Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1947)
BEAVERTON, OREGON Friday, March 14, 1947 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE IROGER W . BABSON j STATE LEGISLATIVE TOPICS!* pat tiiienta are slated to get what we uaed to call "war-time appro Published Friday ot each week by the priations". Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, The Department o f Commerce, Oregon. Entered as second-class m at for example, la to have more ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore than thirteen times the $20,000,- gon. 000 a. its disposal before the war. It is difficult to understand why in times of good employment al-1 Subscription Payable in Advance ___________ $2.00 I most as much money is delegated ' One Year ... to "relief” as in depression pe riods. The veterans, the farmers, ti.e old people among us are add ing to the unreasonably high bud • 1C II get by asking the Government to solve all problems. Individual P b i i i i I A T I M self-reliance and economical plan ning are being discarded as»every- one turns to Washington. Stanley W . Netherton, Publisher B abson D iscusses S u b s id ie s I TW O WASHINGTON COUNTY T U K K K Y PBOOUCEKS» T A K E AD V AN TA G E OF PR IC E Steel Jaws—The crocodile lay SU PPO RT waiting in the shallow water Two Washington county farm while the tribes people on the ers from the Gaston area took ad bank beat the drums. It was vantage of price support offered planting time for this African by the U. S. D. A. by selling tribe and the river brute, this 56,057 pounds of dressed turkey crocodile, was their god. He could to the government Saturday morn give them a harvest of much or ing. little, as he might choose. And so, This price support is in accor by dance and shouting, they sought dance with the Steagal Amend his favor and at the end, his ment passed by congress during steel jaws would close over the the war. The price of turkeys al babe that some mother must of ong with several other basic farm fer to fui tiler win him. products is to be supported at Open Blind Eyes— The morning 90 per cent of parity until Decem light is breaking and God’s mes ber 31, 1948. The regular price of turkeys senger people are on the move. are to give the Bible to this year has fallen below the cost They o f raising them and this will en the furthest tribe — “ To open able these two farmers to get their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the back their cost of production. power of Satan to God.” Acts 26: It is one of the ironies of life 18. All must be reached and told that when one grows tall enough o f the one living and true God to reach the Jam on the pantry and of how he proved his love shelf, the craving for jam has dis by offering up his only-born Son, appeared.- -The Advocate. To Eal B abe The cost of subsidies this year will be over $13,000,000,000. Today many individuals who desire something for themselves or for State House, Salem, Oregon, a particular ^roup first endeavor Babson Park Fla., March 7.— to obtain it tthrough Washington March 12th, 1947. Do you remem Too many people have a childlike rather than through their own re ber the “ three golden balls" which unconcern as to what is done sources and initiative. Formerly, always adorned the entrance of with their hard-earned cash after only as a last resort, did our peo the old-time pawn shop? Those it passes into Government hands. ple take their problems to the three balls meant it was a two- Subsidies to-one bet you wouldn’t get your Too many have a childlike trust Federal Government. Ask for your free classified of all institiutions, from ban s given to any individual or group watch out of hock and in our op "Subscriber Ad Cards” with each and insurance companies to gov cause a shift o f some control to inion, the same “golden balls" new subscription or renewal. ernment bureaus. All should study men and bureaus in the Federal could safely adorn the entrance Th ey"! pay you real dividends. to the State Capitol, because it Government. This control is un and investigate the concerns or is a good two-to-one bet this Leg groups which either receive or healthy for our country. handle their funds. Handing over much of the islature won’t get out of hock We all should know where our country’ scash to support certain (they will still be looking for 8 tax dollars are going and how groups is not democratic and is or 10 million to balance the bud wisely they are being spent. A l financially dangerous. The Unit get), before they adjourn sine SEPARATORS — M IL K E R S though savings are as low as they ed States spent $80,000,000 in price die, which the rail birds say can not be earlier than March 26th. C O M PLET E EQ U IP M EN T A N D have been in many years, do you supports to the farmers on pota SUPPLIES FOR THE D A IR Y realize how extravagant is the toes alone in 1946. More and The longest previous session on IN D U S T R Y new Truman Budget? It calls more farm porducts are asking ecord was 70 days and this ses for two to thirteen times