VOLUME 20. NUMBER S ESTABLISHED 1927 Beaverton, Oregon Beaverton Volunteer Fire Dept. T o H ave Annual Ball Mareli l.> State G range Against General Sales Fax IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PAPER Friday, February 28, 1^47 Final T Y V Sk_¿r W — — - — I*. I . ( 1 . Ilearin«: I hi Slam* Line Being Held State Highway T o _ \\ iden (.a m •» o n Bo; id w From \\ o t Slope T o Uedar Street C W 1VT L o The Stat« Highway has made , Plans call for widening the 13 .928 The Fireman's Ball which be- th iY maintain for your protec- McMinnville engineeung survey» foi the pur- piesent highway to 44 feet, with 12 2 859 Newberg fore the war was an annual af- tion. 9 5 643 At the hearing held before the pose ot widening the S. W. Can- a ten foot shoulder on each side. Give them your most loyal sup- Foiest Grove That the people of Oregeon fair for hundreds of friends will 6 8 428 Public Utility Commissioner Feb. yon Road from West Slope where This will add twelve feet on each Thou- West Linn don't want a general sales tax is become a reality again on March port and let s make it a 5 9 358 14. at the Washington County the present foui lanes end, to Ce- side of the present highway. Beaverton evidenced by the variety of "bait" 15 in the Beaverton high school -an‘i Dollar Dance, The W olf Creek highway will be 5 9 They have secured Fred Kel- Hillsboro 358 Court House, at Hillsboro, Ore­ dai Street in Be iverton. They which the proponents of the pres­ gym. fall from North 4 10 ler’s 12 piece orchestra and vo- Tigard .285 gon Motor Stages was given 7 hope to begin this work by next completed by ent measure are offering with it. The firemen are doing a fine caijgj f or yom- entertainment, Plains to Cedar Street. This will 2 12 143 days to prepare a brief of rebut­ fall Tillamook to induce the people to accept it, take care of some of the traffic for all this and surround When these boys do things thev Beaverton's Beavers ended the tal stating their side of the hear­ according to Morton Tompkins, service ing communities in protecting do them nKht whether it is for regular T Y V season with a fifth- ing. that now travels on the Tualatin Oregon State Grange Master. llighwuy between Forest Grove your property from the ravages y0Ur protection or for your pleas- place tie with the Hiflsooro Spar­ Mr. McGinn was then given 3 The "bait" this time is the 40- and Beaverton. are. Let's go and give the boys a tans. days to file his ieply which he I ■ . . , . mill property tax limitation and of fire. The present Beaverton wooden It is with your help at this gala lift so you can say, “ I was there.” '1 he locals acquired (hen five dui on Feb. 24 Oregon Motor J o K \ 1^1 111* | > | \ (| . income tax exemption of $5,000.00. water main which is laid along Don't forget the date, the place wins from West Linn, Hillsboro, Stages was given another three | • As to the former, which is in ef­ affair that they solicit your pat- tile south side o f the present high­ days to file their reply in the fect in Washington, the affect on ronage and financial support for or the name Firemen's Annual Tigard and two from Tillamook. The file which was so visible way location will be abandoned mainaining the same fine service Ball, Beaverton high school gym, A higher percentage was reach­ form of a brief. rural areas of the state would be to resident- of Aloha and Beu boys are building a new March 15. 1947, if 30 to 12:30. ed on over-all season basis. In­ A final decision on the question verton Wednesday evening, north and the new 12” cast iron main negligible, as there is compara­ The structure to house another piece Tickets are on sale at the City cluding league and non-league of whether or not McGinn will he of Beaverton proved to be a brush to he installed will be put in in­ tively little property in such sec­ games. The orange and black won granted a permit to commence op­ fire started fiom some unknown stead tions which is assessed in excess of the fine fire fighting equipment Hall or from any fireman I U and lost 14. Biggest win was a eration of the Skyline Stages is origin along Skyline Hivd. of that millage rate, according to 48-20 triumph over Parkrose at expected