BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, March 28, 1947 Cedar Mill Garden Club News Extension Unit to Meet April 3 Basket Social Successful Scout Troop 281 4 Time Winners T he B asket Social given by the A t the C ourt o f H on or held at Cedar Mill Garden Club m et on W ednesday afternoon, M arch 19 B onny Slope Com m unity Club was T igard H igh School M arch 20th. at the G range Hall. It was decided enjoyed by all who attended. T h e the B oy Scout T roop N o 281 from B onny Slope was aw arded the to m ake an entry from our club p rogram given was as follow s: Vv eicon ,< by Marlene Rainey. Tualatin D istrict Plaque for hav into the horticultural division o f Girls Chorus Lois H arrington. ing the highest num ber o f achieve the prim rose show. Mrs. W . J. Attend Grange A nniversary H ohnstein ,s in chaig«* o f ar Y vonn e Thomas, Sybil Taylor, De- m ent and advancem ents points per A large grou p o f Leedy G rang boy. This m akes the fou rth con loris Head and Carrol Olson. rangem ents fo r tne entry. er* attended the 30th anniversary P ian o Solo— W ood N ym ph F ro secutive tim e fo r them to win. An invitation was received from pot luck dinner and celebration T he follow in g boys cam e up the A loha Garden clu b inviting lic - by Judy Brutke. M emories — Carrol Olson and fo r class m erit badges: at K inton G range on M onday eve our m em bers to attend their m eet ning o f last w eek Mr Y ork as F rank M arvin— P ublic Health, ing on A pril 11 at the Iiun>r Hall F rank Head. * * • sisted b y tw o friends put on a R ock-a-bye Baby — Geraldine P ath fin d in g and sw im m ing. at 8 p.m. dancing and m usical act in behalf Jam es H anson — Pathfinding, Mrs. Eisenhauer spoke on the Batke. H ealth and Personal o f Leedy Grange. Little Annie R ooney B everly P ublic benefit to garden clubs available The Boy Scouts o f T roop No. through the Federation. . . . Health. T ia ch sel and Byron Head. 207 were hosts on a recent Sat R onald S heddy —< Swim m ing, D on ’t Fence Me In—Janice Me- H ostess An invitation to attend the B ea P ath fin d in g and P ublic Health. M rs. H. E. A nderson was hostess urday to 25 S couts from the B ea verton Garflen Club plant sale on F arren and Jim Khinebold. verton troop on the site o f their D oyle Leslie — P u blic Health, S ch ool D a y » Marlene R ain ey F riday w as extended. M any Bea on F riday night at a pink and cabin which is b ein g erected as P ersonal Health and Pathfinding. blue show er h onoring Mrs. Erm a verton G arden Club m em bers w ere and Alien M cFarren. time and w eather perm it. B oys My W ild Irish R ose—Claudia B oys advanced to first class Bruce. present at the m eeting. from the local tro o p cam ped o v ran k — R ich ard Stearns, Dwayne • • • In ch arge o i the flow er ar G rosse and Dick Stearns. ernight on the site and report W hen You and I W ere Young, Leslie, F rank Head. rangem ents fo r tho m eeting were Club M eeting an Interesting time. B oys aw arded Secon d Class Mrs. M attoon, Mrs. W est and Mrs. M aggie- Doris Galbraith and B ob • • • G range H om e E con om ics club M erit B adges— R a y R obbins, Art, M cFarren. W . J. Hohnstein. will meet on W ednesday, April Lyle K ingsley has been s u ffe r P ersonal H ealth and P athfinding. C larinet Solo— Frank Marvin. An interesting talk was heard 2 at the home o f Mrs. S. T. W al ing from an ear In fection fo