as much|for price supports. Farmers will sion will reach its 70th day on money to be spent by each gov probably be paid well over $320,- March 23rd. So among other out ernment department i t f the com 000,000 for cutting down produc standing accomplishments o f this ing fiscal year as was spent in any tion this year. The program fos Legislature .they will break ail pre-war year. W e enter the third export subsidies means the Gov prior records for days in session year of peace with a proposed ernment sells farm products over unless a miracle happens and few, Hdnufdi furtn A DMributor» 1 V C R Y T H IN C# budget of around $37,500,000,000, seas at a loss, after buying them if uny, of the political prophets now in process of being whittled here at high prices with the tax believe in miracles. Tiie lawmakers ate beginning to down by Congress. Nine trillion payers' money. On-Job training was our peak in “huge” pre-war for veterans is to result in n bil show the signs of wear and tear. budgets. lion dollar subsidy to business The long committee meetings and the scores of arguments, both pro Typici I Budget Items men. AT. 6461 and con, on the many not meas 132 N. W. Pork Why should it cost taxpayers Financial Suicide? ures they have been revamping in almost $700,000,000 more in 1947 By recent estimates .ach work than in 1946 to operate regular er labors almost a full day every committee for the past 8 weeks, government bureaus and depart week Just for the Government. I f have fruyed their nerves down to ments? W hy does operation and over-grown and wasteful Govern the bickering and heckling stage. cost of upkeep of the executive ment continues how much of the All anyone has to do to start a mansion have to be more than worker’s pay will be ’’take-home” ? peach of an argument is sneeze, three times the amount spent be Let us realize that every time we und the battle is on. fore the year? Do we need over ask our Government for money One always hot sujbect the a million more civilian personnel we nro really digging into our in war agencies today than we did pockets and those of our lawmakers hoped would slumber _______ ,___ _ generations _______, ^ peacefully during this session, is before Pearl Harbor? All our de- children , for perhaps M ILK . But such was not to be to come. I t will be a pity If we as farm the case. Last week seeral bus ers, businessmen, Job-holders .and loads of women from Portland, all LIVESTOCK HAULING veterans hand down to future gen members of the League o f Wo on the erations a heritage of debt and men Voters, descended Broadway 0068 greed. Both can kill at the roots Capitol like a flock of starlings future opportunities for the high and in no uncertain words de standard of living of which we manded that the pi «sent Milk have been so proud. We are at Control Law be revamped for the A U T O M A T IC last learning to "turn over ti.e benefit of the consumer. The gals box and look at the price” when charged thut the present act, and buying merchandise; let us fol the slip-shod manner in which it low the same principle when pay is being administered hy the State Immediate Delivery on ing our taxes. Surely, let us see Department of Agriculture, is a " E V i R E D Y " - 'Q U IE T - M E A T " disgrace and should be changed. what is In the box! The ladles were very ably backed " O 'B R IE N " up In their arguments by repre N o Dow n Payment - 3 yrs. to pay sentatives of several large groc FREE EST IM A T ES ery chains, who told the lawmak Call WEbtter 4313 ers they wanted to sell milk for two or three cents per quart IN C O M E T A X Associated with Tony Schulz Co., cheuper than the present price but SEE 5771 N E. Union Ave. were unable to do so because of Dave Torbet the present law. Hence, look for Portland, Oregon a good milk battle again before Cedar M ills - Ph. Boavertan 3080 this session adjourns. S p en d in g to die for their sins. Yes Let sinful man receive Christ into his heart as Lord and Saviour and God gives tha* man eternal ,lfe In place of fear and shame, comes joy and peace and cheer. At N i g h t f a l l —At the end of life, what have you? And what for_ to day? “O Happy Day tha* f jxed my choice on Thee, my Saviour and my God.” T A I- P IN G Terrace A M E R IC A N -CHINESE D IN N E R S Fine Food - Ample Parking 2 mi. North of Tigard 1 1 1 3 0 S. W . Barbur Blvd. at 55th Ave. S W McChesney Rd., Portland 1, Oregon. This space paid for by a Seattle family. Dancing After 9 IH_ ( | | = | | | = | | | E | | | = I I|= I I I = | | | = | || = | " = I " = " I = " I 5 I " = " |5 I " = I " = " I = " I = , " S " I = I M = I I I = " , 5 | | | = jjj I I III “ = Before You Build W e invite you to examine our M O R T A R LESS M A S O N R Y SYSTEM O F RE - IN F O R C E D B L O C K C O N S T R U C T IO N . Concrete Blocks ore ideal for any type of structure (homes, business buildings, retaining walls, garden walls, etc.) M a - sonry Building Blocks ore a natural base for stucco qnd plaster, which gives you an in- suloted, moisture-proof, fire and termite-proof wall, at low m aintenance and building cost. M O R T A R L E S S I N T E R LO C K - IN G B L O C K S D O N O T RE- Q U IR E S K IL L E D W O R K M E N TO L A Y THEM . BLOCKS available for immediate deliv- ery. De Laval R. S. M I L L E R ïiiom ei (mH ANNOUNCING Of 6309 S. W. Capitol Highway ATWater 3750 O ur Block East of Capitol ami B crtha-B eaverlon Ju n ction 4-FOOT SLAB W OOD from live timber -- N o edgings $6.50 cord in 3 cord lots 1 cord, $7.50 T IG A R D FUEL CO. Call Tigard 2 6 5 3 CENTRALLY LO CATED C!