by March 15. Tompkins. The section burned was mostly ' the Portland armory. Heaviest The exemption of incomes of covered by fern, willows and gen loss was the last game oi the sea­ $5,000.00 and less from payment of - - , ■■•ill eral brush with only a few tall son, in which Beaverton bowed to income taxes is admittedly tempt-1 snags The fire burned brightly * Forest Grove, 48-26. in g —on paper—but in actuality, and swiftly hut was soon only a Bob Whitworth .three year let- a sales tax would take far more glow left in burning snags or The Cedar Mill Community The regular monthly meeting of Saturday, March 1, will b,'jterman and speedy sharpshooter, in taxes from this income group the Washington County Farmers stumps. Church gave its reports and had the opening day of the West Slope | made 185 points in league games than would the Income tax and Union was held Saturday in the The strong east wind caused its election of officers at its an­ Sometime on Saturday night would also force this group to pa Chamber of Commerce rooms in Hardware in their new location to top his team mates in that the flames to teach out quickly to nual meeting last week, reports an unduly disproportionatte share Hillsboro. President Lyman Ross in the new building next to the , field. Jack O ’Connor, making 161 robbers entered the Kingsley Bea­ consume all in their path hut the pastor, the Rev. Simon E. points, was high in personal fouls verton Lunioer Co., Homebuild­ their glory was short lived. of the cost of government than it and Secretary Georgia Shearer re­ drug store in West Slope. Forsberg. ers Supply in Beaverton, the Vin- The interior of the store is all t ailed against him with 50. would those In the higher brack­ ported on thè State Convention The alarm which was quickly The Cush Receipts for 1946 in finished in knotty pine, including 1 ______ < ent 1 ¿unihet Co. in Aloha and .............. . . . . .. ets, he asserted. its various departsments were as which was held at Albany on the "Sales taxers are making much 18th, 19th and 20th. The outstand­ the shelves, as well as the wood Birthday Party ...... .. .........* ... P .„ ...... .. follows Sunday School, $392.64; Fluorescent lighting has | Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moore Store in Hillsboro. capital of the fact that a handful ing addresses delivered during the work. with two engines from Portland General Fund, $1,681.45; Building At Kingsley Beaverton they en­ entertained at dinner in honor of of Granges have adopted resolu­ heavily crowded three days of the been installed Mr. Anderson, owner of the hard­ their son, Tim ’s first birthday on tered by breaking a glass out of and one from Errol Heights were Fund, $1862.28; Women's Mission­ tions approving a sales tax of one convention were those of Nation­ keeping the blaze under control Society, $213.51; and the ware store will carry a complete February 22nd at 6:00 p.m. one of the rear windows, broke regardless of high winds which ary sort or another. They forget that al President James A. Patton and Church Missionary Department, line of garden equipment and open the safe and got the con­ Those present were Mr. and the Grange is a pretty big organi­ Dr. Paul Raver, Administrator of carried sparks foi some distance. $2519.90. A total of $3,936.37 for the zation with more than 30,000 mem­ the Bonneville Power Administra­ seeds, houseware goods, small ap­ Mrs. William Hermens of Ver- tents, took the stamps and a pen­ The residential section of Bonny church departments, and $2723 41 pliances, tools of all kinds, build­ boort, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, ny supply. They were apparently Slope was in no immediate dan­ bers and with nearly 400 Subor­ tion. for missions with a gland total of ing hardware, nails and paint, as Beaverton, Misses Frances and frightened off for they had filled ger. dinate and Pomona Granges, the $6.659.78. President Patton outlined the well as a line of children’s toys. Ann Hermens, Verbooit, Jeanne a box with cabinet hardware great majority of which are stead­ The trucks which are owned hy The Church has undertaken the Faimers Union program from the Mr. Anderson is a member