BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE r THE TUALATINI V A L L E Y M AR KET B A SK E T CLASSIFIED ADS CASH M UST A CCO M PAN Y A LL CLASSIFIED ADS Count each word, including Nam« and oddrM S-ON LY 2c A WORD No Phone Orders Token M INIM UM 2Sc AN ISSUE We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIG A RD SEN TIN EL M ULTN OM AH PRESS A LO H A NEWS » SUBSCRIBER ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE West Sulmrlxans That Speak F or T h em selves FO R SALE Leghorn layin g hens, $1.75 each. Sell any num ber. R te 1, Box 475, Beaverton. 8 • BUSINESS SERVICES • VETERINARIAN J A R D E N TR A C TO R S a t MA SON'S in Tigard. R otary type :ILLEX , B olen ’s H uski and 1 A R T H M A ST E R tractors all on isp lay and ready for delivery. ;ee d em on stration s right here at he store. K now w h a t you are buy- ng and buy w h at you need. ’ERM S. 8 'OR SALE: Straw berry plants, toward M cKee. R t. 1, Box 881, teavertön. 10p STO V E 'A D E IS E L OIL Stove and F urnace R epair W e g iv e S & H Green S tam ps Call B eaverton F u el Co. 3861 or B R oad w ay 8291 7tf D avenports and chairs, bed D av- enos, sw in g rockets, dinettes, bed room su ites, SE irT A m attresses-, ch ild ren ’s tables, chairs, odd ch airs for your k itch en or d ining room. M ASON’S in Tigard w here th ey try to please you. T erm s if you like. 8 F O R SALE—T hree 21” tires, tub es and w heels. Inquire at Jord an ’s Clipper Service in Tigard. 8p FOR SA L E—Y oung N ew Zealand Does, bred and w ith litters, $3.00 and up. Corner H enry and H aw kins St., back o f th e H eidelberg. 8p E V E R Y T H IN G IS R EA D Y for you to m ove in. N ice and new. 2 bedroom s and a u tility room, too. S ittin g on a large lot in Ce dar Mill. N o m ansion, but I am a p retty good buy for $5250. T erm s? Sure! A sk E. M. McCALLEN B eaverton 3795. FOX REALTY B E A V E R T O N O F F IC E On C anyon Road At E llis N E W H OM ES $8150-$8450 Com p letely equipped w ith g a s refriger ator, 4 place g a s stove, au tom atic gas furnace, au to m a tic gas hot w ater heater. 2 bedroom s, hard wood floors in liv in g room , sin gle attached garage w ith u tility room, 65 x 135 foot lot. W ill ta k e FH A loan on $7200 a t 4 per cen t inter est. Located 3 b leck s sou th of B ea verton high school on H azel Ave. Open from 11:00-4:30 every day. S ee Mr. M assey at h om es or call A T w ater 8141, C om m onw ealth Inc. 7 FOR SALE M ASON’S in Tigard have pum ps for every type o f w ell. M ost sizes in stock now and in m ost cases w e have the pipe too. W e have som e used pum ps on hand. BATTERY B R O O D E R — F iv e B uy your pump from MASON'S 8 deck, separate control on each T erm s if you like. deck, $40. 3352 S. W . Spring G ar FO R SALE: B y ow ner. 1936 P ly den Rd., P ortland 1. Oregon. N ear m outh 4-Door Sedan, heater, seal M ultnom ah. A. T. K nutsen. CH beam light, $300 cash ,as is. Mrs. 3192. 8p W right. Can be seen a t Carr gar 8p F O R SA L E —60 gal. hot w ater age, B eaverton. tank, trash burner; electric fen ce battery; and cedar posts. Mrs. FO R SALE: P up pies; adorable P au l F. Schuetze, B r. 2, Box 379. fa t cocker sp aniel-toy shephard. 