BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Beaverton Personals P'iday, March 14. 1947 \ la i> q u n A t C hurch 1 unctieon Guest T he M ary M artha Class o f the I M rs. V erna H u n tly cam e out C hurch o f Christ is g iv in g a ban-1 from P ortla n d to attend a party quet T uesday evening, M arch 18 given by Mrs. H elen F ish er last Guests will be all (hose w h o have Thursday. ever attended the class in the j past. M ove T o St. H elens D inner w ill be served at the Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Seibert ch u rch at 6:30 and an en joyable o f Allen A venue have m oved to even in g program is planned. A St. H elens, where M r. Seiberts is free w ill o ffe rin g fo r the rug fund in the fu rn itu re business. will be taken. Seattle V isitors A ttend Funeral Mr. and M rs. Charles Straley John Z im brick o f Lebanon, b ro ­ are in O lym pia and Seattle fo r a ther o f B ob and A rch ie Z im b rick . w eek. T h ey exp ect to return on and Mrs. A m el o f B eaverton, Mrs. Saturday. L aura E m m on s o f Eugene, was buried in L ebanon last M onday. New K ob e« T h ose g o in g from here were Mr. The n ew robes have arrived fo r and Mrs. B ob Z im brick , A rchie m em bers o f the M ethodist C hurch Z im b rick and the A m el fam ily. ch oir. T h ey will be used b y the ch oir P a lm Sunday. E ntertain s Club Mrs. R u b y Jannsen en terta in ed the C heerio Club in her lovely new hom e near R eedville last F ri­ day. A fte r a lovely luncheon bridge was played. Mrs. V ern a H untly o f P ortlan d w as a guest. Guests F rom D allas Mr. and Mrs. W . P. M iller en­ tertained a grou p o f relatives and frien d s fro m D ailas last Thursday and F riday. T he M illers went to E ugene to visit a son and w ife, returning on M onday. Tea A Stanley T ea will be given at the I.O.O.G. Hall, M arch 18, the proceeds to g o tow ard the I.O.O.F. B uilding Fund. W eek E n d V isitor Mrs. W a lte r L. M yers had as a v isitor o v e r last w eek end her sister, Mrs. H. A. T rim ble o f Se- A t H om e J a ck M anges w h o has been in the N a vy and station ed in C al­ ifornia, has returned hom e. W e want you to see the fine lines o f merchandise we will carry. Take a stroll through our spacious display rooms and Keturns F ro m C a liforn ia Mrs. P earl N ew m an, w h o has been sp en d in g the w in ter in Cal­ iforn ia w ith relatives and friends has returned to B eaverton. note the products o f such nationally recognized manufacturers as: Picard, Biltwell, Simmons, Sealy, Alexander Smith, Hightstown, H om e F ro m E ast Mrs. E. A. H ansen has returned hom e from an extended visit with relatives and friends in the East. TILLER TYPE Garden TRACTO RS For demonstration on your place Call BEacon 3807 Karagheusian and a host o f others. Y o u ’ll find the nation’s pre­ A tten ds P a rty Mrs. E rnestin e B eeler attended the A ssociate M atrons p a rty in P ortlan d last Saturday. B rid ge L un ch eon Mrs. H elen F ish er entertained a grou p o f friends at her hom e last T h u rsd a y fo r lu n ch eon and bridge. ferred appliances— and H . C. Little, Portland’s largest selling con- version oil burner You *re new th e M ee* ottorncr*' P ofV VYeH*er t* r ó ce A ls o Im m ediate D e live ry on W h e e l a n d C ro w le r Garden Tractors and Power Lawnmowers C-B Tractor & Equip. Co. W E S T SLO PE Discount ! Clearance With the Purchase of Any Lodies and Girls BEacon 3807 Your GARDEN TRACTOR CENTER LIVING ROOM COMBINATION ROBES, DRESSES SKIRTS, SLA CK S BLOUSES, LINGERIE and SW EATERS S. W . BEDROOM SUITE — with any daveno or davenport and chair combination, select any floor or table lamp up to $15.00 in value or receive a $ 15.00 credit on a more ex­ pensive lamp. W hile they last 220 Wlrti the Purchase of Any — you will receive absolutely free your choice of mattress or springs, valued up to $34.50, First St. contract lines excepted. Phone 3774 Beaverton D E L IV E R Y .C O S T S ... Oregon W h e re p a rk in g With the Purchase of Any is eosy DINING ROOM GROUP Contract and Shop Welding — choose any occasional table you like up to $15.00 and it's absolutely free. You may apply this $15.00 to the pur­ chase of a more expensive table if you desire. Portable Eq u ipm e nt Certified Electric Welders A ce tyle n e W e ld in g O