/ CEDAR MILL Kum m age Garden Club Meets Wednesday LEGAL NOTIcfc NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION N O TICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN That the City C ouncil o f the City j o f Beaverton. W ashington County. I i o , e S0n- has called a special eiec- u ° n. . to held on the 11th day o f March, 1947, within the cor- I porate lim its o f the City o f Bea- verton and a special election to be held on the sam e date with- j in the territory hereinafter des- I cribed sought to be annexed, at fe w hich election there will be sub- . 2* m itted to the electors o f the City I Ci o f Beaverton and to the electors within said territory the question o f whether the follow in g described contiguous territory shall be an nexed to and becom e a part of the City o f B eaverton. Oregon, to- w it: Beginning at a point in tue center o f County R oad No. 1232, also know n as Menlo Drive, which point is the most westerly, southw esterly cor ner o f the City o f B eaverton; thence easterly along the southerly boundary o f the City o f B eaverton to a point in the center o f E rick son A ve nue; thence southerly follow ing the boundary o f the City of Beaverton to a point where it intersects the southerly boundary extended easterly of Berthold’s A ddition to B eaver ton, a plat o f record in W ash ington County, O regon ; thence westerly along the southerly boundary extended, the south erly boundary, and the south erly boundary extended w es terly o f the said B erthold's Addition to a point in the center o f C ounty R oad No. 1232; thence northerly along the centerline o f County R oad No. 1232 to the point o f be I The bill further provides that ginning. the board o f con trol shall have The electors shall vote for an authority to ch arge less than 4 nexation or against annexation w hichever shall indicate their , per cent interest. If the Stnte choice. operations are as efficien t as the The polling place within the i average savings and loan institu- City o f Beaverton will be at the * tion the cost o f op eratin g the de City Hall, and the polling place partm ent should not exceed 2 ‘y within said territory sought to be H B 118 as prepared by Rep. per cent which eventually would annexed shall be at vacant house O. Johnson, o f W ashington permit a reduction o f Interest marked "P o llin g P la ce” located J. on N orth Side Hazel A venue and County, am en din g the Veterans' rates to the veterans ns it should • • • the polls shall be open from 8:00 Loan A ct, p rovid es for loans up not be the intention o f the State N ew H om e B eing Built to $5,000, except lonns guaranteed o f O regon to make a p rofit on the a.m. to 8:00 p.m. W illis B lack is starting co n to serve under provisions o f title 3 of Pub veterans, but m erely N otice is fu rth er given that in sizes 10 - 42 struction o f a house on his prop lie Law 346. in w hich case loans them in getting established as a Mrs. Mabel G oyt and Mrs. Lillian erty fa cin g Cornell R oad just east Strutter Cloth and Gabardine T hyng are appointed to act as may be granted not to exceed $10, home ow ner or ow n er o f a farm . o f L eahy Rd. Featuring Snap-in Magic Judges, and Mrs. Iva Sum m ers (000. * * * A ppraisals are to be m ade by T he bill also provides that the appraisers appointed by the di and Mrs. D orothy W righ t and Crotch P layground B onds A pproved Mrs. May B lasser are appointed to d irector o f veteran s' affairs shall, rector o f veterans affairs, on a T he special election held last act as Clerks w ithin the City o f upon approval o f the board o f regular salary and if the state is F riday even in g at the Cedar Mill m aj{e o j, loans such apprais- B eaverton; and Mrs. A. L. D on con trol, selj, assign and transfer ¡sch ool w as approved b y 29 votes aldson and M r. J. L. B enson are notes and m ortgages when the ers will have to be approved by all sizes and vetoed by 2. T he election was appointed to act as Judges and total volum e o f loans exceeds $3.