3 B eaverton. Tel. B E acon 1321. 8p m ales. 1 fem ale, $3 each. P hone Tigard 2504. G reenberg Rd. Rt. FO R SALE- Live E aster Bunniee. 2, Box 266, Tigard. Mrs. M cKen- $1.00 each. 1 block o ff h ighw ay ney. 8p on W alnut A ve. C. H. Godfrey, R. 1, B ox 522, Tigard, Ore. P hon e FO R SALE: F loral slip covered Tigard 2715. 8p davenport; H ollyw ood stud io sin gle bed. Mrs. D onham , 8045 S. W. F O R S A L E — A.B.C. E lectric Iron- 31st. Portlancr. P hon e C H erry 1878. er and stand, fu lly equipped. Com 8p p aratively n ew and in guaranteed condition. P hone S ch olls 8368. 8p FOR SALE: T ropical fish and a- quarium plants; sn ails, w hite FO R S A L E —D avenport and chair, worm cultures and fish food. Mrs. M ontag wood & coal range, din H. Graetz. E ast end of Lehm an ing R. table. S in ger S ew in g Ma St., M etzerg, Oregon. 8 chine. all in good condition. M. E. M eyer on M eyer Road, 1V4 m iles E A ST E R B U N N IE S. 50c up. Y oung north o f R eedville. 8p rabbit fryers, 50c lb. Mrs. H. Graetz, E ast end o f L ehm an St.. BA R N FO R SALE: Lots of good M etzger, Oregon. 8 lumber. C. F. H em rich, N inth A F ranklin. B eaverton . 8p F O ii SALE: M assive m aroon Bllt- good 'OR S A L E —C hicken m anure ap- w ell davenport and chair, roxim ately 75 yards. You haul, condition, reasonably priced. 4th house on w est side of McLain ’hone Tigard 2369. 8tf D rive, one m ile ea st of B eaver 8p TJR S A L E —Poland, Berkshire, ton on Canyon Road. Ihester, D uroc and H am pshire FOR SALE: 16 inch second grow th red g ilts, $57.50 each, and lots of m ailer ones. G otter at Scholls. 8tf fir and hard wood. P hon e Tigard 2363. 9 :O R SA L E — W edgew ood gas tove w ith trash burner, nearly TOY’ BOSTON BU L L puppies for W ould m ake Ideal E aster ew. R t. 6, B ox 1263A, P ortland 1, sale. ff M ultnom ah Club road. CHerry gift. B eau tifu lly m arked. Sired by Sp Ideal W ee Tony. 6601 S. W . N ew ton P lace, R aleigh H ills. - 8p FOR SA L E — F airbanks - Morse sh allow w ell electric pump. 200 FO R SALE: Thor w a sh in g m a chine. A -l condition. 1-4 H. P m o gallon per hour $35 cash. B E acon tor, A -l condition. G arage door. 6532, 3501 M cC hesney Rd., W est 4’ x 8', new. And m isc, articles. W e s t Slope. 8p Hurry. G irl’s bicycle, new. H. D. FO R S A L E —4 burner W estern 30 gal. hot w ater tank. R te. 1. Box H olly g a s range, oven, broiler, 58 M urray Ave., B eaverton .L. H. 8p griddle, used 4 m onths Model A R ossiter. pickup body. Ph. CH 2885. 8p F O R SALE Ladies d resses, size All FOR SA L E —W hite R otary Cabi 3 8to 42. Som e never worn. R easonable “Dun M o v in ’’ net S ew in g M achine, treadle type. clean. B eaverton H ighw ay. No. 1 condition, looks like new, «46 B ertha 8p $80.00. 8429 S. W. 37th Ave. M ult B eaverton. Oregon. nom ah. 8p FO R SALE 3-year old G uernsey FO R S A L E M onarch range and fam ily cow. G iving four gallon s air tig h t h eater stove and a d in rich m ilk per day w te « Box M4 M etzger post ing room table. 