of Le Haie of Marylhurst College and which they left hehind in their fast in their opposition to such a local, national and international Multnomah County ire manned regular partial support of the fol­ the Northern Wholesale Hardware flight. Miss Dorothy Hermens. Beaver­ proposal,” Tompkins states. by local firemen and kept at the lowing missionaries; Mrs. Mary standpoint, and stressed the nec­ Homebuilders Supply which they local fire stations. "The last session of the State essity o f the working farmers group which is a mutual company ton. Russell. Child Evangelism, Co- of 285 hardware store owners who entered through a sliding door "Tim had to call on his aunt, Grange, held in Baker in June, At midnight the fire had reach­ quille, Oregon; Rev. and Mrs. who comprise the membership of have formed a non profit com­ Frances Hermens, foi help to had no cash on hand, so the rob­ 1946, was almost unanimous in its ed Thompson road in several Daniel Hager, N. W. Mountain the Farmers Union to cooperate pany for the purpose o f buying blow out his birthday candle." bers got only their stamp sup­ opposition to a general sales tax. spots. One house in Bonny Slope Mission, Cascade, Idaho; David with other groups in providing their supplies wholesale. This or- • • • ply. However, they also took a members of the State Grange ex­ was uncomfortably close to the Beasley, W ycliffe Bible Transla­ more abundant production and ganiaztlon makes it possible for Spends Week In Eugene suit of clothes, an overcoat, hat, fire. The lady of the house had ecutive hommittee, meeting In Sa­ tors, Ocozingo, Chiapas. Mexico; greater distribution of the prod­ its members to give better prices Mrs. Walter L. Myers spent part gloves and a set o f keys. lem, February 12, unanimously re­ begun to puck her belongings Ruth Forsberg, Scandinavian A l­ ucts of the soil and factory for to their public. At the Vincent Lumber Co. In of this week In Eugene. A son, iterated their opposition to such liance Mission. Japan. the benefit of all mankind. He Mr, Anderson is wrell grounded Marvin O. Myqrs is attending the Aloha they emptied the cash reg­ in case flight became necessary. a proposal and voted to oppose Seven fire outfits were a* the asked for greater expansion in in the hardware field. He was op­ University The Officers of the Council for of Oregon and a ister which fortunately had very fire watching it to prevent its go­ any form of general sales tax on the West of Farmer Union co­ erating supervisor of hardware, daughter. Mrs. N. C. Lyman lives little in it and took a brand new the ensuing year are: Elders, W. the necessities o f life.” ing anywhere it might do real J. Scofield, Vice Chairman of operatives in order to preserve plumbing, electrical supplies and in Eugene. floor sander. The State Grange executive damage. But for the most part Council; Theo. Ryder and Mark our American system of free en­ farm equipment for Montgomery The robbers made their biggest committee is comprised of Bertha they were just letting it burn it­ Fey. Deacons. W. I. Heinrichs, haul at the Farm, Home and Auto self out. J Beck, Ray W. GUI. Allen terprise and to improve the so­ Ward for ten years, which job he cial and economic position of the left to open his store in West Secretary of the Council, J. W. Supply Store In Hillsboro where Wheeler, Peter Zimmerman and working farmer Fraser and Harry Ketel. Trustees. Slope. they stole over $1,000 worth of Tompkins. All members were pres- S. S. Paxson, B. B. Reeves, and At the opening there will be goods. ent at the meeting and all voted StP° ke ° ” the P°we' _________________ Henry Tonges. prizes given and free ice cream on the resolution. situation in the northwest and stressed the necessity for the peo­ for the children as well as souven­ New Women’s Missionary So­ ple of this area to be united for irs, so everyone should plan to be ciety officers are: Mrs. Claude The Women's Fillowsh* y of 1 greater expansion ant)^.develop­ there. Saunders, President; Mrs. J. W. * Bethel Congregation.. ■ J ¿rch will ment and to take advantage of FraseY, Vice-President; and Mrs. meet Wednesday, Mart'll 5, at the natural heritage of hydroelec­ Robert Smith, Sec.