Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1947)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 14, 1947 WEST SLOPE PROGRESSIVE VALLEY CENTER WEST SLOPE NEWS • T o Attend Convention | Lester O. Sandin o f Gabel Lane rIIn > l> a ilO !» ol Liillit nie« Chili COME IN FOR YOÛR NEW SPRING HAIR STYLING HELEN’S BEAI H SALON S.W . Canyon Rd. BR 7988 1 Crushed Rock, Sand, Gravel Mason Sand, Lawn Dirt ORDERS TAKEN at I ff est Slojie 1*111 tubing Service Phone M L a m , 7.vI2 11 D Roses are red, violets are blue, Jones' Radio works swell, How does yours do? Mr. Jones hod his set at a * * • W eek-E nd A t Coast The W . A. B oorkm ans spent last w eek end at Coos Bay and North Bend w here Mr. B oorkm an went on business and from there they drove hom e along the Ore gon coast. West Slope Radio and Appliance F M. Television Radar RADIO for o complete overhaul Wouldn't that be a good idea for yours? Service by Call us at RADIO TRONICS CO. Br. 2069 STUDIO Phone 3045 Beoverton Hardware For Expert Radio Repair We pick up and deliver Authorized Philco Dealer 8830 S. W. Canyon Drive (Formerly Hiller Bros. Real Estate office) Something Old Something New for you at FRUIT AND SHADE Tree Pruning • BROW NIE’S SHOl’i’E 8903 S. W. Conyon Road Portland 1, Ore. FREE ESTIM ATES RICHARD B. HOLMBOE Landscape Construction F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes. Ph. B eaverton 3231. Canyon Road at Walker Rd. For Rte 2, Box 154, Beaverton Phones Beaverton 3798 BRoadway 0051 Hancock Gasoline DR. H. A. PUTNAM Chiropractic Physician 30 years practice in Portland 1 block So. of Canyon Road on Howett Rood-West Slope Portland phone BEocon 9637 Open eves, by oppointment # idee tearhlng must VALVOLINE Oil Lubricants CONOCO Oil Lubricants in WEST SLOPE The FIRESTONE Store EXPERT HAIRDRESSING West End of Y in Beaverton A T 2893 Phone 3961 CANYON BEAUTY STUDIO WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Portland 1 9049 S. W. Canyon Road Phone BRoadway 6122 • STEPPING STONE (Colors) • GARDEN TOOLS • LAWN ROLLERS «For Rent) • FERTILIZER • STEP LADDERS • HOUSEHOLD EXTENSION LADDER • TRELLIS • LAWN MOWERS m Grocery and Market ! B ack H om e Mrs. L. P. P u tn am ’s sistei Mis The H illers o f W est Slope are back in tow n after a trip to Cali I. G. W eld on from Sioux City, forn ia w hich took them as far Iow a, is visitin g her and Mrs south as San Diego. T hey had W eldon 's tw o daughters who live planned to stay tw o weeks but got in and near P ortland. to spend only five days there, as Mrs. Hiller becam e ill and was * rayer M eeting brought back to Portland. S h e! The mid w eek prayer mooting has recovered su fficien tly to be |°^ the V alley C om m unity l nitorl able to be up fo r short perioods i esbyterian Church, will he held at the hom e o f Mr. and Mis M. at a time. G. Stroup, 3212. S. W. Copel Road. W ednesday, F ebruary lit, 7 45 Vista Hills • Vista Hills, the new sub division p. m. of H iller Brothers, has been co m pletely divided and platted and T ' *”rrs Meet the lots are now for sale. They ! Mr8- Joe Falcon. S W. Howutt vary in size, but are 100 foot iR o a d - wil1 entertain the members frontage with depths ranging o f the T - N - T 'iers with a Valen from 140 to 300 feet. The hom es' I tine P arty at her home Friday restriction is $10.000. The roads in ¡evening, F ebru ary 14. the subdivision will be paved this H om e Front H ospital summer. • • • Glen G etchell is n ow home re cov erin g satisfa ctorily from his re New Quarters at the Emanuel The W est Slope D ru g Store cent operation plans to be in its new quarters on Hospital. . « * Sunday, and the dentist and d oc tors will move in som etim e next Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gillum were week. T hese new occu pants can really be given credit fo r "b rig h t guests at the hom e o f Mi and ening their c o in e r ,” ju d gin g from Mrs. W illiam M cK