8501 S. W. C apitol Portland. Inquire 8p H ighw ay, M ultnom ah, Ore. 8 office. Cecil L. Sm ith. * C a l k J 4 o m e b u ild in y o (W J DR N. E. JOHNSON DR. R. E. KOENIG Veterinarians L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED ROCK East of Beoverton Beaverton 3511 Phone R eaverton 2881 TR A C TO R W O R K > Looking for a Real Bargain5 Hiway 6 Portland COM. 9924 Ask us about our " V A L L E Y S P EC IA L" Sh.plap P in and 2 x 4's FO R SA LE 4 qt. P resto cooker ing and g en era l gard en work. J. OK LU X E K ITC H EN Complete Eastern Washington County 8p A. Lincoln. R t. 1, B ox 429, B ea just w hat you ’ve been look in g for at a bargain. Phone CH 1663. and Western Multnomoh County in a m oderate price new home. verton. P h o n e B eaverton 2713 be Coverage WANTED And a breakfast nook that is a delight. Modern Cape Cod in B ea verton. E lectric heat, fireplace, FOR SALE large attached garage, 100 x 100 lot. I am reasonable ,too,' $9100. Baby Uhlx E very Tuesday E V E R E T T M ORGAN, B eaverton M iller Hampa, C hristie Hampa, 2441 or 3795. H ollyw ood W h. Leghorns. Order early. M iller’s H atch ery, B eaver T H E R ANCH T Y P E ton. Oregon. P hone B eaverton 2918. 51ti th a t’s w hat people sa y w hen they look a t m e. F irep lace, A. C. g a s WOOD F O R SALE: 4 it. slab- furnace, $ bedroom s, 2 car a t wood, green or dry H anson F uel tach ed garage. A bout a year old MRS. Com pany, B eaverton. P hon e 2828. in Aloha. P rice $13,500. 34tf M EH LIN, B E 3273 or B eaverton 3795. COMMUNITY AUCTION SALL and lunch every Saturday 9:30 ON T H E HIGHWAY’ a.m. C lackam as Stables on 82nd Ave., 3V4 m iles sou th F oster Rd., just ea st of B eaverton. B u sin ess is Portland, J. L. W alters, ow ner and building up fa st all around. E n auctioneer. ** ough fron tage on m y acre for a business building. 7 room com 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS, $22 fortable hom e to live in g a s fu r deliver anyw here. Give location nace cem en t basem ent, garage. w ith order. Stanford Laughlin, Price $10,000. In v estig a te m y pos sib ilities w ith MR. M A FFITT, B ea Carlton, R t. 1. verton 3795. FO R SA L E —16-in. green slab wood 2H cord loads $8 cord delivered. I’M N E A T A N D CLEAN R euben Johnson, N ew berg phone a m odest B eaverton hom e on a 193-J. ________ large corner lot, 124 x 227. One SH A V IN G S m ake good bedding bedroom and bath down, one bed for sto ck and scratch for poultry room and sm all room up. C ircula house floor. T h ey are free at tor h eater included for $5300. A lso R eedville S aw m ill.___________ 47tf a new m odern tra iler house w ith deluxe equipm ent. W ill sleep 6. A FO R SALE: W rist w atch, w ater buy for $2730. D on ’t ffelay. P hon e proof, sh ock proof, $25. Inquire MR. C R O SB Y now, B eaverton B eaverton E n terprise. ______ tip 3795. FO R SALE: B arn w ith floored lo ft to be m oved or torn down. H A V E A P IC K E T F E N C E Lots of good lum ber Call B eav a w h ite co tta g e n estled in am ong shade trees. In B eaverton close erton 3744. to bus and shopping. And my OR SALE: Poland, B erkshire, price is w ith in reach, too. Only h ester, D uroc and H am pshire $5500. A sk for MR. SY V ER SO N , red g ilts, $47.50 each. G ötter at B eaverton 3795. cholls. 