Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1947)
« BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, M a rch 28, 1947 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE f ROGER W . B A B SO N 1 STATE LEGISLATIVE TOPICS their willingness to support Mc K^anon* for lahiir’a Kay, come 1949. In the House, Chang«* In Attitude Frank VanDyke of Ashland,. has Published Friday at each week by the While strikes will remain a nui the inside track for Speaker. A Pioneer Publishing Co., ot Beaverton, sance, a thorn in the flesh, if you poll of the House shows Van Oregon. Entered os second-class mat will, of industry throughout 1947, Dyke the favorite to handle the ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore- the fact remains that ths inci gavel next session. During each gon. dence of strikes has tumbled ap session, it is customary for the preciably since November (July “Cleaning is a measure of civil speaker to invite many of the 720. September 541; November 477; ization.” other members to the rostrum Subscription Payable in Advance “ Modern civilization depends Babson Park, Florida, March 21. December 228; January 191). to preside for an hour or so. Ona Year .... ............ ______ $2.00 -—The economic well-being of any attribute this change for the bet for its existence upon cleanliness." which gives the lawmaker! a good country 1» largely determined by ter to: The above statements have been idea of those who have the nec (a) the fact that price controls quoted in the past and are worthy (a) the amount of food, ho: ics, essary “it” and "know-how” for have been lifted, which al of our attention today. The cause clothing, recreation, etc., which is such a job. During this session, produced by its people; and (b) lows a greater latitude for of some diseases today can be the two outstanding boys have H a v e you ever wondered Tit It bargaining; the way these goods and services traced to lack of cleanliness.. been Van Dyke and Jack Gieen- divided up among you and me <b) the political complexion has wood of Clackamas County. The whether the method of heal As spring is arriving most peo P88Utÿf^448 Jiliflft are and our neighbors. If, therefore, changed considerably in re ple do extra cleaning often called latter presided like a veteran a ing disease, overcoming pover we are to be prosperous in 1947 cent months few days ^.go during a hot debate housecleaning. Indeed this is a we must piodqce. We cannot af restoring harmony and was called upon to make sev ty, and (c) a warning handwriting is good practice and much is accom ford to lose another 110,000,000 eral important rulings, which he which C hrist Jesus employed very clearly upon the wall plished during that period of the man-days through some 6,027 handled in grand style. for future strikers, Messrs. year. However, if careful thought strides as we did in 1946. can be successfully used now? Green, Lewis and Murray is not given as to where the de Strikes on the Wane State Capitol, Salem, Oregon, all have sense enough to bris and waste is placed, much For on answer in simple un It is my belief that the struggle know that under present value in the cleaning process is March 26th, 1947. The lawmakers derstandable terms attend of both houses are doing their between management and labor conditions continued belig- lost. BIG MONEY—Levi was in the has already begun to slough off. It may be hauled off away from level best to ring down the final bog money with plenty of graft on erence and aggression can Of course, there wil lbe continued only lead to'public hostility the premises, thus getting it out curtain on the 44th Legislative As the side and no one to stop him. demands for small wage increases. and a possible immediate of the way, but, where? The writ sembly by next Saturday night, But he quit it all cold the day Where industries cannot afford retaliation from the new Con er observes frequently, that the March 29th. However, many vet Jesus stepped in to say I'OLLOW political observers say it 'further basic wage increases there gress. In the light of these roadside is a convenient place. eran ME. Right off Levi (Matthew) ¡will probably be demands for cer trends I predict that 1947— Such practice is to be detested can't be done if the lawmakers had the urge to bring others to tain concessions as portal-to-portal much to the surprise of from every viewpoint and of are to pass properly and orderly, Christ and he threw a big feed entitled M O B ILH E A T pay, paid sick-leave, increased many employers and em course is contrary to state law. on the flock of -bills which are still and bid in all the crooks—and on the calendars of both houses. paid holidays, health and welfare ployees alike—may see the It is well agreed that it is un If such is the case, banging Jesus