- the veterans' adm inistration. The held fo r the purpose o f voting on Mrs. R o y L ayton and Mrs. Carl 000,000, p referen ce in assignment director shall have au th ority to bonds to cover the balance o f $1. R ogers and Mrs. C. B. W alker being given to len din g institutions appoint other appraisers and 575 on the new ly acquired play are appointed to act as Clerks in the State o f O regon in the lo where appraisers are not available sizes 10 - 16 ground p roperty fro m Mr. Brady. cality in w h ich the loan is made. within the territory outside the in outlying districts an apprais • • * Featuring Snap-in Pods City o f B eaverton sought to be T he purpose o f the above provi al com m ittee can be appointed in Hard T im e D an ce E n joy ed sion is to prevent the State o f the locality, con sistin g o f tw o or Come to annexed. T he hard tim e d an ce given by D A T E D T his 3rd day o f F eb O regon from building up a big m ore recognized business men in L eedy G range S aturday night was ruary, 1947. institution and yet permits the the district. A ppraisals are to be well attended. V ic ’s orch estra fu r Date o f first publication F eb state to have a sufficient volume based upon cu rren t appraisal nished m usic. P rizes w ere aw ard ruary 7, 1947. o f loans to operate a properly m ethods o f cost less depreciation 220 S. W. First St. ed those dressed m ost appropriat Date o f last publication M arch m anaged departm ent at a profit, as to buildings and fair m arket Phone 3 7 7 4 ely in hard tim e apparel. A nother 7, 1947. based upon the present interest value o f real property. Beaverton Oregon dance w as announced fo r March now being paid on bonds o f ap _____ Where parking is easy 19th. proxim ately one per cent. LEG A L N OTICE T he bill does not require vet CLEARW ATER PLUM BING erans to subm it a letter from lending institutions, stating that N O T IC E OK B O N D S A L E Gas Water Heaters the G. I. loan w ill not be made N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N by the institutiton as provided by Fairbanks Morse Pumps that sealed bids will be received the senate bill. Such provision by the undersigned until the hour will be strenuously opposed by Beaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 o f 8 o ’clo ck P.M., the 13th day m ost veterans. o f M arch, 1947, and im m ediately th ereafter publicly opened by the D istrict School B oard o f Union SAVE M ONEY by buying all their Garden Supplies H igh School D istrict N o. 10 Jt. W ashington and M ultnom ah C oun at F IN D L E Y 'S ties, at B eaverton U nion H igh By GENERAL ELECTRIC S ch ool Building, in the C ity o f B eaverton, Oregon, fo r an issue o f bonds o f said district in the SAVE TIM E and effort by using our Strong, light sum o f Three H undred T w en ty- weight Gardex C ultivators and A ll Purpose Hoes F ive T housand D ollars ($325,000.- 00), said bonds to be in d en om in a tions o f One Thousand D ollars ($1,000.00) each, dated A pril 1, SAVE TH EIR CROPS from insects and other pest by 1947, and m aturing serially in nu m erical order at the rate o f T w en using the proper dusts, sprays and insecticides ty-F ive Thousand D ollars ($25,- 000. 00) on the 1st day o f A pril in each o f the years 1949 to 1961 in clu sive; provided how ever, that all SAVE DAM AGE by moles and gophers by using sure bonds which m ature a fter A pril and e ffective charged cyanogas lightning exterm i 1, 1952, shall be su b ject to call and redem ption on any interest nator. p a yin g date a fter A pril 1, 1952; said bonds to bear interest at the rate o f not to exceed three per cent (3 per cen t) per annum , pay able sem iannually, principal and interest payable at the fisca l a g — OUR REGULAR PRICES — en cy o f the State o f O regon in N ew Y ork City, o r at the o ffic e o f the C ounty T reasurer o f W a sh $3.50 per bale ington County. O regon, at the op tion o f the successful bidder. All bids must be a ccom pan ied .. 