eel Sunday, Feb. the nice lightings which is very 9. * * * visible from the highway. • • • E nlargin g Guest H ouse In liosebu rg Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Binnell o f The W . M. Cakes o f Canyon "Urtcle T o d ’s C abin " have been the Lane were in R oseburg on a busi con stru ctin g an addition to property, ness trip recently and enjoyed a guest house on their return trip along the Oregon w hich is now occu pied hy Mr. and Mrs. T h om as Owen. W ork coast. « • * is finished on the bedroom and .Month In bath. T he kitchen and dinette are being com pleted. I-os A ngeles Mr. Ow ens is the third ex-navy Mrs. Charles F. H unter has re turned to her Birch w ood R oad man to m ove to S. W. McChesney home after a m onth’s stay in Los R oad. H e is tak in g a course at Angeles. She enjoyed several trips the P ortlan d B arber College. Mrs. to Santa Anita, saw Ken uM rray’s Owens is a dnetal nurse. new show. "B la ck ou ts” , and en joy ed basking in the sun during the perfect weather that prevailed while she was there. • *. • The 11 and 12 year old boys of the Valley C om m unity United Presbyterian Church Sunday school plan to attend a sknting party at the Oaks Saturday a fter noon. F ebruary 22. All interested are to meet at Gabel School. 1 p. m., where R ev. H. A. A rm itage and Mr. F. W . R alston will pick them up and take them to the skating rink. 12 to 36 month terms. No down payment. We will contract or you may buy and install yourself. Tualatin Valley Const. Co. v% S«| 39 Pound I X 10 yds J ) e , 1» x 5 yds APPLIANCES EHRLICH PLUMBING & APPLIANCE CH ILD REN S Aloha Ore. Band Aid Box of 36 25c CLOTHES REDUCED Bromo Seltzer •sat "Ernia" Leoch I’liiiuliiii!' Touch of color added BATTERIES h a n d k e r c h ie f s - 25c to $1 Lovely assortment 24 Month Guarantee 6L0USES — All sizes All Hard Rubber Cose TIRES ~ NEW Also Aloha Super Service NORA'S =iii=iiisiii=iii=iii=iii=iiisHisui=msiii=m S E It V I C E in ijj WITH A SMILE Be assured of Income Tax Returns with o BLENSOL COLOR FOR HEADACHE TREATMENT 8703 S. W. Canyon Rd. We give S & H Green Stamps BE 3807 Halo Shampoo HERE YOU GET FREE DELIVERY SERVICE CASH AND CARRY PRICES And bearm mind that QUALITY is remembered long after price is forgotten BR 9998 • Robes • T Shirts • P J's Giant Size 79c Blousettes SOMETHING NEW In pale pastels ond bright colors PERSONALIZED SERVICE Elite Dress Shop 220 S W . First St. Beaverton Oregon Where parking is easy FOR THAT SICK STOMACH Pepto-Bismol 47c - 89c - $1.39 SIZES m ijj jjj ijj Ml Ml jjj iii MIEIII=lll3lM3lll=MI=IM=IM=MI£lll=MI=!ll= Cocktail SHAMPOO prepared for you $5 It comes in all shades S F I’ I IC TANKS THURLOW WEED Conyon Road of Walker Portland phone - BR 7520 WEST SLOPE BEAUTY SHOP CLEANED LINES CHECKED ADVANCED ESTIMATES O. E. BERGLAND Phan# 6521 Aloha BEocon 9492 NEW OIL BURNERS AND FURNITURE Come and brouse in our Antique Shop (Itiu J von I tout I T ra d in g “ Post One Mile East of Beaverton on Canyon Road COME TO US FOR . . . • • • • Thorough Lubrication Gos and Oil Brake Service Your Signal Credit Card Aloha Signal Service Gil Ison and Bondy ALOHA, OREGON TP; \ J w ; CLEANSING TISSUES 200’s . . . . 15c 400’s ____ 29c Bayer's Aspirin 100's . . 59c 25's . . 19c Metal Lunch Kits • Pint size . . . . $1.75 BABY NEEDS EVEN - FLOW BOTTLES COMPLETE W ITH NIPPLES 25c PABLUM -1 lb. 2 oz. size 39c Prep Brushless CREAM $1.00 size 79c Groves COLD TABLET$ 20’s . . 29c 40’s . . 