Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1947)
THE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET CASH M UST A C C O M PAN Y A LL CLASSIFIED ADS Count eoeh w ord, in c lu d in g Nam e and cx id re s s -O N L Y 2c A W O R D N o Phone O rders T aken M IN IM U M 25 c A N ISSUE W e P ublish the BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE T IG A R D SEN TIN EL M U L T N O M A H PRESS A L O H A NEW S C om plete Eastern W a s h in g to n C o un ty and W estern M u ltn o m a h C o un ty C overage FOR SALE REAL es ta te for sale TUALATIN VALLEY HOMES 2 B R.( new stre a m lin e r $ 1 3 ,7 5 0 2 B. R., 1-3 b s m t, elec, h t 7 9 5 0 2 B. R home income, A lo h a 7 5 0 0 2 B. R., H andy M a n Spec 4250 2 B. R., 1 down, 1 up 5000 V e te ra n Special, new 6750 2 B. R. C ottage; new 5500 I A . I B R . home, T ig a rd 4800 Bldg Sites in Rest. Dist. If You W a n t to Sell, see A l ALFRED E. S C H M IT Z , Bkr. 9 1 3 4 SW B a rb ur Blvd CH 2 5 5 4 Baby th is Every Tuesday Miller Hamps, Christie Hampa, Hollywood Wh. Leghorns. Order liv. early. Miller's Hatchery, Beaver $8950 HOME—2 bedrooms, ton, Oregon. Phone Beaverton rm., bath, kitchen, garage in beau mile east of 2918. * 5UÍ tiful Westdale, Beaverton. See it, like it, buy it! WOOD FOR SALE: 4 it. slab- Thurlow Weed, Canyon Road nr. wood, green or dry Hanson Fuel Nendel’s. 5 Company, Beaverton. Phone 2828. 34 tf FOR SALE: New 5 rm. house. 2 bedrooms downstairs, utility rm„ COM M UNITY AUCTION SALE and garage, ready to move in if and lunch every Saturday 9:30 you can handle the plumbing. a.m. Clackanma Stables on 82nd $500 or more down and $20 per Ave., 3*^ miles south Foster Rd., month at 9th and Hall, Beaver Portland, J. L. Walters, owner and ton. Arthur A. Leavitt. 5 auctioneer. tf FOR SALE: Two lots on Hall St. 4 FT. WOOD, 3 CORD LOTS. $22 Lovely homesites in filbert or deliver anywhere. Give location with order. Stanford Laugtilin, chard on Lombard. Phone Alo ha 6443. 5p Carlton, Rt. 1. ________ tf SAWDUST, Light Slab, Cull lath, FOR SALE: West of Aloha. 2 ac Reasonable prices. Your haul. Call res, 2 bedroom furnished home, CHerry 1682, or Beav. 2465, eves. large garage, chicken house and 150 chickens, $7500.00. Alfred E. 5 FOR SA LE —16-in. green slab wood Schmitz, CHerry 2554. 2Mi cord loads $8 cord delivered. A LO H A Reuben Johnson, Newberg phone 193-J. tf 1 4 room white bungalow, l ‘-j acres on paved street. Building sites SHAVINGS make good bedding for 2 more homes. Price $5.000. for stock and scratch for poultry MR. SYVERSON, BEAVERTO N house floor. They are free at 3795. Reedville Sawmill. 47tf E V E R Y T H IN G YOU W A N T FO R SALE: centrifugal ALOHA Modern 2 bedroom bun pump with 6 horse air cooled en galow. Fireplace, furnace, cement basement, city water, two fine ac gine, $85.00. 2—Storage tanks 8’ x 8’ x 4 ap res, fruit, berries, large chicken prox. 1800 gal. with 2” outlet, $150 house. Price $8750. MR. MAF- F ITT, B E A V E R TO N 3795. ea3h*New 2” Globe valves, $6.00 SERVICE STATIO N each. 4 __New 2” Gate Valves, $6.00 ea. located in small town near For i ; miie beyond Reedville on Cherry est Grove on hiway. 3 gas pumps. St. T*hone Beaverton 3861. H. V. 8 to 10,000 gal. (5 cent contract), Johnson. 