O d a r Mill « Community Club V The Community Club met Wed­ nesday night at the Orange Hall The meeting was opened with the Flag Salute and singing of "Am er­ ica." Minutes, Treasurer's report and correspondence were read. Preceeding further business, Miss Loa Howard, State administra­ tor of Public Welfare gave a most informative talk on distribution of funds for welfare pursposes in VOLUME 20, NUMBER 4 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS this state. Beaverton, Oregon Friday, February 21, 1947 PLEASE NC‘TIFY YOUR PAPER A decision was made to hold fu­ ESTABLISHED 1927 ture club meetings at the school house due to a raise of rent at the Grange Hall. The Federation l __ ^ of Community Clubs and the Bon- ney Slope Club is being asked to Wheras. it has heretofore been ~ j cooperate in trying to procure the custom thioughout the United | • > I , » » • « I I { • * | * a one-half block long shelter at The Hex* Beaverton Grade Grade School is to be an auction States to observe the World Day 1 **1 0 the bus stop at 5th and Yamhill School Parent teacher meeting sale. with cake-walk, refresh­ Pursuant to the letter publish­ of Prayer which is scheduled this Streets. By Don Grandy At the opening of bids for Bea­ on Tuesday, February 25th at 8:,oro 1)id w5i0oo.OO at 1 3-4 per them losing their home by ¡to the good cause, and their gen­ inter-club committee to meet per­ a treatment plant. the same club in the previous en­ fully urge the people of the City cent erosity is highly ippieciated Bea­ The Engineer has been away fire. But now we have a more iodically with a committee from The present assessed valuation complete information on the verton Hardware. Miller’s Foods, from his office on other business counter. they found it impossible to unite their hearts in prayei Bonny Slope Community Club. as the church hells ring at 1 p.m. ' f the District Is $3,445,124 23 and but the estimate has been re­ to pull away this time. destructiveness Everything j Rainbow Electric, Richey Hard­ Door prize went to Frank Sny­ Denny O’Donnell, Beaver for­ on thnt date and to otheiwlse ap- ¡these are the only bonds issued was lost. ware. Beaverton Bakery, Beach's quested and should be forthcom­ der. ward. was high-scoring man foi proprlately observe the day in co- by tht, Ki|t, Distliof whleh wa8 Market, Beaverton Pharmacy, The Beaverton Rehekah lodge A list of accomplishments as ing soon. the first time this season with 11 operation with the people of all formed on April 3, 194«. ¡* ity Meat Market, Studio Barber gave a shower last Friday eve­ compiled from Secretarial books the churches. __ tallies. Shop, Thyng’s, Dean's Drug Store, ning at the home of Ellen La was read by Mrs. A. R. Pearson. McMiiins ille Dated at Beaverton, Oregon, W. E. Pegg, Beaverton Electric Rue and considerable clothing Many worthwhile projects for the The Battling Beaverton squad this 18th day of February 1947. J. C. McMahon, Columbia Food and bedding was received to interest of all in the community fell short by three points of tide the family over. How­ Stoic, Walker's Department Store, J. V. C H AN D LE R have been handled. knocking McMinnville o ff the Florence Beauty Shop. Elite ever the present needs are Meeting was adjourned. M AYOR top of the league, when they lost. Dress Shop, Marshall Wells Hard- for . adequate living facilities 38-35. at the winner’s court last On Thursday evening, w’hile Po­ for the family. ware and Grauer and Ackerman. lice Officer Mayfield was making Saturday night. Other business houses are to be I f sufficient material can be The local underdogs maintained his rounds he detected smoke near contacted. located, the members o f the the rear of the First Security a steady lead for a good portion The next regular meeting of the Odd Fellows lodge have offer- The Executive Board of the Bea­ of the game. The lead by points Beaverton Rural Fire Protection red to donate their time in as­ verton Grade School P. T. A. met The Summer Round up will be Bank. at half, but were one behind at Upon investigation he found District Board will be held at sisting