3.50 per 100 b y a certified ch eck fo r Five T housand Dollars '$5,000.00) and Morecrop (3-10-10) ................. ................... 3.25 per 100 W ITH IN TWO MINUTES, GENERAL ELECTRIC m ust be unconditional. B onds will SCIENTISTS TURNED A 3-MILE CLOUD INTO SNOW not be sold fo r less than par value i Lightning (Charged Cyanogas) and accru ed interest. BY DROPPING A FEW POUNDS OF DRY ICE PELLETS Exterm iator 1.00 T he approvin g legal opinion o f j FROM AN A IRPLAN E. THIS DISCOVERY MAV POINT M essrs. W innfree, M cC ulloch. I Shuler and Sayre will be fu rn ish THE WAY TO STORING U P W ATER FOR IRRIGATION .25 per lb. ed the successful bidder. AND POWER PROJECTS. T he Board reserves the right to Onion Sets ........................................................... .10 per lb. re je ct any and all bids. E L E A N O R DU NCAN j C lerk .0 2 ’ j per ft. 5-16 Sisal R o p e ................................................. A dd ress: Beaverton. O regon I D ate o f first publication, F eb Special Rose Spray K its .60 60 G-E CLOCK - RADIO ruary 21, 1947 Date o f last publication, F e b -! AUTOMATICALLY TURNS ruary 28, 1947. .85 per gal. The P . T. A. R um m age Sale last F rid ay at the R um m age Sale center in P ortland netted a pro- Cedar Mill G arden Club held a fit o f over $100. P roceed s will be F ebruary m eeting on W ednesday turned o v e r fo r use in the school i o f last w eek in the dining room o f the G range H all. Mrs. Eisen- cafeteria. hauer o f the B eaverton Garden E xtension l'n it Club was present. She spoke con- T he C edar Mill E xtension Unit cern in g the Ju dgin g sch ool to w ill m eet T hursday afternoon, he held in P ortlan d early in M arch 6 at 1:30 p.m. at the hom e March, urging attendance o f some o f Mrs. Jam es W alters on Leahy m em bers o f the local club. It was R oad. S u bject o f the program voted to send ou r P resident, Mrs. will be ‘B uying F ood s" to be led R ose H ohnstein, as a delegate to the sch ool. A plant sale is being by p roject leaders. planned fo r either the A pril or M ay meeting, to be decided next m onth. T he first w eek in June has been designated as an opportune tim e to hold a flo w e r show. The exact date will be set later. T o serve on the arran gem en t com m it tee for the M arch m eeting are M rs. F rances W a lters and Mrs. Gladys Pollette. 12 or 16 inch slob wood, 2 cord Mrs. Glasner spoke on planting loads into Beaver^jn seeds in flats and pots. A co m plete dem onstration on soil test ing was given by G ertrude P ear son as well as an explanation of Mixed Wood l cord inside the reasons fo r testing soil. Since 1 cord slab into Beaverton lim ited tim e w ould not allow o f testing o f all soil Mrs. C ote was asked to m ake soil tests fo r those so desiring during the next month. Sawdust 2 Vi Unit loads into • • V Beaverton I’ re S ch ool C linic Parents o f pre sch ool children in Tualatin View. Barnes, M cK in ley, Union and C edar M ill school districts are again rem inded of the pre-school clin ic to be held at the C edar Mill sch ool on the aftern oon o f M arch 4 between the hours o f 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Forest Grove, Oregon . . . Phone 318M Court O f H onor At the C ourt o f H on or meeting Open till noon Saturdays at Sylvan on T h u rsd ay night o f last week, the follow in g awards were w on by B oy Scouts o f T roop No. 207 at C edar M ill: Lyle Kingsley, L ife S cou t; Burton Fleskes, 1st class m erit badge in P ion eerin g; A lvin La Follette, New 1st class m erit badge in P h oto grap h y; and D elano La Follette, SPORTS