44*^ 5 car garage .equipped for light and heavy repair. 6 yr. lease. FO R SALE: Holstein, Guernsey Pumps, all equip, and stock in and Jersey heifers, $47.50 each. A l cluded for $7500. W A Y N E A L E X so Bred Gilts, $37.50 each. Gotter AND ER, B E A V E R TO N 3795. at Scholls._____________________ 52tf 8 ACRES F O R SALE: Accordions, new and 7 room home, barn, chicken hse., used, 12, 48, 80 and 120 bass. ¡other bldgs. Electric water sys West Slope Accordion Studio. Rt. tem. Located near Reedville. Price 2 Box 381, Beaverton, Phone BR $10,500—ED McC A LLE N , BEA 4702.___________________ 521 f V E R TO N 3795. FO R SALE: W rist watch, water 23 ACRES proof, shock proof, $25. Inquire near Beaverton. 6 room home with Beaverton Enterprise.__________ IfP basement, 3 room tenant house rented, 2 new chicken houses, el FO R SALE: Barn with floored ectric water system, 20 acres loft to be moved or torn down. wheat, orchard. Price $16.000. ED Lots of good lumber Call Beav- McCALLEN, B E A V E R TO N 3795. lerton 3744. F ILB E R T S WOOD — 16 inch old growth, A LO H A —7V4 acres with 6 acres slock and slab. Also chip mix & 6 yr. filberts, fine condition. Mod straight sawdust. Curb or side ern shake bungalow, fireplace, loor delivery. Wilson Fuel Yard, cement basement, city water, Phone Beaverton 2491. 7 small barn. Price, $13.000. ED Mc F O R SALE: 16 In. block wood, CALLEN, B E A V E R TO N 3795. some slab mixed in, $23 for 2^4 cord load. Reuben Johnson, N ew FO X B E A V E R TO N O FFIC E berg, Oregon. Phone 193-J. 4tf On Canyon Road At Ellis Ave. Open Eves till 8—All day Sunday FO R SALE: Poland, Berkshire, 5 Chester, Duroc and Hampshire bred gilts, $47.50 each. Gotter at FOR SALE Scholls. 4*f F O R SALE: Two Colony Brooders 1000 chick capacity, coal burning. $20.00 each. C. E. Benson, Route 2. Box 236, Tigard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 2040. 5p F O R SALE: Pigs, one sow with 8 pigs, one sow with 6 pigs and four feeder pigs. C liff Loomis. Rt. 2. Box 521 on Walker Road. 2nd house turn left from Barnes school. 5p FO R SALE W ard’s culti mower with lawn mower and sickle bar attachment. First class condition, $115. Garden cultivator attach ments available. Jack Anannd. Rt. 1. Box 446, Tigard. Phone Tigard 2350. 5p FOR SALE: Rockhill Everbearing Strawberry plants, IJaphne and Blue Cypress. Holly pollenizers, Rte. 3, Box 576, Oak Ave. South of Farmington Rd., Beaverton 2249. David E. Lofgren. 5p FO R SALE: Alpine billy goat, $8. E. J. Marvin. Rte .2. Box 767, Bea verton. 5p FOR SALE: Universal combina tion green and ivory enamelled range with two ovens, gas and wood. Excellent condition. Also Ruud gas water heater with fit tings, good condition. Call Bea verton 3293. 337 S. W. 7th. 5p B A R N FOR SALE: 60 x 80. Very cheap. Cedar Mill Park. Just west of Cedar Mill. Phone Beaverton 3085. Fred McLain Construction Co. 5 FDR SALE Girls bicycle, good condtiion. $15. William Flett, 1st and Pine Sts.. Metzger. Phone CHerry 3978. 5p FO R SALE: Overstuffed daven port, good condition. $30. William Flett, 1st and Pine Sts., Metzger. CHerry 3978. 5p FO R SALE: Montag white ena mel trash burner. Coils. $50. Bea verton 2372. 