Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE | Friday, March 28, 1947 Holy Week Service Bethel Church will open the Holy Week Observance with a special combined Church and Church School service at 11:00 Palm Sunday. The Church School will come at 10:30 for necessary preparation and attendance re by Louie Beovich cording. They will be seated in Angela Rosa was hurt on last the Sanctuary as a body; the spe cial Building Sunday Offering Thursday when she fell off a will be received as usual on the teeter. She is feeling better now and will be back to school soon. fourth Sunday of the month. There will be a special telling • • * of the Palm Sunday story for the We had assembly Monday and children and Robert Barnes will I gaw two films, "The History of sing, “The Palms.” In addition the the Flag" and "The Pied Piper Senior Choir will have a special of Hamelin." • • • anthem. Palm Sunday Evening will be Dick McCauley is out with tile observed by our regular Confir mumps. mation Service for young people • • • entering the Church. The Candle Bruce Ketel has been absent for light Service will provide for about a week due to Illness Youth participation, a Service of • • » Consecration, and will be followed Mrs. Elsie Underwood and her by the ‘Lord’s Supper. It is hoped that every member of the Church daughter, Peggy, spent the week with friends. will make a real effort to be pres end at Silverton • ■ • ent and welcome these young people into the fellowship of the Johnny Beovich and Betty Lou Klauman are on duty in the caf church. eteria this week. • * • Mrs. Gustafson’s son, Dick, is 10 . 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 home from Monmouth where he Appropriated for is a student at the College of Ed ucation. Forest Service Koad* • • • Guy Haynes of Carlton was re P. T. A. will meet Friday night elected president of the Willa at the school. There will be elec mette Valley Lumberman"s As tion of officers and the following sociation at its annual meeting in students will present a musical Eugene March 21. T. V. Larsen of program: Kathryn Fraser, Zona Noti was re-elected vice president Morgan, Bill Bruce, Harlene Kat- Frank Graham of Jasper, treas terman. Lynette Cover, Joyce Pal urer, and H. J. Cox of Eugene, mer, Mary Beovich, Joe da Lain, secretary-manager. Delores Ediger and Ronald Gll- Sen. Guy Cordon of Roseburg, breth. • • • addressing the group, reported that he and Sen. Wayne L. Morse The fifth and sixth grades had of Eugene are seeking an addi a birthday party last week for tional $10,000,000 appropriation for Mrs. Underwood, Mrs. Ediger and building access roads to Forest Mrs. Jackson arranged it. Her Service lands so that mature and gift is a brown corde bag. Games overripe timber can be cut, mak were played and refreshments ing room for new growth. were served. • • • Directors reelected are: Walter A. Woodard, Cottage Grove; Geo. Melvin Henson was welcomed Hays Eugene; B. L. Nutting, Med into the Poy Scouts, from the ford; Walter Lelsy, Lebanon; Ken Cub Scouts at the last Scout Ford, Roseburg; Dale Fischer, meeting. He has already atterded Marcola ,and O. R. Miller, Port one Scout meeting. land. 1 CEDAR MILL SCHOOL NEWS is WEEK and the Beaverton Ministerial Association Invites You to attend the following services: * * * Monday Evening at the Methodist Church REV. FRANCIS STURTEVANT, Preaching Sermon: ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD LATTER-DAY SAINTS . Sunday School 10 a. m. Moose Hall 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Bible study. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Friday 7:45 p. m. Young peo Sacrament meeting at 6:30 p. m. ples service. Don C. Marley, Branch President. Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, pastor "Men Against Christ" * * * Tuesday Evening at the Highway Chapel REV. EVERETT BOWERS, Preaching Sermon: "Not Subject to Compromise" * * * W ednesday Evening at the Christian Church REV. LEONARD JOHNSON, Preaching Sermon: "Twelve Views of the Cross" * * * T h u rsdav Even in g al lilt* N u/arenr ( L u r c h REV. GEORGE SPRINGER, Preaching If you wont to buy, trode or sell, If you wont to buy, trade or sell, TR Y A CLASSIFIED AD. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Sermon: "I Go Unto The Father" * * * Friday Evening at the Congregational Church t REV. ORVILLE POULIN, Preaching Sermon: First Methodist Church Telephone: * * The Elements of Holy Communion will be served during the Service on Friday Evening 4th and Watson St. REV. EVERETT L. BOWERS, Pastor Res. 1002 S. Watson St. "Christ's Atoning Sacrifice" * * 3405 * FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 4th Sc Watson Sts. Rev. Everett L. Bowers, Pastor Res. 1002 S. Watson St. Tele: 3405 Palm Sunday. .. 9:45 A.M. Church School for all age levels. Mrs. Nan Bourquln Supt. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "There were no Palms on the Pathway to Calvary." 6:45 p.m. Methodist Youth Fel lowship in the Upper Room Cha pel. No service tonight. Our Easter Cantana will be pre CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE sented Sunday afternoon, March 30th at 4:00 o’clock. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Phone 3691 BETHEL The Sunday School meets at 9:45 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m. H. N. Y. and N. Y. 6th and Watson Sts. Phone 3385 P. S. Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic Service. 10:30 a.m. Special meeting of Wednesday, 7:45, Mid-week pray church school, for attendance rec er meeting. ords, practice for the Morning Service which will be a special Palm Sunday service, with the ST CECELIA CHURCH Masses: 7 a, m.—8:30 a. m.— Church School as guests. 11:00 a.m., Morning Worship. 10 a. m. Church School taking part. Bap tism of infants ,and special mu VALLEY COMMUNITY CHUBCH sic. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 6:45 p.m. Young People. S. W. Gabel Lane and Fairway Dr. 8:00 Palm Sunday Confirmation Rev. H. A. Armitage. pastor Service followed by the Lord’s 10:30 a.m., Morning Worship. Supper. Special Palm Sunday Service. ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHUBCH Canyon Rd., near Sylvan Werner J. Frit*. Minister PALM SUNDAY. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. Sermon: "Com munion Blessings.’’ GOOD FRIDAY,* Three Hour service on the Seven Words of The Cross, at Emanuel Hospital Chapel. The service will begin at 12:00 noon. Everyone is invited. March 31st Thru April 4th HOLY SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES * CEDAR MILL HIGHWAY CHAPEL COMMUNITY CHURCH Canyon Highway Si Mill St. N.W. Cornell near Barnes Road Orville J Poulin, Minister Simon E. Forsberg, Minister Sunday School 10:00 a. m. 8318 S.W. Canyon Rd., BE 8698 Morning Worship. 11 a. m. Sunday Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Evening Service 7:45 p.m. Morning service, 11:00 a.m. Thursday night service, 7:45p.m. Young People’s Hour, 7:00 p.m. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Farmington at Menlo Beaverton, Oregou Erw-in A. Gerken, Pastor Tel: 3441 Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Divine service 10:30 &. m. Lutheran Hour, KALE, 9:30 a.m. A cordial welcome to all. CHUBCH OF CHRIST Second and Main Sts. George W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship and preaching service at 9:45 a. m. The topic of the morning sermon will be "The Triumphant Christ." Bible School class session 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m. Evening worship service. 7:45 ALOHA COMMUNITY p.m. The Church of Christ unites BAPTIST CHURCH with the other Beaverton churches Grayden D. Loree, Pastor. Church School, 9:45 a.m. Miss in union pre-Easter services. Mary Antrim, Superintendent. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock. REEDVTLLK COMMUNITY Sermon “ Palms or Swords.” PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Teens Club and Junior B.Y.F., Rev. Hampton, Pastor 6:30 P.M. Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Geiger, Supt. World Wide Guild Girls will Worship Service 11 a. m. give the Rose Degree. Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. A LL SERVICES AT 7 45 — SPECIAL MUSIC Order Your Easter Lily Now! PALM SUNDAY OBSERVANCE From the "There Were no Palms On the Pathway to Calvary" The Pastor's Message for the Morning Service at Eleven O'clock NEWS IN THE WORLD OF RELIGION By W. W. Reid From world-famed Old South (Congregational) Church in Uo»- ton, Mass., to the ^chapels ^ ami mine compounds of Johannesburg, South Africa, is a far jump and a great gap. But that is the change just made by the Rev. and Mrs. Lee Delroy Bergsman and their two small children. The associate pastor of the famed church has accepted a missionary appoint ment under the Congregational Christian Churches und will be come the supervisor and counsel lor to Af -lean pastors in one of the great Intercultural and inter racial tension points of the world. Mr. Bergsman will also be liason officer bet veen the native schools and teach srs, scattered through Johannesburg and its mining out skirts. nnd the Department of Ed ucation in the Transvaal. There are more than 100 languages spok en by the Africans who pour into this mining area. To which You are Invited NO SOAP? A LITTLE SOAP Malees Loads of Cleansing , ° ^ BU BBLES • in 4 R f i t • V» ; . ■ i WATER Rusty Water? NORCO has a complete line of softeners, filters, iron removers, etc. NORCO watei conditioners can solve your water problem FREE For full information fill out Coupon and mail with one Pint (16 oz.) of water to Norco-Stewart Co., 426 N. E. Prescott, Portland 11, Oregon. NAME ................................................................................... ADDRESS...»................................... - ...................................... Water Supply (Check one) City................ Well................. Pond..................... Stream..................... Spring.................. Characteristics: Hard ................ Rusty................ Clear when drawn..............Highly colored...............Turns brown on standing................ Other. BE Draw sample as close to source as possible • • Alarmed at the shortuge of teachers in the public schools of America because of the low pay provided in most states, the Fed eral Council of Churches of Christ in America hus Joined in the ap peal that federal funds be provid ed as a subsidy for teachers so as to overcome "the educational handicap under which many chil dren and youth suffer because of tile economic level of the com munities in which they reside." ' But the Council urges these safe guards in the use of funds: none» to be used so as to discriminate against a minority racial group: no imposition of federal control In educational policy; funds to be used only for such schools as the laws of the several states make eligible for state funds. The formation of a New York Chapter of "Filends of Okinaw" is announced by the Rev. Garland K. Hopkins, of Washington, D. C„ provisional national president of the organisation, formerly a U. S. Army Chaplain on Okinawa, nnd now on the staff of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, at MO Fifth Avenue. New York City. Elected to head the New York group is Another former Army chaplain, Frnnk L. Titus, og 281 Fourth Avenue, New York Ctty, who participated in the ini tial landings on Okinawa. Tne purpose of the movement is to promote a wider Interest and un derstanding of the economic and cultural needs of a people who were first to fail victims of Jap anese expansion.” says Mr Hop kins. "Seventy-five years of ex ploitation. coupled with the devas- I tatvion of the war years .entitle the people of Okinaw to consider- utjon aruj care which have not been forthcoming.” A special ap- peaj jQjn ja being directed to former G. I.’s who saw duty on Okinawa. The American Bible Society is now printing 500,000 copies of a paper-covered New Testament in Japanese for early shipment to Japan. During 1946 the Society sent to Japan, through the chap lains of the United States Army, 250,000 New Testaments and 329,- 000 briefer portions in Japanese, and 128,990 New Testaments irt English. • • • Within two months after per mission was received from the U. S. Government to permit the ship ping of private relief to Hungary, more than 600 tons of cereals, used clothing, shoes, diaper mate rials. seeds .and small theologi cal libraries were sent in by church World Service all contri buted by American churches, re ports Dr. Stewat Herman, Ameri can staff member of that ugency. They were distributed in Hun gary under the direction of Dr. Lu/.lo Pap, Hungarian churchman. According to Dr. Herman, about 20 per cent of Hungary’s people are reduced to beggary nnd near starvation. and only 10 per cent have the means of purchasing the food they need. Guest Speaker to Be | At Lenten Season Meeting Doll House Flower Shop Mrs. E. R. Beilinghom of St. Helens, stewardship secretary of the Oregon Women’s Fellowship Is to be guest speaker at the Len ten Season meeting of the Wo men's Fellowship group of he Bethel Congregational church on Wednesday, April 2, 12:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the social rooms of the church, ac cording to Mrs. Milton Metcalfe, who is in charge of the arrange ments for this annual Women’s Gift meeting. All members are asked to bring their offering in the gift boxes which were given to them at the prevld%s meetings of the fellowship. This offering will receive special dedication dur ing the services. Mrs. Barrett Ran dall has planned the devotional period during which will be spec ial Easter music. There is a need for furniture, playthings, dishes and new or used clothing at the migratory camp in Dayton. Members are asked to bring anything that they wish to contribute toward this project to this meeting Wednes day, in order that Mis. Walter Van Kleek. chairman, may get the needed articles to the people at the camp. Our doctrine of equality and liberty and humanity comes from our belief in the brotherhood of man, through the fatherhood of God. Calvin Coolidge. Eleven of the thirteen Christian colleges, maintained by Ameri can and British missionary socie ties, fell Into the hAnds of the Japanese and o f puppets during the World War, and It will cost at least $15,000,000 to repair the damage sustained and to make them usable for their educational purposes, a recent survey shows. I ON According to the Associated Boards for Christian Colleges In China (New York), while only a • Washing Machines doien college buildings were rax ed, most of the others were looted • Vacuum Cleaners of doors, windows, locks, plumbing fixtures, movable sections, furni • Waffle Irons ture. supplies and equipment. Hangchow Christian College lost • Radios its entire Chinese library, perhaps the most valuable in the nation: other libraries lost most of their books; and the laboratories fared even worse, practically all equip ment being removed The main bullidng of Hwa Nan College burned in Foochow while the in stitution was "in exile" 120 miles up ths Min River. The war over, RADIO ELECTRIC the temporary buildings used dur ing the exile were dismantled, 109 Watson Street Phone 2621 made Into rafts and shipped down Beaverton the River and re-erected on the old campus. Repair Service Leonard's & Ernest's In Walker's Dept Store Phone orders to Beaverton 3461 or Scholls 8322 Something you should know! We now have the most modern up-to-date lubrication equipment in the Northwest. We Don't Do A "Grease" Job hut ue will give you a lubrication job unsurpassed W e Mill thorou<;hl> lubricate all part* of your oar. «’book your battory and terminal* radiator and hoses “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ fan and belt all your tire* “ clean all your window» “ sweep and dn*t out your oar. We will positively serve you well with skilled men always ready to give SERVICE. May we convince you on your next lubrication job3 We will call for and deliver your car within a two-mile radius 24-HOUR SERVICE Let vonr worries he our responsibility. THAMES FOR STOPPING! K E L L Y MOTOR CO B EA V ER TO N , OREGON Phone 2701