-Treas. 12:30 p.m. tric power which is ours if we Young People’s Officers are Mrs. W. T. Lawrence of Port­ On February 3, 1947 an exclu The Auction Sale held by the will hut harness it and put it to Dick Hesselgesser, President; land is planning to speak on "The slve 5 year franchise good until Saunders, Vice-President February was a month of activ­ work. He told of the attempts of Women of Southern Rhodesia.” a Beaverton Grade School Parent Jan. 1, 1952 for the collection of Joan industrialists who ity lor the Beaverton Unit of the eastern subject she is well qualified to Teacher Association Tuesday, Feb garbage in the City ol Beaverton and Chairman Social Qpmmittee; j 7 Vivian Henson, Secretary; Vir­ the American Legion Auxiliary. wish to deprive us of this natural cover for she has served at the ruary 25 at the Grade School And The Beaverton Campfire Coun­ Mt- Silinda Mission station in itorlum, was a huge success. The wds given to Fay Evans who ginia Fey, Treas.; and Betty Jean At the social meeting on February , advantage for their own financial signed the order that day. cil will meet for potluck dinner at Southern Rhodesia McDaniel, Song Leader. W. J. 19th they celebrated their birth- 'advantage since 1913, hall was well filled and everyone Since Hohnstein and Shafer Scofield was re-elected Sunday day with a pot luck dinner and i Opposition was again expressed the Methodist Church Tuesday, both as teacher and nurse, under seemed to have loads of fun bid­ the former ga> bage men, had Each the Congregational Board of For­ ding for the many lovely things School Supt. of the Sunday School. pinochle played afterwards. j by the c °u nty Unit as well as by March 4th, at 6:30 p.m. that were donated for the sale, started collecting the garbage in The annual pot luck dinner at Honored members were two sev?la * l008' Units in the county member is to bring a wrapped eign Missions. the month of February, Evans h m ill'd $220.47. the Grange Hall was well at­ Gold Star Mothers, Mrs, Stewart I aKa‘ ns* the proposed installation article to be sold at the white el­ Mrs. Willard Ericson is in through courtesy allowed them The Associaion owes a debt and Mrs. Bush. Happy Birthday parking meters in Hillsboro ephant sale for the purpose ot chaige of the devotional», with tended, with Rev. William H. Na­ the rest of the month to finish. gel, District Secretary of the Na­ was sung in Mrs. Bush's honor, and elsewhere. Great disappoint­ raising money for current expens­ Mrs. Walter Rosebraugh, accom­ of gratitude to Oren Sudtell, lo­ Under the franchise no other her birthday being the 9th of ment was expressed by the action es. panied by Mrs. Norton Peck, as- cal Auctioneer, and his assistant, carrier is permitted to collect gar­ tional Association of Evangelicals At this meeting the council isting in a violin solo. Paul Patterson and who donated their services ,and as the special speaker. His sub­ February .and since she either of Senator bage in the city, the penalty for celebrates the day before or the Representative Harry Schmeltzer members hope to have as their Hostesses for the day will be kept things lively and interesting violation of his franchise is a fine ject was, “ Russia—W ar or Revi­ members sponsoring the Mesdames val." Mrs. Nagel rendered spe­ day afterwards if she celebrates, in voting to overide the Gover­ guests Walter Van Kleek, throughout the evening. The following names complete of $100 or 50 days In jail or both. cial messages in song. at all, this year we jumped the nor’s veto on S. B. No, 99, the so Camp Fire girls from Kiwams and Howard Knepp and Paul Knepp The collection of garbage in the gun and surprised her. Both were called Idaho Power Bill. Repre­ the Beaverton P. T. A. They have and Miss Fern Haines. Each per­ the list of business firms which presented with lovely corsages by sentative J. O. Johnson voted to also invited Campfire and Blue­ son attending is to bring her own so generously contributed to the city is regulated by the city in bird parents. This notice is also sandwiches and cookie.. sale: West Slope Lumber Yard, regard to rates, services, sanitary our Unit President. Mrs. Paul sustain the vet«*. President