BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, March 21, 1947 ROGER W . BABSON 1 STATE LEGISLATIVE TOPICS^ BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE This Shasta business is accent­ Italy and Greece might have The Low Down ing that we Just about voted O K turned to England for assistance From H ick o ry Grove last Nov.— when we got skepti­ Published Friday of each week by the But, under the circumstances I just been reading some news cal about the Govt, getting too Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, they are asking the U. 8. 1181/1 > about Shasta dam. It is not doing big. Now it is up to us voters to Oregon. Entered as second-class mat­ government warns us of the com so skookum. It is one of Uncle keep our new Congressman there ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore­ Babson Park, Florida, Mar. 14. munlstlc danger in the offing if I Samuel's ventures there in Cali­ in Potomac-land, on the beam— gon. — Much as we dislike sticking our the U. 8. does not provide the fornia. The boys there, doing the and on his own platform, the one noBes into other people’s affairs, Italians with more aid in food job for the Govt., they say that he got in on. it becomes a necessity, under and money. Certainly, we are be Subscription Payable in Advance only a half of the planned kilo­ I f we don Yours with the low down, present conditions. We are send­ tween two fires: As a service to veterans in the watts can he furnished until they One Year ............—— — ..... - $2.00 ing relief in one form or another loan, Europe will go communistic community, this newspaper will JO S E R R a get more rain. They forgot to all over the world. We supplied while if we loan too much, unem publish a weakly column of ques­ figure a drought could happen. ployment will develop in the U. 8. tions most frequently asked con­ 72 per cent of the U N R R A funds And while there is a shortage and goods. In many instances we and strengthen communism here tact men of the Veterans Admin­ at Shasta, the folks running the istration in this area. For more found administrative personnel of at home. Cl • ll private outfit nearby, they say for detailed information, veterana are | other nations using these relief Self Reliance An Ideal their customers to be calm—there I A T I I I supplies to their political advan­ It would be unhealthy for any to contact or write to the nearest h i u i K i is no shortage on their side of tage. nation to acquire the feeling that V A contact unit at 614 8. W. the street. With the end of U N R R A this it c- n always turn to us for ma 11th, Portland. In time the truth comes out. month a new plan is proposed terial aid. A nation strengthens National (il Loan Trend Some o f the wind is being remov­ wnereby the U. S. supplies only itself as it works out its own dif­ Reversing a national trend in ed from the sails of the boys who 57 per cent (still well over half) ficulties, The ravages o f war which requests for G. I. loans argufy that the Govt, should get of the funds. For this purpose have made it necessary for the have hit the lowest level since into the electric and dam business, President Truman has asked for United States to send food to last April, Northwest veterans re­ State Capitol, Salem, Oregon, bigger and bigger. an additional $350,000,000 with many nations. Germany, Austria ceived 2124 guaranteed or insured which to stave off the specter of India and China are among the loans during February, compared March 19th, 1947. W ell Folks, in a starvation in Austria, Greece, most hungry today, having more to 1883 approed during January, couple of days Spring will be AT HUBER Hungary, Poland, Italy and China. than a 20 per cent cut in their the Veterans Administration re­ here—Tra-la-lala—and also the HALL However, our State Department normal diet. They are worse off JJO W does Christian Science ports. Legislature. In fact it begins to says that in this underaking we, than France, Italy or even Greece heal? How does it remove By the r- 1 of February, 23,566 Every Saturday Nite ourselves, will administer our own Among the defeated nations it Northwest veterans had received look like the lawmakers will be fear, solve personal and business funds. rolling Easter eggs around the is imporant to create domestic loans totaling $108,210,891 troubles? If you wont to know Can W e Afford It? Scott's Orchestra State House law i before they quit sel.-sufflciency lest they become Veterans wanting G. I. loans M OBILKEAT The world calls upon our re­ a permanent drain on the re­ should go directly to a bank, sav­ and go home. None of the politi­ something about the healing pow­ 0 sources, to the estimated sum of sources of others. MacArthur is ings and loan associatioon or other cal seers can see adjournment be­ • MODERN MUSIC er of prayer as fought in Chris­ about $4,000,000,000, at a time wisely asking Washington to al­ lending agency, the VA says. The fore March 29th, and many are of Burner and Stove Oil tian Science, come to when we need to put our own fi­ low the Japanese funds for V A is responsible only for certi­ the opinion this session stands a • DOOR PRIZES nancial affairs in order. We have shipbuilding to permit a revival fying the