49c 100 s . $1.17 KOTEX 54’s $ | 05 50cc • Blouses • Skirts • Sweater* i T i A-l Car Repair Lubrication Job Gas and Oil VALLEY VIEW RICHFIELD STATION We Give S & H Green Stamps LOOK YOUNGER 8717 Canyon Rd “ Plumbing— Iletter H o m es" SUNSET PRODUCTS Aloha, Oregon Appliance* Phone BEocon 7542 8081 S. W. Canyon Rood Limit 2 - 200's or l - 400's to customer 49c Service is our Next Consideration S. W. Canyon Road Absorbent Cotton 75‘ Lb Electric, Oil, Gas COMES FIRST BE 0733 BEAVERTON 2614 1-8 mile West of Beaverton SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED Try Our New Modern Soda Fountain for Refreshment Waterproof Adhesive QUALITY TWO PHONES Knit Chenille Sweaters 8805 S W Canyon Road at West Slope Phone Beaverton 2176 Rte 1, Box 893, Beaverton, Ore. PLUMBING ILEX NURSERY WEST SLOPE PHARMACY INSULATE NOW! ROCK WOOL SPUN GLASS Save up to 25% on your Fuel Bills. if est Slo¡M‘ ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF OUR NEW STORE skating I 'arty The Place Wher e. . . . CALL US. SPECIAL S i s t e r Vi s i t s Phone Aloha 6411 WEST SLOPE LANDSCAPING EVERGREENS CAMELLIAS --- AZALEAS DRESSMAKING p L. H am ilton and Mrs. Oscai 1 sor U nderw ood is the inventor or Kruettner at the hom e of the l a t - ' , v the M ^nu-flex, a device fot exer- ter on Fir G rove Lane. Park, •- r e -' eisinvr u in e . The l ne room j i L — ' M , B axler — ------ *•**•*• using and strengthening ted with V a le n -!tulnt'd h,o nie on Sunday from a . > was gaily decorated had _____ made _ tw o W6ek* business trip w hich : tines which the girls „ ___ ___ t / v / x 1- l x i r%v 4 C ,, 17 . .. . . . . . .. M 4 at the previou s meeting. The took him to San F rancisco and W eek End At O cean Lake girls received Valentine hats and | __ ? * * . ’ Mr. and Mrs. R obert Sikc M 1-, Mr. B axter's sister. Miss M arion favors and drew Valentines out o f and Mrs. Allen N. ArmfieM a huge Valentine w hich was the ! - - hnni.T'in Z * i T * gether with A rden Arm fieM ,n p p n tp rn ip p p nf thp t'lh li* ( > n n i P H . I l O l l l 1101 i l O l l l C 111 t O t)C II i . a , o u ,.«in . * >• n!aved and prizes were^ iou r-d a y house-guest her guest. C arole Sheeley ...» 1..■ p ia je a anu puzes w e ie j __. .* „ verton .spent the week eiui of , - . n awarded. R efresh m en ts were | U U 1 “ 5 ‘ t v u u i v c c n ^ n n r i d l l U b L U ^ . was a recent house-guest o f £ ebruar£. 15 at the Do. ein t, heart-shaped cookies, punch, pop- I also — House, Ocean Lake. the Baxters. corn and candy. Hosts at B uffet Supper The Gallehurs o f P arrw ay Drive were hosts to ten couples belong- i ing to the W in ter D ancing Club. I The group en joyed a bu ffet sup- 'per at G allehur’s home before 1 goin g on to their dance at the M ultnomah Hotel. George Sez: the home of Mi M d M attend the N ational Dental Con- __ M Kenxh followtn vention. The m em bers o f the P oillu n J ola recital presented by Ilex John E d Sandin, son o f Mr. and Mrs. E uthenics Club had their hus- and Bill Shisler at the Art Mu- Sandin, has spent the past tw o t>ande as guests at their F ebru- 'seum . week-ends en joyin g skiing on Mt. meeting, u hich was held at P rofessor U n derw ood is Diree- Hood. He went with a group from ^ e home o f M is. N. L P eck the tor o f the S ym phony On ".est i at Lewis and C lark College and with evening o f the 10th. Both m em - the U nivesrity o f Orog >n. M i- the Spiers, a grou p from the R ose ^e is and guests gained much M cKenzie, w h o was a student of City P resbyterian Church. ^practical inform ation from Carl P rofessor U nderw ood while a • • • Maskie, who conducted a round student at the Universit\ ¡s r.,,w H ave \ .it* ntiic P a rt) table discussion on gardening The B row nie troops, 113 tgnd 116 1 P*°^'em s -' 1 - M askie writes for since he opened his tudto in o f R aleigh Hill School, enjoyed a i , *'e gardening section o f the Ore- Portland on Saturdays. Valentine party given b> lira LEACH & HI CK From Eugen«* P rofessor and Mrs. R i\ I'nder- w ood and son R ex John spent Sunday evening February OLEUM PERCOMORPH $2.67 Limited Supply CLOCKS and W ATCHES FILMS m o st sizes Plenty of Them AT REGULAR PRICES AGENTS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC MAZDA LAMPS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF COLONIAL DAMES CREAMS, LOTIONS and MAKE UP Nationally Advertised Tooth Pastes