also. funds, etc. Burner and Stove Oil fewest critical labor disputes sightly. Occasionally the “cleaner-upper” down the gavel for a sine die ad FATHER AND SON—God will There is no question but that since 1939. realized this, so he has another journment won’t be heard until ed it and Christ did it. God willed some of these demands are legi Wage Outlook timate. The real trouble Is that For 1947 recourse to make. He may really the middle of next week at the the universe and Christ created G ILBA RCO OIL earliest, which will be April 2nd. it. All things were made by him many of thm are simply camou As a result of this return to be "in the business” of cleaning This session has now run 73 days, —BIBLE. Whatever God willed, flage to cover up the real strug normalcy there have been during up, so «.o avoid the unsightly, just BURNERS gle between the unions, owner- December and January some wage a few feet away from the road an all time record, and it is a that Christ brought through. God management and the government increases for workers in the side and back of a tree or behind cinch to go at least 76 days, with would prove his love for the lost. for the control of Industry. Know Trucking, Clothing Stores, Cotton the bushes, makes a “convenient” a good chance of reaching the So it was that Christ came dc vn 80th. Night sessions may be nec from heaven, took human birth ing this, both employers and em Textiles, Printing, ,P a i nt i n g place. Only a week ago septic ployees ought to muster every Plumbing, and Shipping indus tank sludge was found to be dump essary in order to wind up the af and grew up as the Son of Man. by Robert Stanley Ross, C.S.B. ounce of courage and common tries. You can expect that where ed 30 feet from a surfaced high fairs of this session, if they are He was God the Father’s love for of New York City PHONE to adjourn this week end. How the strays and so you see Him at sense in order to negotiate wisely, unrest continues, the greatest way north of Hillsboro. Other examples could be given ever, many of the legislators buck Levi’s feast among the crooks, not only for their own mutual pressure for wage increases and Beaverton 2871 benefit, but for thV ultimate pres fringe concessions will probably of waste being dumped such as against working nights, arguing with them but not of them. Member of the Board of Lectureship DESI'ISED—At the end, de pf The Mother Church, The First ervation of our American way of come from the Shipping indus garbage, trash and other refuse. that the day is long enough put in attending committee meetings spised and rejected by men, He Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, or material life. tries, Motion Pictures, Chemicals, Trash and burnable before and after each day’s ses took our sins and died under them Mass. Household Furnishings, Radio and should be kept separate from wet sion. BEacon 6555 for us. God the Father saw the Metal Fabricating. Reason: The garbage. Th'ngs which will burn One potent reason advanced by desire of the unions to share the should be so disposed of with pre the crystal gazers as to why this anguish in His heart and was sat M onday evenina. March 31. isfied that He had suffered to the at 8 oclock reputedly high profits in these caution. session is almost sure to go until full, all the pains of eternal hell Another type of waste that businesses. StIBSC’KIBKK ADS? April, is because of the many con in the edifice of Fifth Church of Frankly I am not now too con home owners overlook is liquid troversial bills which have as yet for your every last sin. Up from Why, they are those useful Christ, Scientist, 4 2 2 4 S E cerned over this upheaval. I be waste such as water from kitchen to he passed upon by either the the grave He arose and today He stands at the door waiting. Re little cards you get with your 62 nd Ave. lieve that after union labor has sinks, laundry water, and septic House or Senate. The House has ceive Him into your heart as your subscription for free classified Last week such wastes secured real power, it will find tanks. A M E R I C A N -C H IN E S E the hot labor bills to vote on, plus ads in your newspaper. that its employers are better were found to be drained from the community property act and own Lord and Saviour. Open to D IN N E R S The Public is Cordially friends than its labor leaders. La neighbor homes through a culvert several other measures equally Him—Obey Him—Prove Him and let Him become your All in All. across the highway into a pasture bor will not give up collective controversial. Over in the Senate, Fine Food - Ample Parking Invited to Attend CENTRALLY bargaining and certain other priv of a dairy east of Beaerton. LOCATED 2 mi. North of Tigard Such practices are not just un* the Toga Men have the 3 ’ per cent ileges; but it will listen