perator, MERCHANDISE CREDIT — If ) « u purrlitt»r an H. C U t ile llu rner here. Mil» wrek A»k . I mhi I th e r « r lu » l« r fea- tu r r , that h a v . ma.Ir It p re ­ ferred h t Portlanilem . thl» o ffe r atipite* nnlv I « Ihr C a n to n Road »lore 1 1 0 3 3 S. W . C a pito l H ig h w a y P ortla n d 1, Ore. Phone CHerry 3843 CANYON ROAD STORE Cut Flowers Potted Plants y* M ile E ast o f Beaverton on C an yo n Road O versize From o u r ow n green H o u se s D o ily Service to Portland a n d H illsb oro America's Finest Motorbike S e r v ic y c le r e d u c e s y o u r d e l iv e r y c o sts u p to 7 S % ! C o s ts just a fraction o f a cent p e r m ile to run. M a k e m o re d e liv e rie s,g e t (here fa s te r... s a fe r... easier w ith stu rd y Servicycle. t u la iiv . » lim y . n S .r v ic y c l. F . a t v r . t w g a llo n (sty w .iy tll C o m p o rt A v .r.g .s S n f . it 1 0 0 m i l. « t . . p . r . l . ... l i g h t n o p a rk in g p r . W . m r 6717 S. E. M ilw aukie Ave. NEW HOMES FOR SALE F o u r hole lee Cream Cabinet M a k e a G ood H on • Freezer 2 Bedrooms - Hardwood Floors in living room - Single attached garage with utility room 6 5 x 135 lot Elmonica Store Phone Beoverton 3 1 7 7 IS M M % Equip. Co. W ill take F H A Loan of $ 7 2 0 0 at 4 % interest Located 3 blocks south of Beaverton H igh School on Hozel Avenue Open from 11 - 4 :3 0 every day. M ary A. Hunt passed aw ay on Feb. 28 at the age o f 68 years. She is o f 2537 N. E. K illlngs- w orth. She is the m other o f Mis. A gn es Sackett, I x m g Beach, Cal.; Mrs. Julia Peterson, Cedar Mill; and John P. Hunt o f P ortlan d; sister o f Carl J., P eter P., and Martin A. Hansen, all o f P ort­ lan d; Mrs. S. R unzer, Alberta, C anada; 10 grandchildren also re­ main. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, M arch 4 at 8:30 a m. at St. Charles Church, N. E. 33rd and W ebster. Interm ent at Mt. Calvery Cem etery. Our con d olen ces go to Mrs. Ju­ lia Peterson In her bcieavem ent. CLUB MEETS T he K lnton Hom e E conom ics clu b met M onday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. G eorge Snider with Mrs. H arold C utting as associate hostess. F ifteen m em bers were present SC R A P META!, at this regular m onthly meeting. O. R N ICH O LSO N & SON Dealer in Batteries, Radiotors, Brass, A lu m in u m , C opper L e a d a n d Z ine W E S T SLO PE See M R M A S S E Y of homes or call A T 8141 HIGHEST rHICKS PAII) Commonwealth, Inc garden tractor center 103rd and Sandy Blvd voi no m i it Mrs. Frank Butts has been con ­ 1 The hom e o f Mr. and Mix. John fined at her hom e the past week P oin ter o f S. W. Auxtin Road la su fferin g with an attack o f flu. the T uesday night meeting place o f a grou p o f you ng people from Sylvan, B eaverton and West Slope . for a com bin ed evening o f table tennia and a Bible claaa taught by Dr. Douglaa Taylor, son o f the G eorge T aylora of McCheaney Road. Sixth, aeventh Hnd eighth g ra d ­ ers and high sch ool freshm en and sophom ores are cordially Invited 12 o r 16 inch slab wood, 2 cord to meet with this gtou p foi an lo a d s into Beaverton en joyable and profitable evening from « 45 to 8:30 n.m. 1-H Club L 's d i 'S f.nti rtained R a ck In H ospital A large grou p o f 4-H Club lend­ H arold P e g g has had to return ers m et in the Masonic T em ple to the hospital. last F rid ay evening. The Social C lub o f Eastern Star served a dinner fo r them. A very nice progrnm was given. M isses V anda Benson Anita Plon $8150 ovl and P atricia Seldler putting $8450 on som e dances which w ere en­ joy ed by all. Completely equipped with gas refrigerator -- 4 place gas stove -- auto gas furnace — auto, gas hot water heater C-B Tractor Lot When East Side Shopping, Remember Our Two Stores Beaverton Florists O n Lom b ard, just S. of A lle n Phone 2 9 6 S P ark in g Phone; N e o r U n io n O il D e po t Beaverton 2497 — Bertha B eaverton H iw a y BULL DOZER W ORK B y C o n tro c t or H o u r Free Estimates Schooling & Hobeck Rfe 5, B o x 0 5 5 Hillsbore, Ore Phong Hillsboro 3202 ORDER YOUR NEXT W INTER'S FUEL N O W M ix e d W o o d I cord inside I cord slab info Beoverton Saw du st 7Vi U n it loads into Beoverton Carnation Fuel Company Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 318M Open till noon Saturdays