5p FO R SALE 8 piece dining room set, like new M C. Morrison. Murray Ave., Rt. 1. Box 84 Beav erton. Sp FO R SALE: Wood combination gas cook stove, first house off Lombard on Allan West. McRob- erts. 5p FO R SALE Scotch collie and Do berman Pincher puppies. $5 and $8 E. H Pienney. Rt 5 Box 186. Portland. Take Barnes Road one mile south of Cedar Mill. 1-4 mile west on Buttner Road, then 1-3 mile north. 5p FOR SALE: 12' Van door, good condition. Tigard 2653. body, side $200. Call 5 IFOR SALE: Two 10:00 x 20 12- | ply truck tires, 90 per cent. Make | offer. Phone Tigard 2653. 5 FOR SALE: McCormick team .disc harrow and 2 plows. Reason able. Inquire at Speedy Freeze, j Beaverton. 5 p IFOR SALE; 50 New Hampshire led pullets, 10-11 mo. old. Laying ,60-70 per cent. $2 ea. one 200 >hick electric brooder, $10. 2 ap proximately 4 ’ x 8’ garage doors and lunges, $10.00 Phone Beaver- | ton 2697. 5 p FOR SALE: Simmons beds, twin coil springs; maple youth bed, spring filled mattress. S. E. Cor- M Ind Pacific. 1 lk east of Lombard. Beaverton. 5p TR A C TO R W O R K Plowing, disc ing and general garden work. J. A. Lincoln. Rt. 1, Box 429, Bea verton. Phone Beaverton 2713 be tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 5tf V E T E R IN A R IA N M ETAL W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G . Rock wool Insulation blown in for free estimate write R. E. Ell- son and Son. Rt. 2, Box 288, T i Kam of Beaverton 111 way 6 gard. Oregon. Phone Tigard 2197. Beaverton Portland tf 5511 « COM. 9924 Dr. N orm E. Johnson V e te rin a ria n ' ' -i'i«, uM ii m i '■ * ^ Registered Land Surveyor Phone Beeaverton 2592 DR. O L IV E R 'S yü TÜ JlJH Ä iiY ji'öäipaifÄi “ ’T t i t n J l y S t t n 'e ë 7 7 2 3 S. W . Capitol Highw ay Ch. 1 6 07 M u ltn o m a h , Ore "Across from Grade School" 46tf P. K. HAGG Raiding Contractor Concrete, Sand. Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28. Tigard, Oregon Phone T ig a r d S446 tf ROAD ROCK FOR SALE: Wedgcwood gas range, never used. Come even ings or Sunday. William O’Con- nor, Rt. 5, B ix 683. Portland 1-4 mile north of Cedar Mill on Sals- man Road. 5p BUSINESS SERVICES • CRUSHED ROCK tf Building Contractors L. H. Cobb Co. Phone Reaverton 2881 See us when you Plan to B u ild Free Estim ates G uaranteed W o rk m a n s h ip 6 2 0 S H a ll St Beaverton, Ore. Phone B eaverton 3 2 8 3 P A P E R IN G * P A IN TIN G —10 years experience, reasonable rates, F'irst Class. Free estimates, Call BEacon 3546, R. W HITLOW , 019 SW Hamilton, Portland 1, Ore tf CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING V E N E T IA N B U M 'S 10 day Delivery’ Repair — Repaint — J.atimlry Call A T 2924 Lillian Best 219 Lombard St. F'OR SALE: Collie puppies, 7 wks Beaverton Oregon 5p old, registered With A.K.C. Beau tifully marked, sable and white. M and N SERVICE Take Barbur Blvd. to the Kraft Cheese Plant. Turn South about 2 miles on Red Rock Rd to Bonita Rd., Shadyreek Collies, Rt. 1, Box by H o u r o r C o ntract 157, Tigard, Oregon. R. Willinan. fo r A p p o in tm e n t * 5p LANDSCAPING • WANTED Call TIGARD 2981 • R E SPO N SIB LE young matron Clock Repairing Beads Restrung will stay with children evenings. Dressmaking & Hosiery Mending West Slope district. Phone BRoad- M. Smith, 613 S. W. Tualatin Hwy Across from “ Sky Way” way 5895. 