Lyman Ross reported a further invitation to all par­ Doyle. Shafer & Neer, Helen's Beauty factors, and manner of disposal. Apparently there will be a good Shop, Beaverton Furniture, Hol­ The Post joined the ladies for on the hearing held last Thursday ents or civic minded persons in­ deal of publicity about this situa­ terested in activity for the girls before the Joint Highway Com­ land’s Feed Store. Carr Chevrolet, the evening's fun and District whether Findley's Milling Co., West Slope tion. Commander T. Ramsdell gave an mittees of the House and Senate, to present themselves Following are quotes from the Pharmacy, Safeway Store, Thrifty interesting talk. He introduced in Salem on S. B. 121, the Thor- they receive written invitations or The dedication service of the Market, Weiby’s, Ilex Nursery and Feb. 27 Teumsters publication Dolph Stewart, service officer oughway Bill, at which he rep- not. It is difficult to obtain cor- "The union, contending that the Highway Chapel, Thursday, Feb. Highhe's Variety Store. from Hillsboro who left with his resented the Washington County ¡rect mailing addresses from he 20th, was well attended, filling in opposing the girl* and there is a need for some Eighteen riders left the starting P. T. A. takes this opportunity action o f Beaverton city council the Chapel and greatly enjoyed listeners many serious thoughts in Farmers Union awarding an exclusive franchise line of a four mile Portland Hunt Bill. He stated that the state kindly volunteer workers interest- to thank you one and all for the regard to the veterans and their by all. convention also adopted a reso- I ed in children, their recreation Chase, laid by Norman McArthur splendid needs. cooperation. without for the collection of garbage is The dedicatorial message was and Ray Watson on Hayden Is­ which our success could never illegal, is preparing to carry its brought by Rev. C. W Ahalt and Comrade ______ Denney _ spoke briefly luion unanimously opposing this and handicrafts. In other words battle to the courts if necessary. and thanked the Unit members They also went on record op- we could use a Fairy Godmother land (near Jantzen Beach! Sun­ have been accomplished. "1 ight to test the legality of a was inspirational and uplifting. posing the County Planning and or Lady Bountiful. They do not day, February 23. Jim MacGregor, Our own Beaverton Hobby Sym­ for the enjoyable evening. The floral decorations were a riding Mr. Smoke was first to Beaverton ordinance, which bars Zoning Bill. have to be parents to qualify. phony Orchestra, under direction The hall was decorated with l-Mge basket of pink snapdragons, the operation o f a union sanitary cross the finish line where a large At the last meeting in January of J. D. Gilmt^e opened the pro­ streamers of blue and gold and and blue Iris, gift of the Wash­ a lengthy discussion was held on gallery waited. Second was Jack gram with the March Co-Ed by driver concern in that community the center piece was daffodils and ington County Camp of Gideons; |recreation for the girls and con­ Herring, riding Sunridge. Char­ Zamenik and later played Bee­ s planned by Local 21>b, Secretary blue iris; and blue and gold can­ a large blue bowl of King Alfred dles. sideration given to a snow trip lotte Montague, riidng Madam X thoven's Andantino with inciden­ •Mike Get lack said today.” Following is a letter sent out on daffodils, gift of Mrs. Frieda Ho­ to Mt. Hood and eventually some was hard pressed for third, with tal violin solo by Norton Peck Thursday noon the 7th and 8th two beautiful pink and Reta Esh, riding Merrijane Thursday to all water users in the gan; J kind of hay ride and of course This was only the second public grade pupils of Witch Hazel white potted azaleas were brought I continuance of the skating par- Churchill taking fourth. appearance of this comparatively city o f Beaverton school with their teacher. Mrs. by Robert Swope and two varie­ Richard Holmboe, Official judges Garland Fergu­ new group which formed early In C IT Y O F BEAVERTO N landscape ties. It is also fast approaching Havens, spent the day in Sal»m gated azaleas were brought bv Beaveron, Oregon .They visited the House in