BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 28, 1947 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER FOR RENT Plans are made to have the grounds of the building well land­ New Floor Polisher ond Woxer scaped, with several of the dif­ by the hour or doy ferent sprinklers set up for dem­ 8907 S. W. Conyon Rood Mrs Ruthann McKenzie of s. onstration and display purposes. Among the things worth wait­ f The John Robinsons celebrated BE 4433 This development should be quite ing for should be listed the very a 'flock" of birthdays all at once W. Murray Avenue was elected Mrs. Glen Wade was hostess on an addition to the attractiveness beautiful modern drug store that on February 16. Mrs. E. R. Rob­ concertmaster of the Beaverton Canyon Rood Appliance Co. we have now in West Slope. Such, inson's birthday was on the 15th, Hobby Orchestra Friday, Febru- February 19 to an unsual group of the district, as well as the J Kelvinator ary 21. Mrs. McKenzie is a grad of card players. These were the a well equipped, attractively fur­ E. R. Robinson’s was the same addition of a business. nished place of business gives a day as his son John's, the 17th, uate o f the University of Oregon members of the Westdale Mothers' Fowler Water Heaters where she studied violin and vi­ Club and their friends, who were feeling of pride to the whole com­ so the two families, together with ___________ to learn a ___ new _ ______ game RCA Victor Radios munity. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Hutchinson ola under Professor Rex Under- determined should feel very proud. observed them with a dinner and wood. She is now teaching violin and carry home the terminology Speed Queen Washers ¡special "Ice cream cake" at the at her home. The members of the (n one short evening. Many Other Electrical Items The playing was somewhat er­ Sun- orchestra feel fortunate to have Mr. and Mrs. Newman W a rd ’ l.liihn John Robinson home on the Sun her as concertmaster. ratic as no one was sure of the Large Selection of and son» David and Douglas, day in between. . • • rules. Honors went to Bobby Ab­ spent the week end of the 22nd Toys of All Kinds is bott, whose wits were extraordm McColIom, III. The story of how O '« * " " John Wallace at the beach with Mr. and Mrs SEE US arily sharp. born at 6 * W 00 u am. Sunday, sending her first carload ' l l of heir- Ralph R*-nnett, former residents was w ft.» I / U 1 II ct v .lll. U llt iu j i * i. f /\ 1 J Bessie Matson carried home the February 23, at the Emanuel Hos for relief overesas will be told Conyon Rd. at West Slope of West Slope. pital, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wal- at th« Valley Community United door prize of a lovely bone china BE 4433 The mother of Mrs. John Com lace McColIom, Jr.. (Joan Tern- Presbyterian Church, by Reverend cup and saucer. J. J. Handsaker, executive secre­ Mrs. Wade served her guests a fort, Aloha, underwent a major pleton). He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz Grandparents are Dr. and Mrs tary for the Heifers for Relieef llearty lunch of tuna sandwiches, operation Monday, February 24. the morning home made pickles, glazed dough­ Portland, and Committee, during at the Providence hospital, Port J. W. McColIom. land. Mr. and Mrs. Comfort for Mr. and Mrs. Hill Templeton, of service Sunday, March 2. at the nuts and coffee. • • • merly lived on S. W. Crestdale West Slope. Equally excited are Gabel School. The Men’s Club of the church Mrs. R. P. Kueneke had the Drive in West Slope. the great grandparents, Mr. and The Fir (»rove Garden Club Mrs. Frank L. Lilly, West Slope. has already m;.de a generous con­ family of Mr. Kuenenke to dinner tribution towaid the purchase of Friday evening. February 21, to • • • members held their Birthday Reverend and Mrs. William H. this first carload, and