more to R A D IO C A S T O V E R KWJJ sales tax, the big truck bill, the Close to bus trans 11 130 S. W. Barbur Blvd. the advice of its resident employ sightly, indecent, etc., but are a school bill and other measures S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland port a 11 • n a " d ot 55th Ave. ers than it ever did before. This definite hazard . to the public which will be the occasion for 4th 1, Oregon. This space paid for by w alking distance means that when the liberal inter health. Many more cases can be of July speeches. So, all in all, a Seattle family. Dancing After 9 from downtown. i r rm 11 n it n 11 l n n n r n c i : ests are faced with full responsi cited of such conditions in all if the boys get out of here by bilities, they become much more towns and cities of the county. Saturday, it will be a wonder be-1 conservative and demand "checks This week in the business and cause of the very important legis-1 and balances” for their own pro residential section of one town lation still in the mill. That's the raw sewage was observed stagnat tection. reason many of the rail birds be Let me show you in the privacy of your own home what a The Need For the Fraetlre of ing and trapped right off the lieve the lawmakers will be here street. SPIRELLA F O U N D A T IO N G A R M E N T Basie Principles “Civilization Is moving. West.." next week laying eggs for Easter Bear in mind these truths, how can do for you Sunday Morning — colored ones ever: Three fundamental econom True it is and Washington Coun too! W rite or phone M RS. B E R T H A E. H O L L A N D , Beaverton, Ore. ic principles must be understood ty has and is increasing in popu Phone Beaverton 3981 __ before we can realize any true lation. It all means a big job to ..................... — ^ /fol The usual flock of appropria measure of prosperity. These are: be done in maintaining proper en tion bills are just beginning to ar (1) Only by increasing our na vironmental sanitation rive in the House. Many budget M0ITICIAN tional production will there be requests of the numerous depart SW FO U R T H AT M O N T G O M E B A negro was teliing his parson more to divide; (2) Our true na ments for the biennium have been YOUR N A M E A T m t s r *181 tional Income can be increased that he sho nuf had finally gotten cut by the lawmakers in an at most readily by extending free en religion. The parson probed: “And is you tempt to scale down the deficit terprise with a minimum of in- which is confronting tilt state, terference by government bureau- s^° You se Konna laY aslde sin” ’ but some have been increased. Best “ Yas, suh, I’ze done done it!” crats. (3) The masses are on the WEST END “ And is you gwine to be good guess is that this legislature will march and we should not handi 8RU.WOOD BRIDGE adjourn leaving the state in the Trellises Nam e Plaques Lawn Ornaments to yo nelghbah?" cap legitimate desires to better "red” by at least 8 million, which “Yas, suh, pahson, yas suh!" kV '"â n t¿¿> 4 T^t7 * V . their condition. CREMATORIUM “And is yo gwine to pay all yo the 1949 session will have to wres ♦ \ Cu t U / ( * V ^ tle with. Of course, if the people, debts?” MAUSOLEUM The jury had just brought in a \\ * Hi ‘ ig»p Ninth and A lger Sts. Beaverton, Ore. The convert turned and looked pass the 3 per cent sales tax at verdict of acquittal in a murder the special election on June 24th, RESERVATI ONS Br.OJli CEMETERY Phone 2331 trial. The judge frowned, adjust aghast at the parson. “ Now look everything will be "jake”—but if WEEK D U S 5-11 ed his robe, and snapped: “What out pnhson—watch out heah yo they don’t—OH BROTHER- we Complete Funeral Service In New W oodw orking Cabinets Remodeling possible reason can this jury ain’t talkin' religion now. Yo is will be back on a warrant basis Cathedral Chapel at No Eatra cost talkin' business!" have?” O PEN SUNDAY 1 - 10 just like we were during the de Riverside Is a co-operative asso The foreman responded: "In* pression—Remember? ciation with assets of over $800,000 Ask for any use your “sub sanity, Your Honor.” * * • scriber. ad” cards when you The Judge leaned forward: “ All The lawmakers have sugared twelve of you?” order your hometown paper. the 3 per cent sales tax bill AND ■pMiNM»msiiisiiiaiii3immsmaii«ih3iiisnisiiiaMsiii=iii2iH£iN=iii=iii=iii£ii‘ HOW —which they hope will make it much easier for the voters to swallow. The 2 cent tax on each package of Cigarettes will auto Investigate the matically be repealed if the sales tax passes but in any event, it will expire in two yeais. Anoth !!! er dose of sugar is the increase ■are Is an oloetrto f s that > ■ HI granted for income tax exemp W e invite you to examine our = assure voa a rompletelv functional tions, which will be raised from in LAID M O RTARLESS M A S O N R Y !!! heating and air