4tf C om e J in,,. BUSINESS SERVICES FO R SALE: E nam eled wood or coal range w ith coils, sto v e pipe and w ater coils, $40. A lso double bed m attress, $20. D aveno, $30. D. F. P eterson , Rte. 5. Box 710, P ort land. Q uarter m ile ea st of C e dar Mill, a t the Pond. 8p tw een 8 a.m. and 5 p.m 5tf LIV E PO U LTRY W A N TED : Any H ID E S A WOOL, C A M A R A —A LE E BROS. *6 SW size lot. Top celling prices. W rite < pee laity. AT. 5354 tf or phone C larence H unt, WEb- Clay Portland. ste» 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th P ort land 13, Ore. 29 P A IN T IN G A P A P E R I! W G ING W ork G uaranteed W ork D one Prom ptly CALA. C H erry *175 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 46 tf O P E N SU N D A Y S PLOW ING G R A V E L Y ROTARY Are you having trouble selling A p erfect aeed b id in one your car? I f so, I’ll sell it for you O peration at your price for a sm all p ercen A loh a 6437 5tf tage, or pay you cash for it. See Bob a t Bob’s U sed Car Lot. E ast B eaverton and Canyon R oad Junc R O TO TILLIN G w ork done by hr. tion. 46tf or job. Eldred C aster. Rte. 2, Bx. 223, Tigard. P h on e Tigard 2935.5tf R A B B IT FRYERS W ANTED: W ill also butcher your rabbits for D E A D or W o rth less Stock picked Anywhere. the hides. D. P. M acD onald. Ruby up F ree o f C harge Prom pt Service. Call collect UN. Avenue. P hone B eaverton 2260. 33tf 1221 or U N . 4502. W estern States R en derin g Co., N. Columbia Blvd. W A N T E D : Furnished ap artm ent & H u rst Ave., P ortland. (Suc in B eaverton district. S teady em cessor to D en ley Rendering ploym ent, would like perm anent C om pany.) 8tf place to live. Call B eaverton 2321. G arbage C ollection Service 52tf B y m onth or contract W A N T E D : U sed pianos, guitars, H O H N S T E IN A SCH AFER band and orchestra in stru m en ts in 4073 N . E. 16th Ave. trade on sp inet pianos, radios, ra P h o n e M U rdock 2805 dio-phonographs, electric guitars, W est Slope, B eaverton , Meadow- band and orchestra instrum ents. hurst and C edar H ills. tf Jaquith M usic Co. 136 S. H igh, Sa A Kalso- lem , Oregon. 9 P A P E R IN G — P a in tin g m inlng, neat, experienced work YOUNG C onstruction engineer man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A and w ife u rgen tly need apartm ent B eaverton. P hone Beaverton 2516 or sm all house, eith er furnished or 40tf unfurnished. Do not sm oke or drink. Call B eaverton 2469. 8p C E SSP O O L -SE P T IC TANK OW N E R S A T T E N T IO N — Added equip C A R P E N T E R w ill rem odel or m ent a llo w s fa ste r service. We build an ap artm enn t for the rent pump A w ash sep tic tanks, comml. of sam e. H arold P erkins, B ea or resid en tial. Guar, w orkm anship. verton, 2263. 8p S ew ers con n ected. C esspools and sep tic ta n k s con stru cted . Schulz F O R SALE: L incoln Zephyr 4- Bros. S a n ita ry S ervice, Portland, door, radio, gasolin e heater, ex 3tf cellen t tires, clean inside and out, TA. 3235. $685.00 or m ake offer. R . L. E r P A P E R IN G A PA IN TIN G —10 ickson, 5th house E ast of Lom years exp erience, reasonable rates, bard on Allen Avenue, B eaverton. F irst C lass. F ree estim ates, Call 8p B R oad w ay 0218, R. W HITLOW , 019 SW H am