W EAR LIN E 1st class m erit badge in firem an- CALIFORNIA HYDI - HYDE ship. ORDER YOUR NEXT W INTER’S FUEL NOW $ 12.00 $14.50 $12.25 Carnation Fuel Company J . ( ) . Jo h n s o n d e p o rts o il I I I ! Just In! BEAVERTON EN TER PRISE Friday, February 28, 1947 Karnes School T H E PLU N D EKRTN D ! Notes by Arlene Murphy CARD OF THANKS T rip T o The IW ch W e wish to express ou r g ra tefu l V ictor Schwan and his aunt, thanks for the m essage« o f sy m uncle and cousin .spent a pleas pathy and floral o ffe rin g s in ou r ant week end at Cannon Beach. | recent bereavem ent. On their wav home they stopped Mrs. W illiam A. Sm ith at a 1 illamook cheese factory and W illiam Jr. and M elvin J. Sm ith bought some curds to eat. He Mrs. G eraldine N orton said that they taste salty and feel like chewing soft rubber. • • • If you want to buy, trod« or sell, Got T ogeth er TRY A CLA SSIFIED AD Some of the children o f the upper grade had a get together at the school last Saturday. There were ten present. They played H AVE YOUR soft ball, rode horse back and had a picnic lunch. • • • Baby Colt Sunday, the 23rd, “ B ay”, one of the Lorn mis' horses had a filly colt. It is now 5 days old. It will anpear it the Haines school Individually Tailo red pet show* next month. New SPRING SUIT to " S u it" You W ¿ti l l I O 1.0*1* \\ riorhl? Nora's Dressmaking If > on w int to lose w eight just live in Aloha and try crossing the highway a few times each day. \ou will lose weight by the speed you have to have to get across, or the worry o f wondering w hether they will get you fore or aft or if you can make it hack w ithout getting taken fore and aft. We w’ant a cross walk and a stop light and LADIES A PPA REL A N N E SY V ER SO N N O R A C A R LS O N in Aloha Carpenters Handymen Gardeners Here's the LIGH T W ORK SHOE for You 113—V e t. Lo a n THE STAR BRAND L J V I A »I I * L U W ORK SHOE Slacks Skirts Dresses • Built in A rch Support • Thick Leather W elts • STAR B R A N D S Exclusive H Y LO Feature • Brown Cord Soles and Heels Ju st the Shoe you've been looking for at Elite Dress Shop T H R IFT Y GARDENERS WEIß Y'S SHO ES — SHOE R E P A IR IN G — M EN 'S W E A R FISHING TACKLE THE FACT IS MAN-MADE SNOWFALL/ MAKE UP TO MUSIC/ 3.75 per gal. > ★ ★ ★ W e w ill arrange apolication for you 12 to 36 months term s if desired C a ll us to estim ate your needs. TRIANGLE Milling Company TR IA N G LE FEEDS 16 Farm ington Road Phone Beaverton 3851 Roofing Siding Insulation "Complete Builders Supplies" CROW N FEEDS BEAVER Lumber & Supply Rte 2, Beaverton _______ Phene Beaverton 3179 ITSELF ON TO WAKE XXI UP IN THE MORNING. (To C atch the big ones . . . . #You need T H E BEST in equipment. "Im la y 's hove Everything " Lines. . . . i N ia g ara R ain Beau, 25, 50 feet f Edwards Stainless W ire, 25 ft., 44 lb. "A lw a y s brite' Shakespeare's Nylon oil finish fly line, 25 f t ., sizes D, E, F N ylon casting line, made of braided Du Pont, 50 yds , test 25 lbs. G uid eline, Nylon, for casting or trolling, 50 yds Test 35 lbs., water and mildew proof Prim o C u tty Hunk Sunset, 50 yds. Test 60 lbs. Prize B a it—-Beau silk, 200 yds , 30 lb test Reels. . . Kalam azo o -—Bal Special, Casting New direct drive level wind fishing reel F ly R eels— Duncan — Briggs — W an ita Leaders.... Shakespeare— Ty-dri Nylon, tapered leaders C ra ftsm a n B ran d - Nylon - Du Pont Spanish S ilk Worm Gut, level leader W rig h t and M cG ill, Invisible tapered leaders W eb er— Fly Flow - Nylon Rods. . . . Fly Rods - Casting Rods Hooks Flys Snell - Eagle Claw W ide assortment Spinners Lures, Plugs A ll Kinds INCOMES FOR L IF E / LIFELO N G IN CO M ES- BEYOND SOCIAL S E C U R IT Y A R E PAID U N D ER A M EN D ED G - E PEN SION P l AN. GENERAL Buy Your Fishing and Hunting Licenses at J.B IM LAY and SONS Hardware and Feed Aloha, Ore. Phone 6311 m LECTRIC E