BEAVERTON PERSONALS ! W eek E n d Guest» I Mr- Mrs Marian Hopper of Woodburn and son and wife of Woodburn were week end v is it o r at the home of Mr. and Mr* V - Sir. Brandt 111 Mr. Brandt, who lived on 1st Hopper. and Angel Sts., is very ill in a Leaves F o r Home Portland hospital. Mrs. E. M. Jacobs of Spokane Entertains has been visiting her daughter Mrs. George Blasser entertained Mrs. L. A. Wells and two sons the Cheerio Club last Friday af­ W. J. and F. M. Kain of Kain ternoon. Mrs. Henry Nelson was Frosty Kitchen. She left T u e s ­ a guest. day night for home. For the Best i n Bridge Hub Mrs. Ethel Hansen entertained the Tuesday afternoon bridge club at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Schoene in Portland Tues- Mrs Edna Schelles and Mrs. George Blasser substituting. • • • In Oregon City A large crowd of young people of the Congregational church were entertained in Oregon City at the Congregational church Sun­ day afternoon and evening * * • Picture» Shown Hr. David Mason showed pic­ tures he took while overseas Sun­ day night in the Congregational church. They were enjoyed by everyone who saw them. • • • H ie» To San Diego Mrs. Short flew to San Diego last Friday morning. She expects to be away for two weeks. ¡Carlson Garage | | Welding and Machine Shop j Machinery Built to Order J GENERAL REI* VIRINO J for Cars, Trucks and Tractors Tires Standard j O i l Products Phone 6301 ALOHA, OREGON I =iii£iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=m =iii=iii=iii=iii2iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iiiatii=iii= ill Aj = = STRAW BERRIES - EVERBEARING FINE BERRY PLANTS Rockhills-F opulor Favorite doi S I Thornless Boy sens, Boyscns, Ncc- Hi Gem, Mosotdon, Progressive dz 60c tarberry, Thornless Logans, Young- m ONE CROPS (as below) doz 50c berries 35c ea. 3 for $1 = Dunlap, Klondike, Improved Ore. SHAVING TOW FOR ECONOMY 'I VIGORO 100 lbs $4 LITTER SM ALL BALES 85c » M ILORG AN ITE 100 lbs. $3.95 Millers Compost Maker 79c m SHEEP GUANO 50 lbs. 85c Limited amount of fine roses oil Ml Cedar Seed Flats knock dn ea 25c Burbank Drop Seed 6 lb 25c top two grades--no junk, no culls. ED Earliest of All No. I l i ' s 75c 4 lb. 25c No. l's $1 ea. Ml Early Pea Seed lb. 35c ONION SETS 2 lb. 29c Ml = FU LL LIN E OF ALBERS FEED (Two bits worth or a ton) Seed-Packet jl1 or Bulk. Sprays, Dusts, Insecticides, Rodent Poisons, Stock Remedies. Ml "EVERYTH IN G FOR THE GARDENER" i T i I C Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 10 to 6 III , t L l HOME and GARDEN SUPPLY i 8816 S.W. BARBUR BLVD Near 28th Ave., CHerry 3003 G. V. Lawton, Owner Lake Road Auto Service Corner Lake Rd. and C an yo n Rd. (Just East of Beaverton) GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Brakes Relined or Adjusted Rebuilt Batteries (90 Day Guarantee) Gas and Oil Special Tetral Ethyl ................ 22c Aviation Ethyl.............. 24c ^ III Under New Management '= IH =IM=III=MI=III=III=IIIHIM=IM=III=III=MI=IM=III=MI=MI=MI=III=IM=MI=MI=III=IM=III=MI= Courteous Service and Fair Prices. All Work Guaranteed You may depend upon your doc­ to r» order» be­ ing c a r r ie d out when we compound your prescription. cheek your battery and terminals 44 44 a 44 46 46 64 66 44 66 44 66 44 radiator and hoses 44 fail and belt NOSOAP? BARNES SCHOOL S l u t S' OM DEAN'S Drug Store Water Supply (Check one) City.....................W ell..................... "SAVE AS YOU SPEND" Pond.......................... Stream........................... Spring........................ We give S & H Green Stamps Characteristics: Double on Prescriptions We will positively serve you well with skilled men always ready to give SERVICE. May we convince you on your next lubrication job? We will call for and deliver your car within a two-mile radius. when drawn..................Highly colored .................. Turns brown K E L L Y MOTOR CO BEAVERTON, OREGON Phone 2701 HIGHWAY L LEONARD'S & ERNEST'S SEP T IC T A N K K L E E N E R T he Scientific W ay to Q U ICK LY CLEA N SEPTIC TANKS and SEWERS 1 — 2 — 3 — TDE BOSS MAKES M AHOUMEMENT Moving To Salem Mr. and Mrs. David Phelps and children, Donna and Dave, are leaving today to make their home in Salem. Mr. Phelps has been made dis­ trict manager for the Otis Ele­ vator Company, with headquar­ ters at Salem. Mr. Phelps will be remembered as having been an Instructor In the Beaverton grade school. He al­ so served as Scout Master a num­ ber o f years. •>- I I I I Gears the Tante Activates the Bacteria Starts the Tank Working HAVE YOU HEARD THE I Esquire's Album W ITHOUT MUSS o r FUSS o r I X P I N S I Let Your trorries be our responsibility. THANKS FOK STOPPING’- E If your radio is not giving you top performance bring it to 109 Watson Street Phone 2621 Beaverton Remove* the grease and other accumulation* from the Tank, W IT H O U T D E S T R O Y IN G T H E B A C T E R IA . Doe-» it all without dis­ turbing anything . . Simply pour it into the drain . . . Doe* a thorough iob. 24-HOUR SERVICE H IG H W A Y ] A P YOUR RADIO was dcsiqncd tor maximum listening pleasure. Less than this is not top performance. Hard ..................... Rusty..................... Clear "K in g-O f-A H "— sweep and dust out your car. !