i m Church School Easter Morn Make Your Headquarters at 1 I Have A Telephone Nazarene Church Easter Services Spring Modernization Suggestions "H E IS RISEN" ch u rch has n ot y et determ ined its delegates to be sent to the W om en ’s presbyterial, to be held R everend H. A. A rm itage, pas­ at the sam e ime and in the same tor o f the V alley C om m unity church. United Presbyterian Church, has been asked to deliver the E as­ ter m essage at a Joint sunrise service o f the M ultnom ah Uni­ ted P resbyterian and the E van ­ gelical R eform C hurch o f Mult­ nomah, to be held at the E van­ gelical R eform Church, 6:30 a.m. E aster m orning. C. B ryan W a lk er and R ev. H. NOW! A. A rm itage will attend the m eeting o f the P resbytery o f O regon as delegates from the Beaverton 3799 V alley C om m unity United P res­ byterian church. T he m eetings are being held in the F irst Italian C hurch in P ortland beginning at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, A pril 10. T here will be a popular m eet­ ing in the evening at 7:30. The sessions will con tin u e F riday Appliances m orn in g at 9 o ’clock , through DOUGHTY'S 12 noon, A pril 11. T he M issionary Society o f the Rev. H. A. Armitage To Give Easter Me»»u$ie Easter Service at V alley Comm unity M EADOW S - - REGISTERED PH ARM ACISTS Phone 261