BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, March 28, 1947 ALOHA PERSONALS M odern Equipm ent T he A loha M ercantile G rocery has a new F rigidm ist A ir con- -| if—' —i vegetable tray. A lso a frozen food cabinet so the pub­ lic can see what they are buying, thereby giving better service to the up and com in g pu blic o f Aloha. • • • TIME TO START Thinking obout that EA STER DINNER F r ie n d * Who Said Pork was $1.00 lb.? We Have the Best Loin R o a s ts ............. 59c lb, Pork C h o p s..............69c lb. Shoulder Roasts . . 53c lb. Pork S t e a k s ............59c lb. Link Sausage........... 65c lb. Bulk Sausage........... 55c lb Cuts Well Trimmed and Lean MILLER'S FOR BETTER FOODS WE DELIVER Sunday t aller* Mr. and Mrs. Dee F loyd and I tw o child ten were Sunday callers at the Frank E pplett hom e on N. Stacey Avenue. T h ey will have their place ca ll­ ed, "T h e R obin 's N est” 2 m iles south o f Oswego open for business in 4 or 5 weeks. Mrs. F loyd is Mr. E pplett's niece. • • • H ouse Guest Mr. and Mrs. G eorge G ordon o f S. W ashington Ave. had as a house guest last week M iss Lois M ulliken of Los Angeles. She is a cousin o f Mr. Gordon. • • • llln e** T h ere are ever so m any children absen t from school this w eek on a cco u n t o f illness. • • • Attended Prom D on T urner cam e to w ork last Satu rday m orning at the E co n ­ om y G rocery pretty well all in a f­ ter being out the evening before to the Beaverton Junior Prom . B ut he soon pepped up when he got to handling the fresh veg ­ etables and lovely flow ers. I I I Buy Meat With Confidence Phones Portland BR 7960 Beaverton 3661 I * * • 7 Out O f II Mrs. R o y R ande is the ch am ­ pion fisher. Out o f the eleven they enught out from the G aribaldi Mrs. T. B B lair and daughter bay and out from Nehalem ri­ Gayne will leave later to be with v et she Caught 7 out o f the 11. her m other fo r a time. * • * V acation T im e Ge is hom e r~ >rge G ordon, Ju nior I II« huat fo r a w eek o f sprin g N. > vacation from the U niversity o f O regon, Eugene. Chet Buk ken's n o r im n im r im r h n »» neem osopum SOMEONE S A ID ... You con afford to be an optimist with our seeds. Beets, carrots, cucumbers, chard, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, beans, celery, leeks, spinach, onions, bago? squash, squash, tomatoes, Kohl-Rabi, parsnips, ond “DAO ASKED THE WAITRESS IF SHE SERVED CRABS. SHE SAIO.YES.WHAT 00 YOU WART? Rubber Gloves for Household Use Ruto- Ehonettr We have all these top-notch, tested Seeds. OtIK MANDEVILEE TRIPLE*J’ESTKD FLOWER SEEDS in all varieties will assure you garden success ( ome in ami clioost • the I,intis yon mint 59c Pair Neoprene, form fit, long wearing Latex Gloves 69c Pair SACCHARIN TABLETS "Y ou r icork it i as g o o ti as I lit totils you list’" is more than an old saying . . . . Give yourself the break of "good equipment" i We have all the regular garden I tools and many special ones to make the job easier You owe it to yourself to see our collection. Some of these are: Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Trowels, Hand Grass Shears, Weeding Trowels, Spad­ ing Forks, Hedge Clippers, Pruning Sheors, and many others You'll have to see in lots of 100 to 1000 in V a Grain G O O D HEALTH IS J PRICELESS ••W 1 WISH YOU f m THE BEST> Rathbone, run over and tell Airs. Twaddle we're to meet the girls at k.inpdey’ tt. Tli«*\ ju*i got in a tfliipiiH'iit of Oak FI ooring. They have practical Sectional Kitchen Cubi- net*. Itnilt-lii Ironing Boards. Hardware and Dutch H on I’aint*. KINGSLEY UAWTON IUMBCR Co. A . - . T A y PH O N E B EA V ER TO N 3201 3— S. W. Farmington Dairy G oat We have one brand new shiny blue and ivory Girl's Bike for salo J. B IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. Phone 6311 100% wool, in sizes 38-42, in tons, grays, and blues, plain and checked, have arrived Price $10.95 And . . . Beautiful Launa Cloth “ Benmar Sport Shirts" in small, medium and large In plain soft colors, $8.95 Our "Adam s" Hot Line is Complete New Apartment Mr. and Mrs. R . T. Brannon have m oved into the recently com pleted apartm ent room s In the La Due home. B. T. W ALTON SHOE Made to Measure Clothing REPAIRING All Work ( ziiuranteod S p e cia l. . • We have boys tee shirts Two for the price of one 2 for 98c Hurry, we also have a Limited Supply of OIL CLOTH W HILE YOU W AIT SERVICE CHAMBERLIN'S Saturday Afternoon WAIKER'S D E P A R T M E N T STORE PHONE BEAVERTON 3461 “ The Complete Shopping Center** Origin Of Cedar Mill in 1859 Bob M assingill Y oun g John H alsey Jones and his father, Justus Jones bought a stand o f cedar eight miles from P