5p E X P E R T HOUSE SHOEING WANTF7D: Neat pleasing person W rite Frank Mangan alities capable of meeting people, P. O. Box 7032 confidant in own ability, anxious Multnomah, Oregon to earn. Full or part time. Write 9 Avon List. Mgr., 8225 S. E. Yam hill, Portland. 5p W E CURE AND SMOKE YO UR PO R K CI TS W A N TE D TO R E N T : Small un 25 years Experience furnished house or aptmt. in or AI.D ER M ARKET near Beaverton by building con Lewis Bros. tractor and wife. W rite Rt. 3, Box Coe. 1st and Washington St 124, Beaverton or see at S.W. 3rd PO RTLAND . OREGON tf St. No. 1135. 5p Mayfield & Zehr W e move d ir t - P u t In F ills D irt and R iver S ilt fo r Sale 6 " - 0 Rock fo r base G orden Rock fo r W a lls Sand a n d G ravel CEDAR M IL L S , BEAVER TO N We want to tell-you about "Brixulation" The Perfect Insulated Brick Siding in attractive butt color. Think of it' You get . . . QUALITY SIDING LIFETIME PAINT JOB EXCELLENT INSULATION All at no greater cost than regular wood Siding Suitable for either new or old buildings Phone 3951 BEAVERTON FRUIT AND NUT TREES WANTED Live Poultry Call Collect TAbor 4394 Portland One o f the largest stocks In the State. Come d ire ct to nu rse ry or send fo r Free, 44 page ca ta lo g . Berries, Shiubs, Roses, F ru it ond N u t Trees---oll kinds. T U A L A T IN V A L LE Y NURSERIES, Sherwood, Oregon. One m ile past Six Corners on 9 9 W . W ill w eigh and pa y h ig h e s t cash price a t you r p lace. PRO M PT P IC K -U P SERVICE W rite o r c a ll ROTO TILLING A com plete lin e of NURSERY STOCK W rite fo r New C a ta loo ue . Guy G. Foreman Villa Ridge Nursery 1 1333 S.W. 6 4 th on B a rb u r Blvd. P ortla nd 1, Ore Phone CH 2 9 2 8 W E. PE J ^ ^ ^ ^ o x ^ ^ O jP o r tla n d ld O r e . PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS G G M O K T 1 C I A N Reaverton, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1910 PHONE B E A V EK TO N 3411 J & B Concrete Products 3 rd a n d L o m b a rd B EAVER TO N , OREGON P. O. Box 2 2 1 , B ea verton C. W. ZEHR MULTNOMAH VENETIAN BLIND CO. 3221 S. W . Spring G arden Rd. M u ltn o m a h , O regon M a n u fa c tu re rs W e Feature "FLEXALUM " New P lastic C oat A lu m in u m Slat 5 to 10 da y d e liv e ry E xpert C le a n in g an d re p a irin g Free Estimates W A N T E D : Man to do spading, HIDES £ WOOL CASPAR %—A LEE BROS., 25 SW tiling around the house, brush, specialty. AT. 5334. tf cleaning, etc. Call CHerry 2323 5 Clay Portland. C a ll C H e rry 3 1 5 0 L IV E P O U L T R Y W A N T E D : Any P A IN T IN G & PAPERHANGING Work Guaranteed size lot. Top ceiling prices. W rite Work Done Promptly or phone Clarence Hunt, WEb- CALA. CHerry 2175 ster 2540. 3600 N. E. 44th Port land 13, Ore. 29 46tf STOKERMATIC tf C a lk M o m e b u ild in g ENGER BROS. C u ttin g , W ra p p in g , a n d P re p a rin g M e a t fo r Y o u r Lo cker M e o t a t W holesale Prices G C. (D O N ) HUGHES We Buy Livestock B R I N G YO U R R A B B ITS to 3311 THRIFTY M A R K E T F'OR SALE: Packard Bell radio. S. E. 72nd. St., Portland. 2c pre M u ltn o m a h , Ore. Nearly new. Cost $36.00. Sell for mium paid on does 10 to 12 weeks 6 Phone CH 2 2 4 0 Hom e, T ig a rd 3 5 6 3 $25.00. Phone Aloha 6443. 5p old. Phone SUnset 035v F’OR SALE: White Pekin duck setting eggs. A. H. Taylor, Rt. 1, Box 971. Hyland Avenue to Da vis then fourth house on right. 