session. Iarchl|ert' 18 building a store for time for the big Council Fire at son. Aloha, and Henry Shaipe the winter, and surely all who Rev. and Mrs. Orville Poulin, Mrs. Ray Watson presented the heard them were thrilled with Fe7>ruary 26 947 l he Senate, toured the library and Icon'P*e*e gnrden supplies on his which the gnls receive their aw Pictures of the service were tak­ • - - — Canyon ~ trophy and ribbons Portland Hunt their progress and hope to hear C IT IZ E N S A N D BUSINESS ES­ the Supreme Court. The ' bailiff I property ProP^r,y on on the S. W Canyon Rd ' ards and ranks, to express their moie from them at an early date. TAB LISH M E N TS OF BEAVER­ en by T.. R. Graf. j Mrs. C. E. Wilhelm, our presi- Club wishes was most kind in explaining the across from the Walker Road. to Columbia Hunt for The players Include Ruthnnn Mc­ TON, OREGON ^uilding is to he two story Jdent, attended the regional meet- thanks procedure of the court and show- w _, An exclusive franchise was The ^upper ^floor will he I ing of Camp Fire Council at Spo- their gracious hospitality. Kenzie, Concert master; violins, ed papers and books of historí- , kinds of ......... kane ...... as ....... our ..... district representa^ cal interest. th* stol'e where l" ............... .............. Phyllis Rosebraugh, Norton Peck granted some time sgn t.. Mi l i r e Wednesday the 26th quests of P*ants’ fw d en tools, fértil* tive on February 6th and will give and son ___ Donald. ’ Clarinets, » Roger I l i a n a Evan" covering the collec- Kxtingnishc* lila/.«* _ rs n 9 _______________ ___ ■ the Auxiliary were four young 1 lers' P*et mo*!' and pow-er lawn- detailed report of her trip Pet k H. D. Sammon and son (ions of garbage within the city ladv students student« and and 15 18 Boy R n „os-..i- for Anv further Any further infoi information on Ralph; Trumpet. John Barnes. limits o f Beaverton. lady Scouts'. I mowers, in fact ' everything very?.hin« ro‘ On February 22 the Beaverton Mr Evans will begin to operate Trombone, Joe Bates; with piano all attired in then uniforms a n d 1 * * arden W,U ’*' ! Do'vn meeting with us may he obtain­ Fire Department was called to Civic M e r i t Isairs W*H K've space for storage. under the terma of this franchise ed by phoning Mrs. Bowers at working for thti* accompaniment furnished by Mrs. extinguish a fire in a hearse beginning March 1, 1947 and badges After leaving the State 1 They hope to open about March Beaverton 3695 or Mrs. Martin, Friday night riders of the Port Norton Peck Does anyone know thereafter will have the exclusive which was going east on the Can­ 13. - < 9 Beaverton 2452. buildings, we drove past the State land Hunt Club gathered Feh. 21 where our Orchestra can find a right to collect garbage for the yon Road. The department res­ Penitentiary and through the As- •The advantage of buying from ponded quickly and put out the to wish Donald Kerron a happy cellist? One is needed badly. a landscape man will be that he vlum grounds, many seeing the . ... ,___ - Tom Slteman, instructor for the residents and business houses of blaze before much damage was birthday. Son of Mr and Mrs. Beaverton. buildings for the first time. Tired know, experience what done. Harry M. Kerron, Garden Home Faye Broadwell School of Dance works out best in this lomir He is to operate a garbage and ^ weary all headed toward The first grass fire of the sea­ Donald is active in the Junior which holds classes in the Odd dump and Incinerator to be lo- home. Fellows Hall every Saturday, pre­ son called the Beaverton Fire Hunt Club, and owner o f "Buster Reedville, under the leadership Sincere thanks are due the sented his pupils In several num­ " Hepartment to S W Canyon Dr of Oscar Hagg of the Hagg's a Shetland. This 8 year old has a bers which were highly enjoyable bollinone m^e following ladies who donated rars j R ( ||| (*}s | M i l l i f * F O I* promising future in the hunt club Daily is bringing in one of the and acted as chaufferettes Mrs 1 «* »; 9 « — bonH.a to too call .a d Ih, f „ . The table center was a large They ranged from tiny little tots me iranrntse « residents chapels used at Camp Adair to of the City w olllrkl„ nil, who seemed