r the R obert M cF arren — P athfinding. D uet— Shirley and D oris G al on "G arden D esign” by Carl Mas- ters. past week. R alph Salm on— H om e Repair, key. He listed m any deciduous and braith. A crobatic Dance—Sybil Taylor. P ath fin d in g and P ersonal Health. evergreen shrubs w hich are use Allan M cF arren — P athfinding D uet—Jean Cambell and D oro ful in the garden. and Personal Health. D o o r prizes were won by Mrs. thy Hanson. • • • P oem —Herbert Trachsel. Jr. A. 8. Funston and Mrs. L. W. P ian o Solo—Helen Rainey. S uccessful Party K ingsley. Mrs. W est donated a T ap D ance—Dorothy H anson and flat o f fo x g lov e plants which The Card P a tty given by the* were given to those w ishing tnem. R on ald Sheddy. B onny Slope C om m unity Club was P oem — James Rhinebold. a huge success. T he pinochle Much credit goes to Mrs. Jam es B oy Scout Chorus — R onald prize was w on by Mrs. E d B artel W alters fo r her roll as hostess in a score o f 5050. The charge o f serving o f tea and Sheddy, Jim Hanson, D ick Stearns sk y with cookies. A beautifully decorated F ran k Marvin and D w ayne L es cribbage prize w as won by Adolph B atke with a score o f 847. The table was the cen ter o f attraction lie. A P la y - The Bonny Slope C om d oor prize was w on by Mrs. Head. with Mrs. M attoon’s floral center- R efresh m en ts w ere served. piece o f d a ffodils, spirea and for- m unity Club: • • • C haracters: sythia o f m uch beauty. D oyle Leslie as Frank Snyder, Church Calendar P resid en t; Dwayne Leslie as A rt Sunday School every Sunday at B artelsky, Secretary; Jim H anson 10:00 a.m. as Jess Smith, Treasurer; F rank C hurch every Sunday at 11:00 M arvin as Maurice Hanson, Sgt. a.m. at A rm s; Ron Sheddy as Cal M a r vin, m em ber of the house com .; A t the P a ck m eetin g o f Cub C arol R ainey as N orm a Snyder, * Expert Car Washing Scout P a ck No. 506 on F rid ay C ivic C om .; Jean Batke as Ethyl and Polishing night at the Cedar Mill sch ool- M arvin, Sick Com.; Betty Stewart house the follow in g boys received as P earl McLean, D irector; P r r - gram com m ittee, Lois H arrington awards. * Brake Lining and R onald Kingsley, silver arrow as A lice Sheddy; Donna H arvey and Bear B ook ; Daniel Peterson, as H elen Hanson. Adjusting W o lf B adge; David Larson. B ob cat pin and M elvin Hanson, W elbo Speed L im it Signs * Expert Lubrication T he Civic Com m ittee o f the Rank. In the absence o f the scou t master, A rthur Pearson w elcom ed B onn y Slope Community Club has * Flats Fixed Melvin H anson Into the Scouts. been doin g a very fine job. The C ivic Com m ittee has speed lim it Stunts were given by the va r ious dens. E xhibits o f Den 3 signs put up on Thom pson R oad. T his is just one o f the m any were judged in first place. things the Bonny Slope C om m un ity Club has made possible for W eek End Sight Seeing Mr. and Mrs. N. C. R ush in g and the com m unity. * • * son Johnny visited Seaside and the Lew is and Clark Salt Cairn on V K W Post 824* T he V... F. W. Post 8247 has a recent w eek end, reporting S oft Ball practice W ednesday West End of Y in Beaverton much o f interest seen there. I even in g and Sunday afternoons 355 Tualatin Valley Highwaay Phone 3961 at the B onny Slope C om m unity Club grounds. Let’s have a big BEAVERTON, OREGON turn ou t from now on. W hether you are a veteran or not, com e and get limbered up. CEDAK MILL NEWS r BEAVER THEATRE Friday and Saturday— March 28 and 29 DOUBLE FEATURE Roy Rogers and Trigger in "Under Nevada Skies" Deodline For Murder" Kent Toylor. Troop 207 floats "The Big Sleep" Humphrey Bogart, Louren (con you whistle) Bacall Cartoon and Newt Wednesday and Thursday— April 2 and 3 "Jungle Princess" Dorothy Lamour - Roy Millond Short • Towing, Day or Niglit • Use of Chevron Credit Card • Visit our complete “motor tune- up” shop. We have the latest in equipment. The FIRESTONE Store SCHULD & SWETLAND Iii Service \\ itli S b l Prices Effective March 28 - 29 - 31 D C A C r C A j or CU T BEANS No. 2 Tins <f pO Case V ¿ ¿ • O V 6 79c COFFEE i^ Ground 35« HUNT'S PORK & B E A N S .............. 2 '/i tin« 13« TOMATOES Standard 25« eo NUBORA BLEACH, V i gal 2 for 25c OLEO ESy 39« CORNED BEEF HASH ................ CHEERIOS 16 oi. 29c Aloha, Ore. 2 25« FRUIT CO CKTAIL, 2 Vi size ............... MILK All Popular Brands Case 39c $5-59 MARASCHINO CHERRIES, 14 ox. bottle 19c Phone 6125 Individually Tailored to "S u it" You Nora's Dressmaking Accredited Teacher of Violin and Violo 700 feet from Canyon Rood on Murray Avenue and LADIES APPAREL ANNE SYVERSON NORA CARLSON Logan's Welding and Supply in Aloha Choice Pansies Corner First ond Tucker Streets Beaverton SWISS and JUMBO G IANTS PRIMROSES CA R N A TIO N SW EET W ILLIA M SEEDLING PERENNIALS W ELDIN G— OF A LL KINDS Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building Pyron & Son Nursery ! Phone - Beaverton - 2981 . Farmington Road to Lang Ave. 4 Blocks South on Lang Avenue from Main Highway R I C H A R D S Barber Shop Immediate Delivery Personal Attention STOVES and FURNACES Owned and Operated by both Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards GAS and OIL on NEW BATTERIES Daily Service to Portland ond Hillsboro 24 Month Guarantee ALOHA SUPER . SERVICE SUNSET PRODUCTS Beaverton Florists Aloha, Ore. EHRLICH PLUMBING & > APPLIANCE Phone 6332 Phone Aloha 64 I 1 Aloha Ore We Give S & H Green Stomps On Lombard, just S. of Allen ORDER YOUR NEXT WINTER’S FUEL NOW Phone 296S Carlson Garage Welding and Machine Shop SEPTIC TANKS CLEAN ED LINES CHECKED A DV A N CED ESTIM ATES O. E. BERGLAND «521 Aloha 12 or 16 inch slab wood, 2 cord loads into Beaverton LAN DSCAPIN G EVERGREENS C A M ELLIA S — A ZA LEA S $ 12.00 Machinery Built to Order GENERAL REPAIRING ILEX NURSERY Mixed Wood l cord inside I cord slob into Beaverton for Cars, Trucks ond Tractors BEAVERTO N 2614 1-8 mile West of Beaverton $ 14.50 Tires Standard Oil Products Sawdust 2 V2 Unit loads into st 2Vi loc Beaverton Phone 6301 A LO H A , OREGON $ 12.25 Beaverton SANITARY SERVICE Carnation Fuel Company Phone 3634 For Regular-Efficient Pickup I e Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 31 8M Open till noon Saturdays TRUST j * ! PLUM BING Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks Morse Pumps 3eaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 M oving In New H om e Mr. and Mrs. F rank Snyder are m oving in their new home. T heir new hom e is next d oor to their old one. It m akes It m uch nicer when it com es to m oving. Y ou r R eporter A . E. B artelsky R out* ft, B ox 508 P ortlan d 1 .Oregon News New SPRING SUIT RuthAnn B. McKenzie From our own green Houses CLEARWATER - HAVE YOUR Complete Beauty Core Cut Flowers Potted Plants BONNY SLOPE NEWS Cartoon Aloha Beauty Shop The Army & Navy W illiam G. Sandberg, ch ief m et- alsmith, husband o f Mrs. R uth L. Sandberg o f R oute 1, B eaver ton, is serving aboard the repair ship USS Amphion. Sandberg entered the Naval Service in March, 1940 and re ceived his recruit training at the Naval T rain in g Center, San Di ego, Calif. • • • A. L. M innick, 19, seaman, first class, son o f Mr. and Mrs. S. F. M innick o f 90 Stott St., Beaverton, recently visited the Japanese port o f Sasebo, while sevring aboard the destroyer USS Kyes. M innick entered the Navnl ser- v lc July 26, 1945. and received his recruit training at the Naval T ra in in g Center, San Diego, Cal. • * • P rivate R onald H. Shay has re cen tly been assigned to the 674th P arachu te Field A rtillery B attal ion, now stationed In Jinmachl, H onahu, Japan. E nterin g the A rm y in Septem ber ’46, he w as sent to F ort Bliss, T exas, to tak e his basic training In Field Artillery. XTpon com ple tion o f this trainin g he was given a short delay en route after which he reported to Fort Law ton. Wn.. and shipped oversens. A rriving at Y ok oh a m a on Jnn. ’46 he enlisted in the 11th A-S D ivision and was further assigned to this unit where at the present he Is taking advanced Field A rtillery training P rior to entering the A rm y Shay graduated from high school. He plans to attend O regon State co l lege and m a jor In Fish and Gam e M anagem ent. - (A ll pictures subject to change without notice) Cub Pack 506 Receive Awards • Lubrication • Gas and Oil Also News____________ Sunday, Monday and Tuesday— March 30, 31, Ap' i ' CHffro/V GASSTATION BEAVERTON Phone 2482 The Extension U nit M eeting will be held T h u rsd a y afternoon, April 3 at 1:15 p.m. at the home o f Mrs. N. C. R u sh in g on W alker Road. Miss Beryl S coth orn , assistant home dem onstration agent, will be present to speak on “ S electin g E l ectrical E quipm ent." E lection o f officers will be held fo r the en suing year. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Oregon Mutual Policies are N » -A S S E S S A B L E . You NEVER poy more than the premium an th« face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized in 1894 W A LK ER ond NELSON, S2 Years of Reliable Service Agents FURNACE & CHIM NEY CLEANING By Vacuum,. Work Guaranteed by Licensed Operator. Cover Territory from Reedville to Portland. S T A N L E Y ANDERSON Phone Beaverton 3552________ 4 8tf i New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. 1 . to give expert work- I manship and fine material j j on all jobs. Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon DILL PICKLES ....« 29« KRAU T, Home Style quart jar 19c THRIFTY MARKET Slor«* H o u r* — <> A . M . It* 7 I*. M. 8 1*. >1. tin S atu rd ay I We take good care of your car • r Cd/Tvqom. SlC N A ll SERVICE j r Canyon Road at Hall Jfr \ Beaverton, Oregon omn — '( sT V, f MV WORD T h C y r e JU ST . <KXX> HEAVENS' WHAT A RACKET' ) BOVS.' « fe . Jss? Take advantage of our FREE Delivery— 5 mile radius . . bring your body and j fender work to us. By Gene Byrne* REG LAR FELLERS ------------------------------------------------ ^ Phone 2011 y 1 ( t IÍ \\' / CA LM Y ’S E L F , M O M - - WE J E S T IN V EN TED A NEW WAV TO PLA Y X CH ESS/ J S ! ? STREAM LIN ED - T /5 -^ V ,T ' CARR : I Chevrolet Co. »n i ? / .***, TF/ vyACtr ’ Beaverton Phone 3261 Phone Orders taken not later than l P M \ I j Oregon j Phone 3333