in the construction of Thursday, February 13 at the held March 4 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Beaverton City Hall, Tuesday, the home. Grade School. Present were Mes- the Cedar Mill School. Barnes, that fire had started in the up­ the end of the third quarter. In When one sees little emaciated One of the strong ties in a dames Boge, Besmehn, Ward, Union, McKinley and Tualatin holstery o f Mike Pienovi’s auto­ a wild and free shooting last per­ children with arms and legs miss­ March 11. Plans will be made for mapping Wooden, Cavens, Romig, Drew, small community is the help­ View schools are being invited to mobile in his garage, just east of iod. the lead was either tied or ing; one no longer cares whether changing back and forth at will. all available sources of water sup­ fulness of our neighbors Who Johnson, Grandy, Byrd, Logan, attend. A state law makes it nec­ the Bank. The Fire Department was called With ten seconds to go, Beaver­ they are German or some other ply within the district with the knows when we might be In Robinson, McKeel and Ely. essary that each child entering nationality, one just hates war, approach of the hazardous fire a similar predicament. After the reading of the min­ school have a physical examina­ and responded quickly, extinguish­ ton led 35-34. A lay-in shot and according to Mrs. Lydia Milliand, Anyone wishing to assist utes of the previous meeting, Mrs. tion. Vaccinations and shots are ing the fire, with only a small two free throws by Machl, how­ who lived in Germany during the season. Beaverton’s upset Those having infoitmntion. of} this returned veteran and his John Robinson was asked to fill included. Any child entering any amount of damage to the interior ever, quelled hopes ,and they went down to de­ war and has just returned to the such available sources of supply family may contact Mrs. Geo. the office of Safety Chairman for of these schools next fall are ask­ of Mr. Pienovi’s car. United States. feat by those three points. This is another example of the will greatly assist the work of the Manternnck, or Otto Kiel at the remainder of the year, Mr. ed to come. Any other children Mrs. Milliand had many inter­ District by advising the directors Th rifty Market, in Beaverton. Logan having resigned. Most of younger or older in these districts alertness and efficiency of our Newberg esting things to tell about while The Beaver’s defense of Speidel or leaving word at the Beaverton the evening was spent making are eligible for shots and vaccin­ City Police and Fire Department. visiting her sister, Mrs. Alva W. A Company of Newberg fell apart City Hall. plans for the above mentioned ations. The health nurse and a ______ _ as they suffered their worst de­ Graham, S. W. Howatt Road dur- Auction Sale, Committee on which doctor will be present at the clin­ feat of the season, 46-28, at New- lng the last week. She is still in | is composed of Mrs. Charles Drew, ic. Don’t forget the date. awe of lights, and freedom of ac- j ■* I I , berg’s home court last Tuesday Mrs. Ray Cavens and Mrs. John tion and speech, while her eight , I 11 M l l l O l H l evening. Robinson. year old son, Richard, is equally The Founders L>ay Tea held on The Tigers maintained their tie Reverend Bowers made a short D i n n e r a t E ig h t Tuesday, February 18, by the Bea­ appearance to announce a Mass for first place with Mac-Hi as a thrilled with ’’white milk.” The Richard verton Grade School Parent Tea­ Meeting at the Methodist Church result of completely dominating milk in Germany that Mr. and Mrs. August Hickethier The wedding of Miss Elenora the Beavers with quarter leads of has seen has been powdered, with Redmond and Robert Engelke, cher Association at the Grade Wednesday, February 26 at 8:00 gave an 8 o'clock dinner Wednes­ a slightly mouldy taste, quite dif­ School Auditorium was well at­ p.m. William A. Smith died Sunday 20-5 and 28-16. day evening for twelve honoring Dr. E. Guy Cutshall will son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engelke Newberg’s ace forward, Speidel. ferent from what he has had since of Beaverton was held in Rose tended and highly entertaining. 16, at his their son, Charles, who is leaving afternoon, February speak on the National Temper­ The minutes of the last meet­ ance Movement. in a few days for Shanghai, Chi­ home in Beaverton. Recitation of collected 20 points, followed by the coming to the United States. Mrs. Milliand taught music at Park Methodist church in Port­ ing were read and approved, and the Rosary was held in the Chapel Beaver’s Jack O’Connor, with 15. na aboard the S. S. Flyaway. Mrs. Charles Drew and Mrs. land last Friday evening. Rev. the minutes of the last Executive Robert Besmehn served refresh­ The last game of the regular the College of Pacific Stockton, Ray S. Dunn officiated. Sharing honors were their niece of Pegg’s Mortuary Tuesday eve­ California, before deciding to tra­ Board were read, after which a ments, and as there was also a and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Del­ ning and Mass was celebrated in T Y V season will be played in Bea­ The bride is the daughter of bert J. Rudy and son, Kenneth, of the St. Cecelia Catholic Church on verton this Friday when Forest vel and study in Germany, While Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Redmond and Nominating Committee composed meeting of the School Board, our Thornton, Wash., who have been Wednesday at 9:30 a.m., Febru­ Grove and Beaverton square off in Germany she met and married was given In marriage by her of three, Mrs. Norton L. Peck, hostesses invited the members in Mrs. John Holman and Mrs. Glenn for spending a week at the Hickethier ary 19th, with Father G. M. Sni- in a key game. The Beavers will Mr. Milliand. When the war came father. refreshments also, making Ely were elected to contact pros­ quite an impromptu party. derhon officiating. Vault inier- be out for revenge of their one- she could have left for the Unit­ home. The bride Wore an eggshell sat- pective officers for next year. ed States but preferred to stay in point defeat at the hands of the m ejt Mi. O-.lY'u-y Cernet'> 7 y.y- The next Board meeting is to Heidelberg with him. She did try with finger tip veil and Our Unit was honored, at the he held Thursday, March 13, at Mr. Smith was born^in Stanton, Vikings in their previous game. Va.entine Part? to return to New York for hospi- carried a white prH yer book with Fiftieth Anniversary of the As­ the home of Dakota on April 3, 1888 Attending the Valentine party North Mrs. Ray Cavens, tal care when her baby was due, |sPraV °r orchids, sociation by the presence of a Route 1, Box 106, near the inter­ given by the Mr. and Mrs. Club and came to Beaverton thirty- but even though she was still an M‘ss Mildred Marquis, maid of number of Past Presidents: Mes- of Portland were Mr. and Mrs. five years ago, where he was en­ section of Lake Road and the Ber American citizen, the Hitler gov­ honor and Mrs. Charles K. Wood­ dames Belle Walker, Ed Bergen, tha Beaverton highway. Herbert Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ gaged as a building contractor. cock was her sister’s other at­ John Robinson, Norton Peck, C. ernment would not allow her to ford Bauer, Mr. and M Joe Pe- He was a charter member o f the Mrs. Fisher F. Logan come, because they felt that the tendant. Y. Wilson, Maurice Komig and A. terkort, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiwanis Club of Beaverton. Mr. Publicity Chairman Joseph Harvey, III, was ring baby should be kept German. E. Johnson, who voiced their ap­ Artis, Mr. and Mrs. August Hick­ Smith had been in poor health for bearer and little Carolyn Kay preciation o f the fact that P.T.A. Mr. Milliand, who was a publi­ Mrs. T. Garland Ferguson’s his sudden ethier, Mrs. Willard Bauer and some time however Woodcock was flower girl. is constantly growing and prog­ and untimely death brought grief friends will be glad to hear she sher of books on the Textile in­ Henry Bauer of Cedar Mill Frank Emmons acted as best ressing dustry, died in the Spandau con­ • • • and the interest with to the community and he will be has fully recovered from pneu­ man. Ushers were friends of M.r monia and can once more join her centration camp because ho had which they have watched and Enjoy Party missed in many circles. Engelke. put in his will that he wished his helped in its development. The Girl Scouts enjoyed a Val­ Surviving relatives include the friends in the riding circle. A reception was held In the Jack Batke and Miss Velma Mrs. Ferguson with her hus­ son, Richard, to be an American A radio type drama honoring entine party following school on widow, Catherine; one daughter, Portland Golf Club. The couple Stills were married February 14 Thursday. Mrs. Geraldine Norton; two sons, band. T, Garland Ferguson, bet­ citizen. Mrs. Milliand learned after went to Victoria, B. C. on their the Founders, Alice McLellan Blr- in the Bonny Slope Community Girl Scouts and Brownies are W illiam A. Jr., and Melvin J.; ter known as “ Pappy” recently the American occupation that hers honeymoon and will he at home ney and Phoebe Apperson llearst Club House. Was p r m p t«d by Mrs. A. E. getting ready for the annual one granddaughter, Cynthia Gail moved to their new farm, named was the ninth name on a list of In Portland after Feb. 23. Rev. Forsberg of the Cedar Mill Johnson, Mrs. J. L. McKee! and cookie sale. Smith, all of Beaverton. Also one "Windsor Acres” on Farmington those to be rounded up and exe­ Those attending the wedding Church officiated. • • • cuted. Mrs. Harris Hansen, dressed in Road. Mrs. "Ferguson has chosen aunt, Mrs. C. C. Moore of Port­ The bride was dressed in blue, While visiting in the United from Beaverton were Dr. and Mrs. the costumes of the late Nineties, Visiting land and one cousin. Gladys Mc- this name in salute to her horse. “ Sir W in d so»” which she can States, Mrs. Milliand has turned C. E. Mason, Mrs Miller, Mr. and With Narrators Mrs. A W lie the groom in light grey. Mrs. N. T. Stevens left Wednes­ Nearney. The setting was Calla lilies and justly be proud of. This chestnut, over her Heidelberg estate to her Mrs. George Thyng, Mr. and Mrs. guin and Eddie Ramsdell, in day night for a visit to Vancouver, and Mr. and which some of Mrs. Birney’s first sword ferns, with a background has his mistress’ mantel beauti­ friends who have been bombed out Horace Emmons B. C. and Victoria. While away Mrs. William Kent. fully displayed with trophies he of their homes during the bomb­ speeches were quoted and with a of a large heart decorated with she will visit her sister who is ing of Manheim. She plans to re­ has won. Credit here is given to year by year record of the pro­ peonies and fir boughs. ill. A reception was held following # • • turn sometime, but is not certain mistress and horse. gress o f the Association. ceremony. They received Representatives A t M eeting Over a period of years she has now when it will be. She felt that The Grade School Chorus, rep- the many nice presents. been In the saddle she has demon­ one of the hardest parts of living " • nted by twelve < .f it . members Mrs. Ellen Johnson left Monday In the eleven o’clock service of Members of the Portland Hunt Two songs were sung by Jean for Albany where she will be a Club will be seen taking another strated her ability to train and in Germany during the war was the First Methodist Church this with Miss Melba Jucht at the pi­ and Ruth Rntke, "The Girl That being shunned by all their Ger­ ride> representative to the State Farm­ deceptive course February 23 on ano sang The Bells of St. Mary’s Sunday .laymen of the local con­ ers Union meeting. Sir Windsor has participated in man friends, because she, being gregation will conduct the entire and Indian Dawn very charming­ I Marry,” and “ I f You Were the Hayden Island near Jantzen Only Girl in the World.” Mrs. A. • • • every riding club in the City. American, was so closely watched service. ly- Beach. Columbia Hunt Club will Batke sang, "Oh Promise Me.” by the Gestapo. Visits Parents Perhaps some will recall the ar­ Tea was served by the second be host for the day. Howard Somers, Portland Dis­ The bride and groom left after Her first feeling of homesick­ Mrs. Don Smith of Estacada ticle published in the Oregon grade Mothers Mesdanies B. J. trict I^iy Leader of the church Paper Chase laid by Bill W al­ was a visitor at the home of her lingford, M. F. H. assisted by Horse telling about this gallant ness came when she saw the name 'and a man whose time is largely Eckel, C. B. Finley, N. Ward, H. the reception for their honeymoon. of Portland Oregon on the ship on thoroughbred. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Gregory, Charles Drew and J. Ray Watson, Club President. which she crossed, the Ernie Pyle, engaged in the business world of F. Colley under direction of Mrs. Wuthrich over the week end. Sir Windsor has not only per­ Investments and Securities, will Riders up at 11:00 a.m. • « • She arrived in New York about C. L. Grandy. Mrs. Ed Bergen Entries: Jack Whiteside riding formed locally. He w’as purchased January 12, spending a month appear in the pulpit and speak and Mrs. Belle Walker poured. Hospitalized Longacres Race Tri^ck. to the theme, “ Our Accountability Pick; Bill Payne riding Billy Jun­ from with her brother. Dr. S. Berthels- Mrs. Helen Hulbert has been Publicity Chairman ior; Jim MacGregor riding Mr. Many times in the show ring he dorf. psychiatrist at Manhattan to God.” confined in a Portland hospital. has shown his breeding, his he.nt Mrs. F. Logan The Young women of Beaver­ During the evening hour the Smoke; Jim Brown riding Hilo; • • * and his desire to obey commands. Hospital, New ' or(!j' ton are endeavoring to start a Gracie Karns riding Sally B.; Es- On leaving Mrs Graham’s M YK w '1 1 be guests of the Pil- Jersey Twin* Oh yes! Mrs. Ferguson has had much needed gym class in Bea Youth fellowship of Beth- The S. T. Walters report twin I r "®rk^ alUngford rldinK Sa,lY ° ’* her share of accidents. Last spring home. she went to \i>it her par- 1 1 verton. ents. Mr. and Mis Richard von el .Churchy The Methodist congre calves born to their Jersey cow _____________ astride her horse she had the So far there are in the neigh­ gation will also be the guests of last week. Fawnlike in appear­ misfortune of a broken shoulder. Berthelsdorf, Swan Uike, Oregon, Bethel Congregational in the eve­ borhood of fifteen registered. where she is now It was quite a ance, they are creating much in- h a i T l l r r * L l l i o i l \ otPH Since then she has returned to have their instructor ar­ ning services at 8 o’clock. Charles R. Holloway, Jr„ S. They shock to her to he so near Klam­ the saddle .taking her share of W. McChesney Road, gave his ranged for and expect to meet on V g a in s l S a l«** l a x ath Falls at the time of the fire laurels nights In the high sister, Caroline, daughter of Mrs. Thursday ni, as she smp ¿1 • ■ * . in the Evans apartment, Attend County Council The. Washington County F a r m - I ____________ _ Charles R. Holloway, Portland In school gym. was a close fnenJ of Sidney Ev- .> 0 1 *1 1 1 «! K u M M * « ’ Three representatives each at- ' e^8 . Union by unanimous action | It would be an ideal way to marriage to Gerald Scholtz, son ■ . ans. who lost his life in the fire. tended the County Council meet- ot ltB legislative committee voted i l| *«r * 1 I I i —•» I i t \ t i spend an evening and lie of great • if Mrs. Ernest B. MacNaughton ing at Aloha-Huber from the 5®? n8t tbe Sa*es Tax Bill. H B j ' C g i l l l l^ r * ll I O I 1 O l Portland, In a lovely candlelight benefit physically. Barnes and Cedar Mill P. T. A s " ow before ,he Legislature! t ■■ I f the ladies are interested they ceremony at the First Presbyter­ Spring releases of approximately for the reason that it provides for I 1*11 " . l l l l l I l U I I S Tuesday, Feb. 11. • • • 2.000. 000 legal sized rainbow and ian Church. Satuiday, February may contact Mrs. E E. Matson, the shifting of the tax burden cutthroat trout are being started 15, 8 p.m. Dr. Paul S Wirght o f­ by calling Beaverton 2494. from those most able to pay to Guest Parents of McKay school child­ N e w s this month by the fish liberation ficiated. those least able to pay; that it An over night guest of Charles ren nine years or older are urged The bride wore the ivory satin department of the Oregon State Hickethier on Tuesday was Doug­ would not decrease property taxes to attend a meeting to organize wedding gown which her mother The P. T. A »>f McKay school Game Commission. for the average farmer; that it a 4-H club. Mrs. Faye Nichols and las Yeubank of Dallas, Texas. • • • The fish, which were held over and her sister had worn at their produce tax revenue for in excess Mr. Cox, county head of 4-H will held the regular meeting on Feb­ 14th. Austin Scrafford, the winter at the Commission’s weddlBf». H er white tulle finger­ of present needs and that the in­ he at the school on Feb. 21st, to­ ruary Returns Home tip veil was held with clusters of The Pilgrim Fellowship of Beth­ Mrs. Joe Neuton has returned come tax is the most fair tax. night, at 8 p.m. to assist in the County Superintendent of schools hatcheries, have been allocated as They approved H Bills No. 241 organization. Our children need gave a talk on school legislation. equitably as possible to waters in houvardia; and she carried a cas­ el Church will have Its second home following an operation and Tribute to Founder's Day was all sections of the state. First re­ cade o f gardenias. Mrs Walter S. skating party this Monday. Feb. and 242 which would elminate cer­ outside activities and we hope to is reported recovering nicely. paid by Mrs. Veldon Hour, pres­ leases will be made In the coastal Evans, Jr., sister of the hride and 24th, at Shute Park In Hillsboro. • • • tain exemptions such as federal have a good attendance. matron o f honor wore a chart­ ident of the Beaverton grade area. income tax payments and increas­ • • • This is a "Bring a Friend" skate III The bulk o f the liberations, reuse jersey dress and carried a and all those attending are to school P. T. A. Mrs. Seatta Steelef sister of es the percentage on net income Home From < alifornla The Blue Bird group gave a however. will come from this beautiful bouquet of tulip- meet at Bethel Church at 7:00 Mrs. Maggie Stark, is seriously by one per cent which would pro­ Mr and Mrs. V. M. Pillip re­ The best man was Robert M and will be back before ten p.m. and will be ill at Coffey Memorial Hospital in duce sufficient funds for present turned from their trip to Califor­ nice demonstration of their club year’s production brother of the groom. made during the last summer and Scholtz, meetings. needs and he a more equitable nia Monday evening. Portland. tax. The Commission Ushers were Curtis W Martin. m • • Little Nancy Vose gi ve two so­ fall months. • • • los which were very much enjoy­ plans to have a substantial In­ Harry H. Holloway, Douglas Me The State Convention was held School S E W IN G C LU B H A S P A R T Y C itl/ens f'luh William Rowell Stuart ed. The upper grades chorus sang crease in the number o f fish rais­ DougaJ, The Busy Bees. Beaverton's 4-H in Albany this week on the 18th. The fourth grade of M -Kay over last year’s production of R. Kerr, all of Portland: Clay sewing club, met again for a com­ 19th and 20th. school has formed a School Cit­ several numbers and all agreed ed 14.600.000. Petra. Oakland; William Price The next regular meeting of the izens A M E R IC A N LEGION bination valentine party and club in which thev will that they are doing nicely in this Oriffen. Mendota. California and new venture. Washington County Farmers Un­ and A U X IL IA R Y meeting at the home o f Patricia study birds, trees and gardens William E. Sellier, Sacramento. ' • nent« W«T« served at J ion will he at Hillsboro In the Seidler on February 4. Beaverton Po»« No. 124 A small reception for the family Chamber o f Commerce rooms at the conclusion of the business I O l » s e r v e K irlli Tea Held Tuesday W il Mum A. Siili ili. Prom inent Citizen Dies At Home \ o>vs Exchanged Returns To Riding Circle Batke-Stillg Wedding Washington’s Birthday •> Chase Laymen Lake Over L v m (ilasM Fiithiiniasts Scholtz*IIolloHav Nuptials Of b isli M arled McKay F T A “Bring - \ - Friend” Skating Partv I Merting Not Stork Càliil» N S«* k iiiü U L iiii