5p J Homebuilders Supply Co. Tigard 3206 FOR SALE: 44 cu. ft. Frigidaire $75. A-l condition. See Edgar Ackroyd on Broadway across from old B & T Market. 5p Come J n . . . SURVEYING H. E. COX, Friday, February 28, Ì9 4 7 r PROPERTY U N IS , S U B D IV ID IN G O RCH ARD LA Y O U T S FOR SALE: Plywood boat, $50.00. Across road from airport. W. H. Sluyter, Beaverton. 5p B ULL SE R V IC E by artificial In Crushed Rock, Sand, G ravel semination. No membership or re D elivered A nyw he re FREE: Fire wood to anyone half taining fees. Phone Beaverton 7 V i' Spread fo r D rivew ays mile east Cedar Mill on Cornell 3511 or Portland comm erce 9924. Road. (Quarter mile north on Ce 51tf dar Street. E. *E. McCawley, Rt. J. H . Simpson, T ig a rd , Ore. 5, Box 823, Portland. 5p FOR BALE: 1933 14 ton Chcv truck: 1940 Chev. business coupe, Lake Road Auto Service, just east of Beaverton on Canyon Rd. 5p BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Ford Fergeson T ra c to r and E qu ip m e nt MONTH OR CONTRACT C all EAst 8 3 3 0 LEO SUSBAUER, V e t. 50 N E. 3 1 s t St. Portland, Ore. ALOHA GARBAGE CO. G. C. M IL L E R , O w ner P. O. Box 2 5 4 , A lo h a , Ore. One D ay Service - Im m e d ia te D e live ry J-BAR-J RID IN G STABLES at W A N T E D : Woman or girl cap Aloha will be open for business Special In tro d u c to ry O ffe r 7p 2 Tons o f coal FREE w ith each F'OR SALE: Chicken manure ap able of taking care of children March 15. Phone Aloha 6560. References re S toker proximately 75 yards. You haul. 2 days a week. quired. Beaverton 3801. 5p PLO W IN G G RA V E LY ROTA It V Has 3 year G ua ra ntee Phone Tigard 2369. 5p A perfect seed hist in one Free E stim ates g ive n Operation FO R SALE: Lang wood range, W A N T TO R E N T : Pasture for 5 C o ll U N 1 1 7 4 or U N 5711 Aloha 6137 51 f new grates, soapstone fire back, head of cattle. Write Delbert P ix W e olso cle a n and re p a ir stoves, water tank and fittings, all in ler, P. O. Box 178, Aloha, Ore. 5 RO TO TILLIN G work done by hr. furnaces & o il c irc u la tin g heaters usable condition. Rabbit house, 4 W A N TE D : Woman for general or job. Eldred Caster. Rte. 2, Bx. rooms on the ground floor, wire cleaning (full or part tim e) at 223, Tigard. Phone Tigard 2935.5tf lined and self cleaning. Phone CH Washington County Home. Phone 3456. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 5p Hillsboro 1911. BEAVERTON TRANSFER 5 DEAD or Worthless Stock picked up Free of Charge Anywhere. FOR SALE: Good single harness W A N T E D : Beauty operator to in Prompt Service. Cull collect UN. CO. plow and cultivator. A. C. Bull, Rt. vestigate possibilities o f new lo 1221 or UN. 4502. Western States A ll K in d t o f H a u lin g 2, Box 228B, Tigard. Phone Tigard cation of Beauty Shop in West Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. PHO NE 2041. 5p Portland. Barbur Blvd. and Cap A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc Howard W. Smith to Denley Rendering FOR SALE: About 25 cedar poles. itol Highway. Call CHerry 2783 cessor 3 8 8 C anyon Rd. 3tf C. Topich, Rt. 3. Box 1094, Bea or 10,000 S. W. Capitol Highway. Company.) Beaverton - 3931 or 2462 N. S. Conger. 5p verton. 