SLOPE ß O N N Y •E A V fK T O N EN TERPRISE J C o m m u n i t y BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE C l u b M r r i l n i t The Bonny Slope Community Club will hold its meet lng March 8 at 8:30 p.m. in the Community Club house. Everyone is asked to attend ' Refreshments w ill be served with dancing aftewrards. • • . Stanley W. Netherton, Publisher Published Fridoy of eoch week bv the Pioneer Publishing Co., of Beoverton, Oregon. Entered os second-class mat- ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore- gon. Indies Auxiliary T o V. P. W. The Sewinv Classes, held in the Kiwanis Club rooms on Thurs­ days will complete their course of lessons on March 20. These classes .sponsored by the Beaver­ ton Orade School and the Parent Teacher Association are furnish­ ed by the State Department of Vocational Education, Mildred Bailey, itinerant instructor, and have proved a real benefit to those who have attended The next to last meeting on March 13, the beginners class meeting from 9:30 a.m. until 12 noon will be devoted to general questions. The advanced class, meeting from 12:30 p.m. to 3 00 p.m. will continue its work on lin­ ings and finishing processes. If there is sufficient interest another class may be formed. Should you care to enroll, please call Mrs. Gladys Huddleston, Bea­ verton 2723 at your earliest con­ venience. The 1 «dies Au*:Uiary to V.F.W Subscription Payable in Advance One Year ................. ............... $2.00 Post 824» had a meeting Mnrch Ith at t . 30 p.m. The following of ficers were installed: President Mrs. Taylor; Vice President, Mrs Polette; Jr. Vice Pres.. Mrs. Cop- pinger; Treasurer, Mrs. Batke; II ¡Secretary. I.ucele Torbett; Chap­ P l i n s t e i * ¿ 4 $ 4 * 1 I A T I B I lain, Mrs. Ed Bqrtelsky; Counter- ess, Mrs. Vester; Guard. Mrs. Mc> Farren. Trustees— 1 year, Mrs. Savo- lalnen; 2 year. Mrs. Howell; year, Mrs. A. E. Bartelsky. _ . „ j Color Bearers—Mrs. Jack Batke, Mrs. George Higgins, Miss Wanda J Coppinger, Mrs. A. E. Bartelsky. Basket Social Patriotic Instructor, Mrs. John Caneberry growers who have The Bonny Slope Community plantings infected with lecanium Stauffer. Pot luck lunch was served, with Club will give a Basket Social on scale should apply control mea­ doing March 15th at the Club House. A sures at once states Palmer S. the members o f Post 8247 program will begin at 8:30 p. m. most of the eating. Torvend, county ugent. Since op­ and the auctioning of baskets will portunities to spray earlier have begin at 9:30 p. m. been somewhat limited a number Cub Scouts Don’t forget the time, or the On February 22nd the Cub of growers have not applied for don’t you forget their early spring spray as yet. Scouts of Bonny Slope had their day. Indies, your baskets. Pack meeting. The meeting was Some canes are beginning to show new growth and standard dor­ opened by Cubmaster Mr. Em- mant strength sprays must be merson. Fire In Bonny Slope Mrs. Wannus is a Post Den used with care under these condl The first fire of the season tions. Normally, a dormant oil mother. Mr. Shannon is now on the com­ brought many people from Port­ spray using 4 per cent actual oil mittee as a Post Den father. land. They didn’t come to fight is the recommended application Daryl Emerson opened the sec­ the fire, they came to watch it. I f leaf and cane spot disease has been a problem, control mea­ ond part of the meeting by read­ However many fire trucks were there and they patrolled it and sures consist of an application of ing the 31th Psalm. A short play was then put on kept it away from the houses. 3-3-50 bordeaux, applied Just after The following fire trucks were at the new leaves are out in the by some of the boys. Poem, Who Shall I Be—by Har­ the scene of the fire: Cedar Mills, spring, or an applicant of dor­ Multnomah County, Hillsboro, mant strength lime-sulphur up old Hinshaw. Errol Heights, and Poem, When I am a Man -by Gresham, plied during February or March Glenn Harbor Heights. will give control. If scale is not James Rhinehold. Poem, Who is it? by Gene a problem, the bordeaux spray The fire didn't do much damage, appears to give effective results Grosse. hut it did burn the dead grass Poem, Young George Washing­ and bushes, insuring the people Growers who have adopted n spray program to control scale ton by Herbert Trachsel, Jr. against future fires of the sea­ Poem, To VVashington by Noel son. and leaf spots have increased Emmerson. yields as much us 30 per cent Poem, Brave Boy by Kieth A r­ Torvend reports. COM M UNITY CHORUS TO cher. Poem, Washington’s Success by S T A R T PR AC TIC E FOR E A S IE R CONCERT Daryl Emmerson. LIVESTOCK HAULING The Cub Scouts meet every The Beaverton Community Chor­ Thursday at K:00 p.m. in the Bon­ Broadway 0068 ny Slope Community Club House. us will start its practices for an Their pack meeting is the last Easter concert this Monday eve­ ning, March 10, at 8 p.m. at th e ' Thursday of each month. Congregational Church. « • • There will be six practices, so Proud Parents all members plan to be there on Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jarvis of Monday night sure. Texas are the proud parents of a daughter. Mrs. Jarvis was former­ FEATHERETTES ly Helen McFarren of Bonny Slope. The new feather flower for Evening and street wear i«E6)o©JlL