/ / Modern Design A JLU flJLl all your tires 1 Youth Rally To Be Held DEPOT CAFE on standing.....................Other................................................................ Draw sample as close to source as possible BE clean all your windows \ \ • Hi Our double check eystens guarantees accuracy. but ice trill give you a lubrication job W e will thoroughly luhrieate all parts of your car. Death Of Harry 1». McLeod Stork ( lui» News W W ‘v- We now have the most modern up-to-date lubrication equipment in the Northwest. unsurpassed Open House At Manse liusly Water? Something you should know! We Don't Do A "Grease" Job Week End Guests BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Mrs. John Huntly entertained a Mr. and Mrs. John McCool of Friday, February 14, 1947 group o f ladies from Beaverton Astoria spent the week end with j and Portland in Portland Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens. • • • at a luncheon. Those attending from Beaver­ Forest Grove Visitor Mrs. J. E. Lewton o f Forest ton were Mrs. Helen Fisher, I., ih It is hoped that many people of Straley, Amy Gibson. Iva S im­ Grove spent Tuesday. February the West Slope and surrounding 11 with her sister, Mrs. W. A mers. Dora Stipe, Arly Shellenl • : area will visit the manse of the Harry B. MacLeod, resident of ger, Ruby Jansen and May Blas- Rinnell. Valley Community United Pres­ Aloha for nearly 38 years died at ser. Mrs. Dora Stipe won fiist byterian Church, 7860 S. W. Brent­ C A K l) OF TH A N K S his home February 7. He had prize and Iva Summers won sec­ Thanking our friends for the wood. during the open house been in ill health for over a year. ond prize. beautiful flowers, kindness ITTid which is planned for Sunday, • • • MacLeod was born in Corvallis, words of sympathy during the ill­ ebruary 16, from 3.30 to 8:30. Mrs. Oregon and lived most of his life Pasadena Bound ness and death of our beloved Allen Armfield and her committee in Washington County. Miss Betty Hogan has left for son and brother. have completed plans to make it Surviving are his mother, Mrs Pasadena where she is attending en enjoyable day for all who can Mrs. E. A. MacLeod E. A. MacLeod and three sisters school. come. Mrs. Ethel Brinley Mrs. Ethel Brinley. Mrs. Mabel • • • According to the architect, Mr. Gustafson, Mrs. Myrtle Buchan­ Mrs. Mabel Gustafson Buy Home Donald W. Edmundson, of Port­ an, all of the Aloha community, Mrs. Myrtle Buehanan Mr. and Mrs. Main Brigg-i have land. the building is considered two nieces. Birdie Dresser of bought a home on the golf course t conservative contemporary in Hillsboro and Margerie Buchanan just o ff Terwilliger Blvd. style, tjuite a good deal of brick I of San Francisco, one nephew. • • • was incorporated In the construc­ Walter Chowning and five great tion of the house, so that it will nephews, In Jones Hospital Walter Jr., Roderick. Mrs. Marcia Pike is very ill in The Delbert D. J. Garlocks of church which will be built later Kenneth, Richard and David, of on the same site. the Jones Hospital in Hillsboro Beaverton are the proud parents Blodgett. Oregon • • • The large view windows, and of a son, Donald E„ born on Jan­ Funeral services were held Mon­ tile covered patio facing south, day. February 10 at 11 a.m. in the uary 31. Visits Sister . . . which will overlook the garden Chapel of Pegg's Mortuary. Bea­ H. S. Watples of Gresham hid Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Betzer when the grounds are landscaped, verton Interment was in Cooper Sunday dinner with his sistei. Mrs. Ida M. Harris, who lives on of Reedville, are happy over Den­ are among the more interesting Mountain cemetery. features. nis M.’s arrival on February 2. 