Seat and Hands Mrs. David C. Meyer, riding Fair Wyndha.n. Bill | Gosselin, riding Sunny Jim; Bill Payne, riding Lady Tamarack; Mary Hurgett. riding Sweetheait. Novelty—Jim Brown, riding Hilo; Jim MacGregor, riding Mr. M rs. D avid M yers Sn.oke. Doris Clark, riding Sassy; Gladys Ferry, riding Duke Hamp C a p tu re s L ead Keen competition was shown ton. Threes— Eleanor Bradley, riding Sunday at Nicol Riding Arena when Portland Hunt Club and Mamie; Corrine Markin, riding Nicol Riding Academy competed Sunshine; Catherine Young, ridtn in Its third competitive ride for N ifty Miss; Mrs. David Meyer, riding Fair Wvndham; Mrs. Jack the Bohmann Trophy. riding Kitty Higgins; Mrs. David Meyer, West Slope, Hering. took the lead, scoring 17 points. Nanry Chipman, riding Mf. Chips; Second, Mrs. J C. Whiteside. 8406 Mrs. Kenton Palmer, riding Kayo; S. W. 58th Ave., with 15. Acting Mrs. Jack C. Whiteside riding judge. Frank W O’Connor. Ring- Tinker; Jean Burgard, riding K it master, Ray Watson; Recorder. ty Foyle; Mary Hurgett, riding Estelle Wallingford. Mrs. Jack He- Sweetheart; Mrs. Michael Boh- mann, riding Miss Tulip; Mr. ring presented ribbons. Michael Bohmann. riding Brown Results: Scurry- Bill Wallingford, riding I Empress. Jupiter: Gladys Ferry, riding Duke Hampton; Mrs. Jack ©. Attend Club Meetings Whiteside. riding Tinker; Jim Mrs. Walter E. Wilhelm. Presi MacGregor, riding Sky Rocket. dent of the Oregon Federation of Novice Jump Riders Jean Bur- Garden Clubs and the State Sec gard, riding K itty Foyle; Jack retary, Mrs. J. George Eisenhauer, Hering, riding Sun Ridge; Kstelle will attend the Santiam District Wallinford, riding Tinker; Nancy Meeting in Albany Feb. 12th. Club Chapman, riding Mr. Chips. meetings in Corvallis Feb. 13, Pairs Catherine Young, riding N ifty Miss; Eleanor Bradley, rid Scio Feb. 14th. ing Mamie; Mrs. Kenton Palmer, riding Cactus Lass; Mrs. Jack C, Whiteside, riding Tinker; Mrs. David C. Meyer, riding Fair Wyndhaus; Nancy Chapman, rid ing Mr. Chips; Jean Burgard, rid ing Sweetheart; Bill Gosselin, rid ing Sunny Jim. Have yau always had a yen for Green Jumpers (Horses to be adventure? Maybe with a thought judged)—Mrs. David C. Meyer, of living or owning land in a for West Slope, riding Cactus Lass; eign country? Here is your oppor Bill Payne, riding Harvest Billy; tunity to realize these dreams. Henry Steinan. Beaverton, Ore- The Republic of Ecuador, in riding Sun Ridge; Grace Karns, South America wants colonists Orenco, Ore , riding Wildfire. Open Jumpers—Mrs. Jack C. and is opening up 124,000 acres Whiteside, riding K itty Foyle; of rich land for American and Mrs. David C. Meyer, riding Fai British occupation. Every settler may obtain 124 Wyndham; Mrs. Kenton Palmer, riding Cactus Lass; Henry Stein acres of potential farm land and an, riding Playboy. a townsite lot, or a married man may have 248 acres. These are tax free for five years. Doesn't that sound good? The land is located on Ecuador’s new all weather highway that links Quito, the capitol of the re public, with the port city, Esmer- aldas on the Pacific Coast. Soil experts say this land is second only to Java in richness. Which is considered to be the rich est farm land in the world. You can bring all your house hold goods, personal effects and agricultural tools into the coun try duty free. I f you would rather, you may obtain land in the colony area as an absentee owner. To do this you do not have to live there but may have one of the resident settlers look after it for you or appoint an authorized representative to work for you. I f you are interested in secur ing further information you can wrrite to the Government Colnter- mediarj^ Dr. J. M. Sheppard. Cas- illa 315, Quito, Ecuador. South America, for a 36 page pamphlet gitvng full details and instructions on how to obtain land either as a settler or an absentee owner. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE I RALEIGH HILLS \\ liv Not Grow Your Ow n Sugar? NOW! GET IT THERE A LETTER WEIGHING ONLY ONE OUNCE BEAVERTON HA D WA R E I7i<* llo u .s e o f Servire Phone 3 9 T h is Coupon W orth 50« on either of two 93- piece Dish Sets $12” U N IV ER S A L s O Q 50 M o rn ing Glory W EAR EVER 75 Daffodil » / REVERE W ARE Closing Out BRAIDED RUGS 10 OFF SMALL SIZES 25“” OFF LARGE 1 DELUXE WOOD CIRCULATOR, $52 50 SIZES $4 7 50 S5 2 5° STAINLESS STEEL and PLATED 24 PIECE ALL SWAN PATTERN Glass W ear OFF 100 POUNDS T h is Coupon worth 1 CAR HEATER, $29.95 W ith this Coupon you can save $O A 95 2 0 % on our new on our New 4 Chrome Fog Lights 1 Chrome Spot Light % OFF BY DEPENDABLE G re e n lin e n LOW, GET-IT-THERE EXPRESS RATES! C A L L B. C. STEELE Beaverton, Oregon % ííc/i Síu/»n¿4t& / CEDAR MILL NEWS The February meeting of the Cedar Mill Extension Unit was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pauline Templeton. Mrs. Johnson reported that the Barnes 4-H sewing group is now busily engaged in making mats. An A .C. W. W. letter- was read by Mrs. Ungar from the County Chairman, Mrs. Fred Beach, stat ing that dues of 2 cents each are payable by April. She compli ments the Washington County Un its for their part in carrying on this enterprise. The legislative chairman, Helen Hendrickson, read a letter urging ! women to protest the small alloca- j tion o f sugar for canning purpos es. Support of the district health | bill was urged. A discussion fol low ed on various hills before the I legislature with many interesting | thoughts being brought out. A letter from Miss Nichols ! stated that $15 each is needed to pay scholarship fees to 4-H summer school at Corvallis. An electrical survey was made by Beryle Scothom. A donation of $5 was voted to the March o f Dimes Campaign Joe Cox, assistant county agent gave a worthwhile talk on "The Vegetable G arden" Next meeting o f the Unit will be held at the home o f Mrs. James Walters on Leahy Road. I "Buying Foods" will he the sub ject to be covered by project leaders. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. 4 Wheeler. Cans $ | .0 0 ALL I I . I{. .I o I i i i - mii i V iiihm I ( >ii 1 !i\it- For»**l Committee Electric HEATERS 40% OFF 1 5 7 . OIT W ith this Coupon WE HAVE THREE GOOD BUYS ON Auto Horns Lamp Shades 10 Regularly $2 95 f Newcomer and Oldtimer WE WON T SELL ß / u fc b e d 'p M fe 'i Saved with this Coupon on our large Seveial Sizes ELECTRIC FENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOW ^ O Cedar Mill Extension l nil $ J .O O 1 Stanley Vz H. P. Grinder . . . $72.00 1 Cincinnati V 3 H. P. Grinder • . . $49.60 3 Mill Drills, >/4 in c h .............. $32.00 W ith T h is Coupon Kids Aeroplanes On S a le -S A V E S10.00 Plastic Purses *5” This Coupon $ 4 .0 0 Worth I Thi* Coupon $(^.50 Worth $14.95 $ VI 95 A few left Cutlery Sets $ 9.9S $10.50 Regularly TRICYCLES. Regular $24 95 NOW 1 DELUXE WOOD CIRCULATOR, $59.50 Cabinets ON HAND— LAWN MOWERS - GAS AND ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS - REVERE WARE FOR RENT FLOOR SANDER and EDGER FLOOR POLISHER VARIETY OF SIZES NOW On M edicine s1395 $1495 s1645 PRESTO WE HANDLE KELYINATOR REFRIGERATORS and RANGES BOTH CAN BE S i .00 On A ny Pressure Cooker 69c WEIGHING AT This Coupon worth Sy« oo Special MACHINERY 1 THE BIG SAVE A DOLLAR S A L E This Coupon Worth $ 1 .5 0 OF HEAVY 2 ALL PRICES LISTED ARE OUR REGULAR PRICES Larg e Models OR A PIECE Friday, February 21, 1947 60 G allons White Enamclized House Paint OFF COMPLETE STOCK NU-ENAM EL PRODUCTS Come In and Get Acquainted WE'LL HELP YOU BUY M irili i t E a r ly A group of neighbor chums I Carl Stark were entertained wi a treat by Carl’s father, whi. consisted of admittance to a an inee at the Beaver Theatre. Tl event was In celebration of Car 10th birthday. • • • Week F.nd Guest R. H. Johnson, a nr.val m* from Wisconsin was the guest Donald Walters last week end. • • • Another Boy The Roy Andersons are being congratulated on the birth of their second son. At- the last Federation of Com munity Clubs meeting in Portland. H. R. Johnson was named to