scarcely old enough Harry Cady. Fuller. Haefel, Can- | |||||tr | ) I I 4 * 11 felt horse and setting was in are to be permitted to use the P»*t out replace the Reedville Church se j deaux. Ehlert and Doyle Also 0 to walk to early teen agers, and iy af af- ? " * “ “ “ — — ““ “* ” 1 which burned over two years ago keeping of Washington » birthday | were most interesting to ob­ dump on Tue-day and i id lay making the trip were Mrs. Roy . .... . . ... Gunther. Americanism Chfcirman L A ,ka* b#en flle? with These chapels are being given to Cake and Ice cream were served serve. at the Club House following ride and Mrs. K K. Denney, Legi.la- Hal1 requesting that a various communities in the state Refreshments were sold In the p.m. and 6 00 p.m., mibjec t 4 m I Hostesses were Mrs. Jack Fos­ under tive Chairman. *‘ ,e o f ade*e be installed as memorial churches. '"> the __________________________ entrance hall under direction of chart?*.* **t up also ter. Garden Home. Mi'S Nelle O’­ Willa E Denney. Pub. Chair. *«» carry the storm drain water A group of men with trucks is Donnell, Miss Nell D irney and Mrs. C. B. Wooden who had a franchise. AMERICAN LEGION ______________ and outflow from septic tanks This letter is addressed to you number of willing helpers. (Your being recruited to help haul the I which now flows in an open ditch church up from the camp. These Mrs Mary Hurgett, West Slope reporter regrets to say that !n the at this time in order that you and AUXILIARY | north of Tualatin Valley Htgh- Beaverton Po*t No. 124 confusion she neglected to secure may be fully informed in the ma include Leo Wilson and C. A Per­ way and near the residence of A kins of Aloha. REGULAR MEETING their names.) Hot dogs, sandwich ter. R Pesent'. 1st ond 3rd Wednesday each month Youra respectfully, es, cookies, plea and coffee dis­ The church will be dismantled "Beaverton City Counril" ot 8:15 p. m. te n — for — a ------- dinner Thursday given 1 I ^he litrh ia .. re- i in sections where possible and appeared in no time at all. ---- ----------• ^----- . .. odor from this „ at her home on Brentwood Ave. poftedly very offensive in thp j torn down n-here sectioning ia not Temporory Meeting Ploce ■ Yes, folks, the Auction Is over, is considered . . .. Guests were Mrs. A Brownrigg. summer season and • ~ I O. 0 F HALL, BEAVERTON but the memory still lingers Aur v... I possible to , be reanxembled at its 0 . ... Canyon Lane. Mrs B Gallehur. a serious menace _ to neaitn hy I 1 Reedville Inshi l l l l \ < l n m l * KEITH DENNEY — RAY GUNTHER tion sales are fun' location .ron pipe Six carloads of cat Ridgeway Ave.. Mrs. Hazel B u s - p^ose signing the petition Post Commander Adfutant Publicity Cttalrman have arrived in Beni ton. They 1 and M i« Hurgett's «tster. Mrs A P'cture of the dit. h in ques- The AlohaHuber Water District Mrs. Fisher F. Logan truct the Paul Wicker Vancouver W u h [tion w i« Included mith others on | Mrs. Virjrtl Myers of Camas. are to be used to ci has Just installed eight new fire Parent Teachen Association rinect the Mr.« Gallehur left the following display recently at the First Se-J Washington was a visitor at the 1 2 ' water main to hydrants • which will greatly In­ Regular Monthly Meeting The advertiser—Tell him |ni crease the fire protection facilit­ morning for Seattle and British Bank and at the mass meet-¡home o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rog j Beaverton city well N > 1 with 4th Tuesday of Each Month read tils message In the paper. ies. Columbia. *n3 held In the high school. ‘ era on Walker Road last week ‘the city distribution gri d. at 8 p. m. * J' Brush I- irr Sweeps Farmers Union \\. Slope* H ardw are Meets In H illsboro Fo ( )pen Mareli I Lum ber ( iompaiiirs Kohhed Sal. Niglil Fellowship To Meet M arch 5 P T A Auction H uge Success JiCgioti Auxiliary Reviews Activities ( liurt li Ilolds Viiiiuul KltTlion Court Rattlr Looms Over Fxclusive Garbage Franchise Council Cam p F ire Tuesday, March 4 Impressive Service M acG regor W inner Hunt Uliib (¿liaise Al Dedieiilion Fo Slock Garden Supplies Junior Muni (Jul> R ider Honored Fo Secure* Uha|M*l I D im irr Party I Six Carloads ( )f Dip«* Herr Hfeeting Notices j