ilton, P ortland 1, Ore. tf BUSINESS SERVICES ... ... ...5\ D R . O L I V E R ’S Homebuilders Supply Co. D ll vaïsiû'JM & jrsr' Beaverton, Oregon aivDsiPinr&a. “ 'Trititeli* P. S. —-Have you read the Saturday Evening Post's ad for Aquella, the omazing waterproofing? We have it. J i t n í i 7723 S. W. Capital Highway Ch. 1607 Multnomah, Ore. "Across from Grade School" BU L L SE R V IC E by artificia l In sem ination. No m em bership or re tain in g fees. P hon e Beaverton 3511 or P ortland C o m m erce 9924. 51tf FRUIT AND NUT TREES One of the largest stocks in the Stote. Come direct to nursery or send for Free, 44-page catalog. Berries, Shrubs, Roses, Fruit and Nut Trees— all kinds. Land Surveying T U A L A T IN V A L L EY NURSERIES, Sherwood, Oregon. One mile past Six Corners on 99W. Farms, Subdivisions, Lots Acreage, Orchard Tracts Accurate, Reliable, Reasonable by a Competent, Registered Professional Land Surveyor Office and Residence Phone CHerry 2365 ROTO TILLING RICHARD R. PFEIFER A complete line of NURSERY STOCK Write for New Catalogue. Surveyor 8000 S. W. Capitol Hill Road (Near 19th & S.W. Barbur Blvd.) Portland 1, Oregon I 1333 S.W. 64th on Barbur Blvd. Portland 1, Ore Phone CH 2928 R O TO TIL LER T ractor w ork done by the job or by th e hour. E x cellent resu lts for gard en in g or preparing for new law ns. Call Earl W ebster. CHerry 1383. 10 PLOWING - DISCING New Equipment - 2--4" Plow Reasonable Hourly Rates Villa Ridge Nursery TILLER WORK By the hour or job Gardens Tilled - Lawns Prepared C . A SEARCY Rte 1, Box 93 - Beaverton, Ore. Residence, 1 mile East of Beaver ton on corner Bertha-Beaverton highway ond Lake Road. C. M. MARTYN Rte. 3, Box 499 Beoverton STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Phone TAbor 4656 STOVE and D IE S E L OIL: Stove and furnace repair. W e g iv e S A H Green stam ps. Call B eaverton Fuel Co. 3861 or B R oadw ay 8291. 7tf IJLNDSCAPE, P runing, spraying, I ACT “J E F F ” SE L L IT g ra ftin g . N ew la w n s and rocker Quick S a les—E verybody S atisfied ies. Call W . A. Green, Beaverton M and N SERVICE H O U SE S—A C R E A G E —-LOTS 2967. 44tf R easonably Priced H E N R Y H. J E F F R IE S On H igh w ay nr. Short S treet "A C om plete Lum ber Y ard” by Hour or Contract P hone B eaverton 3981 tf W e D eliver A nyw here for Appointment B U IL D IN G —C A B IN E T S, all kinds P A IN T S — SA SH — P L U M B IN G P hon e 6191 — Aloh», Ore tf and L A N D SC A PIN G . Coll TIGARD 2981 L. H. B R A W A N D Our cream and eg g M etzger, Oregon C H erry 2929. 52tf N O TICE: pick-up tru ck s operate w eek ly In FO R TOW CAR call V E R M H .Y E your territory, h ighest cash prices MOTOR CO.. P hone Tigard 3381 tf paid for cream and eggs, field ser T Y P E W R IT E R S, cleaned, repair v ice on separators. Call or w rite, Low Cost Automatic Coal Heat ed and adjusted. F a cto ry train ed let us call and talk over th e valu e m an and veteran . R eason able o f sk im m ed m ilk as a low price One Day Service - Immediate prices. P hon e C H erry 2225. 9 food com pared to other foods for Delivery ch ick en s, pigs, calves or turkeys. F orest Clock R ep airing B eads R estru n g F orest G rove Cream ery, Special Introductory Offer 4tf D ressm akin g A H osiery M ending Grove. O regon. 