plans will observe Mr. Kueneke's birthday. meeting at the home of Mis. Dale • • • Viar, Fir Grove Lane, Wednes­ French and their two boys, of be discussed for future coopera­ prepared for you The Cub Scouts of Den No. 5 day evening. February 26. Mrs. the Laurelhurst United Presbyter­ tion with the Heifers for Relief have begun baseball practice with Walter Rosebraugh whs the hon­ ian Church, together with Rev­ Committee. Paul Taylor of S. W. Wilson Ave. ored member, as her birthday erend and Mrs. John C. Nevln of The mid week prayer meeting acting as coach. A great deal of came during February. the Multnomah United Presbyter lan Church, were dinner guests of the Valley Community United interest is being shown. The boys THURLOW WEED of Reverend and Mrs. H. A. Arm­ Presbyterian Church will he held are confidant already that they Canyon Road at W alker itage Monday noon, February 24. Wednesday, March 5, 7:45 p.m. at will equal or surpass their playing the home o f Mr. and Mrs. E. B. of last year. At least they are an­ Portland phone -BR 7520 The members of the Valley I Tongue, Scholls lorry Road. xious to be challeneged to a game. Community choir presented their | " * * . pianist, Mrs. Howard M. Foster, I . ^ rsj Skillin observed her If you want to buy, trade or sell, Several couples who are neigh­ S. W. Birchwood Road, with a birthday Thursday, February 20, Soft lights . . . a pretty girl . . TR Y A CLASSIFIED AD. lovely blanket for her new baby. by entertaining her neighbors at bors of Mr. and Mrs. I,ouis Am- beautiful background music . . her home in the Westdale Addi­ acher enjoyed a preview of the and then— no music, the radio 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. movie, "The Yearling," which was The Philathea Class of the Val­ tion with an afternoon tea. quits! VALLEY VIEW shown at the Esquire Theater last ley Community United Presbyter­ Don't let this happen to you. The Cub Scouts of Den No. Tuesday night. In the Amaeher ian Church met at the home of RICHFIELD STATION C A LL 7 held a skating party at Hills­ party were the Charles Hunters, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Millican, 2085 For S W Sunset Blvd., 7:45 p. m. boro Sunday, February 23. the Curtis Allens, the George But­ • • < Tuesday, February 25. The speak­ terfields, the Lloyd Jacksons, the Mr. and Mr C. I. Brockman en­ Ray Finchs, the Neil Whisnants, er of the evening was from the and Mrs. Ben and the A. C. Kornahrens. After World’s Greatest Book Store, of tertained Mr. Braucht o f Des Moines. Iowa, at the preview the group was ICE CREAM FOR THE CHILDREN en­ Portland, Oregon. their home last week. Mr. and tertained at the Film Club of Ore­ Mrs. Braucht have recently pur­ gon. chased a home in Salem, where LUBRICATION • • • F O R S P R I N G they plan to go into business. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Douglas have GAS and OIL • • • enjoyed a vacation in Florida: 8703 S. W. Canyon Rd. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Killum of their stay including a trip thru S. W. McChesney Road celebrated the central part of the state, a We give S & H Green Stomps For Expert Radio Repair their 10th wedding anniversary on visit to Ringling Brothers winter BE 3807 February 17. quarters at Sarasota and stays in We pick up and deliver • • • Tampa and St. Petersburg. Now Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Locke spent Authorised Philco Dealer they are visiting their son and his last Saturday visiting in Corval­ w-ife in Bethseda, Maryland, be­ 8830 S W. Canyon Drive lis. You Need A New H a ir Style fore they leave for Portland. (Formerly Hiller Bros. Real Estate • __ • * 9 • • • Conte to . , . office) Mrs. Gollehur of Ridgeway Dr., HELEN’S BEAUTY left with her brother-in-law and sister from Los Angeles for «a SALON motor trip to Vancouver, B. C. S.W . Conyon Rd. BR 7988 Radar F. M. Television Mrs. C. A. Arpke, mother of West Slope will soon be having Mrs. H. Q. Cox and Frederick a manufacturing plant within its Arpke left last Sunday for a few area. The H. F. Unger Company days trip to Salem. Service by of Hood River, Oregon, is build­ We give S & H Green Stamps • • • RADIO TRONICS CO. The E. A. Bamford. Juniors, of ing a plant on S. W. Canyon Road Birchwood Road entertained on across from S. W. Wilson Avenue, STUDIO Beaverton February 13 at a family dinner twhare Plan manufacture Phone 3045 Hardware turbine head sprinklers for lawns, party in honor of their baby For Results Try Our (.lassified Ads 8805 S. W. Canyon Road daughter, Mario Ann. who was orchards and fields. a year old on that day. At WEST SLOPE Mrs. Bamford and the children spent last week visiting Mr. Barn- ford’s aunt who lives near Sa­ PRESCRIPTION Welding and Machine lem. SPECIALISTS • • • Shop The K. K. Cornell family re­ Machinery Built to Order Meet Your Friends at our cently spent a week end at Tim ­ berline Lodge and are returning GENERAL REPAIRING .W ir, Modern on Sunday for a day of skiing at for Cars, Trucks and Tractors Mt. Hood. Fountain • • • Tires Mrs. William Conklin, President For All Kinds of of Gabel’s P T A. is entertain­ Slam lanl O il Produrti ing all the members of the Phone 6301 REFRESHMENTS school's faculty at a dinner on A LO H A , OREGON March 3. Canyon Road Appliance Co. WEST SLOPE NEWS I Elected Concert Master (llM M K il G ro u p Of (.lard Players W E S T SLO P E HARDWARE Income Tax Returns Opening At New Location SATURD AY, George Sez: Auto Accessories March 1 Br. 2069 Souvenirs West Slope Radio and Appliance ★ Revere Ware ★ Presto Cookers * Garden Supplies New Industry For West Slope RADIO r ★ Lawn Mowers N ails West Slope PHARMACY Carlson Garage LOW PRICES* QUALITY FOODS j ; LEACH & BUCK Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt ORDERS TAKEN at Best Slope Plumbing VEL SOAP (glassware • Chiina • BEacnn 7."» 12 LAUDE N N OW INC and CU LTIN V li\ < ; with Botolillcr- RICHARD B HOLMBOE Landscape Construction Canyon Road at Walker Rd. Rte 2, Box 154, Beaverton Phones Beaverton 3798 BRoadway 0051 CAR W ASHING 31c r k 9. WHEEL BALANCING POTATOES Large Texas White Brass • SHOCK ABSORBER SERVICE Servin' Phone Prices Good Feb. 28 - Mar. 2, Inclusive — STORE HOURS — Week Days Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. U. S. No. 1 G R A P E F R U IT 4 f ., 2 9 c BROW NIE’S SHOPPE B903 S. W . Canyon Road Portland 1, Ore. A, F. Spaulding REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS 18 Years in West Slope • LUBRICATION MUELLER BROS. SERVICE Conyon Rood at West Slope BE 4433 CABBAGE by Revlon DR. H. A. PUTNAM Chiropractic Physician 30 years practice in Portland I block So. o f Conyon Rood on Howett Rood-West Slope Portfond phone BEocon 9637 Open eves by appointment PEAS Canyon Rd at West Slope New Spring Shades • Quiet Pmk • Certainly Red WEST SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP 8717 Canyon Rd. BEocon 9492 WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Phone BRoadway 6122 Portland 1 Dozen 2 For 35* APRICOTSz'/»Ti». 28« For TOP QUALITY We Feature Armour's Star Beef Shoulder Cuts PORK ROAST Lh 43 c Armour's Star - Skinless WEINERS u,. 43 c Lean and Tender With Kraut, for that Quick Meal Medium Size Ground OYSTERS Right size for frying „ 65c BEEF Lb 3 5 c Lean - Fresh A and M L. T. Z., Any Quantity 100°o Pure Outside Paint Turpentine, Pure Gum Linseed Oil, Paint Thinner Brushes, »Pure Bristle) Pointer's Ladders ^13* Standby - Unpeeled Halves 5* Pound 59* Rosedale 3 1 C List with us Buyers Waiting for Homes, Acreages, Farms LEMONS SOUP For Lb. sack Large Sunkist CA M PELLS Chicken - Noodle 2 15 Quality Market EAST BEAVERTON JUNCTION AND CANYON ROAD ( Formerly R A’ T Market)