veteran's eligibility and good chance of going on and on, loaned to France, England and of their fishing industry. He also for guaranteeing or insuring pay­ until April 5th. Luncheon Served GILBARCO OIL others. England once sent money believes that limitations on Jap­ ment to lending agencies, in case Practically all of the major leg­ and goods all over an Empire, and anese industry should be lifted, to of default, up to a maximum of islation which has been introduc­ Adm. 74c - Including Tax it nearly busted her Engl.’iml help Japan work toward domestic BURNERS ed this session, is now just start­ 50 per cent of the total. owes many billions o f dollars to self-sufficiency at least. ing its long trek through the Canada, the U. S. and other na­ How to Raise Needeo Funds entitled House and Senate. Inasmuch as Questions of the Week tions besides the billions which The real question is not wheth­ Q. I recently lost my job and many of these bills are o f the she owes her own people. Now. er we send these hundreds o f mil­ can’t meet the payments on my controversial variety, it is only near economic collapse, she still lions abroad as ex-Presldent Hoo­ G. H. home loan. Am I entitled to natural that they will cause much "Christian Science: The PHONE has Interests all over the world. ver recommends. We simply must readjustment allowance provided oratory to flow in both Houses, Who will do the policing and pro­ do so or someday the entire world MILKERS SEPARATORS and that takes time. Hence, the by the G. I. Bill? Science of Eternal Life" Beaverton 2871 tecting o f her loans and invest­ will gang up against us. We, in Men believe ' this session A. Your home loan has no bear­ Wise COM PLETE EQUIPMENT AND ments? W ill the United States the U. 3., cannot long continue ing on your right to unemploy­ stands a good chance of going on SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY step In everywhere Britain feels living the “ life of Riley” while ment compensation. Apply at your until the wee, small hours o f Eas­ or INDUSTRY she must step out? the rest of the world is on the state unemployment service for a ter Sunday morning, which is Ap­ By Harold Molter, C.S.B , of BEacon 6555 verge of starvation. The only readjustment allowance. ril 6th. question facing us today is how Q. May I arrange for the Vet­ Chicago, III. The recent Supreme Coure deci­ this money should be raised. erans Administration to deduct sion, which hold that the coun­ The answer to me is very sim­ my National Service Life Insur­ ties do not have to abide by the HDBMCIUBKR AI)S? Member of the Board of Lecture­ ple: Increase the luxury taxes on ance premiums from the disabil­ budget requirements for old age H . n u t., t u r n i i . D istribu to r) * * /MV Why, they are those useful ship of The Mother Church, The liquor, tobacco, night clubs, ex­ ity compensation check I receive assistance as set by the State W el­ tVlRYTHING, , BERNARD'S AIRPORT little cards you get with your 4 M pensive clothing, Jewelry, etc. This each month? First Church of Christ, Scientist, fare Commission, has gummed up subscription for fre* classified d a ir y m a n " CEDAR STREET A T W A LK ER RD. will both give the necessary funds A. Yes. You may go to your the legislative machinery on Wel­ in Boston, Mass. ads in your newspaper. .___ .. Phone Beaverton 3840 and put some sense into our peo­ V A regional office or contact of­ fare. Now the lawmakers must P ortland ,Cfll.-fail tAKlIlTV ple. Some will say such Increased fice and fill out a form which will pass legislation which coincides taxes would throw a few o f our authorize the Veterans Adminis with the Supreme Court decision, Monday evening, March 24, CEN TRA LLY people temporarily out of work tration to make the deduction and also meet the requirements 132 N. W . Pork The AT. 6461 LOCATED Perhaps so; but I doubt It. Be­ from your compensation check ot 8 o'clock of the Federal Security Board, or COUNTRY'S BEST DANCE sides Clot* »0 b 4 4 C R E M A T O R IU M 11033 S. W. Capitol Highway expenses( and the majority of » N Cu iu /o w Portland I, Ore. them need it. MAUSOLEUM Note: Thid is the eighth in a Phone CHerry 3843 U " - '" series of brief summaries of bene­ R E S E R V A T I O N S B r.O fU Scheduled to be thrashed out CEMETERY fits administered by the V A un­ i the floor of the House or der various laws for W oild War H H H DEES 5- 11 Complete Funeral Service In New I I veterans, their dependents and Senate this week, is the 3 per W . E. P E G G Cathedral Chapel at No Eatra coat beneficiaries. W e suggest that It cent sales tax ,a flock o f other OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 10 Riverside Is a co-operative asao- M O R T I C I A N may be useful to clip this portion tax bills and several other hot ciatlon with aaseta of over $800,000 ' Beaverton. Oregon of the column for future refer­ measure. Labor Unions are al­ ence. Next week: Assistance to most sure to have their wings ESTABLISH E D 1910 the Blind and Vehicles for Handi­ clipped by this legislature. Bills I'llO N K B E A V E R TO N S411 to outlaw the closed shop and capped. prohibit secondary boycott ^ IIISIII3lll=lll=IIIEIIl3lll=lll=lll3lllSlllslll=lll=lll=lll£lli=lll=lll=IIISIII=lll=lll=lll=lli£.ll