2 Tons of coal FREE with each M. Smith, 613 S. W. T u alatin H w y Stoker M ETAL W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . A cross from "Sky W ay” Hos 3 year Guarantee R ock w ool Insulation blow n In Free Estimates given E X P E R T H O R SE SH O E IN G for free estim a te w rite R . E. Ell- W rite F ran k M angan son and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285, T i Coll UN 1174 or UN S711 P. O. B ox 7032 gard, O regon. Phone Tigard 2197. We also clean and repair stoves, M ultnom ah, Oregon tf furnaces & oil circulating heaters VINCENT LUMBER CO. LANDSCAPING M etered Oil Service 9. W. M cC hesney Rd., P ortland HILLCREST GROCERY Registered tf Land Surveyor Phone Beeaverton 2592 46tf P. E. I1AGO H auling C ontractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, M aaons Sand, Crushed R ock and Road Gravel R oute 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon P hone Tigard 2446 tf LUZIER'S For your individual Cosmetic requirement consult Florence Enger 620 S. Hall St. Beaverton, Ore. Phone 3283 ROAD ROCK — SEE— Tigard 3206 C. w . ZEHR J. H. Simpson, Tigard, Ore. tf Beoverton, Ore. ENGER BROS. For Asphalt Paving Driveways — Parking and Building Contractors See us when you Plan to Build Free Estimates Guaranteed Workmanship 620 S. Hall St. Beovrrton, Ore. Phone Beoverton 3283_______ Short Roads Write P. O. Box 221 Beaverton, Ore CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Cutting, Wrapping, and Preporing Meat for Your Locker Meat at Wholesale Prices G. C. (DON) HUGHES We Buy Livestock T H R IFTY M ARKET Multnomah. Ore. Phone CH 2240 Home, Tigard 3563 Spray and Brush — PAINTING — By Day or Controct C LY D E G ILLEN Rt. 2, Box 67 m a so n Beaverton, Ore. c W ELL PUMPS INSTALLED - REPAIRED For Rent Leathers Replaced and Generol Overhaul To Schools, Churches, Clubs, Etc. REFRIGERATION . Sand & Gravel SERVICE We move dirt - Put in Fills Dirt ond River Silt for Sale 6"-0 Rock for base Phone Beoverton 3071 Guaranteed Workmonship Home Commercial Garden Rock for W alls CEDAR M ILLS, BEAVERTON 119 S W. Scond and Tucker Sts., Beaverton, Ore. For Excavating, Plowing and Lawn Leveling Coll CHerry 1036 Ph Portland BR 4706 eves I POW ER SPR A Y IN G — P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188 tf 16 M -M . SOUND PROJECTOR AND M IKE R. B. EDMONDS CHerry 2857 - Rte. 1, Box 107 Tigard, Ore. 2 And can be used as public address system Phone Geo. F. Gordon HOWARD W. SMITH Beav. 3931 or 2462 Piano T uning. C leaning DEM OTHING - REPAIRING Rt. 1, Aloha, Phone ALOHA 6612 PLOWING & DISCING Custom Troctor Work D. P. M acDONALD Beav. 2260 W IL L DO CUSTOM RUG W EAVIN G in my own home. Customers must furnish materials. BEAVERTON TRANSFER CO. All Kinds of Hauling • PHONE Mortarless Building Blocks G. J. BLUM, Rep. Rte 6, Box 1 186, Portland MRS. A. M. COGSW ELL, Rte 5. Box 158 Portland, Ore. 6p Howard W. Smith 388 Canyon Rd. Beavertor - 3931 or 2462 Phone CHerry 3902 GARBAGE SERVICE BY Kitchen Specialists * ■ •— 4 FOOT SLAB WOOD MONTH OR CONTRACT from live timber -- No edgings $6.50 cord