serve on the Civic Forest Committee. Mrs. Johnson attended a meeting of the group in Portland last week. She reports that much discus sion centered around feasahiltty of a 5000 acre park from Mc- Cleay Park to St. Helens Road. • • « The west line would border on Skyline Boulevard. It is believed Birthday Club Entertained An evening of pino« hie and re that in making a park out o f this the area fire hazard* ' i l l be cut freshments was enjoyed by considerably as well a* providing birthday club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peterkort on Barn- a recreational area for many. lea Road Saturday night. • • • . . . Club Meets The Home Economi- * d u b met Masquerade Wednesday afternoon t the home Saturday evening marked the of M rs. Langasher. second of a series of dances be Two regular meeting- are being ing given at the Grange Hall. held each month by the Orange The next dance is planned for at present. Last Wednesday was Feb. 22 the first meeting date for Feb It will be a hard-tlme masquer ruary. . ade with prizes for the most ap • • • propriate costumes. Roach's or Rain B«n chestra will furnish music. Mr and Mrs. H I- Haag are the proud parents of a baby boy Baseball Club, which position he born February 2. has held for fifteen year*. • • • He announces the opening game Property Change* Hands is April l«th. The C. B West.« h: ve sold a • • • tract of property bordering on Recuperating I>eahy Road Mr. Farmer of Denny Road Is HI from a short illness William I.uce of Vnlset* Is ill recovering i t the home of his daughter, Mrs. which confined him to his home for several days. Keitha Kingsley. kl M ON n i ; ws Hrnilf K r Club Mi-H* I'he Kinton Momr Kcoiiomim <'lub met Tuesday, February 11 in the Club room at the Kinton Grange Hall, Plans were made for an anniversary meeting to commemorate the dedication of Kinton Granite H al^ March 17. The chairman, Itah Edwords, appointed her committee chair- 1 1,1 f'»r O h Chriatn and reported that work would be- K'n at- once. Mrs. Alice Fluke was appointed on the entertainment committee for the March meet ing. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Marvin Ricks, Mis W. O. Hansen and Mis. W L. Keffer. A lovely Valentine luncheon was served. • • • P T A M eets The Kinton P. T. A met Mon day afternoon at 3:00 pm. at the Kinton School. A fine turn out was reported. • • • W e e li End G u e s ts Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eliander, Jt t>f Corvallis s|ient la.-t week end with his parent Mr and Mrs. Harry Eliander Sr., of Pro gress. • • • I islts ( o u s l n Tom Keffer. managei of the McMinnville Stage Depot, spent a few hours visiting with his cou sin. Walt Keffer. at the Progress Feed Store, after completing a buying trip to Portland last Sat urday. fana/tfcdm ea. SUGGESTS EAR to the heart of all true Irishmen Is the birthday of D their patron saint. St. Patrick, and they are always ready and eager to pay homage. And for good reason. According to history books St. Pat rick Introduced Christianity to Ire land. adopting the shamrock as a symbol to represent the Trinity. And then according to legend he drove the snakes from that Isle. No wonder they choose to remember him each year with celebration! Nancy Holmes, too. honors 8L Patrick, and In her Best Foods kitchens she haa designed a Sham rock Potato Salad to commemorate March 17—which Is the day for the wearing of the green. Shamrock Potato Salad 8 potatoes I cup real may 1 celery tops onnaise t» cup chopped € scallions with tops parsley i ves t cups diced roast Watercress leaves pork m teaspoons salt 14 small head cabbage Peel, cook potatoes In well salted water with celery tops and scallion topa until tender but not soft Cool, dice and combine with thinly sliced scallions, meet end finely shredded cabbage. Add real mayonnalae and salt. Arrange on large plate In ahapo o f shamrock. Surround with water* cress. Top with line of chopped parsley through center of each part of "ahamrock.” Yield: ( generous servings.