ortland and started a small but long living com m un ity, nearly a century ago. A fter roam ing the w oods south as far as Salem and up and down the W illam ette, you n g Jones cam e upon a w on derfu l stand o f cedar just over the hill from the new but thriving P ortland. Because of the beautiful, fine cedar stand | Jones nam ed it C edar Mill, a name w hich has lived since 1859 Father and son built a dam and crude saw m ill on C edar Creek, a stream w hich carries Its original name. T he old mill pond boundar­ ies are still clearly seen from the present C ornell road. The old type sash up-and-dow n saw which was operated by a large water wheel was the Jones' first sub­ stantial tool. T hrough the sum­ m er when the w ater was too low to run their power, the elder Jones and his son John would fell and buck thé fine cedar trees until autum n when the creek fill­ ed the m illpond and so gave them pow er fo r the reliable water wheel. It was a one-m an saw m ill with Justus as the mill crew . Son John was the sales force and In full charge o f transportation. He would load a tw o-w heeled cart in the m orning, hitch tw o sure-footed oxen to the load o f ced ar mill output, and head for town. It was usually a full day’s trip and he generally arrived at night fall. Next m orning he would sell his lum ber fo r cash and supplies and go plodding back hom e, to repeat this w eary cycle the next day. F or a year they logged, sawed. hauled and sold. The father and S h ock«! > son made money. When their lit- | Seems as if life is ju st one d .-¡g- tie enterprise o f lum bering had nabb....ed thing a fter another ten gained them enough, they left the years ago we w orried about hav- K»n.. 4 i r . . i ---- ---- 11.. Cedar rs I _ . Mill %r:n beautiful and a friendly ing a ch ick en in every pot—now and m oved three miles up the W il­ we have the ch ick en , but there’s lam ette from P ortland to set up a shortage o f pots. a steam driven mill w hich grew Into the properous and well know n Jones Lum ber Co. B ut the little settlem ent o f Ce­ dar Mill stayed and w as register­ ed as a com m unity in 1870. The Cedar Mill church has carried he name since 1883. Since approxi­ m ately 1900 the Cedar Mill school district has been one o f the larg­ est in its area. N ow with hom es sprin gin g up i Where Special Attention where the on ce w on derfu l cedars stood, the people o f this thriving is given to Children com m un ity can be proud that the unim portant but rom an tic history as well as Grown-ups o f their sm all tow n was a help in the ach ievem en t o f O regon ’s top industry. Aloha Barber Shop FROM HEAD ► TO rk < îî RSAYCkYON FEET WELCOME! IM LAY’S for Vita - Hill Feed Men . . . the “ Benmar Original Sport Jackets'* A SOCIETY CLUB HAT Remember. . . . Poultry Rabbit High School Track by "A s long os there ore seed catalogues there will be optimists." And . . . . It's time to plant both your flower and vegetable gardens. Does your vegetable garden include: Farewell Party Mr. and Mrs. C. L. D avis of A lexander St. had friends. Mr. and Mrs. F red Jensen visit them last week. • • • Buy New H om e John Mason recently sold one o f the new hom es he has built on N. Stacey Avenue and A lex ­ ander St. to Mr. and Mrs. Stev­ enson o f P ortland. Out o f his grou p o f 6 lovely hom es he has on ly tw o left. • • • A rt* A nd Craft* Cia*» T he G eneral Extension D ivision o f the O regon State B oard o f H igher E ducation is o ffe rin g a class o f A rts and C rafts M onday nights at the A loha-H uber school. T his course covers a period o f 12 w eeks and is iteder the d irec­ P in och le d u b tion o f Miss V ivian Pesola. In ­ T he Star Pinochle Club have structor. had to postpone their w eekly • • • m eetin g on account o f the death T o Attend B e d d in g o f a R ebekah sister. The m eeting Mrs. Ida Scheller left last week will be held next Tuesday at the fo r a w eek ’s trip to Baker, M on­ h om e o f Ethel Gaunt as was plan­ tana to attend the w edding o f her ned. son, Dale Scheller. • • • . . . M ak in g Hume In Aloha Orville Bennison D eo Knepper o f Portland is plan­ Hie* Suddenly n in g on making her hom e with Orville B ennison o f P ortland, I Mr. and Mrs. Bob L ong on N. father o f R ich a rd B ennison o f S tacey Avenue. Aloha, died o f a heart attack | She is going to Cascade co l­ when he was stopped at a stop lege and will teach piano lessons. street last Thursday, M arch 20. B ob L ong Is her cousin. • • • H is funeral was M arch 25. * * * Fam ily Reunion | H ousew arm ing P red icted Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Q uisnoy o f Ave. had as dinner Mr. and Mrs. D on R