8th Street in Beaverton. « • • Plans were completed in March, Sally A is the nuame given to 1946. with construction starting the new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. soon thereafter by Fred Weber, Ralph T. Holsapple, Junior, of buildei and contractor. The same Hillcrest Drive. Little Sally ar­ problems of delay in getting ma­ C. A. and Mable Wallace rived on January 26 . ■ terials that confronts all who are We are pleased to meet our • * • trying to build, held lip the pro­ friends and glad to make new Of interest to residents of the Mr. and Mrs.. Fred. R. Versaw gress on the manse. In fact, some ones. of Aloha are being congratulated of the rooms are not yet quite Tualatin Valley will be the an­ ALOHA, OREGON of the forthcoming on the birth of tiny Michael H., completed. However, Rev. H. A. nouncement who wa» born on January 29. Armitage and his family find it first sub-district Methodist Youth Tigard a very pleasant and beautiful Rally’ to be held in the Methodist Church this Sunday home. The financing of the manse has from 2:30 to 8:30 p.m. according I no connection with the church to word from the M. Y. F. Coun­ building fund; hut is financed cil which laid plans recently un­ jointly by the Board of American der the leadership of the sub-dis­ Everett L. | Missions of the United Prcsbyter- trict director. Rev, | ian Church. Pittsburg. Penn, and Bowers. The program calls for Recrea­ through short term ceitificates sold to members and friends of tion, Business meeting, four Dis­ cussion periods, led by Harry the congregation. Chatterton of Scholls, Rev. Don Bowers of Metzger. Chaplain Blenkinsop of Tigard and Rev. Everett Bowers of Beaverton. To appear for the evening hour will be Miss Laura Heist, missionary S|M*ml I'lruwmit \\ rrk-hml from India to be followed by a picture travel­ M i. and Mrs. -Abbott spent a colored, motion pleasant week end at Depoe Bay. ogue. Paramount In the rally will he Mr. Abbott went fishing o ff the rocks. the theme. “ Towers in the Sun.” . . . Churches to he represented will lie Wilsonvllle and Tualatin, Cnp- .Make FVliruury Honk Iris itol Hill, Scholls, Metzger. Beaver­ Tlie upper grade room lias been ton. Betli.’ nv, Garden Home and making booklets about February tlie host church, 'r lgard. for art work They will contain the birthdays of famous men and Livestock Feeders important dates. Poems, quota­ Taking Loan Spud» tions and newspaper clippings will To date some 340 carloads of be used. surplus Oregon potntoes have been sold to farmers for feeding NORCO has a complete line of to livestock, according to a report from the state PM A committee. softeners, filters, iron removers, Another 600 carloads of potatoes, etc. NORCO water conditioners acquired from Oregon growers under the price support loan pro­ can solve your water problem. gram, are available for sale as livestock feed. For full information fill out Coupon E. E. Benner, route 2, Oregon City, is among the feed spud buy­ ■■ B k V k and mail with one Pint (16 oz.) of ers who are enthusiastio over this opportunity for reducing feed. He water to Norco-Stewart Co., 426 N. E. has purchased 1000 sacks of pota­ toes from the Clackamas county Prescott, Portland 11, Oregon. AAA committee for feeding out 126 hogs. Four carloads of these potatoes have been ordered by Washington NAME. county farmers. Anyone else wish­ ing to order surplus potatoes ADDRESS....................................................................................................... may do so at the County Agri­ cultural Conservation Office. Luncheon Guest» Removes fibrou* growths and ob3tructiona from sewers, and will make the Septic Tank GOOD AS N E W Now you can do it your- •elf, without any tool*. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Oof o Can from Your Doa/or to d a y Clearwater Plumbing HOT JAZZ i Beaverton, Oregon Phone, Beaverton 2925 Leonard's & Ernest's? IT'S SWELL Meet you after school tomorroow and let's go listen at 109 Watson Street, Beaverton — Phone 2621 CHAPEL DEDICATION OF OUR NEW CHURCH Canyon Highway and Mill St THURSDAY, Feb. 20th 7:45 p. m. EVERYBODY WELCOME T H E G E N T L E M A N IS R I G H T i i i and we're meeting his demands wish I Hero Pro­ tected Milk . . . the safest package of milk you can buy. The bottle is not merely covered. It’» SFALFD with a eturdy metal cap . . . air-tight, dust-proof, I neper- proof There's complete, scientific protection for our ■silk after it leaves the dairy. Let one of our rcutemeo ahow you what ftrie protection moans to you and your family. B « » o h cht Dacro Cap is a eei»»ioa m l. it man be «r iiw s d the host tima with an opener. Anar that it mar be •napped back on the bottle as a rc seal and removed town and again, even without an opener. Rev C W Ahalt, Pastor of Portland Gospel Tabernacle will bring the Dedicotorial message at ' "¡assi ALPENROSE *149 S.W. SH A TTU CK ROAD DAIBT CHerry 2424 I Vi mi. East on Bertha-Beaverton Hi way to Shottuck Rood COME IN AND LOOK OVER A LL THE New ITEMS COMING BACK TO M ARKET GOLDEN WEST Market and Grocery Aloha, Oregon Aloha, 6551