5p Garbage Colleellon Service By month or contract FOR . SALE: White enameled W A N T E D - -L IV E P O U LTR Y H O H NSTEIN A SCHAFER trash burner or water heater with Phone S ta ffo rd 5 1 4 0 4073 N. E 16th Ave. coils, 30 gallon tank, stove pipe, W ill w e igh ond pa y cash o f yo u r Phone MUrdock 2805 and some wood included, $35.00. West Slope, Beaverton, Meadow- place. P ro m p t p ic k u p service. Large roll top desk, pigeon holes hurst and Cedar Hills. tf W rite o r coll and drawers, $10.00. Feather matt L. W . F O R E M A N , Rt. 1 ress, s^igle or double, $6.00. Non KITCHEN CABINETS PO W E R SPRAYIN G — PH O NE Box 8 7 , Sherwood, Ore.______ 51 t f electric 16 M.M. moving picture B EAV ER TO N 2188. tf BUILT-INS machine with Mickey Mouse reel, H A V E TW O C H IL D R E N in Bea LINOLEUM LAID $10.00.' Golf bag and 5 clubs, $6. verton school. Would like to stay PA P E R IN G — Palnnrig A Kalso Some garden tools, $1.00 each. in this district. W ill pay up to mining, neat, experienced work- I Everything Furnished James Hahn, Rt. 2. Box 345, W al $100 month rent for 3 bedroom man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A nut Ave. Tigard. Phone 3486. 5 home. Call ATwater Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 9597 days. ♦Otf 5p FOR SALE 71 Barceloni Filbert Beaverton 2493 evenings. trees, 1 year old ifrom Borris W A N TE D : High school student CESSPOOL-SEPTIC T A N K OWN Rt. 1, Box 658 nursery at Eugene), 65c each. In or girl to help with housework ERS A TTE N TIO N Added equip Beaverton quire at Carr Chevrolet Garage. and care of small child. Private ment allows faster service. We Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 3333. room and bath, board and wages. pump A wash septic tanks, com ml. 5 Call BEacon 4433. West Slope lo or residential. Oufir. workmanship. 5p Sewers connected. Cesspools and FOR SALE: 12 New Hampshire cation. septic tanks «»instructed. Schulz R. I. red hens. John P. McCar Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland. thy, Junction Road near Center A U T O M O B IL E S W A N T E D TA. 3235. 3tf OPI V M NDAYS St., Rt. 2. Box 62. Beaverton. 5p Are you having trouble selling FOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E FOR SALE: 34 H. P. Garden your car? I f so, I'll sell it for you MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf For OIL or SERVICE Tractor and all attachments. Call at your price for a small percen at Schuld and Swetland, 355 Tu tage, or pay you cash for it. See LANDSCAPE, Pruning, spraying BEAVERTON 3861 or alatin Highway. 5 Bob at Bob's Used Car Lot. East grafting. New lawns and rocker BROADWAY 8291 Beaverton and Canyon Road Junc ies. Call W. A. Green, Beaverton FOR SALE: Evergreen shrubs, tion. 46tf 2967. 44tf $2.50 each. You dig. Rt. 2. Box 445. ^ 3 8 8 S.W. Canyon Rood Tigard. P. C. Thomas. Phone T i R A B B IT FRYERS W A N TE D : V IN C E N T L U M B E R CO. H. V. JO H N S O N Beaverton, Or. gard 2277. 5p Will also butcher your rabbits for ‘A Complete Lumber Yard" W e G ive S&H Green Stamps the hides. D. P. MacDonald, Ruby We Deliver \nywhere FORD FEROfSSON TR AC TO R Avenue. Phone Beaverton 2260. for sale cheap. Delbert Pixler. 