ig g s have N. V ista started their hom e on H uber Ave. guests and for the day last F riday W e hope it is com pleted and they his daughter. Mrs. Chas. H utchens Misses m ove in soon, so they can be giv­ and her tw o daughters. Della and Violet < t ( Cornelius; al­ en a house w arm ing. • • • so his son. Ralph o f the M er­ ch an t Marine, w ho made port W . P . Burrough in N ew Y ork and drove to P o rt­ I Passes A w ay Mrs. T. B. B lair received word land. He will be here a few weeks fo r a ship to France. last Saturday o f the death o f her and is trying • • • father, W . P. B urrough in B erkel­ G eorge Dem co is ill at home. ey, Cal. • • « H e has m any friends and a c­ quaintances in A loh a bein g a fre ­ D em onstration Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Bob A ndross had quent visitor o f his dau ghter and her fam ily in the last ten years. a M iracle Maid dem onstration din­ ner given at their place last F ri­ day .There were ten present. Look for our Ad next week A ll V is it New H om e Freezer Mr. R ich ard s o f the R ich ard B arber Shop in A loh a is the proud A farewell party was given at possessor o f a new K elvin ator H om e freezer w h ich he recently the home of Mr*. Sabina W hite- purchased from J. B. Im lay and head for Wilbur Lorenz, w ho is leaving this week to attend an Sons. • • • electrical school in Chicago. T o begin with there were eight Club May Be F orm ed I f there is su fficien t interest present but it ended with tw enty- shown, an am ateur g eology club two present as a surprise birth­ fo r both ch ildren and adults will day pary for Mrs. Sabina W hite- head and her house guest, Mrs. be started in A loha. M argaret Berger A lovely eve­ • • • ning was spent by all. T rip T o Mt. H ood Mr. and Mrs. W . W . P utney o f C ooper Mt. d rove Mr. and Mrs. Party Betty Rydm an entertained with Joi.n Jarnegan o f Canada to Mt. H ood last Sunday. It w asn’t such a birthday party in P ortland for a lovely day but they en joyed the Donna Crone. trip and m arvelled at the yellow d a ffod ils bloom in g right at the snow line and in the snow also. by Don G randy It w as snow ing on Mt. H ood while Tonight will be the inaugural A loh a had a variety o f weather, sunshine« rain, hail and more o f the 1947 high school track sea­ son when the Beavers travel to sunshine. • • • Hill Military for the annual re- V isitor* | lays. The two-state affair will fea ­ Mrs. A lbin P ederson and dau gh ­ ter B everly o f L ake Moses, W ash, ture the cream o f the crop from spent three very full days o f vis­ class AA schools o f Oregon and iting last w eek at the hom e of W ashington, along with several Mr. and Mrs. Charles W ilson and college teams who will have their fam ily on N. H u ber Ave. j own races. * • • Tentatively scheduled for action Fam ily G athering are W alker. Oldenburg. Cornils Mr. and Mrs. G eorge R ich ard s , and Gervais, Mile R elay: Harvey, and fam ily o f E stacada, Mr. and Rasmussen, P feifer and Massin- Mrs. Jam es R ich ard s and fam ily gill, sprint medley; and Cox, Zah- and m other, Mrs. A lice R ich ards ler, Castile and Thomas, distant o f Kinton, Glen and B etty Sm yer medley. Subs are Cook, G raves had a fam ily g a th erin g at the and Moore. h om e o f Mrs. K a y R ich ard s on The track schedule is as fo l­ Shaw St. in H uber. lows : • * m March 28—Hill Military Relays. B ark In A loha April 8—V ancouver (there). John Grein and fam ily are back April 11—W est Linn (here). from P ortland to V ista Ave. April 18-19— Hayward Relays. • • • May 2—T Y V & County Meet. s Improving May 9— D istrict Meet. Thqpias M cln tee o f A loha w ho May 16-17—State Meet. has been hospitalized at St. V in ­ cents H ospital is m uch im proved. Is It C onceit? • • • Chances are we w ouldn’t w orry Attend Ki't'dvlll,. School i so much about what people think T w o children o f Mr. and Mrs. o f us if we realize how seldom L ow ell P ierce entered R eedville they do. • • • sch ool T uesday o f last week T he P ierces recen tly m oved to Take It From George'* Horse T obias Ave from Farm ington Rd A burr on the bush Is worth • m a I tw o in the tail. Bring your Prescription to this store for prompt The Dorothy Shop service A High Quality Establishment opening in Our Community Be Wise . . . Buy "H E I BY* S** "M EN , do you need colored dress shirts:>" We have them os low as 3 Registered Pharmacists to Serve You "Your Savings Will N in Cask" Beaverton Pharmacy The Prescription Store 51 Broadway Phone 2311 ‘2 95 W hat's more thev re Notional Broods. THE RAND SHOE ^ £ M ^ t ìé H ^ W im T u lt £ \\ THE WEI B Y'S R F A IE R în \ SHOES — SHOE REPAIRING — MEN'S WEAR