which have been in Committee for many weeks, have just hit the floor for debate. Cloakroom gossip has it, they will pass in some form. Many state legisla­ tures now in session have passed bills affecting labor in one way ti aa •lertiia turnar« that or another. To date, 12 states assure t o s a ronapletrlv functional We invite you to examine our 3 have passed laws barring the hsattag is 4 air •oadltlonlag p i a l LAID M ORTARLESS M A S O N R Y IS closed shop and 8 other states far roar home or basiaaas. WITHOUT SYSTEM OF RE - INFORCED have such legislation pending, in­ MORTAR • Oestzned far basement or ata- B L O C K CO N STRUCTIO N , s cluding Oregon. lt? room Installation. Concrete Blocks are ideal for !B • Mar s*e conventional ¿net­ any t\pe of structure (homes, jjj During the long series o f com­ work, rrrUtcrs and heating In­ business buildings, retaining 3 mittee hearings onr the 3 per stallation. walls, garden walls, etc.) Ma- |s cent sales tax bill, it was for­ • Mar ke nllllied to repises sa sonrv Building Blocks are a m cibly brought out that thousands • lis tín , fumare. natural bole for stucco and jjj of Oregon citizens successfully a Rq il I ppm with "Mod n flow," plaster, which gives you an in- 9! duck the state income tax, the mirarle furnace control. sulated, moisture-proof, fire hi whereas they couldn't duck a sales Far Free E ilim a lu 5 ee, Phonm, and termite-proof wall, at low tax. It was also called to the at­ •i IF rife maintenance ond buildinq cost. III tention of the lawmakers, and MOR? \R LE S S I N T E R L O C K - iii several specific cases were cited, ill ING BLOCKS DO NOT RE- 5 where prominent and wealthy QUIRE S K ILLE D W ORKM EN Ui Portland citizens have moved III TO L A Y TH EM . BLO CKS ffl their ____________ _ Vancou- _______u 4450 Garden Home Rood retsidence ____ over to 3 available for immediate deliv- » ver, thereby escaping the stat Phone CHerry 1334 PATEN TED III cry S | Income tax. However, these same = III I 1 ••«<•..,1 ci ti zens” still mai ntai n 3 fij their places of business in Ore­ III MORTARLESS BLDG TILE CO. gon. This same gang also suc­ III cessfully beat the sales tax in Fanno Station, Near Progress by buying all of i T i Washington = their groceries, clothing, etc., in NEON SALES AND SERVICE Hiwoy 217 on R.R frock, or write 434 N E Buffalo, Portland 11, Or. in Oregon. So some of the big shots 3 9914 S. W. Pocific G. J. BLUM, Rep. III get us coming and going. That’s 3 Highway what we call scoring heavily for Phone CHerry 3902 Rte 6, Box 1 186, Portland the common people. Stanley W. Netherton, Publisher Hal ikon Discusses Luxury 'Faxes Learn How Prayer Can ' Heal You M cCA LL DANCE Oil Co. A Free Lecture De Laval RUPERT Flymq Service ,. ifíonroekCrísel T A I- P IN G T e rra c e Ttenc/eù CHICKEN «STEAK I. P. Finley & Son R im riew Cemetery 1 Contract and Shop Welding You'll have better land. . . d in n e r s Coles Auto Shop better crops . . . 3 BUILDING? RECONVERTING?- Investígate the Before You Build DOW ELECTRIC FURNACE be!!:; income. . . CAPITOL ELECTRIC ART NEON I S I G N CO. when you farm the' ^ J Phone CH. 3711 MRS. BERTHA E. HOLLAND Representotlve Spirella Co., Inc. W ill be at Wolkers Dept. Store, Beaverton, from 10 o. m to 2 p. Mondays and Fridays to discuss your figure problems with you. For appointment call Beaverton 3461 E sle r Sh eet M etal W o r k s Tavern Equipment Custom Built FURNACE REPAIR AND CLEAN IN G Let Us Stop That Downdraft FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE C A LL US - CHerry 3594 8005 S W. Capitol Highway iii=il'3IM=lll = IIIBtll=UI=IHBIII3lll3lll3lNEIIIBIII=llir ■ ^llsHISIHBNISUISIIISMIflllBm Views From The I*rc«s Gallary— It s easy to see that the lawmak ers in both Houses are getting weary from the long grind. . Tempers and nerves are on the ragged edge........... and the beau­ 54" Stainless Steel Single Compartment, tiful weather during the past Faucet and Spray $100.00 week has spurred on ’’the I want to go home feelin g ”. . . . As a rule, this late in any session 66" Stainless Steel Double Compartment finds practically all of the lobby­ ists at home. . . . But not this Faucet and Spray $130.00 session. . . . . They are still here. . . . And will be until they ring down the curtain. . . . The 96" Stainless Steel Double Compartment, teachers and their Dellweathers $175 00 Faucet and Spray. are still arouhd............. Plus the big truck men. fish people and labor leaders galore. . . . And ev­ eryone has Spring fever. . . Many ex-legislators sit in the gallery and watch the proceedings at­ tentively. . . Including many Dem­ ocrats who lost out at the last F. D. PECK, Manager election. . . . But from the way Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 this session Is going, their chan­ ces should enhance considerably come 1949 M c C re a d y L u m b e r C o . 14/ a p S»*c your A gricultural Conservatio n Coni* mittce fo r inform ation on h e lp fu l farm* in$i practices. Y o u r local com m ittee chairm an is A. E . K ra lim e r of H illsb o ro . I bi s advertisem ent, presented ill the in ­ terests o f better soil conservation m eth­ od*». is sponsored hv F irst N atio n al Bank of Portland Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation