¡at w hich tim e she will tell how she earned it. \ Any w om an interested in a M rs J M B trn tc h e i i . • g Thusrday night g y m class at the A LO H A C O M M U N IT Y F IR S T M E TH O D IST C H U RCH o f W ashington County Federation 5 high suhool gym rfasium , please B A P T IS T C H U R C H 4th A W atson Sts. o f W om en '» Clubs, aniftmnees th a t j call Bessie M atson at 2492, as the I R ev. E verett L. Bowers, P astor Grayden D. Loree, P astor. . BEAVERTON Phone 2482 club has m ade arran gem en ts for M iss Res. 1002 S. W atson St. T ele: 3405 Mrs. J. S. Hall o f G aston has re- j Church S chool, 9:45 a.m. a class at that time. Mary A ntrim . S uperintendent. » = « A M. Church S ch ool fo r all “ Poetry ch airm an o f the DOUBLE FEATURE Mrs. H al W ard announced that M orning W orsh ip. 11 o ’clock . levels. Mrs. N an Bourquln. federation and Mrs. M ax R eeher, she is organ izin g a B row nie Friday ond Saturday— February 14 and 15 Teens Club and Ju n ior B.Y.F., W - Pr e ,^ (e " ‘ o f « f G rove ««»J. I,aqt w eek’s meeting o f the Troop. T he m others o f the club 6 30 P M 11:00 a.m. M orning w orsh ip w ith 2, H illsboro, has accep ted the GAY BLADES, with A lo n Lone and Jean Rogers W estdale M others’ Club was held pledged them selves to assist her N ursery and Junior Church. chairm anship. Mrs. R eeh er re- • .Evening Service 7:30 P.M. G. I. BRIDES, with A nna Lee and Jam es Ellison at the hom e o f Mrs. Kenneth by any m eans within their pow- S erm on : “ L ets All Go S cou tin g.” quests that club wom en through- New* — _ out the cou n ty “ w o o the m use” Siegner on S. W . M urray Ave., er, such as baby sitting, ironing, W ednesday evening, February 5. sewing, special classes fo r the C H U R C H O F T H E N A Z A K E N E V A L L E Y COM M UN ITY C H U RCH and send origin al poem s to her. Leonard C Johnson, P a stor 1 U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N A nother annou n cem en t is that In the absence o f the President, Brownies, etc. Sunday, Mondoy and Tuesday— February 16 to 18 P hon e 3691 S. W . Gabel Lane and F airw ay D r M rs- K atie W a y o f T igard, pres- the session was conducted by Mrs D orothy Lutz read the article, Night and Day, in Technicolor R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor ident o f the H iteon club, is m ov- David Lusk. Mrs. Elm er Matson. "Y ou r M ind Can K eep You T he Sunday S ch ool m eets at 9:45. Starring Cory Grant, A le xis Sm ith and Jane W ym an 11:00 a.m., M orning W orship. 10:30 a.m., M orning W orsh ip, lug to K ansas City, M issouri, and secietary, gave a favoruble re- Y oung,” by Dr. G eorge Lawton, 6:45 p.m. H. N. Y . and N. Y . Serm on topic, “ T he Christian is resigning as cou n ty m em orial Short - Cartoon - News port on street lights for this dis- which appeared in a recen t R ead- H om e.” chairm an. Mrs. A gn es M cN ott, trict. Further details will be avail- |ers’ Digest, after w hich refresh P . S. 7:45 p.m. E va n gelistic S ervice. | — route 2, Tigard, m em ber o f the able by the next meeting. 'merits w ere served. Wednesday ond Thursday— February 19 ond 20 W ednesday, 7:45, M id -w eek pray- , P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R CH H iteon club, w ill serve as m em - A number o f donations w eic The n exj m eeting will be a so- er meeting. orial ch airm an and con d u ct a F arm ington at Menlo voted by the club, one to the Bea ciill at MrfJ Glen W a d e’s hom e, Mr. Ace m em orial service at the A pril Beaverton, O regon verton library fund. . . . W ith George R aft and Sylvia Sydney meeting. In order to swell the treasury E rw in A. Gerken, P astor L A T T E R -D A Y S A IN T S T el: 3441 Short - Cartoon - News each m em ber is to earn a dollai H e a r t A t t a c k F a t a l M oose Hall Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Main St., H illsboro, Ore. and contribute it by n< \ , i , : . „ i e b e , g ’B D ivine service 10:30 a. m. t:cis extend their sym pathy to Sunday S ch ool at 10 a. m. Friday and Saturdoy— February 21 and 22 Lutheran Hour, K A L E , 9:30 a.m. | her and her m other in the sud Sacram ent m eeting at 6:30 p. m A cordial w elcom e to all. In Old Sacramento den passing o f .h er father, Karl Don C. M arley, B ranch P resident. Pylvainen, o f P ortland. Mr. Pyl- W m . Elliott, Constance Moore SWISS ond JUMBO GIANTS R E E D VI LI.E C O M M U N IT Y Ivainen su ffered a h eart attack on ST C E C E L IA C H U R C H For your Furnace Short - Cartoon - News P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R CH PRIMROSES Tuesday, F ebruary 4. M asses: 7 a. m.—8:30 a. m.— R ev. Ham pton, P astor • W ill save fuel CARNATION SWEET W ILLIAM Funeral services w ere held F ri 10 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E day, F ebruary 7, 3:00 p.m. at the SEEDLING PERENNIALS • W ill keep your home I G eiger,» Supt. I Pearson Funeral H om e, and were C H U R C H O F C H R IS T W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. clean |conducted by the m inister o f the Second and Main Sts. Y ou n g P eople’s C. E. 7 p. m i Finnish C on grega tion a l church, G eorge \V. Springer, P astor ! of which Mr. P ylvainen was a M orning w orsh ip and p reach in g U G H W A 1 CHAPEL Call member. Interm ent was in the service at 9:45 a.m. T he m orn in g Services will be held in the Odd Rose C ity C em etery. Beckett Truck Line, Inc. serm on will be the first o f a ser F ellow s hall in B eaverton. Farmington Road to Lang Ave. Karl P ylvain en w as a good fa Orville J Poulin, M inister Work Done 4 Blocks South on Lang Avenue th e r and a thoughtful, kind friend. ies o f three serm ons on the top - Hillsboro 5 4 2 Portland EAst 3727 Phone 2699 I ihe Bible S c ie n tific ? ” Sunday School 10:00 a. m. from M ain Highway He will be greatly m issed b y his By Appointment F ollow in g the serm on the L o rd ’s M orning W orship, 11 a. m. friends and loved ones. Supper will be observed. E ven in g Service 7:45 p.m. Aloha, Ore. Phone 6125 Bible Sch ool class session,. 11:00 A L O H A A SSE M BLY O F GOD a. m. . Christian E ndeavor, 6:45 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. E ven ing w orship service, 7:45 7:45 p. m. E van gelistic service. p. m. T uesday 7:45 p. m. B ible study. M idw eek Bible Study and pray F rid a y 7:45 p. m. Y ou n g peo er service will be T hursday, 8:00 ples service. p.m. T he top ic will be "A ccess T o R ev. R illa Mae Stephens, pastor SATURDAY NIGHT - FEBRUARY 22 G od.” Fred Charles Dalton, Jr. 15 New Le Roi Gas Engines will lead the service. BETH EL 126 HP at 1000 R.P.M. C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R CH 6th and W atson Sts. P hon e 3385 Size 6 V 4 " bore with a 7" ST. M A T T H E W R ev. F . T. Sturtevant, Pastor LU TH E R A N CHURCH stroke Complete with start 9:45 a.m., Church S ch ool. Miss ] block East of the intersection of Barnes and Cornell C anyon R d., near Sylvan * . A m arette Barnes, Superintendent, er, generator, radiator, bat W erner J. Fritz, M inister i 11:00 a.m.. M orn in g W orship. Roads on Salzman Road Sunday, F eb ru a ry 16, 1947. tery, ample spare parts and T op ic, “T ran sform in g O ur W orld .” Sunday S chool, 9:45 a. m. 6:45 P ilgrim F ellow ship, discus twin disc clutch, completely M orning W orsh ip, 11:00 a.m. sion led by Janice Osfield. W elcom e. enclosed Special Price. 8:00 p.m., E ven ing F ellow ship Saturday 9:30—C atechism class. H our, presented by Social Action Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Com m ittee. C E D A R M IL L BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 14, 1947 SUNDAY IN THE CHURCHES Chairman Named ¡IP1 BEAVER 5 Wegtdule Mothers Club ! New Choice Pansies *; v; ' M m ï à FILT ER S Pyron & Son Nursery Aloha Beauty Shop FURNITURE MOVING G rauer & Ackerman HARD TIMES D AN CE POWER UNITS CHByRON Ced ar Mill Grange Hall c a s s a t io n • Lubrication Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Oregon Mutual Policies arc NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus requirod by Oregon Insurance Lows. of M c M in n v il l e Organized in 1894 W A LK ER and NELSON, 52 Years of Reliable Service Agents New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 "E ve ry Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon C O M M U N ITY C H U R C H N.W. Cornell near B arnes R oad Sim on E. F orsberg, M inister 8318 S.W. C anyon Kd., B E 8698 Sunday Bible School, 9:45 a. m. M orning service, 11:00 a.m. "C orinthian C oteries.” United E ven in g Service 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Reuben E. L arson R adio Station, "T h e V oice o f the A n des.” Annual pot-luck dinner in the G range Hall, Friday, Feb. 21, 6:30 p.m. Rev. W m. N. N agel o f N ational A ssociation Qf E va n gelicals on "R ussia, W ar or R eviv al.” R I C H A R D S Barber S h o p Personal Attention Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richards Aloha, Ore. Star Machinery Co. • Gas and Oil • To w in". Day or Niglit Construction Equipment Division 1741 - 1st Ave South E L . 0 7 6 0 • Use of Chevron Credit Card • \ ¡sit our complete “ motor tune- up** shop. We have the latest in equipment. Phone - Beaverton - 2981 G rauer & Ackerman . . . F R E E . . . 1 qt. Ja r HOME STYLE KRAUT 4 0 and 50 Gallon Electric W ater H eaters, Electromode Heaters w 49c JELLY Assorted Flavors DRY APPLES G R A P E F R U IT Broken Sections 6 *<» $1.05 PUDDINGS BREAD STICKS CO CO A Bakers 4 »i,, 29« 2 »».. Vt lb. MARSHMALLOW Topping 10« C Phone 2699 on Canyon Road East of Beaverton Nubora BLEA CH 2 ,or 25« SQUASH ^ tra fine for Baking (Cut) — 53 c safe when wet. Next tim e y o u travel, let the engineer d o th e drivin g for h change. O u r low est fares for chair car an d coa ch a cco m m odations are good o n m ost o f our very fastest trains. SP Grauer & Ackerman __ „ ... Y ou can forg et a b ou t cold weather, rain and snow when you travel in a warm , steam heated train. For Gas Venting Gallon CREAMED HOMEY $209<>O Transite Pipe Trains laugh at winter! The friendly Southern Pacific IN D U STRIA L - HOUSE W IRING ' Service C a lls Taken C are of Prom ptly FRAN CH ISED DEALER FOR PRESTLINE HOME A PPLIAN CES The only Range with 3 Style Top A U TH O RIZED DEALER FOR W ESIX HOME H EATING For Service Call Beaverton 3071 Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks Morse Pumps 3eaverton, Ore. Ph. 2925 FURNACE & CHIM NEY CLEANING or 2481 By V acuu m ,. W o rk Guaranteed by Licensed Operator. Cover Territory from Reedville to Portland. S T A N L E Y ANDERSOW Phone Bcoverton 3552 48 tf Classified I qu ick sales. ads alw ays bring LEA V E ORDERS AT RICHIES HARDW ARE LET US TAKE Repairing Radios is Our Business * | Roy's Radio Service ALOHA, OREGON CUT FLOWERS - POTTED PLANTS That Disfiguring y Scratch From our owr. green houses Doily Service to Portland ond Hillsboro See your neorest S. P. Agent, Or writ« J. A. Ormondv. GPA 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland 4, Ore. Beaverton Florists On Lom bard, just S. of A llen - Or Dent i Phone 29 65 OUT OF YOUR NEW CAR WhLftrnia/rr —i bz&qcmj lb. THRIFTY MARKET - Estimates Gladly Given PLUM BING Steel rails are the sm ooth est. safest highw ay ever invented $<| 60 Johns-M anville 1 5 « Jar J V Vi Lucite Plastic Towel Racks M agic Chef Range Assorted Flavors $Q -5 0 O Light Globes 3 *»' 5 5 c CLEARW ATER W I R I N G I 100 - 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 W att 19c ALOHA, ORE. -1 RAINBOW ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION, Inc. $ <4 Q 95 I W Pen Turbine Ventilato rs Em pire Brand ____________________________________________________' '» 2 5 « Phone Aloha 6334 $ {V 9 8 O Portable W ate r Softener 39c Pharmacy .25 I /Ö 2-Tube Fluorescent Fixtures .. 12 oz jar The Aloha CO M M ERCIA L Bendix Console Rodio . With l pound Best Weiners at W ELDING— OF A LL KINDS Complete Automotive Service Specialists In Re-Boring and Motor Re-Building 355 Tualatin Valley Highwaay BEAVERTON, OREGON BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS to $3 Corner First ond Tucker Streets Beaverton SC H U LD & SW ETLA N D AT P lastic W ashing M achine Covers Logan's Welding and Supply Phone 6332 Availables /Virex Effective Friday, Sal unlay and Montlay Seattle, Washington S lC N A U Ca/TviKW o c o b » ^ __ ' REG L AR FELLERS i We take good care of your car Canyon Road at Hall Phone 201 We ll have it looking like new again tomorrow Beoverton, Oregon By Gene Byrnes CARR Chevrolet Co. Store Hour» — 9 A. M. to 7 I*. B I*. M. on Saturday Beaverton — Oregon Phone 3333