in 3 cord lots 1 cord, $7.50 TIGARD FUEL CO. ALOHA GARBAGE CO. G. C. M ILLER, Owner P. O. Box 2S4, Aloha, Ore. 46tf Call Tigard 2653 WE CAN RETIRE YOU At Age 50 John Peterson A U TO M A TIC Write for our Plan OIL BURNERS GLENN E. PRINGLE Rt. 1, Box 658 Beaverton 2S5 P.ttock Block C H -3640 Res. 10th ft. Washington AT- 2777 Portland S (Day or Nite) Immediate Delivery on "EV ER E D Y " - "Q U IET-H EA T" "O 'B RIEN " No Down Payment - 3 yrs. to pay FREE ESTIMATES Call WEbster 4313 PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS Beaverton FUEL CO. J & B Concrete Products 3rd and Lombard BEAVERTON, OREGON For OIL or SERVICE BEAVERTON 3861 or BROADWAT 8291 388 S.W. Canyon Road Associated with Tony Schulz Co., 5771 N. E. Union Ave. Portland, Oregon WATER WELL DRILLING PAUL E. ROSS Route 1. Box 237. A loha H. V. JOHNSON Beoverton, Or. W e Give S&H Green Stamps Aloha, Oregon MAYFIELD . h e id t k e LIVESTOCK HAULING Broadway 0068 B. R. S T E V E N S KITCHEN CABINETS BUILT-INS LINOLEUM LAID Everything Furnished Crushed Rock, Send, Gravel Delivered Anywhere 7 W Spread for Driveways a S eattle fam ily. 11102 S W C apitol Illw a y CH. ISIS SURVEYING H. E. COX, h.Y N Sl , ( lll.N A —Make w ay for Gus, the man from A m erica. Set liis truck w ith the dynam o there. | S trin g the w ires and place the ! loud speakers. For Gus is to have a heart-to-heart talk w ith th e 10,- 600 C hinese w ho will flow into the m arekt from the farm s, h am lets and villages. And w hy did Gus g iv e up the j $100.00 a w eek in C hicago for the p ittan ce to he paid him in C hina? W as it the thrill of sp ea k in g to th e vast throng there in th e m arket? W as tt because he w as to head the squad of Bible w ork ers w ho would spread am on g the crow d? Not so. but rather it w as for his love to the Son o f God, th a t Gus w ent to China. HORN AGAIN — You see Gus, big o f fram e, kind, h on est and alert. And on a day he heard C hrist’s —"Ye m ust be born a g a in .” Gus saw h im self dead in God’s H oly eyes. D ead to God and f o r e v e r separated from Ood by his sins. Then he received CJhrist into his heart ns h is Lord and the Saviour w ho died to save him At that, Ood gave him new birth into eternal life. And w ith it the gift of a new h eart th at filled w ith love for C hrist and for all w ho are out of Christ. • YOUR H E A R T KNOW S— You have no love for C hrist? You would not su ffer for H im ? H as he lifted you out o f death into eternal life? Search your heart. 1, Oregon. T his space paid for by t PROPERTY LINES, SUBDIVIDIN G ORCHARD LA YO U TS So Gus «¿nit Us D E L IV E R E D STOKERMATIC WE CU R E AND SM O K E YO UR P O R K C U TS 25 years E xp erience A LD ER M A R K E T L ew is Broa. Cop. 1st and W ash ington S t PO R TLAN D , O R EG O N Friday, March 21, 1947 MEAD'S Westdale Nursery r 1 mile Eost of Beoverton on Bertho-Beoverton Highway BATTERIES A LL TYPES - Now Blooming Primroses and Cornelias Complete line of Fruit Trees Azaleas - Strawberry Plants Phone Beaverton 2266 G U A RA N TEED R E B U IL T I Phone 6 3 8 0 ALL GROUPS - Wholesale and Retail Write or phone for details and prices Kelly Motor Co. Beaverton, Oregon Phone 2701