eondll lonlag plans $750 to $1000 for single persons WITHOUT S Y S T E M O F RE - IN F O R C E D jf, for your home or bustneee. and from $1500 to $2000 for mar MORTAR B L O C K C O N S T R U C T IO N . = ried persons, if the people vote in O Designed for basement ar em Concrete Blocks are ideal for ¡¡j the sales tax. ~ it r room Installation. any type of structure (homes, ¡¡j 'H A campaign crew, consisting of O May nee eonvrntlnnal Knot- business buildings, retaining § work. rerlatere and heating In- people representing all walks of T i walls, garden walls, etc.) M a - jjj ( Ion. life, is now being organized on a sonry Building Blocks are a j|j O May be ntlllyed te replace an 'I1 state-wide basis to campaign for eiUtlng furnace. natural base for stucco and 5 the sales tax. General headquar ¡Ti plaster, which gives you on in- 'i1 O Kqulpped with “Modsflow," ters will be established in Port the miracle furnace rontroL sulated, moisture-proof, fire jjj I ill and every county in the and termite-proof wall, at low = land For Free Estimate $ See, Phctm*, m maintenance and buildinq cost. U! state will have a flock of workers or Writ* spellbinders “carrying the M O RTARLESS I N T E R L O C K - fii and ¡M INC, B L O C K S D O N O T RE- = message to Garcia.” The propon ni ents of the sales tax tirmly be- Q U IR E S K IL L E D W O R K M E N HI TO L A Y T H E M B L O C K S ||| lieve that this is tile psycholog- in ova,loble foV' immediate ""tieiiv^ Ul"* to ^ t o v e r the ta* »*>4 4450 Garden Home Road PATENTED ijj HI | know it is now or never. Thev Phono CHcrry 1334 v S I expect only a minimum of oppo- ili = sitmn and i n gleeful over the M O R T A R L E S S BLDG. TILE CO. "' fact that many Granges and oth er farm organizations are on their III Fanno Station, Near Progress side this time. A slam-bang cam paign is in the offing, which is 1 Hi iwoy 21 7 on R.R. track, or write 4 3 4 N E. Buffalo, Portland 1 1, Or. scheduled to start immediately af NEON SALES A N D SERVICE ter this session adjoin ns. I f you have a building problem, Stanley W. Netherton. Publisher Ballon Discusses Lahor ami Wage Prospects for 1947 Community Housecleaning Or Behind the Bushes How Does Christian Science Heal? • ii* â Æ Quit Job Cold McCALL Oil Co. A FREE LECTURE “ Christian Science:* | A Satisfying Religion^ T A I- P IN G Terrace YOUR PROBLEM SOLVED m J. P. Finley & Son Riverview Cemetery Tlendefa C H IC K E N «». S T E A K O lH M tO S TUALATIN CABINET SHOP Titan Metal Products ot Portland, Oregon — Before Yon Build DOW ELECTRIC FURNACE mriMiti Present BUILDING? RECONVERTING? w l i I' CAPITOL ELECTRIC ART NEON Phone CH. 3711 W . E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon ESTABLISHED 1910 PHONE BEAVERTON S411 20 or 24 feet wide . . . a s long as desired . .. i n 1 ? f t e x t e n s i o n s S I G N CO. 9914 S. W. Pacific Highway ROTOTILLING Bv the H our or Job H A R R Y L U D W IG Rt. 3 Box 672, Beoverton, Ore. Phone Beaverton 3 1 0 2 G. J. BLUM , Rep. 9 Coming political events are be Rte. 6, Box t 186, Portland Phone C H erry 3 9 0 2 ginning to cast their shadows McKay of Marion IfiglUaHIginiHSIWRIW WE WRWI lIR W W III S I M E I I I I W « — »«WgtHRIMgWgjÿ Sen Douglas County, is figured a n n bet to capture the Senate Presidency next session McKay row has 6 pledged votes, which is a mighty good start and several other hold 5 4 ” Stainless Steel Single Compartment, over senators have expressed $100 00 Faucet and Spray 6 6 ” Stainless Steei Double Compartment Esler Sheet1 Metal W orks Tavern Equipment Custom Built F U R N A C E R E P A IR A N D C L E A N IN G Let Us Stop That Downdraft FO R D E P E N D A B L E S E R V IC E C A L L US - CHarry 3594 8 0 0 5 S. W. Capitol Highw ay 5130.00 Faucet and Spray !. 9 6 ” Stainless Steel Double Compartment, Faucet and Spray ...*. De Laval SEPARATORS — M ILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT A N D SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY # These building approved for Title 1 FHA Loans r<^£ ' 9 tirr' 1 You can get immediate aervict on your selection of a "Quonaet” for your own particular use. $175 00 ilktiroek Criiell McCready Lumber Co. F. D. PECK, Manager Old Canyon Rood Beaverton Tit, “ Quonset” ia the answer! Y ou’ll / P o , 7 Cor. ] 5nd more than 2S7 adaptations t COaee,n h Northwest o f "Q uonsets” for farm, in- dustry, m e r c h a n d i s i n g and " t home buildings . . . practical, J i low -cost, brand new build ings that will serve as im pl ement sheds, l i v e s t o c k sh elters, barns, po ul t r y houses, storsge buildings, IM M E D IA T E D ELIV E R Y loading stations and hu n dreds o f other uses. FRO M P O R T L A N D ... (M R ) 1MING CORF. j, DAIRY HAN~J 1825 N.W. Vaughn Sf. ATwater 1389 Portland 9, Ore. Phone 3821 132 N. W. Pork AT. 6461 PHOtti, wane ar wnte today .' y