* m to be* trans port o t I • n • n 4 welkin« distene# from downtown. A fter spending about $50,000 for u tax research study program dur ing the past two years, this leg For your individual Cosmetic islature is running true to form by requirement consult kicking practically all of its rec Florence Engcr ommendations out the window. The 3 per cent sales tax measure 6 2 0 S. Hall St. which first must get by the vot Beaverton, Ore Phone 3 2 8 3 ers seems to be the one and only sure solution for the tax mess If you want to buy, trade or sell, Oregon finds itself in .according TRY A CLASSIFIED AD to the many opinions expressed by a majority of lawmakers in both Houses. A flock of other tax raising measures, which are supposed to raise around 5 mil lion dollars annually, include a tax on cigarettes, slot machines, pari mutual betting, bookmakers wages and amusement de%Ves. Apparently these bills are not re In W alker's Dept Store ceiving very serious attention from this legislature. The boys say Flowers for all a sales tax, which would raise around 30 million per year .would Occasions put the state in the black Ink column once and for all and • Funeral Designs therefore it would not be neces sary to levy the many nuisance • Cut Flowers taxes which are now going thru the legislative mill. • Potted Plants LUZIER'S Doll House Florisf J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN NW F O U R T H A T M O N T G O M F . il I T w ater 2181 Riverview Cemetery W EST END HELL WOOD HRIOGR CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY (Vunplete Funeral Service In New Unthedrnl Chapel at No Extra root Riverside is a co-operative aaao- clatlon with assets of over $800,000 • Corsages Phone orders to Beaverton 3461 or Scholls 8322 VISIT O R S W ELCO M E Esler Sheet Metal Works Tavern Equipment Custom Built FURNACE REPAIR A N D C LE A N IN G Let Us Stop That Downdraft FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL US - CHcrry 3594 8005 S. W. Capitol Highway ART NEON SIGN CO. N EO N SALES A N D SER V ICE Phene CH . 3711 M l 4 S W. Pacific Hifkwey When this session does adjourn It will still break another record A record number of House and Senate blits are scheduled to die In committee because o f the vast number Introduced. Up to Monday of tills week, 875 bills had been dropped in the Hoppers as ag ainst 710 for the same period of the 1945 Session, an all time high and ninny more are on their way. Before the lawmakers call it quits, it seems a certainty« that more than 1,000 bills will have been introduced. Yes Indeed, the accomplishments of this session Is nothing to write home about View « From The Tress Gallery— A hundred or so o f his old time friends gave Ralph Watson, long time political writer for the Port land Dally Journal, a big Ivin quet. . . And Ralph was presented [ with a beautiful gold wristwatch. Watson is retiring from the I newspaper business at the end of this session . . Dean o f the Press, he covered his first aes | slon In 1907 . . 40 years ago . . John W. Kelly, who for years was I the political writer on the Oregon- lon was the Toastmaster and John [ covered his first session in 1898 . ..Mates, that was a long time I ago. . . A stag affair andagood time was had by all. . . Seven bucks a plate was the tariff and | everyone paid, even the newspap er men. . . The free list was en tirely out. . And W H A T T A Night. Igirry Smythe. who has been sec ond in command for the Journal I fo r a number o f year*, wilt take j Watson's place. (O PEN IN G SPECIALS) M A I I X ^ i a l X d S k J L i A T ▼ H A R D TO GET ITEM S BY THE KEG OR PO U N D J 3P, 4P, 6P FINISH PI Y W n n n M iii = lll = lll= lll= ll l= lh - lll= ii il il!=m=lll=lll=lll=IIIEIIIBHI=lll=IIISI|ŒIII5lll=lll=IIISIIIElllSlll£lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lliaii Hillsdale Builders Supply Accounting =HB OT jjj = !i! jjj 5 jjj FAN NO ST AT IO N Highway 217 on Railroad track, or write 434 N. E. IM Buffalo, Portland, 1 1» Oregon ill G. J. BLUM, Rep. Phone CHerry 3902 = a Rte. 6, Box 1186, Portland FORMAL OPENING OIL BURNERS = !1! |jj = !!! jjj = Uj jjj = jjj K J K J U ROOFING by 8P, 16P BOX and C O M M O N ™ E SHEET or TRUCKLOAD W ' 3/» "' W' *•"» J/4 " SHEETING 45 LB. - 65 LB. ALUM INUM 105 LB. G O TH IC POINT ELECTRICAL WIRING ITEMS Loom Wire - Boxes - Switches - Rec eptacles Range Boxes PLUMBING Wash Bowls, Shower Stalls Fittings, Sinks, Strainers, Etc. PABCO PAINTS Inside and Outside W H IT E and Colors Turps and Oils Come In and Get Acquainted