3 3 tf P AI N T S — SA^II — P L U M B I N G Phone 6191 — Alnh», Ore tf Between Hunter and Union on W A N T A G ET M A R K IK D ? Johnson St. in Aloha. Write P O B U ILD IN G C A B IN E T*, all kinds W e can’t furnish the G IR L Box 178, Aloha. 5 and LANDSCAPING. But we have many lovely home«, L. II. B B ' W A N D FOR SALE Table model cream acreage, and city lots T o Schools, C hurches, C lubs, Etc. Metzger, Oregon CHerry 2929 52tf separator and feed cutter, $20 T R Y B E A V E R TO N 3981 eagh. Phone Tigard 3145. 5 H E N R Y II. J E F T R IF S 16 M M . SO UND PROJECTOR NO TICE: Our cieam and egg on Highway near Short St. tf pick-up trucks operate weekly In A N D M IK E FOR SALE Wesex Electric Heat er 2000 watt 220 volt A real H O U SEK EEPER Wanted: Some your territory, highest cash prices A n d can be used' as p u b lic heater suitable to place in fire one good with children. Go home paid for cream and eggs, field ser address system vice on separators. Call or write, place spring and fall J. C Morse, nights. Phone Beaverton 2382. 2tf let us call and tMk over the value on Center St.. Tigard. 5p Phone W A N TE D Furnished apartment of skimmed milk as a low price FOR SALE Used washing ma In Beaverton district. Steady em food compared to other foods for HOWARD W. SMITH chine. $45 Harold A. Peterson. ployment. would like permanent chickens, pigs, calves or turkeys teev 3931 er 2462 Cedar Mill Phone Beaverton 3130 place to live. Call Beaverton 2321. Forest Grove Creamery, Forest 5p 5 2 tf Grove. Oregon. 4tf Kitchen Specialists John Peterson Beaverton FUEL CO. For Rent 4 6 tf WE CAN RETIRE YOU TILLER WORK At Age 50 By tne h o u r o r job Gardens T ille d - Lawns Prepared C. A SEARCY Rte I , Box 9 3 - Beaverton, Ore. Residence, 1 m ile East o f Beaver to n on co rn e r Bertha-B eaverton h ig h w a y a n d La ke Road. STOVE AND DIESEL OIL Low Cost A u to m a tic Coal H eat GARBAGE SERVICE BY PLOWING - DISCING W rite fo r o u r Plan GLENN E. PRINGLE 2 5 5 P itto ck Block C H -3 6 4 0 Ree. 10 th A W a sh in g to n A T - 2777 P ortla nd 5 (Day or N ite ) Geo. F. Gordon ( Piano Toning, Cleaning Metered Oil Service D E M O T H IN G - REPAIR IN G Rt. 1, A lo h a , Phone A L O H A 6 6 1 2 H E M V EKED .HILLCREST GROCERY W IL L DO C U STO M RUG W E A V IN G in m y ow n home. C ustom ers m ust fu rn is h m aterials. 11102 8 W Capitol Hiway CH. ISIS B. H. STEVENS MRS. A. M COGSWELL, Rte 5. Box 158 P ortla nd , Ore. 6p WELL PUMPS INSTALLED - REPAIRED TA I-P IN G Terrace L e a th e rs Replaced and G eneral O verha ul R. B. EDMONDS C H e rry 2 8 5 7 - Rte. 1, Box 107 T ig a rd , Ore. 2 AMERICAN -CHINESE DINNERS Fine Food - Ample Parking RUPERT Flying Service 2 m i. N o rth o f T ig a rd 1 1 1 3 0 S. W . B a rb ur Blvd. a t 5 5 th Ave. BERNARD'S AIRPORT CEDAR STREET A T W ALKER RD. ______Phone Beaverton 3840_____ Dancing After 9 6 ------------ ----------------------- ------- WEST SLOPE ACCORDION STUDIO DICK KOKICH TEACHER OF MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION ACCOM DIONS Rrnleil - lloiij'lit - Sold Rt. 2, Box 381, Beaverton, Or. on Canyon & Howatt Road PHONE BRoodway 4702 WATER WELL DRILLING PAUL E ROSS Route 1. Box 237, Aloha Aloha, Oregon Phone 6389 BATTERIES ALL TYPES - GUARANTEED REBUILT ALL GROUPS - Wholesale ond Retail W rite o r phone fo r d e ta ils and prices Kelly Motor Co. Beaverton, Oregon Phone 2701